Rebel Demon King

Chapter 480 All Souls Academy (1)

Chapter 480 All Souls Academy (1)

Anthropology provides a huge microscope for human beings to see their endless changes. ——Cheng Yongze

The sunshine at noon in London is so beautiful that people don’t want to move at all. The sky is white and the clouds are like white duvets. Swans and wild ducks are swimming on the Jiuqu Lake. The trees are shady, and swarms of small squirrels are looking for passersby to eat on the lawn. , not at all afraid of the most powerful and terrifying creatures on Earth.

It is hard to imagine that such a vast forest is in the center of London, as if walking through the gate of Hyde Park is a journey, from the fast-paced bustling city to the imaginary paradise in an instant.

The atmosphere here is relaxing, everything passes very slowly, everyone is doing their own things here, reading books, playing and playing, even if you just rent a deck chair, basking in the sun, it seems that you can wash it off Find your own utopia from the troubles of the world.

But those who can immerse themselves in it definitely do not include Yan Funing.

He stepped briskly off the blue open-top pedal boat, turned around and saw that Li Jiting didn't seem to want to get off the boat, and said, "Boss, should I go first?"

Li Jiting lowered the black and white plaid cap on his head, leaned on the steering wheel of the pedal boat and nodded, "Go! Be safe."

Yan Funing nodded, and walked towards the Lancaster Gate subway station. When passing the Serpentine Gallery, Yan Funing was involuntarily stunned. In 14, this glass fiber building looked like a huge coiled The python-like building caused quite a stir. At that time, many students from the Civil Engineering Department of Imperial College of Technology came to visit this strange building designed by the well-known alumnus Smiljan Radic (Smilian Radic).

Yan Funing remembered that he seemed to have seen an interview written by someone in the school magazine, saying that the design of this serpentine building located on a pile of boulders was inspired by the papier mache designed by Smilian Redditch four years ago. The model, whose content is in response to Oscar Wilde's novel "The Selfish Giant", and "The Selfish Giant" is derived from the religious story of Jesus' crucifixion.
To be honest, Yan Funing is not concerned about the issue of the origin of the dinosaurs and the origin of mankind. He cares more about where the people at the top want to lead mankind. Just don't care.

Yan Funing stood under the Serpentine Gallery, squinting his eyes and watching the sun shining on the gray glass fiber, those snake-like markings became a little vague, recalling the mystery of the extinction of dinosaurs that Li Jiting told him just now and the time on the pedal boat The task I gave him, I felt as if I was touching some core secrets about this world.

However, Yan Funing didn't feel excited at all. At this moment, he seemed to see this strange coiled snake building in front of him, with a triangular snake head raised high, and a pair of bloody red eyes fixed on him, a kind of majestic A sense of unknown fear rose from his heart.

Even though the midday sun was very warm, it couldn't make him feel the heat.

Yan Funing quietly turned his head to look at the direction he came from. To his surprise, Li Jiting did not continue to swim on the Jiuqu Lake on a pedal boat, but came to the shore. He was holding a drawing board and holding a charcoal pencil to stop him. A beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes, who looks like she is going to help her with a sketch.

Yan Funing frowned slightly. He unfolded the dinosaur sketch in his hand and looked carefully. He didn't feel it at first, but now he found that Li Jiting's sketch was unexpectedly good. The dinosaurs on the sketch paper were lifelike. Running on the flat grass, with the rugged mountains behind.

In Li Jiting's pen, the tense muscles, bent joints, skin folds and fierceness in the pupils are all vivid on the paper, giving people a sense of urgency. These details are as detailed as He had seen dinosaurs with his own eyes.

Yan Funing looked up at the Serpentine Gallery again. The snake-shaped markings on the fiberglass were exactly the same as the markings on the dinosaur skin depicted by Li Jiting. He murmured softly: "Snakes, lizards, dragons"

Yan Funing folded the sketch, stuffed it into the black backpack behind his back, took out his mobile phone and dialed Feng Zhenzhen's number, the answer was quick, but the phone rang with a beep, and Yan Funing heard Feng Zhenzhen's brisk voice The sound of joy.

"What a surprise! I didn't expect to receive calls from Yemen University scholars in my lifetime. Incredible (unbelievable)."

Yan Funing continued to walk towards the Lancaster Gate subway station while holding his mobile phone and said, "Don't make fun of me, you also know that universities in the UK are not easy to study, so what can you say, as long as you choose a good school, you The annual exam is like the college entrance examination. In fact, not only you are stressed, but I am also stressed? I want to go home and sleep every day after finishing my homework, and I don’t even have the strength to eat, so why do I have the heart to make a phone call!”

"Tsk tsk! Although I know that you are just explaining perfunctorily, it is still very touching to say it! Tell me! What do you want me to do? It can't be about Fu Yuanzhuo and my sister, right?"

"Fu Yuanzhuo and your sister? What happened to them?"

"It's nothing, it's probably because girls mature earlier and faster than boys, so the two people's outlook on life is a bit out of step, let alone the two of them, we can't interfere with children's affairs. Just say what you have If you ask me for something, if you really want my help, if you don't invite me to dinner, I won't agree."

"Well! Actually, I wanted to invite you to dinner a long time ago, so I called you today to see if you have time."


"Not available?"

"No, it's convenient for you to tell me the time and place, I'll be there on time"

Yan Funing heard Feng Zhenzhen's shortness of breath on the phone. It was obvious that she was walking quickly, probably going back to the dormitory to pack up and come to London. After all, it takes more than an hour's drive from Oxford to London.

"I'm going to Oxford to see you."

"You came to see me? Eh? Is there any mathematician in Oxford who you want to know and want me to introduce you?"

"Don't make me think so utilitarianly. I'm more interested in dinosaurs recently, so I want to visit the museum of your university. I hope you can be my guide."

"No problem! Food and lodging included. Three guarantees for companionship"

Yan Funing naturally knew that according to internet terminology, it should be sleeping, but he didn't want to have too many emotional entanglements with Feng Zhenzhen, and this time he approached Feng Zhenzhen because he really had no other acquaintances in Oxford.

"Okay, I'm leaving now, and I'll call you when I arrive."

"Well! Call me when you are about to arrive, send what's app or WeChat, and I will pick you up at the station"

"Okay! Oh! By the way, Zhenzhen. Do you know anyone from All Souls College?" Just as the call was about to end, Yan Funing asked casually.

"All Souls College (All Souls College)? How do you know about All Souls College? Not many people know about this college in our school!"

"Oh! I heard from a friend of mine that your All Souls College in Oxford is very difficult to get into"

"Yes! All Souls College doesn't have an undergraduate department. The students who can enter All Souls College are 'the best of the best', probably at your level. All Souls College doesn't have its own students, they study and work in the college Most of them are academicians and researchers. If you want to enter, you can only wait for the recommendation of the college, and then take the annual special exam, which is known as the most difficult exam in the world. However, All Souls College will only be in 38 colleges every year Among the dozens of recommended candidates, two will be selected to study at All Souls College... You can feel the probability... It is a great honor to be admitted to All Souls College, and it is a supreme honor recognized by the whole of Britain. If you want to go in and visit, sorry I can’t do anything about it, as the most prestigious college in Oxford University, it’s impossible to enter and visit…” (All Souls College really exists, not made up by me)

Yan Funing had already heard this information from Li Jiting just now. In addition, he also knew that All Souls College was established by King Henry VI to commemorate the spirits of those who died in the Hundred Years War. In fact, All Souls College is the most The most powerful training institution for the chosen ones, there is also Trinity College in Cambridge, but All Souls College in Oxford is only open to nobles, not as inclusive as Trinity College in Cambridge.

Yan Funing pretended to know nothing about All Souls College and said: "It turns out that 'the most difficult exam in the world' really exists! To be honest, I really want to try to see if I can pass the exam."

"If you are from our Oxford, of course there is no problem, so why don't you consider going to our Oxford to study a Ph.D."

Yan Funing smiled, "If All Souls College is as powerful as it is said in the legend, I'm really interested, even if it's just a reputation."

"How about this! Let me ask a friend of mine, her boyfriend is from All Souls College, I'll see if she can ask her boyfriend to bring us in."

"If it's too much trouble, forget it. I'll just ask casually. Just take me to the museum."

At this time, Feng Zhenzhen completely forgot what I said just now, "It is impossible to enter and visit", and said in a big way: "Don't bother All Souls Academy is not a forbidden place."

(End of this chapter)

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