Rebel Demon King

Chapter 544 God’s Tomb (1)

Chapter 544 God’s Tomb (1)

(Don’t question whether Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum needs to be written in such detail. This mausoleum is a corner that reveals the truth of the inner world. There will probably be another relic in the back, and the others will not be written in detail.)
Cheng Mo stood at the entrance of the majestic and magnificent underground palace, looking inside, hesitating whether to enter the main hall to find out. At this time, footsteps and voices came from a distance. It was obvious that the second team and the third team had finished clearing the maze. , is coming to the gate of the underground palace to set up the activation point.

Cheng Mo thought for a while without moving, and stood at the door waiting for the people from the second and third teams to come over. The quiet and empty tomb echoed with a group of people's loud discussions.

"Fuck! I said why is Guan Bojun so confident, dare to open such a handicap in the group, so there is a trick!"

"Fortunately, I listened to Guan Bojun's words and didn't play Jin Jinhan. You can see that Du Leng didn't even come out to smooth things over, so you know that Du Leng must be behind the scenes!"

"what happened?"

"Fuck! You don't know yet! Take a look at the kill list!"

"Damn it! Why is Du Leng so short of Jin Jinhan? I also bet Jin Jinhan's first five hundred bitcoins! Shit!"

"Hehe, don't your teams know? Du Leng led the fourth team to wipe out the first and second floor mazes of Gu Feifan's first team!"

"How is it possible? Du Leng is so stubborn? He was ridiculed like that last time, why didn't he dare to go up and fight Gu Feifei?"

"Hehe! The others, Du Leng, knew that it was tough, so they played operations with Gu Feifei. This time, he really gave Gu Feifei a routine!"

"Ah? What's the trick?"

"Du Leng led the fourth team to deduct 10 minutes or so hours every day. Before reaching the underground palace, they moved out for more than five hours, and then wiped out all their monsters before Gu Feifei and the others! "

"Fuck! So awesome! How can they brush so fast?"


"I've seen that Du Leng is a person who does big things. He makes decisions before acting, and counts Gu Feifei to death. Now, even if Gu Feifei wants to take revenge, he might have no choice but to come back?"

"Du Leng can really bear it. No wonder he didn't make a move when he was mocked by Gu Feifei last time. It turned out to be a big move. This time it really swollen Gu Feihua's face!"

"MD, can I still change Du Leng now? Fuck! I really lost a lot this time, if I don't order Du Leng to hedge, I will lose a lot of money! I must Guan Bojun to continue to open the market with low odds. It doesn't matter."

At this time, the members of the second team and the third team had already passed through the square, and were about to reach the gate of the underground palace. Cheng Mo, who was standing behind the huge evil spirit, also appeared from the shadows. The human voice stopped abruptly, and there was an embarrassing atmosphere in the air.

A group of people were completely unfamiliar with Cheng Mo, and no one greeted him. They walked to the main entrance of the underground palace and began to exit the carrier without saying a word. A colorful DNA helical beam of light lit up at the gate.

Cheng Mo only remembered that Guan Bojun had a good relationship with the round-faced short man who was standing at the main entrance and was about to return to his original body. After recalling that the other person was called Huang Huan, he said, "Student Huang Huan, please wait."

Standing among several people, Huang Huan looked around in surprise, then pointed at himself and asked Cheng Mo uncertainly, "Me?"

Several of Huang Huan's teammates also turned their attention to Cheng Mo, who had always been insignificant. They were surprised that members of the Qianlong team, who had always been insignificant, would suddenly talk to Huang Huan.

Cheng Mo turned a blind eye to these curious eyes and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, I don't have anything else, I just have a question for you."

Speaking of Cheng Mo, he walked to Huang Huan from the side of the main entrance, Huang Huan said: "It's okay, you can ask if you have anything."

Cheng Mo turned his head and looked inside the underground palace, "I just want to ask if entering the underground palace will arouse the hatred of the twelve gold people. I have always been interested in history, so I really want to go in and have a look."

Huang Huan hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, actually even if you attack him, the golden man will not fight back, but as long as you destroy the throne of Qin Shihuang in front of the second door, the golden man will attack."

Cheng Mo let out an "oh" and asked again, "Does that mean the second door won't open if you don't defeat the Twelve Golden Men?"

Huang Huan rubbed his head and said, "Should it be? To be honest, we followed the procedure and didn't study it too much. In short, every time we defeated the twelve golden men, the second door opened. "

"Okay, I understand, thank you." Cheng Mo nodded to Huang Huan.

"It's okay, if you have no problems, I will go offline," Huang Huan said.

"Well! Goodbye." Cheng Mo raised his hand and made a gesture of goodbye.

Huang Huan struggled for a while and said, "You'd better not try to swipe solo. If it's impossible, even if [-] of us fight together, it will take a lot of effort. If we're not careful, we might hang up."

"No! I'm just curious about what the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang looks like. I just want to go in and have a look. I may not have a chance next time!" Cheng Mo explained.

"OK, I'll get off then, bye."

Cheng Mo said "thank you" again, watching Huang Huan and his four teammates light up the DNA light beam, and slowly disappear into the shimmering air.

After 1 minute, all the people left, only Cheng Mo stayed in the silent center of the mausoleum, the splendid and graceful entrance of the main hall, the golden hall gate, the red mottled imperial road, the bronze columns carved with dragon shapes, and The golden giant statues standing in the hands of each other reduce the eerieness of the mausoleum.

Cheng Mo stepped into the hall, and was immediately affected by the strong ancient atmosphere and majestic magnificence of the hall. The top floor of the hall was about 20 meters high, and the huge stone beams made of granite were hidden in the shadows. The temple is taller, but it is much more luxurious and spacious than the Pantheon Temple. Cheng Mo walked on the red stone royal road. On the left and right sides are two rows of bronze lamps that are taller than a person, and there are three rings of oil lamps on the height of the bronze pillars. Surrounding it, coupled with the polished light of the bronze pillars, reflected countless orange lights, the entire hall became very bright.

After reading Professor Yang's book, I know that this magnificent palace is designed according to the layout of the main hall of King Qin's administration. Logically speaking, there should be 81 towering copper pillars in total, forming nine pillars in the entire underground palace. Nine distributions symbolize that the emperor is the king of nine five, which is consistent with the statement that "the emperor is in nine lines" in "Book of Changes".

The front hall is the place where Qin Shihuang met his officials, so the throne is set up, and the twelve golden statues are the reproduction of the pilgrimage scene in those years.Everything is arranged according to the principle of 'regard death as life'.

Cheng Mo looked around at the lifelike golden figures, saw that even the most hated Lu Buwei of Qin Shihuang was suddenly there, and had to admire the mind of the emperor through the ages. Cheng Mo looked at the golden throne standing at the front, and felt again. A kind of insignificance.

Although Cheng Mo still wanted to study this astonishingly huge palace carefully, but he didn't have much time left, so he had no choice but to stop lingering and speed up his pace to run towards the throne, because he had already seen The beaded curtain hanging on the chair is the crown and the black clothes and clothes embroidered with the twelve patterns of the sun, moon, stars, mountains, dragons, Chinese insects, Zongyi, Zao, fire, pink rice, Fu and Fu.
There is no doubt that it is the "Dragon Robe" of Qin Shihuang. Formally speaking, it should be called "Mianfu". Only the emperor's clothes can gather twelve chapter patterns, and only the emperor's crown can hang twelve (bead curtain).

Cheng Mo quickly ran to the throne placed on the nine-level bronze steps, took a deep breath, picked up the crown and the crown, and ran away, regardless of whether any restrictions would be triggered, but fortunately Cheng Mo was cautious, just in front of him The moment he picked up the mianfu and crown, the twelve courtiers who were standing on both sides of the palace all moved, and four or five colorful streamers shot towards Cheng Mo from the east, while the generals in the west The long sword tied to the waist was pulled, and the crimson rushed towards Cheng Mo, and the footsteps became louder and louder, like thunder.

Cheng Mo didn't look back, lit up the energy shield, and rushed towards several golden giants standing in front of him like a child, among them were the two brothers Meng Tian and Meng Yi. Not afraid, he rushed straight towards several generals and golden men. There was a fierce sound of piercing the air behind him, obviously it was the light beams shot by the civil servants, and there was a shining golden light in front, and countless sharp blades pointed straight at Cheng Mo. Come on.

Cheng Mo didn't care about his skills, and he teleported directly, and he arrived behind the crowd of golden men in an instant, but the hall was too big, and Cheng Mo's teleportation skills were not proficient enough, and he couldn't reach the gate. You can flash up to the roof, but according to what is written in the scroll, you have to go up to the roof from the east. In order to ensure the correct process, Cheng Mo can only go through the main entrance.

There was a chaotic clanging sound in the hall, and Cheng Mo felt the ground shake. Looking back, he saw the golden Meng Yi, who was more than four meters high, jumping over, holding the golden copper sword high, and pointed directly at his back. With a back split, Lu Buwei and Li Si moved quickly behind the copper pillar beside them, emitting beams of blue light beam after beam.

Cheng Mo only hated that he had no wings at the moment, and rushed towards the door like a rabbit, and at the same time raised an ice wall behind him, stopping Meng Yi, but he did not expect that several beams of light were refracted from the copper pillar , hit him directly, and the original bright energy shield dimmed in an instant, and the blue bar was missing a bit. Fortunately, Cheng Mo's level is high, and the amount of mana is enough. If it is about tenth level, it is estimated that this energy shield It is cleared.

Cheng Mo calculated the average damage value and estimated how much his energy shield could withstand, and rushed out of the hall without hesitation, and ran towards the east without hesitation. At this time, the twelve golden men also rushed Out of the underground palace, Cheng Mo ran wildly, and Cheng Mo didn't have time to think about whether he had gained anything by doing so, holding the crown and clothes, jumped up high, resisted a few beams of light again, and the blue bar immediately disappeared. Most of it was missing, and when he heard a violent sound of piercing the air from behind, he turned his head and saw an arrow as thick as an arm shooting towards him. After passing the golden crossbow, he jumped directly to the tall wall next to the underground palace, and then stepped on his feet, refracted and jumped up to the eaves on the east side of the underground palace, leaving a group of golden men behind.

Cheng Mo looked down at the golden crossbow bolts deeply inserted into the granite wall, and felt that he was a little impulsive, and then saw a group of civil servants and golden men standing a little outside the underground palace, and began to send out long-distance to him, and a group of generals were also Climbing up to the roof, I thought: If it hangs here, it will really be dedicated to verifying history
At this moment, Cheng Mo couldn't control so much, and immediately faced the north and shouted loudly: "Gao, the emperor is back!"

The urgent tone echoed in the empty mausoleum, and echoes echoed, but the miracle Cheng Mo was expecting did not happen. The six civil servants standing below continued to emit light beams towards Cheng Mo. Seconds to the end, and there are generals on the side of the thick bluestone roof, Cheng Mo turned his head and glanced at Meng Yi, who was holding a golden sword, and took the lead. To run or not to run became a difficult decision.

"Gao, the emperor is back!"

"Gao, the emperor is back!"

Cheng Mo calmed down, and yelled to the north again, but it was still useless, the blue light approached, Cheng Mo didn't dare to use the energy shield to resist, and dodged to dodge.

"Speaking the language of the Qin Dynasty is the most important thing? I should have asked Professor Yuan how to pronounce it! Do you want to keep shouting? Or give up!" Cheng Mo's mind was full of thoughts, and there was a sound from the roof. With the sound of footsteps, the whole hall seemed to be trembling.

Cheng Mo turned his head and glanced at the few golden men who had already climbed onto the roof, and found that damned gecko on the high place was staring at the wall, it was really raining overnight.

"After the teleportation is completed, move back to the main hall, and then return to the main body?" Cheng Mo thought helplessly, but he looked at the clothes in his hand and was a little unwilling, "No! No! All the conditions can be closed , I must have done something wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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