Rebel Demon King

Chapter 550 God’s Tomb (7)

Chapter 550 God’s Tomb (7)

(One update owed, there are two updates today)

Cheng Mo told Bai Xiuxiu what he had discovered about the secrets of Qin Shihuang's tomb, and at the same time took Jin Jinhan frantically looking for a way out on the fourth floor. At this moment, Cheng Mo felt that the design of the maze was really a chicken thief. The process of going down The number of rooms in the maze is getting less and less, but the difficulty of passing is getting higher and higher; now there are no monsters, and if you want to return from the bottom to the top, although there are no monsters to stop you, as the number of rooms in the maze increases, you need to spend more and more money. more time.

Thinking of the gaseous mercury that Bai Xiuxiu said was about to spread to the fourth floor, Cheng Mo's heart was also suspended. He knew that he had died, and this time it would be the end of the group's destruction. Yu, he couldn't lose so easily, and he didn't want Bai Xiuxiu to fall down again because of him.

Cheng Mo ran his brain rapidly and tried his best to find the law between these garbled gossip symbols and the way out. Jin Jinhan followed behind him silently. The two acted as if each other did not exist. The time of staying was getting longer and longer, even going back. Although Jin Jinhan didn't urge him, he kept staring at Cheng Mo like a thief, to see what he was up to.

Until a faint white gas appeared in her field of vision, which instantly reminded her of the terrifying ring of white gas, so Jin Jinhan couldn't help but exclaimed: "Then what is that?"

Cheng Mo turned his head and followed Jin Jinhan's eyes to see the mist-like gas squeezed in from the bottom crack of the door behind him. Gaseous mercury itself is colorless and odorless, but it will emit colors according to the light , most of the time it is white, Cheng Mo's heart sank, and he said calmly: "That's gaseous mercury."

"What should I do? How far is it from the exit?" Jin Jinhan naturally knew that gaseous mercury was poisonous, so he asked eagerly.

After experiencing a situation that was ten thousand times more dangerous than this, Cheng Mo said calmly: "I don't know! If you don't talk to me, maybe I can find the exit quickly."

Jin Jinhan didn't expect that Cheng Mo would still hate others in this situation, instead of sincerely cooperating. She didn't understand that Cheng Mo was trading his life for the calmness of dancing on the tip of a knife. Give up on yourself.This kind of thinking allowed Jin Jinhan to suppress his anger, and said to Cheng Mo in a calm tone as much as possible: "Apart from the sign of Qian Qian Kun Kun, is there any other clues, I will send this to the public screen to ask , and see if others can think of anything."

Cheng Mo saw that Jin Jinhan could still talk to him calmly, so he didn't continue to speak sarcasticly. Besides, he also needed other people's thoughts to stimulate his thinking, so he shook his head and said in a normal tone: "There are no clues, the only clue is the maze." The starting point and the end point are Qian Qian Kun Kun and Kun Kun Qian Qianfang, which started in the south. If we want to discuss, these symbols represent too many meanings. "

Jin Jinhan directly sent a question on the public screen without hesitation. This question drew the attention of all the students who had hung up to Cheng Mo and Jin Jinhan, so everyone switched to Jin Jinhan or Cheng Mo. From the point of view, they began to discuss in a hurry.

Students who can enter Tai Chi Dragon not only need family background, but also have very high grade requirements. Although they are not top geniuses, they are basically academic masters. However, at this moment, everyone can't communicate with the outside world, and can't open the channel for help, so they can only speak out some superficial knowledge.

But it’s not useless. Gu Feifan’s ancestor was a scholarly family in Shanghai, and his great-great-grandfather was a master of Yixue. A sentence he said caught Cheng Mo’s attention, “In gossip, the code name of the hexagram is the decimal number we usually use. , a code name represents three binary digits, then Qian is "7111", and Kun is "0000".

However, Gu Feihua only briefly interpreted the meanings of these symbols from the perspective of divination. As for the room number and the law of the maze, he was helpless.

As for the others, I couldn't say anything, even if I did, it's actually nothing to show off. Although a group of people chatted enthusiastically on the surface, in fact, most of them didn't want Cheng Mo and Jin Jinhan to live to the end, especially Du Leng's mood was even more complicated. He not only hoped that Cheng Mo could win, but also felt that it was best for Cheng Mo and Jin Jinhan to just give up.

Gu Feifan was the only one who sincerely offered advice to Cheng Mo and Jin Jinhan, and this was something that made Cheng Mo feel embarrassed. Of course, Cheng Mo did it incidentally. In fact, other people did it for Jin Jinhan. .

Cheng Mo didn't pay too much attention to the group of melon-eating people chatting on the public screen. He was concentrating on looking for the exit while thinking about how to get the correct path. The maze that was completely passed had no fantasy scene when he entered, and they were all exactly the same size. The granite room contained nothing but four bronze doors and bare walls.

The two kept shuttling through the identical rooms except for the different marks on the door. It felt like they had entered an endless cycle of hell.

Boredom is not the most frightening thing, the most frightening thing is that more and more gaseous mercury invades the labyrinth. Sometimes, most of a room is covered with some damp mist. Anxious, his beautiful and delicate face was full of tension. He looked at Cheng Mo several times hesitant to speak, and noticed that he was still expressionless, unmoved by the external situation, and could only keep his mouth shut. Nothing happened. Say.

It seems that Cheng Mo doesn't care about these gaseous mercury. In fact, he also has nothing to do. It's just that Cheng Mo knows that anxiety is meaningless. The more dangerous it is, the more calm it is. At this moment, Cheng Mo has turned his thoughts to solve the puzzle. In one direction, anyway, the I Ching gossip can be interpreted as a kind of mathematics. In fact, there are records. The German mathematician and philosopher Leibniz, who had a dispute with Newton in the invention of calculus, expounded the "binary calculus" based on the gossip system. ", in simple terms, is to use "1" and "0" to represent the numbers used.

Cheng Mo vaguely seemed to have found some clues. At this moment, a faint vibration came from far and near. When Da Mo and Jin Jinhan were in the labyrinth secret room, the room began to tremble violently, and then a sound came out. There was a strange sound, this kind of vibration reached the level that Cheng Mo didn't expect, as if the whole room was built on a movable structure, which could be easily shaken.

And that strange sound is probably a low-frequency infrasound wave, which can cause human organs to resonate, which makes people feel dizzy and nauseous.It was obvious that this was an earthquake. Although Cheng Mo and Jin Jinhan were both carriers, they were also helpless in the face of such a huge force of nature. They could only squat in the corner of the wall to stabilize their bodies as much as possible.

At this moment, the room was shaking so much that it seemed that it would collapse at any moment. The dust on the heads of Cheng Mo and Jin Jinhan kept falling. Finally, when a gravel hit Jin Jinhan's head, she held back her breath for a long time. Fear, all released, she grabbed Cheng Mo's arm and started screaming.
Cheng Mo was speechless, the gentleman's character made him unable to shake off Jin Jinhan's hand that was tightly holding onto his arm, he could only comfort him: "This earthquake is not as strong as you felt, the reason why it is so obvious is because of this It is an overall floating raft building.”

Speaking of this sentence, Cheng Mo had a flash of inspiration, and thought of why such a large-scale maze was built in the underground part of the mausoleum, and the number of rooms decreased from top to bottom. These rooms are to maintain the hollow underground structure of the mausoleum in case of earthquakes. When the earthquake wave reaches the periphery of the mausoleum, the large number of movable floating raft rooms built on the periphery absorb the energy in advance like sponges.

Hearing Cheng Mo's words, a blush appeared on Jin Jinhan's pale face, and he quickly let go of Cheng Mo's hand. At this moment, Cheng Mo was not in the mood to comfort Jin Jinhan, and stood up while leaning against the wall. , walked towards the "Dui" gate with the shaking, Jin Jinhan hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and followed.

If the maze is built to prevent earthquakes, not completely to prevent intrusion, then the regular plane shape and structural layout are conducive to earthquake resistance, which means that the distribution of rooms in the maze is absolutely regular, even if several rooms can be switched , but this conversion is extremely limited, just like a box full of dice with numbers on four sides, if you want to move the dice, you must leave some key positions so that these dice can move, and this movement is also only around these vacated positions
Cheng Mo felt a burst of inspiration, and many clues gathered together, and seemed to see a way to the exit. At this moment, Bai Xiuxiu sent a private message, "Have you not been able to come out yet?"

"Not yet, but I think I've found the right path"

"I've seen that the gaseous mercury has not passed through the fourth floor, can you still do it?"

"No problem, I can protect you." Cheng Mo replied firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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