Rebel Demon King

Chapter 517 Bai Xiuxiu and Her Ordinary Friends

Chapter 517 Bai Xiuxiu and Her Ordinary Friends

In autumn, the golden sunlight covered the entire emerald green mountain, and a man-made ladder cut the land in half, and many pedestrians were climbing on the towering mountain like ants.

Cheng Mo looked at the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang with a puzzled expression on his brows, and recalled that he was at the site of the remains of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum in the Inner World last night. He was probably standing in this position, but the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang in the Inner World was not yet burned. It is not comparable to the simple mountain bag in front of me. It is a Chinese civil engineering pyramid built on nine layers of rammed earth, which is indescribably majestic.
Seeing Cheng Mo's eyes focused, Bai Xiuxiu also turned her head to the sealed mound that had become a green mountain, recalling: "I remember the last time I came here, the commentator told us that after Xiang Yu entered the customs, he sent 30 troops to dig the tomb When he entered the mausoleum, the mechanism was triggered, arrows were fired, strange birds flew in groups, and many soldiers died because of this. Xiang Yu was furious when he heard about it, so he personally led the soldiers to Mount Li. When he arrived at the mausoleum, Xiang Yu was shocked because there There are countless organs, and if they are not careful, the soldiers dare not act rashly. Xiang Yu had no choice but to order the imperial tomb to be burned, smashed the pottery figurines, and took away the weapons of the pottery figurines. Therefore, what we can see now is only A pile of sealed soil, and broken pottery figurines"

Cheng Mo nodded, "There is a certain basis for this statement. It is recorded in "Historical Records": King Huai made an appointment to enter Qin without violence and plunder, Xiang Yu burned Qin's palace, dug up the tomb of the first emperor, and took his property privately. Crime four. Not just Shiji, "Historical Records" It is also said in "Shui Jing Zhu": "Xiang Yu entered the customs and sent it, and he could not be poor with 33 people for [-] days."

Bai Xiuxiu turned her head and glanced at Cheng Mo, "That's right, you can remember all of this."

"I just read the information this morning." Cheng Mo explained in a calm tone.

Hearing Cheng Mo's self-effacing words, Bai Xiuxiu couldn't help but smiled, thinking that the young man next to him was really interesting, so Bai Xiuxiu reached out and stroked Cheng Mo's messy hair, and joked: "Honest child, it's a pity that I don't have any golden axe, and no silver axe"

Cheng Mo rolled his eyes, moved a step away from Bai Xiuxiu's control, looked at Bai Xiuxiu's peerless face with a childish face, and said contemptuously: "Are you going to be friends for a day?"

Bai Xiuxiu stretched out her hand and stroked the blue silk that was stuck to her lips that was blown by the wind, put on the long-brimmed sun hat again, and said in a brisk tone: "I have always been lenient to myself and strict with others, so be my friend You have to accommodate me!"

Cheng Mo was speechless, and realized more deeply that there was no reason to talk to women, so he could only shake his head helplessly.

Bai Xiuxiu didn't care that Cheng Mo and her were not close, so she grabbed Cheng Mo's arm and dragged him towards the underground palace of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, "Actually, the commentator also said that at that time, Xiang Yu sent elite soldiers first. The Qin Mausoleum was excavated from the southwest and northwest directions, but after half a month of digging, the tomb passage was not found. As a result, one day an old man with white hair and a childlike face appeared to dissuade him. He said to Xiang Yu: "Qin Shihuang unified China and called himself emperor. , wantonly built palaces and tombs, burned books and robbed Confucian scholars, was cruel and inhumane, and later pursued immortality, but was deceived and died in the sand dunes. So how did Qin Shihuang perish, you should learn a lesson, and don’t repeat the same mistakes! So Xiang Yu retired. "

Cheng Mo couldn't help sighing, and said in a low voice: "When we study history in class, we always have an illusion that China's 5000-year-old civilization is brilliant, and countless great emperors have created the glory of this nation, but we don't know The real history is not the same as what is said in the book, just like when we talk about Qin Shihuang, we will think of tyrants, the Qin Dynasty of tigers and wolves, the burning of books and the murder of Confucianism, the Meng Jiangnu crying on the Great Wall, and the princes and generals who have kindness but don’t know it. What Qin Shihuang killed was just a deceitful alchemist. The teacher he chose for his eldest son Fusu was Chunyu Yue, a master of Confucianism; and the Great Wall was the most advanced military defense facility and traffic information network in ancient China. Huh', Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are not the peasants mentioned in the history books, but two 'officers' who took advantage of the peasants' unfamiliarity with the laws of the Qin Dynasty and coaxed the law-blind people to revolt, especially Chen Sheng. Everything can prove that he is actually a hero of Chen Cheng, and Chen Sheng has planned the uprising for a long time."

After a pause, Cheng Mo continued: "Actually, when we study the Qin Dynasty, one of the most important references is Sima Qian's "Historical Records." During the Han Dynasty, the "Historical Records" was revised by more than a dozen scholars. This is well documented. In addition to deleting a large number of narrations that were unfavorable to the Han Dynasty, they also greatly slandered Belittling the Ying surname and belittling the Qin Dynasty. Not only that, in order to improve the legitimacy of the Han Dynasty, the Han Dynasty also tampered with and deleted ancient books of the pre-Qin period on a large scale. Not to mention the Confucianism who hated Qin Shihuang, who upheld the legalist way."

Bai Xiuxiu didn't expect Cheng Mo to talk about history like a cold and proud young man with few words at all. He let go of Cheng Mo's arm and said, "To be honest, tampering with history is nothing at all? Didn't you see The scene where the white helmet who came here as evidence rescued women and children who were attacked by Syrian government forces with "chemical weapons". The same child wore makeup and died on different occasions. Pictures and news, in fact, the director himself didn’t act seriously, just looking for an excuse to show his strength. The poor Virgin Mary entered the play again and again, excited like a filial son, a virtuous grandson, a loving father and a loving mother. This is why I don’t like studying history. , even the news is fake, the so-called history is even more nonsense, there can be no real history in it, and instead of searching for the so-called real history or correct history, it is better to create history yourself. Anyway, what is "using history as a mirror 'It's just a high-sounding cliché. If you look at the history of China but reincarnation again and again, you will know that human beings will never be able to learn from history. I think it! The greatest contribution of history provides us with a steady stream of materials. Let us There are Gongdou dramas to watch”

Cheng Mo heard that Bai Xiuxiu not only said "climax", but also "filial son and virtuous grandson", and said "bullshit", which is extremely ironic. He turned his head to look at Bai Xiuxiu, and felt that Sister Bai really subverted her image, so he spoke venomously. It's not as elegant and demure as her appearance.

Naturally, Bai Xiuxiu also noticed Cheng Mo's gaze, exchanged a glance with Cheng Mo, and said in surprise, "Why are you looking at me? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "Although that's what I said, and I also think that the country and the nation are just false concepts. A lie repeated a hundred times will become the truth, not to mention that this lie has lasted for thousands of years, so reality is history now It is no longer the appearance of the country and the nation, history has been deeply integrated into our blood, just like the Qin Dynasty, although it only lasted 15 years, the ruling model established by Qin Shihuang has continued to this day."

"So? What is the significance of our study of history? Let you understand that history is just a tool to serve politics?" Bai Xiuxiu asked Cheng Mo with the corners of her mouth hooked.

Cheng Mo didn't answer immediately, but looked at the green land in front of him. The formerly glorious palace had long been turned into dust, and the mountains were covered with chaotic weeds and cheap trees. Cheng Mo said softly: "I Dad said that every real historian has a sense of mission, that is to let future generations not mistakenly think that history is really a little girl who can be dressed up by others, and she can write whatever she wants, and it doesn’t matter right or wrong. Just like me Standing here now, I am working hard to rectify the name of Qin Shihuang, and tell you that Qin Shihuang is not a tyrant, but an emperor through the ages. Because historians are the last line of defense of human conscience, and those who cannot be judged by morality and law can only be judged by history. "

Bai Xiuxiu's heart sank when she was hit by Cheng Mo's words, and suddenly an inexplicable sense of desolation made her eye sockets moist. She didn't know why her mood suddenly reached a limit, and she fell into a hazy sadness inconceivably.

Just like many years ago, on a quiet autumn morning, the courtyard was shrouded in soft sunlight. She was sitting on a chair knitting a sweater, with a cold face and no words, and she didn't look up at the man who was about to leave.

"Xiuxiu, don't be angry."

"Am I wrong? Next time I promise I won't dare again."

"You have to leave without saying a word. I will bring you a gift when I come back!"

Seeing the man turn around, she couldn't help but said: "I told you not to agree, don't agree, you are not from the Qianlong team, and you have not received such rigorous training from them, even if you don't think about yourself, you have to do it for me. Think about it for your parents and Xiaomei."

The man smiled, "I know, I know but some things have to be done, right?"

She didn't send him out of the yard, but just put down the sweater she was knitting for him, and watched him drag the box out of the yard. The man stopped at the door, turned around and waved to her, the lake outside the yard was sparkling.

Bai Xiuxiu wanted to cry a little.

But the tears are already gone

Cheng Mo and Bai Xiuxiu visited the underground palace of Qin Shihuang's mausoleum, and then climbed up the seal. Cheng Mo was giving Bai Xiuxiu science popularization throughout the whole process. Why did Qin Shihuang Niu B make Cheng acquiesce that he is a time traveler? The Jiuqing system was the most advanced at that time.

And compared with Europe, it shows that the appearance of Qin Shihuang changed the historical process of China, because before the Qin Dynasty, ancient Greece and Rome were actually ahead of the Eastern civilization in an all-round way, but after the Qin Dynasty, China used its advanced political system and large The huge unified body exploded into the fragmented West, and was once so powerful that my country's gdp accounted for half of the world. It can be seen how awesome China was at that time. This kind of awesomeness was not only believed by Chinese people, but also by Westerners.

But after the Industrial Revolution broke out in Europe and produced capitalism that was more advanced than feudal centralization, Western civilization began to beat Eastern civilization
And for the whole 2000 years, China has been following the ruling model designed by Qin Shihuang, and has been reincarnated in the feudal centralization. Even in the Manchu Qing Dynasty, there is no sign of change at all. This shows how difficult it is to replace a system. , It also shows how incredible it is that Qin Shihuang promoted the centralization of power by himself.

Moreover, China's system has hardly made any breakthroughs in the past 2000 years. In fact, the guiding ideology of Confucianism and internal law that began in the Han Dynasty is even more retrograde than Qin Shihuang's "ruling the country by law."

If Qin Shihuang hadn't died too early back then, capitalism might have been born in China first, and it would not be the West that leads world civilization today.

It was already noon when the two walked out of the imperial mausoleum, Bai Xiuxiu patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, "I am very satisfied with the itinerary in the morning and your explanation, and as a reward, Cheng Mo, I will give you a chance to invite me to dinner , take good care of it!"

"I'm poor, please can't afford it." Cheng Mo felt that he had been with Sister Bai for a long time, and he couldn't blindly succumb to Bai Xiuxiu's beauty and coercion, and refused anything.

"I'm not too demanding. You don't need to spend a lot of money. Just treat me to a bowl of biangbiang noodles. How about it? It's easy to deal with!"

"Didn't you say that you kept me for a month? Didn't you say that you would buy me everything I wanted? Didn't you say that you would also give me Hermes shoes? Why are you asking me to treat you to noodles now?" Cheng Mo said expressionlessly .

"Why do you hold grudges so much?" Bai Xiuxiu gave Cheng Mo a disgusted look.

Cheng Mo turned a blind eye to Bai Xiuxiu's reproachful eyes and said indifferently: "Well! That's how I hold grudges."

"Actually, it's interesting to chat with you. It can be used as an encyclopedia." Bai Xiuxiu propped her chin with one hand, thought for a while and said, "Well, how much will you pay for a month? You can ask for it."

"With one hundred million dollars a month, you can't work more than four hours a day!"

"No problem! [-] million is a good deal, then I will keep you for a month, now you invite me to eat biangbiang noodles first."

"You first transfer [-] million US dollars to my account, if you don't transfer it, I won't invite you!"

"You invited me to eat biangbiang noodles, and I will transfer them to you right away!"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "You are too dishonest."

Bai Xiuxiu asked with a face full of surprise: "I'm not sincere? It's a big business worth [-] million dollars. I just want you to treat me to a bowl of biangbiang noodles, but you still push me back and say I'm not sincere."

"You're obviously trying to trick me into eating a bowl of noodles."

"Cheat?" Bai Xiuxiu smiled slightly, "Since you don't like being cheated, then I will threaten you directly. If you don't invite me today, then you have to prepare to take a taxi back to the hotel. Not only that, but you also have to pay for it yourself." Money to open a new room, and you don’t have to go to Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum dungeon at night, and don’t expect me to invest money in your fund. So, do you invite it or not?”

"Please." Cheng Mo replied helplessly, and at the same time felt that he seemed to be eaten to death by Bai Xiuxiu.

Bai Xiuxiu smiled sweetly at Cheng Mo, and patted his head, "This is a good boy."

(End of this chapter)

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