Rebel Demon King

Chapter 506 The Farmer and the Stork

Chapter 506 The Farmer and the Stork
(Thanks to "X Lie Tian He Su" for the gift for the senior sister! Thanks to "sp55a" for the gift for the senior sister, thanks to "Blue Forest Free", "Red Leaves on Diancang Mountain" for the senior sister Gift, thank you for your support, I hope you don’t forget to show your heart to the senior sister, a lot of revisions have been made in the previous chapter, interested students can read it again)
After Xiong Er and the man with glasses threw the six people who had died into the Xiangjiang River, they loaded the more than ten people who were still lying on the ground into the Jinbei passenger car one by one, and finally pushed the smashed seven-seater commercial vehicle into the river. Under Cheng Mo's arrangement, Xiong Er drove away from the opening of Xiangjiang No. [-] Bridge.

It was nearly four o'clock in the morning, and it was the thickest night. There were few vehicles on the street, and only a street lamp shone dimly in the rain. Xiong Er, who was driving, wiped the rain on his face and said softly. Asked: "Big brother, where are we going?"

Xiong Er's legs were still trembling slightly, and he couldn't even step on the accelerator. He didn't know whether it was because he was tired from doing the hard work just now, or because he was afraid. In short, his whole body was weak now, and he felt completely ripped off. empty.

Sitting in the co-pilot, Cheng Mo, who was sitting with his chest folded, said expressionlessly: "Go to Jingxing."

Xiong Er didn't dare to speak, but his heart was terribly conflicted.

During the whole process, the handsome young man beside him didn't ask him any questions. It was obvious that he knew that he belonged to Second Master Jing.

But whether to take him to Jing Erye or not, made Xiong Yi confused.If you take the killing star next to you, you may die; but if you don't take him, you will definitely die.

Just when Xiong Er was thinking hard in hesitation, Cheng Mo said lightly again: "I'll give you 10 minutes, and I'll start timing it for you now."

Xiong Er's hair stood on end, he stepped on the accelerator quickly, and stepped on the accelerator of the Jinbei minibus to the bottom, but the engine of the Jinbei minivan was already overloaded, the engine was really weak, and he couldn't get up even after trying his best, Xiong Er didn't care Not so much, anyway, there were no cars at the intersection at midnight, and I ran through four or five red lights, dared not stop all the way, and went straight to the Takahashi Market.

Gaoqiao Market is a wholesale market built in the late 90s. It has a very large area. It is the largest national-level comprehensive market in the central and southern regions. Where there is interest, there are rivers and lakes. Therefore, it used to be a place where "underground police forces" ran rampant. They were all one- or two-story bungalows, or five- or six-story residential houses converted into shops. The roads were narrow and chaotic. Xiong Er drove a large Jinbei passenger car and passed the tight roads quickly. With the closed rolling gates, rampaging in the market with few street lights, it is quite dangerous.

Some of the wounded and sick lying in the back were shaken to death, wailing, Xiong Er, who had a pale face, didn't care, and went straight to the "Gaoqiao Big Market Medicine Circulation Park".After entering the pharmaceutical distribution market, the Jinbei car drove to the door of a company called "Xiangqiao Overseas Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital" with twists and turns. The nervous Xiong Er was relieved and stepped on the brakes to let the Jinbei car slide towards the door. At the same time, Ai Ai Said: "Brother. Arrived."

Cheng Mo looked through the window. This is a hospital transformed from a five-story private house. The walls should have been white tiles that have turned yellow. There are many air-conditioning extensions hanging on the walls and green plastic Some rusty stainless steel anti-theft nets were installed on the outside of the curtain windows. An Iveco modified ambulance was parked under the hospital, with the words "Xiangqiao Overseas Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital" written on it.

The Jinbei car was parked at the entrance of the hospital, the misty rain was still falling, the surroundings were silent, there was no light, only two faint cone-shaped beams of light were floating under the old steel frame canopy, shining in the closed room. The glass door is horrifying, and it suddenly brings Cheng Mo from the scene of the gangster movie to the scene of the horror movie.

"Both of you come down, take me to find Jing Xing." After finishing speaking, Mo opened the car door and jumped out of the car, not afraid of the other party running away.

Sure enough, Xiong Er and the man with glasses didn't have the courage to escape at all. The man with glasses came down from the side first, while Xiong Er frantically turned off the engine, got off the Jinbei car, and walked to the entrance of the hospital. He pushed open the glass door, trembling and whispering. Said: "Brother Xing should be in the operating room on the third floor, because I'm going to the police today. No, no, I'm going to find you. So Brother Xing collects the money here personally"

"What kind of operation are you doing?" Cheng Mo asked blankly.

"Kidney replacement." Xiong Er lowered his head and replied softly, his voice was full of guilt.

"Where did the donor come from?" Cheng Mo asked again, he remembered that the last time he got a USB flash drive from Liu Dongqiang, it showed that it was from Thailand, and asked the donor to fly over by himself.

Xiong Er was already sweating profusely, and stammered: "Some people owe us a loan, and if they are still not enough, they voluntarily use their organs to pay off the debt."

"Voluntary?" Cheng Mo sneered, but did not continue to ask.

The three of them walked through the small hall with no lights connected to the gate, and then walked through the corridor. The lights in the corridors on both sides were turned off, only the green fire indicator light with the words "emergency exit" glowing faintly, and the corridor Every ward in the hospital had its doors tightly closed, and looking into the bottomless corridor, it was as dark as an abyss.

Xiong Er and the man with glasses walked to the door of the elevator, pressed the down button, and the sound of the motor sounded, and the elevator that had stopped on the third floor began to go down slowly. The man with glasses lowered his head and tremblingly pushed down his glasses Said like a concubine: "Brother, I'm really a doctor. I... I. I'm not a bad person. I just got married. Not long ago, in order to make more... More money, to raise a house and raise a wife and children. I really came out to work part-time. I don't know what. Can. Can't. Let me go?"

The skinny man with glasses still trembled a little when he spoke, and occasionally knocked together, making an unpleasant sound.

However, Cheng Mo didn't even look at him, and said indifferently: "Do you know the story of "The Farmer and the Stork"?"

The man with glasses shook his head, "I don't know."

"This is an Aesop's fable about a farmer who casts many nets in a field that has just been sown, and many cranes that come to eat the seeds are caught. A stork is also caught, and his legs are The net broke, and he begged the farmer, "Please, please spare me. I am not a crane, but a stork. I am a gentle bird. I am filial to my parents and work hard for them. Take a closer look at me." Its feathers are completely different from those of cranes.’ The farmer laughed and said, ‘You may be right, but if you are caught with these seed-eating cranes, then you have to be punished with them.’”

At this moment, the elevator opened with a ding, and Cheng Mo took the lead to enter the elevator. Seeing that Cheng Mo didn't intend to let him go, the man with glasses could only enter the elevator with Xiong Er with his head down and a mournful face.

Xiong Er stretched out his hand to press the third floor, and the elevator closed the door slowly, and then slowly climbed up. The closer to the third floor, the breathing of Xiong Er and the man with glasses became more unsteady, because the two of them were not sure where they were. The killer next to him meets the instigator Jing Xing—what will happen to Jing Erye.

This old "Xijiang" elevator is obviously a miscellaneous brand, with loud noise and slow running speed. It took dozens of seconds to climb from the first floor to the third floor. The oppressive atmosphere in the elevator almost suffocated Xiong Er and the man with glasses. When the elevator opened, the two quickly walked out of the elevator, not daring to look back at Killing Star behind them, and walked straight to the corridor on the right.

At the end of the corridor was a red light sign saying "operating room at work" was on, and a room adjacent to the operating room was also open, the door was not closed, and there was the sound of "crashing" mahjong from inside.

Cheng Mo followed Xiong Er and the man with glasses to the room with lights next to the operation. Both Xiong Er and the man with glasses stood at the door and did not go in. When Cheng Mo walked behind them, Xiong Er shouted in a frightened voice: "Brother wake up."

Jing Xing, who was picking up a cigarette with a cigarette in his mouth, looked up at Xiong Er, and said indifferently, "Why did it take so long to catch someone?"

Xiong Er didn't dare to answer, he lowered his head and didn't speak.

Jing Xing looked up at Xiong Er again, and found that Xiong Er's round face was covered with fine beads of sweat. He stopped touching the cards, and said with a smile: "What about the brats? I sent twenty people to you, you Don't tell me, you let him run away."

"Brother Xing, he didn't run away." Xiong Er's trembling voice made Jing Xing realize something was wrong.

The originally smiling face gradually became serious. He stood up from the poker table, looked at the shadow behind Xiong Er and shouted suspiciously: "Lin Zhinuo?"

Cheng Mo pushed Xiong Er into the room, and appeared in the diamond-shaped light at the door. Cheng Mo looked at Jing Xing and said lightly: "I heard that you want to sell my organs? I don't know how much you plan to pay." "

Seeing Cheng Mo appearing in front of him unharmed, Jing Xing was slightly taken aback, then laughed, "I know you can fight, but I didn't expect you to be so good at it. Eighteen people plus four professional killers didn't even It's beyond my expectation to clean you up!"

The silver mahjong lamp swayed gently above the mahjong table, and the light and shadow in the room also swayed. Cheng Mo looked at Jing Xing's face completely immersed in the shadow, and laughed and said: "Professional killer? Then the professional you invited The killer is too unprofessional."

Jing Xing shrugged his shoulders, "They are good at guns, maybe I shouldn't let them carry guns just to make a living."

"Then should I be grateful for your kindness?"

"No need." Jing Xing smiled brightly at Cheng Mo, "It just happened to save me a lot of commission." After finishing speaking, the player who played mahjong with Jing Xing stood up instantly, and at the same time took out the gun, the two black muzzles aimed at Cheng Mo at the door.

Jing Xing tilted his head to the side and plucked his ears with his little finger, smiled "hehe" and said, "Lin Zhinuo! Lin Zhinuo. There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you break in."

(End of this chapter)

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