Rebel Demon King

Chapter 451 The Unbelievable Painting of the Chamber of Secrets (2)

Chapter 451 The Unbelievable Painting of the Chamber of Secrets (2)

(Thanks to "sp55aa" for the rewards)

When a group of people left from the General Affairs Building, the night had already enveloped the entire campus. White ball street lamps were mixed in the shadowy trees to guide the way. When you looked up a little, you could see the light sky above the treetops and a crescent moon. A bright and penetrating star is dotted not far from the crescent moon.

Teacher Shen sincerely invited Director Wu to dinner, but Director Wu refused. He joked that the yellow-faced woman was still waiting for him at home. If she went to dinner with a beautiful woman like Teacher Shen, she would kneel on the washboard when she returned home.

After speaking, Director Wu couldn't refuse to say goodbye to Mr. Shen, walked straight to the parking lot behind the general affairs building, and got into his black Accord.

The four of them continued to walk along the tree-lined road until they reached the fountain not far from the school gate. Shen Youyi stopped. Her car was parked in the parking lot next to the teaching building, so she had to go to the right. As for Cheng Mo and the others had to go left if they wanted to leave the school.

Just now Shen Youyi also called Cheng Mo, Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong to have dinner together, but everyone felt that it was a bit late, so Shen Youyi didn't force it, and it was time to part ways.

"I'll go to the parking lot to get the car, you guys go back quickly! Don't linger outside!" Shen Youyi turned and said to Cheng Mo and the others.

Shen Youyi's voice was not very loud, trembling imperceptibly in the cool night wind, Cheng Mo noticed that Teacher Shen's expression was a little unnatural when he looked at the winding passage as deep as ink.

But this abnormality can only be noticed by people like Cheng Mo who are used to observing others. Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong didn't feel it at all. The two nodded to Shen Youyi and said "OK", then waved and said: "Goodbye, Teacher Shen!"

Cheng Mo also said "Goodbye, Teacher Shen" and followed Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong to the school gate with slow steps. When the light footsteps of Teacher Shen were about to disappear, he turned to look at Teacher Shen's back, It has disappeared at the end of the field of vision.

Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment, stopped and said to Yuan Zhuo and Yan Yitong, "You guys go back first!"

Both Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong looked at Cheng Mo in surprise, Fu Yuanzhuo asked, "What's wrong? What are you going to do?"

"I have something I want to ask Teacher Shen," Cheng Mo said.

Yan Yitong turned around and was about to walk towards the teaching building, "Then let's go together!"

Cheng Mo quickly grabbed Yan Yitong's arm, "You don't want to go, there are too many people, I'm afraid it's inconvenient for Mr. Shen to talk."

Fu Yuanzhuo immediately figured out the reason, and suddenly realized: "Oh! That's right, you want to ask Mr. Shen if he has a bad relationship with those teachers in private, right? These questions are indeed difficult to answer when there are many people."

"Hurry up, both of you! See you tomorrow." Cheng Mo turned around and walked towards the teaching building. He didn't say yes or no, but it gave the impression that he was acquiescing.

Yan Yitong pouted, and a little louder shouted: "Cheng Mo, see you tomorrow, remember to send a message if you have anything to do."

Cheng Mo didn't look back, but just raised his hand and shook it in the air.

Yan Yitong looked at Cheng Mo's back and asked Fu Yuanzhuo worriedly: "Cheng Mo and Teacher Shen won't really meet that weird guy who draws chalk?"

Fu Yuanzhuo hesitated for a moment and said, "Is this unlikely?"

"What if? Should we follow up secretly to protect Teacher Shen and Cheng Mo?"

"It would be too embarrassing if found out?" Fu Yuanzhuo said with a bitter face.

"What's embarrassing?" Yan Yitong asked puzzled.

Fu Yuanzhuo didn't know what to say, "It feels like I'm catching a rape?"

Such words are really disrespectful to Mr. Shen and Cheng Mo, so he can only sigh and say, "As you wish, as you wish."


Shen Youyi walked alone on the concrete road with the shadows of the trees. Not far away, there was no light in the teaching building covered with white tiles. It was dead silent like a murder scene that often appeared in mystery novels. Thinking of the videos I watched just now and Director Wu's words , Shen Youyi shivered in the cold wind, couldn't help reaching into the small satchel on his waist, and touched the electric shock device.

The sycamore tree beside him shook for a while, making a rustling sound. Shen Youyi, who was a little frightened, quickly turned his head to look at the sycamore tree next to him. There was no one near the pale street lamp, but it was pitch black in the depths, and he couldn't see anything. Not sure.

Shen Youyi felt hairy in her heart, as if something was lurking in it, watching her secretly with a pair of empty eyes, she turned her head and walked towards the teaching building at a faster pace, in order to comfort herself, she whispered to herself: "Remember This feeling. It will come in handy the next time I write one of these spooky scenes.”

When he walked through the ramp next to the football field and arrived at the teaching building, Shen Youyi couldn't help looking in the direction of the classroom, and subconsciously looked directly at the location of Class 9 ([-]) in the long corridor. There was a glimmer of light, and even the outline of the glass window could not be seen clearly. Ten chalk drawings from last school year appeared in this classroom.

Shen Youyi subconsciously looked up at Class 9 ([-]) on the second floor. The white tiles glowed dimly under the moonlight. She was wondering what the chalk drawing that Cheng Mo wiped away was about.
Shen Youyi looked up at the teaching building in the darkness from bottom to top, and felt that it was completely different from the daytime. It was devoid of vigor, like a nest of animals with a bright appearance but rotting inside, a huge brood that devoured youth and innocence.

At this moment, Shen Youyi inexplicably felt a little sad. This sadness covered up her fear, so much so that she even ignored that she had stopped, and stood in front of the teaching building that she thought was a little scary for a moment.
"Teacher Shen, what did you see?" A faint voice suddenly floated out of the silence like the deep sea.

Shen Youyi seemed to be taken aback, she quickly took out the electric shock device from her bag, held it in both hands, turned around immediately, held the electric shock device and pointed at the place where the sound came from, "Who?"

Standing at the top of the ramp, Cheng Mo silently looked at Shen Youyi who was surrounded by a street lamp. The white light bulb elongated her shadow, "It's me, Cheng Mo."

Before Cheng Mo's words fell, Shen Youyi's defensive posture relaxed, she put the electric shock device back into her satchel, gave a sigh of relief, and smiled a little shyly, "I'm sorry, I just listened to Director Wu's words. A little too nervous." After a pause, Shen Youyi asked with some doubts: "By the way, didn't you go back with Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong? Why are you here again?"

"Oh! Because I have a few questions I want to ask Mr. Shen, so I deliberately chased after him." Cheng Mo said calmly.

"Is it about the mysterious chalk drawing?"


"Actually, what I know, I don't want to talk about it while walking." At this time, Shen Youyi's tone of voice became lighter, without the nervousness at the beginning.

Cheng Mo walked up, and walked side by side with Shen Youyi along the main road outside the teaching building to the side building, the parking lot is next to the side building.

"Student Cheng Mo, what do you want to ask? Teacher Shen must know everything!"

"Mr. Shen, you also like to read mystery novels, haven't you studied this strange incident?"

"Of course I have studied it. For a month, I dragged the high school doctor to stay with me in the school, trying to catch that boring person, but it was a bit embarrassing! I said confidently that I would solve the case, but I didn't even have a clue. not found"

"Have you found any clues?"

"Actually, this incident also hurt my confidence in writing mystery novels. I knew that the other party must have used some kind of blindfold to create an 'impossible secret room', but I just couldn't crack it. Maybe I'm really not suitable for writing this novel. Mystery novels!" Shen Youyi said in a low tone.

"Don't be discouraged! Sister Xi, the so-called secret room, but there are only those types, such as the vexatious type in Edgar Allan Poe's "Maori Street Murder"; like the bag-dropping type in "The Dead End of the High Level" by Seiichi Morimura; Such as the spatial geometry type in Kindaichi's "Lucia Doll Murder Case"; like the psychological effect type in Agatha's "Evil in the Sun"; The reverse thinking type and the special skill type in "The Hidden House Murder Case"

"We ruled out several impossibilities based on geographical factors, leaving only the psychological effect type and the special skill type"

While Cheng Mo was talking, Shen Youyi heard something sneaky not far away, she listened with a vigilant expression, then quickly pulled Cheng Mo behind the plane tree on the side of the cement road, and whispered: " There seems to be someone behind."

(End of this chapter)

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