Rebel Demon King

Chapter 461 Dangerous Gemini (1)

Chapter 461 Dangerous Gemini (1)

(Thanks to the "Wheels of Stuttgart" for the rewards, two-in-one update, try to update a chapter tonight, if you can't update it tonight, you will add it tomorrow)
Shen Daoyi grabbed Cheng Mo's wrist and walked towards the door of the classroom, and he picked up a red backpack hanging on his shoulders at the door, and the two walked out of the classroom, so only grinning on the blackboard was left inside. blue fat man.

Cheng Mo gently closed the door, and the empty echo sounded in the long and narrow corridor. The dense slapping of raindrops and Shen Daoyi's high-heeled boots knocking on the terrazzo floor demonstrated the brisk rhythm of tap dancing.

Shen Dao pulled Cheng Mo to the side where he just came to the stairs, which was also the exit.

"Where are you going?" Cheng Mo asked.

"Huh? Just now you said that you would accompany me no matter what you do? You won't regret it so soon, will you?"

"I'm just asking about the destination." Cheng Mo ignored the distrust in Shen Daoyi's tone and replied calmly.

"Go to Gaoqiao Market, where there is a stationery wholesale store, you can buy acrylic paint spray cans." Seeing that Cheng Mo seemed to be obedient, Shen Daoyi replied very happily.

Her voice sounded very different from Teacher Shen's, sweet and charming, not gentle and light like Teacher Shen's.If ears also have taste buds, then Shen Daoyi's voice should be soda, sweet and rushing, which makes people want to stop when they are thirsty; while Teacher Shen's voice is hot cocoa, smooth and warm, like warm when it is cold A warm hug is hard to control.

Cheng Mo guessed Shen Daoyi's real intention in an instant, "Are you going to finish a work on the teaching building?"

"I think your proposal is good. When it is completed, it must be a shocking big surprise." Shen Daoyi's face was very excited, and the corners of his mouth floated into a smile like a crescent moon.

Cheng Mo shook his head, "How much graffiti do you want to complete? It's not interesting if the area is small. If you want to shock, it must be the entire wall of a building. In this case, one night does not seem to be enough time."

At this time, the two had already entered the stairwell. Shen Daoyi seemed to be afraid that Cheng Mo would run away, and kept holding onto Cheng Mo's wrist tightly. The two walked down the stairs one after the other, as if they were moving vertically. The word "Lin".

Shen Dao didn't turn back, "How do you know if you don't try it? It's raining today, and it gets dark early at night. We can start working at about seven o'clock, and it will take ten hours until five o'clock tomorrow morning. Complicated paintings should have no problem."

"I believe it is possible to work on flat ground, but you have to consider that the building of the school is about 20 meters high. It will take a lot of time to solve the safety issue alone. We can't use the hanging basket for the external wall construction. That The equipment is too big to be transported in, so we can only use rock climbing equipment, do you know how to rock climb?"

"Of course, I'm an expert in outdoor sports." Shen Daoyi's tone was full of reason, and she looked back at Cheng Mo, as if she was a little dissatisfied with Cheng Mo's question.

"But I can neither rock climb nor graffiti can't help you"

"Stop rambling." Shen Daoyi interrupted Cheng Mo's words impatiently, but seeing Cheng Mo frowned, she immediately changed her tone to a lighter one, and said as if coaxing a child: "When the time comes Do what I tell you to do! It is impossible to dispel my thoughts, I already have the prototype of this painting in my mind, as long as I put it into action, fill the color into the front of the teaching building A huge wall is OK”

Cheng Mo seemed unaware of Shen Daoyi's moody tone, and said lightly. "I don't intend to change your decision, but I hope to discuss with you a more efficient method, at least a method that I can use more."

Shen Daoyi stood under the canopy at the side exit of the first floor of the teaching building and stopped. Under the steps, there were pools of puddles of different sizes. The fine and dense raindrops kept making ripples in the puddles, falling The sycamore trees with most of their leaves, the towering flagpoles and the teaching buildings under the cloudy clouds spread out in the folds of the water patterns. The campus in the rain is like a paradise hidden deep in the mountains.

"It looks like you like my sister very much!"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "I don't think it's accurate to use the word like."

"Huh?" Shen Daoyi was a little surprised, and immediately she laughed jokingly: "But I know my sister likes you as a student very much!"

"Ms. Shen is like my family to me." Cheng Mo replied seriously.

"Family!?" Shen Dao smiled lightly, she let go of the hand holding onto Cheng Mo's wrist, walked down the steps, stepped on the beautiful reflection in a pool of water, and entered the drizzle, She ran and said loudly: "Hurry up, let's go over the railing on the other side of the playground"

Cheng Mo's shoes can't tread water, so he stepped over the muddy water, followed Shen Daoyi and ran towards the playground.

From the teaching building to the edge of the playground, the two of them didn't say a word, all the way to the iron railing facing the rostrum. Changya's fence is different from the fences in other places. It is not the kind of sharp top that makes people daunting, so Instead of climbing the iron railings, it is made up of tall iron bars with inwardly curved tops. Such railings are not only convenient for stopping footballs that want to fly over the wall, but also prevent students from climbing out at all. Opportunity.

However, Shen Daoyi led Cheng Mo to the corner of the iron railing with ease. Not far from the inside of the railing was the podium of the playground, while on the outside was a towering curved concrete wall. This was the corner where the Changya playground and the Normal University stadium met.

Shen Daoyi first turned the thickest iron railing at the corner, and then there was a slightly sharp friction sound between the iron railing and the concrete base, and the iron railing rotated and sank amidst the friction sound, until the top of the iron railing passed across from above. Shen Daoyi easily pulled out the iron rod, which was about the thickness of two fingers, out of the concrete base, and there was an exit at the corner of the iron railing for people to pass through.

"This is the secret passage left by the seniors of the football department when I was studying. At that time, I had a friend who was the manager of the football department. She told me." Shen Daoyi put the blue-painted round irons aside. , stepped onto the not very high concrete base, and then crossed the fence sideways.

Cheng Mo followed Shen Dao as soon as he passed the fence, and next to him was the cement wall of the Normal University Gymnasium. The short collinear section between the wall and the fence formed a narrow passage, but it was obvious that no one would come here, and the wet ground was piled up. Some rubbish, posters, plastic bottles, pieces of cloth, and deflated footballs are scattered in a mess, like a dead end between two buildings.

When Cheng Mo came over, Shen Daoyi reinstalled the railings, and then she led Cheng Mo along the edge of the oval bowl-shaped stadium of the Normal University, and within a short distance, she came to the south entrance of the stadium, with the Normal University on the side student dormitory.

Shen Daoyi handed the backpack hanging on his shoulder to Cheng Mo, "Help me carry it." He went straight to a black Kawasaki Z1000 parked by the wall, reached out and took off the safety helmet hanging on the faucet, Throw it to Cheng Mo, "Dear it well."

When Shen Dao turned around and threw the helmet to Cheng Mo, her wet hair threw a beautiful parabola in the air, and many strands of hair stuck to her cheeks and neck, making her look even more charming. She tilted her head and rubbed it with her hands again. I brushed my hair, as if trying to squeeze the water out of my cascading hair.

Then Shen Daoyi picked up another black helmet and put it on his head, and then held the handle of the fierce Kawasaki Z1000 with both hands, opened his long legs, and stretched out his black knee-high boots in the air Stunning and beautiful lines, stepped on the pedals.

This action is so handsome that it explodes. Shen Daoyi's youthful and fit body is wrapped in a black one-piece leather jacket, which looks like a robot from the future. The winding body curves and titanium alloy black motorcycle parts form the ultimate of machinery and flesh. beauty of.

However, Cheng Mo was not fascinated by this soul-stirring action, he only felt that his head was big, and this kind of heavy motorcycle was too dangerous to drive. Gaining Shen Daoyi's trust, he can't let Shen Daoyi sit in his Rolls Royce.

I had to take off my glasses and wipe off the water on the lenses, and then put the helmet on my head.

Shen Daoyi pinched the clutch with his left hand and started the motorcycle. The sharp Kawasaki Z1000 let out a high-pitched roar, and the silver exhaust pipes on the left and right sides released two faint puffs of smoke.

With one foot on the ground and the other on the pedal, Shen Daoyi turned to Cheng Mo who was standing aside and said, "Come up." After she finished speaking, she reached out and took off the visor of the motorcycle helmet.

Cheng Mo looked at the high rear seat of the Kawasaki Z1000 and hesitated for a moment.

Shen Daoyi seemed to have seen through Cheng Mo's thoughts, and laughed in a low voice: "What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that I will take advantage of you? Or are you afraid that my driving skills will not pass?"

Cheng Mo didn't speak, but just took off the mask, raised his feet awkwardly, stepped over the back seat, and sat on it.

"Hold me tight, if you don't hold me tight, I'm not responsible for being thrown off," Shen Daoyi said.

Cheng Mo had no choice but to lie on Shen Daoyi's straight back, and put his arms around her soft waist.

The locomotive let out a depressing roar, rushed into the fine rain curtain, and sped towards Yanjiang Road

The river boat rides the wind and waves on the broad Xiangjiang River. There are continuous green lines on both sides of the river. The autumn rain is rustling. In Chengmo's vision, there are red and white taillight arcs, like fireflies in the galaxy.Drops of water falling from the sky continuously hit the passing car, blooming fleeting flowers, and landing in the Xiangjiang River flowing eastward, as if returning to the mother body.

The black heavy locomotive is like a black light in the misty rain, passing through the river like a stream arrow. When it reaches the Monkey Stone Bridge flying across the Xiangjiang River, Cheng Mo looks at the distant gray sky and the endless river, thick clouds Thousands of miles coincided with the winding foothills, and he was as light as a butterfly on the locomotive. At this moment, he felt that he was flying.

Shen Daoyi's car was driving so fast that Cheng Mo felt that the temperature of his whole body was rapidly evaporating in the icy air and raindrops. Only when he was close to Shen Daoyi's back could he feel a little warmth.

He could only hug Shen Daoyi tightly.

Like death embracing black and flying.

Cheng Mo also thought that Shen Daoyi would drive very fast, but he did not expect that it would be so fast. Generally speaking, it would take at least half an hour to get to Gaoqiao Market by car on the loop road. However, Shen Daoyi rode a motorcycle to carry It took him only 7 minutes to reach Takahashi Market.

Shen Daoyi parked his car on the sidewalk, and the entire street beside him was full of two-story bungalows, and all the shops had signs showing that they were dealing in stationery.

When Cheng Mo got off the Kawasaki Z1000, he still felt a little weak in his legs. This kind of fear was not because of fear of death, but because he gave his life to others. The sense of uncertainty that could not be controlled, if Cheng Mo rode by himself Motorcycles, even if he does not drive very well, he will not be afraid, but when riding in someone else's car, even if that person drives well, he still panics.

As soon as Shen Dao stopped the car, he took off his helmet, looked at the pale Cheng Mo with a half-smile, and said, "You are so courageous, you didn't tell me to drive slower."

In fact, Cheng Mo's hand around Shen Dao's waist has been pressing on the Ouroboros watch, ready to activate the carrier at any time, this is the important reason why Cheng Mo did not speak.

"If I tell you to drive slower, you will definitely drive faster." Cheng Mo also took off his helmet and said lightly, his whole body was soaked, much more wet than Shen Daoyi, Shen Daoyi Yi's leather jacket seemed to be waxed, it was smooth and visible, the rain dripped completely on it, and slid across the surface of the clothes, unlike Cheng Mo, the raindrops fell on him and were directly absorbed by the clothes. At this moment, he felt Water would come out when he took off his clothes, which made him regret not wearing a raincoat.

"You know me pretty well." Shen Daoyi smiled triumphantly as he hung his helmet on the dragon's head.

Cheng Mo shook his head, "It's very superficial understanding, I hope to go deeper into your heart."

Shen Daoyi squinted his eyes, bit his lips, and put on a seductive look, "Why do you want to know me? Do you like me? But we are so different in age."

"I don't know what to call you, but I feel like I have to be straight with you about something."

Shen Dao stretched out his hand and gently pressed Cheng Mo's lips, and said shyly, "Are you going to exchange secrets? Please wait. I'm not ready yet."

Cheng Mo pushed away Shen Daoyi's hand on his lips, "I'm not in a hurry, I'll wait for you to take the initiative to say it."

"Okay! Maybe when I'm happy, or when I'm drunk, I'm willing to tell you my secrets?" After finishing speaking, Shen Daoyi walked towards the stationery store next to him called "Biyige" .

Probably because of the heavy rain, there were no customers. When the two of them entered, it was very quiet inside. Only three women were sitting at the counter at the door playing with their mobile phones. A young woman about 20 years old stood up and said, "What do you two need?"

"Just take a look." Shen Daoyi did not directly say that he came to buy acrylic paint spray cans.

"Then take a look first, our store is full of high-end products, which must suit your needs!" The young woman looked at the sexy and beautiful Shen Daoyi and said, her eyes unconsciously revealed a kind of envy.

Shen Dao nodded, and pulled Cheng Mo to browse through the rows of shelves. The Biyi Pavilion has a large area, and it is considered a relatively high-end shop. Most of the painting materials are imported, and there are Japanese ones with pretty prices. There are Korean goods, as well as European and American goods that are extremely expensive, and almost all major brands of painting materials are available.

No matter the type, brand, specification or color number of the pigment, it is very complete.There are several brands, several grades, and enough colors in the column of colored chalk.

Shen Daoyi planted grass while walking, and explained various pigments to Cheng Mo, such as 300 yuan plus 12 or 300 yuan can buy Fagner, Pebeo artist grade, in addition to solid color can be Considering Wenyi’s 300 colors, it’s not worth [-] if you pair it with a Windsor purple... You can also buy its travel case... There’s a small box that’s pretty versatile, and it’s not worth [-]
As they talked, the two walked to the shelf of acrylic paint spray cans. The entire row was filled with graffiti spray paint. Shen Daoyi studied it and chose the highlight made in Spain without hesitation. This is the most expensive kind in it. That's right, the domestic ones only cost more than ten yuan a can, while this kind costs about 50 yuan a can.

She took a bottle in her hand, turned to the salesman standing aside and said, "I want a lot of beauty. Can it be cheaper?"

"How much do you want?"

"En." Shen Dao thought for a while and said, "Twenty boxes."

Hearing twenty boxes, the salesperson became enthusiastic, "Twenty boxes? I don't know if there are so many in the store. What color do you need? I'll help you find it."

"Sand yellow, arctic blue, ultramarine blue, light blue, violet, bright red, bright black, and blanc white." Shen Dao said ten colors in one breath.

The salesman took a pen to record it, then looked at Shen Daoyi and said, "If you want [-] boxes, I can tell the proprietress that I will give you a [-]% discount and there will be no more discounts. After all, this brand is imported. Goods, the price of our goods is not cheap, unlike domestic ones, if you buy domestic ones, I can give you more discounts."

Shen Dao said with a smile: "[-]% off is [-]% off!"

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll go to the warehouse to stock up for you now."

Shen Dao nodded, and the female saleswoman turned around and walked quickly towards the counter at the door. At this moment, Shen Dao quickly opened Cheng Mo's backpack, picked up various colors of graffiti spray paint on the shelf, and put it into the backpack throw.

Cheng Mo was startled by Shen Daoyi's crazy behavior, opened his eyes wide and said, "What are you doing?"

"Stealing things? Do you still need to ask?" Shen Daoyi looked at Cheng Mo's surprised look, his face was inexplicable, as if Cheng Mo was asking the question knowingly.

"It's not necessary, is it?" Cheng Mo said the first and the second.

"It's not necessary? Then you pay for it!" Shen Dao said rascally with his hands spread out.

Cheng Mo shook his head, "I will pay for it."

Shen Daoyi smiled "hehe" and closed the zipper of the backpack, "I don't care, you can't pay a penny for the spray paint in the backpack, take it out safely for me, as for the twenty boxes of spray paint, it's the price I negotiated." , you buy it at the original price, and I get the extra [-]% off, and I also get the money for the spray paint in the backpack."

Cheng was silent.

Shen Daoyi shook Cheng Mo's hand, "Do you agree or not?"

Cheng Mo nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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