Rebel Demon King

Chapter 457 The Bizarre Answer

Chapter 457 The Bizarre Answer

(Thanks to the leader of "Ticky Night" for the reward, I owe more than +2, thanks to "sp55aa" for ten thousand rewards, I am promoted to the leader and I owe more than +2, thank you for the ten thousand rewards of "Late Clouds and the Sky". The total owed is 7)

When Cheng Mo returned to the classroom, it had been more than ten minutes since the class. This was the first time in his life that he was late, and his mood was extremely complicated, but the complexity was not entirely due to being late.

He stood at the back door of the classroom, his sticky shirt clinging to his skin, and his drenched hair hung on his forehead, making him uncomfortable. Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment, then turned back to the window in the stairwell, Dragging the glass window, the fresh wind blows in, making him feel cold for a while.Cheng Mo supported the window lattice with both hands, and looked at the road from the teachers' dormitory. He guessed that Teacher Shen would come to the teaching building soon, but no matter how much he waited, he found nothing.

The sky is blue, the soft clouds are blown to and fro by the wind, the branches and leaves of the bamboo forest not far away are swaying in the breeze, the voice of a class reading English pierces the eardrums, Cheng Mo’s strange mood is in the ordinary and ordinary scene It looked extraordinarily abrupt, like a blade shining in the dark.

Cheng Mo knows where this feeling comes from. The irrational emotions and desires are the mice in his cage. He is holding a rational knife and preparing to dissect it carefully, just waiting for the moment when Teacher Shen comes.He looked at the path in the bamboo forest motionless, as if observing his heart through a microscope, but no one came to that empty path for a long time.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Cheng Mo didn't wait any longer, turned around and walked down the stairs, and went straight to class one (9) of high school, when he reached the back door.Tang Wenjun, who just walked out of the classroom and was about to go to the canteen to buy drinks, greeted Cheng Mo enthusiastically, "Brother Mo, why haven't you found anything yet?"

In the morning, when Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo came to Class 9 ([-]) of Senior High School, the two of them came to look for things as an excuse.

Cheng Mo nodded.

Tang Wenjun said enthusiastically, "What is it? Can you tell me? I can also help you find it."

"A sticky note that records important content." Cheng Mo said nonsense.

"Is it over there at the podium?"


"Let me find it for you." Tang Wenjun offered to say.

Cheng Mo didn't refuse, and it was a bit abrupt to ask him to rush to the lower grade classroom alone, so he followed Tang Wenjun into the classroom of Class 9, Senior One. Playing on the phone, no one pays attention to him.

At this time, the phone vibrated twice, Cheng Mo guessed it was Fu Yuanzhuo, took out the phone and looked, sure enough, he replied "I'll be in the classroom right away", put the phone back in his pocket, looked up at the red letter above the blackboard and the roof .

Just as he expected, the plastic "good at learning and learning, happy to read and think" is extraordinarily bright, shining crystal in the sun. He looked at the roof again, but he couldn't see anything unusual. Cheng Mo stretched out his hand to touch it. Touching the invisible chalk in his pocket, he said directly to Tang Wenjun, "I'll look for it next to the podium, and you can help me find it here."

"Okay! Brother Mo, is it just a note?"

"Yes, a piece of white square paper." Even if he tells a random lie, Cheng Mo will pay attention to details.

"it is good."

Tang Wenjun bowed his head and bent over to search in the podium, while Cheng Mo went straight to the cabinet-type Gree air conditioner in the corner of the classroom. The style was very old and rectangular. The air outlet faced the classroom obliquely. The area is not large, and the white plastic shell is slightly yellowed.

Cheng Mo walked to the side of the air conditioner, squatted down and looked at the terrazzo floor behind the air conditioner. As he had guessed, there were light wear marks on the gray and white floor. He turned his head and looked at the blackboard. The outside shines directly on the left side of the blackboard, creating a halo of light. If you don't close the curtains, you can't see the writing on the blackboard clearly.

Cheng Mo had probably deduced how the other party completed the secret room. He stood up, went back to the podium, pretended to search with Tang Wenjun for a while, and when the class time was approaching, he looked at his watch and patted Tang Wenjun. over his shoulder and said: "Forget it Tang Wenjun, don't look for it anymore"

Tang Wenjun straightened up, "Why don't I start the class later, and my classmates will help you look around in the classroom."

Cheng Mo shook his head, "No need, it's not a big deal if you can't find it, it's just some data from our class, just count it again."

Tang Wenjun let out an "oh" and said, "I'm sorry! Brother Mo, I can't help you much."

"I should say I'm sorry, and treat you to dinner another day."

Tang Wenjun smiled, "Please don't, Brother Mo, it's too polite to invite you to dinner for such a trivial matter."

"Sure." Cheng Mo waved his hand, said no more, and walked out of the classroom. As long as he verified one thing, he could decipher how the "Painting of the Secret Chamber" appeared instantly.

But at this moment, what he was thinking in his mind was not this matter, but another matter. In fact, it was not the key to deciphering the secret of the completion of the "Painting of the Chamber of Secrets", the key was how to find the painter.

And to find this person, one must understand what is the motivation and purpose of such an exquisite and ingenious "joke" designed by the other party?
If it was just to tease Teacher Shen, it would be too boring.

If the other party is secretly in love with Teacher Shen, then what do those paintings mean?
If the other party is a student, who else in this school can have such a deep understanding of art, such superb drawing skills, and is also keen on mystery novels?

The more Cheng Mo thought about it, the more strange he became, and the more he thought about it, the more incredible he felt. He took out his mobile phone, found Shen Mengjie's WeChat, and sent a message, "Shen Mengjie, does Teacher Shen still have a sister?"

Cheng Mo didn't put the phone back in his pocket, but walked up with the phone. When he got to the second floor, he received a reply from Shen Mengjie, "Yes. But how did you know about this?"

This answer surprised Cheng Mo, it was completely different from what he had guessed, he stood blankly at the exit of the stairwell, looked at the phone and frowned, then typed and asked: "Then where is Mrs. Shen's sister now?"


When Cheng Mo returned to the classroom, he felt his head was as big as a bucket. He never asked Shen Mengjie about Shen Daoyi. He just thought it was very interesting. It's like looking through the answers without solving the problem, so Cheng Mo didn't do that.

But after Shen Daoyi might be involved in the "Painting of the Secret Chamber", he had to ask Shen Mengjie about Shen Daoyi's situation, so he got an answer that was in line with his imagination, but still very bizarre.

When Cheng Mo walked into the classroom and sat back to his seat, the class bell just rang. He didn't care that the math teacher was in class, so he took out his mobile phone and looked through the ten paintings again.

Yan Yitong, who was sitting in the front, leaned his back on Cheng Mo's desk, handed over an open book with his backhand, and placed it on Cheng Mo's desk.

Cheng Mo put down his phone, and there was Yan Yitong's round and lovely handwriting on the notebook: "Cheng Mo, is your body okay? Why did it take you so long to check?" Behind it was a stick figure of a little girl with an afro head kneeling on the ground, the little girl The corners of his mouth drooped, and there were still tears dripping from his big eyes, obviously a worried expression.

Cheng Mo saw Yan Yitong's cute cartoon, smiled slightly, picked up a pen and wrote: "It's okay, I'm in good health." After finishing writing, he rolled up the soft leather notebook with the pink cartoon cover, and stabbed it He stabbed Yan Yitong in the back, and then handed it to Yan Yitong's reverse hand.

Yan Yitong took the notebook, leaned over and began to write again, and after a while, she put the notebook on Cheng Mo's desk.

Cheng Mo opened it, and under the answer he wrote, Yan Yitong drew another cheering and afro-headed villain. The cartoon villain raised his hands and jumped up. There were many lines representing light drawn all over his body, and there was a dialogue next to it. Bubbles with the words "So Happy! Let's celebrate with spicy root sticks!"

Cheng Mo had never paid attention to others in class, but he also wanted to take the opportunity to let go of his chaotic thoughts, so he deserted during class time, returned a classic little yellow face and smiling expression, and stuffed it again Yan Yitong.

Yan Yitong quickly put the notebook back again, on it was a little man with an afro holding a knife, fork and hammer, beating another little man with glasses furiously, "Wrong answer, negative points, please accept the answer from Yan Xiaoniu's critical attack, and answered the correct answer: How can eating spicy strips be enough? I want to treat you to a big meal."

Cheng Mo wrote: "Then I'll treat you to a pack of spicy strips, this feast is big enough!"

The two people wrote a boring conversation in the notebook, until the math teacher found Yan Yitong looking at the notebook on the table in class, smiling like a nympho, so he put his hands on the podium, looked at Yan Yitong and said: "Yan Yitong, you Stand up and tell me how to do this problem."

The mathematics teacher turned around and wrote on the blackboard: "If the non-zero function f(x) has f(x)f(y)=f(xy) for any real number x and y, and when x0 is f(x)1, For a-1, 1 always exists, find the value range of the real number x."

Yan Yitong bit her lip and stood up in embarrassment. She hadn't recovered from the great joy of passing notes between Cheng Mo and her in class. The math problems on the blackboard were all symbols that she couldn't understand.

When Yan Yitong didn't know what to do, Cheng Mo whispered the answer behind her: "f(0)f(x)=f(x),
That is, f(x)f(0)-1=0"

Cheng Mo's voice was very slow, leaving enough blank time for Yan Yitong to repeat, Yan Yitong didn't need to think at all, and began to answer following Cheng Mo's voice.

The sun was shining on Yan Yitong's back, making her feel warm
(End of this chapter)

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