Rebel Demon King

Chapter 478 Ending (2) You don’t need flowers all over your head to complement the urgent scene of y

Chapter 478 Ending (2) You don’t need flowers all over your head to complement the urgent scene of youth (end)

(Three-in-one update, less than six updates)

There was a scream in the aisle of the spacious auditorium. The students who were huddled together and walking outside quickly dispersed, dodging as if avoiding the sudden splash of water, and suddenly the corridor was surrounded by Cheng Mo and Yan Yitong. Come out with a chunk.

Caught off guard, Ding Jiaye was pushed back a few steps by Yan Yitong, and leaned against the wall with wood-grain decoration materials with a "boom", and his golden retro metal glasses were tilted to one side.

However, Ding Jiaye acted as if he hadn't seen Yan Yitong. He stared at Cheng Mo, straightened his glasses, and immediately adjusted his posture, rushed towards Cheng Mo, and punched him.

Yan Yitong, who was standing beside Cheng Mo, immediately took a step, opened his hands, and protected Cheng Mo behind him like an eagle catching chickens.

Fortunately, Fu Yuanzhuo and Sun Dayong also rushed over at this time, and behind them were people from Class 9 ([-]) of high school. Fu Yuanzhuo and Sun Dayong shouted "Let's go" and squeezed out of the crowd, one left and one right Quickly grabbed Ding Jiaye, who was a little out of control, and persuaded him: "Don't fight! Don't fight!"

"MD, Cheng Mo, you don't have the guts to hide behind girls! We're one-on-one." Ding Jiaye, who was caught between Fu Yuanzhuo and Sun Dayong, who were much stronger than him, couldn't move at all, and could only fight. He panted and called to Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo patted Yan Yitong on the shoulder and motioned her to move away. Yan Yitong looked back at Cheng Mo with a calm face, as if Ding Jiaye's angry eyes, the expression of the crowd watching the joke, and the puzzled eyes of the classmates who came from behind, All this is completely non-existent.

Cheng Mo was so calm that the stone in Yan Yitong's heart fell to the ground.

She didn't doubt Cheng Mo, but she was afraid that Cheng Mo would be hurt because of others' misunderstanding. From the beginning to the end, Yan Yitong didn't think that Cheng Mo was the one who framed Teacher Shen.

Yan Yitong turned sideways and stood behind Cheng Mo, allowing Cheng Mo to face Ding Jiaye face to face.

At this time, the entire aisle seemed to have been pressed the silence button, only various colors were flowing, and everyone's eyes were focused on Cheng Mo's rather thin body.

Cheng Mo didn't look at other people, but said to Ding Jiaye calmly: "Ding Jiaye, what you do will only make it more difficult for Teacher Shen. If you really have a brain, you will not cause trouble for Teacher Shen."

Cheng Mo's words made Ding Jiaye, who was looking at him with contempt, startled for a moment. He gritted his teeth, and after a while, he asked a question that everyone was curious about, "Why did you do this?"

For Cheng Mo, this is a problem he cannot avoid. If he wants to cover up the fact of Shen Daoyi's existence, he must give himself a motive to convince others that he really has a good reason to do these things.

So Cheng Mo chuckled and said lightly: "I actually like Teacher Shen very much, but I am more curious about whether a kind and beautiful soul can deal with the ugliness of the human heart. I am different from you. I will not be ruled by morals and rules." enslaved, so I devised this social experiment to test how easily you mediocre people can be manipulated."

Cheng Mo's statement made many people feel baffled. It was even more nonsensical than the review he made on stage just now. It made many people laugh, thinking that Cheng Mo must be talking nonsense. And it's not surprising that some people who knew the truth about Fu Yuanzhuo's campaign knew what Cheng Mo said.

Cheng Mo spread his hands, "You really don't need to make a fuss, this process is really interesting, let me find that no matter in school or in society, high-profile figures are the focus of everyone's attention, even if you are not entrusted, You will also monitor them based on self-righteous moral values ​​and curiosity. When you find that the other party has a little bit of moral flaws, you will punish the other party with words, Weibo, WeChat, forwarding, etc. This is like carrying out the Stanford Prison Experiment day and night. You obviously don’t have that obligation, but you are driven by a sense of mission and morality, and become more aggressive and easier to be manipulated. This shows that the school has not given you the ability to think independently, you Perfect proof of that."

Now Cheng Mo's words caused an uproar. There is no doubt that this was a public ridicule!
The crowd began to commotion, but no one interrupted Cheng Mo's speech.

Cheng Mo looked around, "In this world, there are many people who are full of curiosity about the depths of human nature, so I don't feel regretful or frustrated about the experiments I have done. If you ask me: do these things Is it worth it? My answer is nothing but regret."

Ding Jiaye was a little shocked by Cheng Mo's answer, those who knew Cheng Mo were silent, and other melon eaters who didn't know Cheng Mo well looked at Cheng Mo with crazy eyes.

Standing next to Sun Dayong, Dr. Ma was indeed the best supporter, opened his eyes wide, and said in great astonishment: "So, Cheng Mo, you deliberately scored zero in the exam, just to complete your plan in Class Nine?"

Cheng Mo admired Dr. Ma's unrestrained and unconstrained automatic brain-filling ability, glanced at Dr. Ma, and continued: "I'm sorry to make Mr. Shen a victim, but I have corrected my mistakes and paid for it. And what have you paid for those mediocre people who are talking about everything as a joke? It is true that I created rumors, but I can spread these rumors and multiply the damage to Teacher Shen, causing her to suffer what she should not have suffered Is it me who hurt me? Or are you onlookers?"

"These are things you need to reflect on." After saying these words, Cheng Mo turned around and walked towards the exit of the auditorium under the eyes of everyone. Cheng Mo paid his attention, and after a while, these people realized that no matter what the motives of Cheng Mo's actions were, they were all being fooled, which made most people even more angry.

Suppose Cheng Mo confessed that he just likes Teacher Shen and just wants to win Teacher Shen’s attention. Love breeds hatred. This normal logic is easy for everyone to accept, and they may even have some sympathy for Cheng Mo because of Cheng Mo’s reining in the precipice. .

But the reason Cheng Mo said now made some people reflect a little bit, but it made more Changya students who thought they were the best among their peers feel deeply insulted.

"This Cheng Mo, is really crazy and too self-righteous!"

"The words are so vicious. Seeing his sloppy face, I really think that I am extraordinary and refined."

"Wow! It's obviously an insult to Mr. Shen, and you still say it so fresh and refined, it's really shameless."

"Hehe, maybe he's just making an excuse for himself. In fact, he just likes Teacher Shen, and because of love, he hates him."

"Looking at him like this, he still doesn't know how to repent! Still blame us?"

"He deserves to be suspended from school! It's kindness for this kind of person not to be expelled!"

Cheng Mo walked out of the auditorium amidst all these turbulent discussions. The autumn sun was not too dazzling, nor did it give any warmth to people. He looked at the turbulent flow of people walking down the steps. Many people Looking back at him, she cast a contemptuous look at him.

Cheng Mo thought to himself that the world is really impermanent. A few days ago, he was crowned by Xie Minyun here, and he was still the object of envy and longing for everyone, but before the end of a semester, he became the object of everyone shouting and beating.

However, it doesn't matter, anyway, he doesn't know when he will be able to return to this school that left him with many good memories.

Cheng Mo walked down at a constant speed. At this time, Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo chased him up and pinched him on the stairs from left to right.

"Cheng Mo! What you have done... is really terrible!" Yan Yitong said with a cold face.

Cheng Mo didn't go to see Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo right away, he knew that the set of words just now might not convince Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo, he had to figure out how to get rid of Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo, this is what makes people feel that they have friends Trouble, you have to take other people's feelings into consideration.

Cheng Mo just wanted to say sorry and deal with it first, then Yan Yitong said angrily: "Cheng Mo, do you treat us as friends? Can you discuss with us what to do next time? If there is anything, we will take it together .”

Cheng Mo felt a little warmth in his heart, but he still could only say "I'm sorry" to Yan Yitong. The matter about Mr. Shen is Mr. Shen's secret, not his, and he has no right to share it freely. Sighed, then said softly: "I'm really sorry for hiding this matter from you"

"Don't tell us it's your social experiment!" Fu Yuanzhuo frowned and asked, he didn't doubt Cheng Mo's practical ability, but some things in it were illogical, for example, Cheng Mo was chasing down who was the mysterious When he was the perpetrator of the chalk painting, his attitude was serious. He didn't think Cheng Mo could play that well.

Cheng Mo didn't speak, and it's not like he couldn't justify himself, but he hesitated whether to lie or not.

Yan Yitong seemed to see through Cheng Mo's thoughts, supported Cheng Mo's arm, and kicked Fu Yuanzhuo behind Cheng Mo's back, "You are the only one who is smart!"

When Fu Yuanzhuo saw Yan Yitong grabbing Cheng Mo's arm, he knew what Yan Yitong was going to do, and immediately pretended to be frightened and hurriedly jumped away, "Why are you kicking me? Didn't you agree to form a united front and let Cheng Mo Do you realize your mistake? How did you betray the revolution so quickly!!!!"

Yan Yitong ignored Fu Yuanzhuo, looked at Cheng Mo's side face and smiled sweetly, "If it's hard to say, don't say it, who doesn't have a little secret in his heart, if you need to explain everything to your friends, then life is too tiring For example, I really don’t want others to know that I am mediocre, and I really don’t want to explain why you go to school in such a state. I remember that you never asked me these questions.”

Fu Yuanzhuo looked at Yan Yitong, then at Cheng Mo, pretending to be helpless, and said: "Teacher Cheng! Don't say sorry, as long as you tell us in advance before you start the big road, it will be fine for us to be mentally prepared." You are so startled, it's like riding a roller coaster, my little heart can't bear it."

Cheng Mo didn't speak immediately. For the first time, he felt that Yan Yitong was a person of great wisdom. Such a considerate girl is really a rare friend. He remembered those days when they lived together in the secret base.

Yan Yitong was able to join them in trouble. When everyone played "League of Legends" together, she never took the lead when she was playing support. She always looked at the map to remind everyone that her eyes never stopped, and she immediately took the initiative to admit her mistakes. She took the initiative to take the blame for her mistakes, encouraged her teammates against the wind, and praised her teammates against the wind. She was the first to shout 6666 for every beautiful kill. She was happier than anyone else when she won the game .

Cheng Mo remembered that when he was studying, Yan Yitong never disturbed him, even if she didn't want to study, she would just sit aside and play the switch quietly, or read comics, and she would turn her head when he closed the book, Jokingly asked him if he was tired, if he wanted to tap his shoulder for a massage or something, if Cheng Mo didn't think she was annoying, she would drag him to ask this and that, and pitifully asked him to play with her for a while , as relaxation.
In fact, Cheng Mo thinks that such a relaxed and ordinary high school life is really in line with his imagination. As for the experience with Xie Minyun in Europe and K20, everything in Europe is pretty good for him, but Miss Xie doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of mediocrity. The meaning of the words, being with her is not like an ordinary high school student at all. Cheng Mo is under the high pressure of Xie Minyun all the time. Her identity, beauty and knowledge make Cheng Mo unable to relax at all. Give Cheng Mo a sense of urgency.

The experience on K20 was very exciting, but he didn't want to live that kind of exciting life.

Inexplicably, Cheng Mo felt that he was standing at the crossroads of his life. If he chose to suspend school, he would choose Xie Minyun and a high-pressure life; if he chose not to suspend school, he would choose Yan Yitong and a relaxed and happy life.

Cheng Mo didn't bother with this multiple-choice question, because he didn't have the right to choose at all.
Even if he is the chosen one, he has no right to choose, and can only be carried forward by the tide of the times.

"Thank you." Cheng Mo lowered his head and said, the reason why he lowered his head was because he didn't want Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo to see the expression on his face.

"Yo! When did you become so polite? This is not like you. Hey! You were moved to tears by this young lady's knowledge and understanding, right?" Yan Yitong smiled and bent down to peep into Cheng Mo's face.

Cheng Mo forced a straight face, "Dali is quite reasonable, but Zhishu is far behind!"

"Who said that?" Yan Yitong pretended to be angry with his hands on his hips and said, "Comic books are also books, okay? This lady is a woman who can score 95 points in the B station membership exam. Cheng Mo, how dare you compete with me in the B station membership exam?" topic?"

"You won!" Cheng Mo said with a chuckle.

Yan Yitong jumped up for joy, and said triumphantly: "So, everyone has blind spots in knowledge, and everyone has their own role. Although I am stupid, I also have my role. I can be your pistachio! "

Fu Yuanzhuo coughed twice, and originally wanted to say: "You remove the word "", but thinking that Yan Yitong would not allow him to make fun of her and Cheng Mo, for fear of ruining the friendship, he could only give up, and said instead: "Now The problem is that Cheng Mo has been suspended from school! We must find a way to help Cheng Mo get back to class."

"Yes! This is the top priority!" Yan Yitong nodded quickly.

"I think Cheng Mo, you should apologize to Mr. Shen and try to get Mr. Shen's forgiveness. Then I will ask my dad to talk to the principal. It shouldn't be a big problem. My dad should still have some face." Fu Yuan Zhuo said seriously.

"I don't want to go to school for the time being. In fact, I have a little problem with my body and need some recuperation." Cheng Mo said.

Yan Yitong immediately became nervous, grabbed Cheng Mo's arm and asked, "No way? What's wrong? What did the doctor say? Do you want to go to Xiangya? We'll go with you."

Cheng Mo shook his head, "It's nothing, just rest for a few days, you don't have to worry."

"Are you really okay? You must not hide this from us!" Yan Yitong stopped in front of Cheng Mo, looked at him and said with a serious face.

Fu Yuanzhuo also said: "Yes! Cheng Mo's physical matter is not a child's play. What's your situation, we can help you find a way. The disease must be treated as soon as possible. It can't be delayed."

"En! Xiao Zhuozi is right!" Yan Yitong didn't call Fu Yuanzhuo side effects this time.

Cheng Mo nodded, and smiled again with the corners of his mouth curled up, "It's really fine."

Today he used up all the smiles of the year.

Yan Yitong patted his chest, "That's good!"

At this time, the three of them were about to walk out of the campus, and the gate was not far away. At this time, Teacher Shen's heavy voice came from behind, "Cheng Mo!"

Cheng Mo turned his head and saw Shen Youyi's fair cheeks were flushed, and there were fine lines of sweat on his forehead. It was obvious that she ran over. Thinking of Teacher Shen's figure, running over was really embarrassing for her.

Cheng Mo could only stop.

"Teacher Shen!" The three of them called together.

Shen Youyi came up with suppressed panting, smiled at Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo and said, "You guys go first, I have something to talk to Cheng Mo alone."

Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo said "Okay", and before leaving, they told Cheng Mo to admit his mistake, Li Ji, who was eating sugar water at the commercial street, waited for him, and then walked out of the school gate.

Shen Youyi watched the backs of Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo walk away, then smiled and said to Cheng Mo: "Let's go to Taozi Lake for a walk."

Cheng Mo could tell from the way she smiled that she was Shen Daoyi at the moment. Just now she didn't call Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo by name, but she still called you, which also showed this point. Such a judgment made Cheng Mo feel a little relieved. He I haven't figured out how to explain it to Mr. Shen, which is the appropriate way. After all, Mr. Shen is a patient.

Cheng Mo was half a body behind Shen Dao, and followed her towards the outside of the school. The two of them walked through the school gate one after the other, crossed the road, and came to the sunny Taozi Lake plank road.

Shen Daoyi looked around, found no one, immediately stretched out his hand to grab Cheng Mo's arm, and dragged him towards the gate of the Normal University, where there was a tall stone wall engraved with light beige Xingcheng Normal University, the stone wall There are several rows of camphor trees in the back, which belong to a very hidden corner that no one usually goes to.

Shen Daoyi dragged Cheng Mo forward quickly, snorted coldly and said: "To be honest, you are the worst student I have ever seen, you are so self-righteous!"

Listening to Shen Daoyi's tone, Cheng Mo couldn't judge Shen Daoyi's current situation, so he could only remain silent.

When the two of them walked up the green and yellow hillside to the back of the tall stone wall, and stood under a few camphor trees that were not too tall, the river wind from the Xiangjiang River blew out two streams of air around the wall. The camphor tree was shaking, but the camphor tree facing the back of the wall barely moved.

Shen Dao turned around and looked at Cheng Mo, her dark brown pupils lingered left and right in her eye sockets, "You can't do better, but I can't praise you."

Cheng Mo shrugged his shoulders, lowered his head to avoid Shen Daoyi's scorching gaze, looked at Shen Daoyi's shadow on the marble floor, and said lightly: "I didn't do all this for you, so I don't need praise."

"But what you have done, maybe she will never know it for the rest of her life."

"I don't know what's best. I hope Teacher Shen can live a simple life like this, don't go through any storms, don't go through such bizarre stories. To be honest, I hope you can protect Teacher Shen's life instead of interfering."

Shen Dao raised his hands and held Cheng Mo's cheeks, making it impossible for him to avoid her gaze. She looked into Cheng Mo's eyes without blinking, "What a stupid child."

There is the softness of Shen Daoyi's palm and the warmth of his fingertips on Cheng Mo's cheeks. In fact, there is nothing special about this touch. However, paired with Shen Daoyi's sincere eyes, the feeling in his heart is extraordinarily subtle. , like lying in a hot spring under the starry sky on a winter night.

Cheng Mo enjoyed the intertwined warmth of cold and hot, so he didn't break free.

"I'm not as great as you think, I just don't care what other people think, besides, I just happened to have other things to deal with, so I took this opportunity to drop out of school"

"Don't pretend that nothing happened. No matter what, you are still just a child. If Xiaoxi knows that you have done these things for her, she will not only feel distressed but also regretful. How do you tell her to face you?"

Cheng Mo said indifferently: "If you can keep her from knowing, don't let her know, even if you know, it doesn't matter. Maybe I won't go back to Changya."

"That's impossible. If you're not here, Changya will be so boring, so you must come back. If you don't agree to me, I can only continue to torture Xiaoxi!" Shen Daoyi said with a sly smile at Cheng Mo.

"Don't threaten me." Cheng Mo said.

Shen Daoyi was not frightened by Cheng Mo's expressionless face at all. Instead, he hugged Cheng Mo into his arms and hugged him tightly. Teacher Shen didn't wear high heels today, and his height was about the same as Cheng Mo's, so he could easily Rest your chin on Cheng Mo's shoulder.

"It's not a threat, it's a plea."

Cheng Mo smelled the aroma of orange blossom in Teacher Shen's hair, and the slightly moist milky body fragrance steaming from Teacher Shen's body. At this moment, he felt Teacher Shen's dependence on him, and Cheng Mo didn't know what it was. Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, patients often have this kind of love-like affection for doctors.

But no matter what, Cheng Mo couldn't let go until he cured Mr. Shen, so he could only give a vague "um".

Teacher Shen supported Cheng Mo's shoulders and pushed him away. She squinted her narrow eyes like a cheetah watching its prey, "Don't make me wait too long, I will get angry if I wait too long!"

Cheng Mo nodded helplessly, Teacher Shen let go of the hand holding Cheng Mo's shoulder, "That's good! Student Cheng Mo, look forward to the next meeting, hurry up and go to your little friend!"

Cheng Mo didn't say goodbye, turned around and walked towards the outside of the wall. Although he couldn't see it, he could feel Teacher Shen's burning eyes, but Cheng Mo didn't look back at Teacher Shen.He stepped out of the shadow area steadily, as if he was unfettered.

Walking out of the tall marble walls, the world suddenly changed. There was a lot of traffic on the side of Yanjiang Road, and there were many students running on the playground not far away.

Cheng Mo felt that although he hadn't left, he began to miss it. Why do people always think of the time they didn't care about when they lost it?Thinking of the game I was passionate about, the playground that no longer exists, and my childhood friend
Maybe it's because no matter how much we miss, there is no way to regain those lost times!
So, in fact, the past and the future are not that important, nothing is more important than caring about the moment in front of you.

Cheng Mo felt that he should say goodbye to Teacher Shen.

So Cheng Mo stopped in his tracks and turned to look in Teacher Shen's direction. Unfortunately, he could only see Teacher Shen's back running in the opposite direction from him, walking down the blue-yellow slope.

Maybe life can only be missed constantly, even if it is close at hand, we can't get it back.

Cheng Mo stared at Teacher Shen's back for a moment, turned around and continued walking forward, hoping that the missed goodbye would have a chance to say it again.
(End of this chapter)

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