Rebel Demon King

Chapter 455 The Answer to Disappearance

Chapter 455 The Answer to Disappearance

(Thanks to book friends "Book Friends 150528232634866" and "Xiaojie, Lan" for their rewards)

Cheng Mo and Shen Youyi didn't talk about the novel when they were having dinner, they kept discussing the ten chalk drawings that had been ignored. Shen Youyi was slightly shocked by Cheng Mo's art appreciation level, but remembered that Cheng Mo's father was a A member of the Academy of Sciences, a master of anthropology, felt nothing to be surprised about.

As for Shen Youyi, she graduated from Beijing Normal University majoring in Chinese Language and Literature. The Chinese Language and Literature major of Beijing Normal University is comparable to that of Peking University, so there is no need to say much about her level.For majors of Chinese language and literature, classic analysis of Chinese and foreign classics and modern art is a compulsory course, appreciation of Chinese calligraphy, painting and ceramic art is also a compulsory course, and appreciation of Western art is an optional course.

So it was a matter of course that she knew these things.

Generally speaking, when two people talk about art, they talk about anime with anime fans, and games with game fans. Many people don't quite understand the meaning of art, but this is definitely not Cheng Mo and Shen Youyi.

In fact, whether it is novels, video games, pop music or film and television works, these things used to please human beings are all art.Not just oil paintings, classical music, or literary works that can win the Nobel Prize for Literature.

Thousands of years ago, oil paintings, classical music, and literary works were roughly equivalent to today's movies, pop music, and online novels.

Not only are they equal in status, but their functions are actually the same, allowing people to get rid of the shackles when appreciating these works of art, so as to gain real freedom.

Einstein once said: All religions, arts and sciences are branches and leaves growing on the same tree.Mankind's pursuit of these three aspects is to elevate life from the purely material world and achieve freedom.

However, those who had access to art in the past were people from the upper class, so art was endowed with more philosophical thoughts, discussions and reflections on human beings, fate, love, and war.
Most people in the upper class were not bound by material things, so what they pursued was to get rid of the compulsion of nature and reason, so the works of art at that time were extraordinarily deep.

In the new era, knowledge exploded and literacy began to spread, so art also penetrated into the ordinary people, but what ordinary people pursue is to get rid of the compulsion of reality, so the mainstream art of this era is entertainment, and these works straightforwardly satisfy The desire of most ordinary people is like no matter what work has a plot to win and marry Bai Fumei. Pan-entertainment art is to give ordinary people comfort, let them get rid of the heavy gravity of reality, and let them be in it. get free.

Of course, it does not mean that in the current era, there are no works of art that guide people to understand nature, society, history, and life more deeply, but these things are still things that can only be studied deeply by the upper class. For most ordinary people, it is difficult to be interested in these art forms with a relatively high threshold of understanding without the influence of hearing and seeing.

Only true aristocrats like Xie Minyun, who have been deliberately cultivated since childhood, can have a deep understanding of art.

In fact, before Cheng Mo went to Europe in the summer vacation, his understanding of "classical" art was only superficial. The knowledge in his mind was just piled up boring words. Think and feel.

But after going to Europe, he observed so many famous works and historic sites, and discussed and learned a lot with Xie Minyun and Li Jiting. After enriching the details, he could refine his own views on the works of art of the predecessors, rather than using them mechanically. The words of predecessors to discuss art.

If it weren't for this, Cheng Mo wouldn't be able to talk about art with Shen Youyi right now.

The two chatted happily, and in a blink of an eye, a Chinese time passed easily, and they didn't even have time to discuss the novel.

Shen Youyi saw that it was not long before class, so he got up and began to pack the things on the table, and asked Cheng Mo to go to the classroom first.

Cheng Mo answered and was about to leave. When he walked to the door, Shen Youyi called him suddenly. Cheng Mo turned his head and saw Shen Youyi waving at him, signaling him to come over, so Cheng Mo walked back and asked, "Mr. Shen, what's the matter?" ?"

Shen Youyi wiped his hands with a wet towel, and said to Cheng Mo, "Take off your pants."

Cheng Mo didn't expect Shen Youyi to say such a word suddenly, and responded in disbelief: "Ah?"

Shen Youyi smiled, looked at Cheng Mo's trousers and said, "Your school trousers are too long, take them off and I'll change them for you. I have needlework here."

Cheng Mo knew it without looking, because the heels of his shoes often stepped on the bottom of his trousers. He also tried to roll up his trousers, but the school uniform trousers were looser style trousers. The steps will stretch out again.Cheng Mo didn't care much about his image, so he let his heels rub the bottom of his school uniform.

He lowered his head and glanced at the stained and frayed trousers, "Sister Xi, it's okay, I'm too lazy to bother."

Shen Youyi took out a plastic sewing box from the drawer, pulled Cheng Mo to his side involuntarily, and said softly, "Stand still."

After she finished speaking, she took out a white triangular object from the transparent sewing box, stretched out her hand to hang the fallen hair behind her ear, then squatted down, stretched out her hand to hang the hair behind her ear, and then straightened it. Mo’s trousers, rolled up Cheng Mo’s school trousers to a suitable length, compared them, and then drew a white line on Cheng Mo’s trousers with a white object like a pick.

Cheng Mo didn't speak, and quietly looked at Teacher Shen's quiet and charming face like autumn leaves, the corners of her eyes and brows were smudged with a touch of tenderness, and the corners of her lips and cheeks had a warm expression like a small town.

Cheng Mo's heart trembled slightly, he felt like he was hiding in a warm bed in the cold winter, the soft temperature surrounded him, and made him feel a feeling called "happiness".

At this moment, Cheng Mo remembered what Li Jiting said to him: "You have to remember those people who gave you umbrellas in the heavy rain, those who silently hugged you when you were sad, and were willing to make you laugh and chat with you all night long." People who come to see you from thousands of miles away, guard you in the hospital, and take you to see the colorful scenery. It is these people who make up the warmth of your life bit by bit, and it is these warmth that keep you away from the haze , it is these warmths that make you a kind person"

Originally, Cheng Mo didn't think kindness was very good. As an exquisite egoist, the word "kindness" was synonymous with weakness, but at this moment, Cheng Mo felt that he should be kinder, because he didn't want those people who were kind to him to be kind. Disappointed.

After drawing lines on the left and right trouser legs, Shen Youyi pushed Cheng Mo to sit on the window, then turned around and joked: "Sister Xi, don't peek, quickly take off your pants!"

If it were another person, Shen Youyi would never say such a thing anyway, but in his eyes Cheng Mo is not only a confidant who understands her, but also a sensible younger brother, so it doesn't matter to make a little joke.

Cheng Mo said "Oh" and asked, "Sister Xi, can I use your blanket?"

While clearing the table, Shen Youyi said: "Of course, if you want to take a nap in the future, you can come to my dormitory for a nap! Teacher Tan will go home to cook for her children, so she won't come to the dormitory."

"I usually just rely on it in the classroom, and I don't have the habit of taking a nap. Taking a nap in the afternoon will reduce the efficiency of studying in the afternoon."

"Do naps make you less productive?"

"This varies from person to person!"

Cheng Mo unbuttoned his belt and began to take off his trousers. There were rustling sounds in the room. Teacher Shen's bed was covered with pure white sheets, which were very soft. There was still a light fragrance floating in the mosquito net, which smelled very good. Cheng Mo carefully moved the When the trousers were pulled down to the ankles, he was afraid of losing the white lines drawn by Shen Youyi, but unexpectedly, the two white lines were very firm.

Cheng Mo covered himself with the blanket, held his trousers, and handed the trousers out of the mosquito net, "Sister Xi, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Seeing Cheng Mo's cautious look, Shen Youyi couldn't help but tap Cheng Mo's forehead, "You don't need to be so polite, you have to be so polite, Sister Xi doesn't want to be your personal chef."

Cheng Mo felt that the corners of his eyes were a little dry, and he didn't dare to look at Shen Youyi, so he just nodded.

Shen Youyi took the trousers from Cheng Mo's hands, spread them out on the cleaned table, picked up the triangular object that was used just now, drew two circles on the trousers with a ruler, and then turned the trousers over. Facing outward, use scissors to cut off the excess trouser legs according to the white line below. After cutting, turn the trouser legs to the remaining white line, and use a needle and thread to lock the edge.

It can be seen that Shen Youyi's needlework is very good, his movements are quick, and the stitches are neat and tight, but the trousers have not been ironed and are slightly bulging, and the thick white thread is still obvious at the trousers.

Shen Youyi turned the trousers back after hemming, picked up the iron that had been heated up long ago, and pressed it back and forth several times, the trousers became extremely ironed, and the white line disappeared without a trace
Looking at this scene, Cheng Mo felt a little strange, he pushed his glasses, hesitated and asked, "Sister Xi, what is that triangular thing?"

Shen Youyi was ironing the other trouser leg, and without turning his head to look at Cheng Mo, he casually said: "This is invisible chalk, it will disappear when it is heated."

"Will it disappear when it is heated? What is the invisible powder made of?" Cheng Mo frowned and asked.

"I don't know, maybe it's wax?" Shen Youyi replied in an uncertain tone.

"Wax?" Cheng Mo immediately recalled the process of cleaning the blackboard on Monday. He forgot that he was only wearing shorts, threw off the blanket, jumped up from the bed, stepped on his shoes and ran to the front of the table and said, "That...invisible chalk let me see"

(End of this chapter)

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