Rebel Demon King

Chapter 448 Cheng Xiaomo's Juvenile Incident (4)

Chapter 448 Cheng Xiaomo's Juvenile Incident (4)

(Thanks to "No Tooth Decay" for the two million rewards, and thanks to "Book Friends 171106084012012" for the [-] starting point reward, and the one owed before, and the three more owed)

The middle-aged man turned his head and stared closely at Cheng Mo's eyes. His eyes were piercing and sharp, and his right eye was slightly wider than the left eye. This quiet atmosphere made the air seem to freeze After a while, the middle-aged man saw that Cheng Mo didn't avoid his eyes at all. It didn't seem like he was lying. He really didn't know him before. He said with some surprise: "You even know my name? Not just my surname?"

Cheng Mo nodded, "If my guess is correct, your name should be Wu Ding (ke)."

Hearing Cheng Mo say the other party's name with certainty, Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong looked at Cheng Mo with incredulous faces. The two of them couldn't imagine how Cheng Mo knew the other party's name.

The middle-aged man was also very surprised, he was stunned for a moment, then seemed to think of something, looked at Cheng Mo with a slight smile, shook his head and said: "I was almost bluffed by you, you must have read the information board at the entrance of the corridor! It has my photo, name and title on it"

Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong suddenly realized, and also thought that Cheng Mo must have obtained the other party's information through the contents of the bulletin board, otherwise it would be really unreasonable!No matter how powerful Cheng Mo is, it is impossible to guess the name of the other party without knowing the other party.

If he could guess it, then Cheng Mo is really not a human being, but a god!
After a pause, the middle-aged man said seriously: "Don't waste your time here, you three little brats. Investigating Mr. Shen's case is a matter for our security department. I also promised you Mr. Shen that I will help her catch her." Criminals, hurry home after school, don't worry your parents."

After speaking, the middle-aged man named Wu Ding by Cheng Mo walked around the corner, held on to the handrail of the stairs and continued to walk downstairs, there was a sound of thud-dong footsteps in the corridor, and the middle-aged man's gray round cut gradually disappeared in Cheng Mo's eyes. In the field of vision of the three of Mo Mo.

Cheng Mo sneered "hehe", and then said flatly: "No wonder the perpetrators can't be caught, it's only strange that they can be caught at this level!"

After Cheng Mo's sarcasm sounded, the footsteps in the corridor stopped for a moment, then Wu Bing walked back to the corner of the stairs, looked up at the three of Cheng Mo, frowned and scowled, "You three The second is to explain (how)? Your Teacher Shen taught you (this way)? If you don’t want to leave, I will inform you Teacher Shen to take you away now. Return the cadres of the student union, and now the student union Choose some cadres."

Fu Yuanzhuo didn't expect Cheng Mo to say such unpleasant words, so he secretly teased Cheng Mo, "I'm sorry, Director Wu, my classmate spoke a little too aggressively, let's go now!"

Seeing that Wu Bing ignored them, and turned back and went downstairs again, Fu Yuanzhuo tilted his head and whispered to Cheng Mo: "Forget it, Cheng Mo, let's go first, and think of other ways!"

Cheng Mo said lightly: "Then let's go."

Yan Yitong asked cautiously: "Cheng Mo, did you know Director Wu's name from the bulletin board?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "I can't say that completely. There are names and positions on the bulletin board, but there are no photos. All the photos have been torn down and the names of 37 people are posted on the information disclosure board, and three of them are named Wu. , one is Wu Ping, one is Wu Tianyang, and the other is Wu Ke (KE). Ke (ke) is the word for stone plus a delicious word. To be precise, Director Wu should be called Wu Ke (luo), but I think most people will call him Wu Bing (ke), and he himself should have acquiesced that everyone calls him Wu Bing, after all, few people know that the word 'ke' is also pronounced as luo."

Fu Yuanzhuo looked back at Cheng Mo in shock, "There is no photo. How do you know he belongs to Director Wu?"

At this time, the three of them had already reached the corner of the stairs one by one. Cheng Mo glanced at the corridor on the first floor, and listened carefully to the voice, "We'll talk about it when we go downstairs."

Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo looked puzzled and puzzled. They really couldn't figure out how Cheng Mo could accurately judge that the other party belonged to Director Wu through such a little clue. What difference did Cheng Mo emphasize when reading ke and luo? ? .

Cheng Mo knew what Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong were thinking, and said in a flat tone: "You should pay attention to the details, and make inferences through the details, just like doing a problem. The more conditions, the easier it is to deduce the answer. When you are used to observing the details , Summarize these details into conditions, and the identity of this person will naturally emerge. You have not used your wisdom to observe, so you are confused."

Yan Yitong's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "It's like you could guess from my clothes that my favorite type of music is vaporwave, right?"

Cheng Mo nodded.

Fu Yuanzhuo recalled with a tangled face, thought for a long time and said: "But I really didn't find anything special about Director Wu?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "I asked you to look for the details, not to ask you to focus only on the differences between him and others. It is also important to see the commonalities. Later you will know how I figured out that he is Director Wu."

At this time, the three of them had already walked to the corridor on the first floor. When they turned around, they could see Wu Yong standing at the end of the corridor, looking at the information board with only name and position, but no photo.

It was only at this time that Wu Bin thought of National Day. Because leaders came to inspect, all departments of the school had to make National Day promotional posters to create a National Day atmosphere. Because there was no bulletin board in their General Affairs Office, they could only use the information board as a bulletin board. To avoid damaging the photos, I took down all the photos in the information column first, and then posted the posters. Now that the National Day holiday is over for almost a week, it is natural to take down the posters
So the student with glasses didn't know his name and position through the information disclosure column at all.

Wu Bing stood in front of the information board and turned around, quietly facing Cheng Mo and the three who were walking towards each other. When the three approached, he looked at Cheng Mo and said, "Tell me about it." , how did you know that I was Wu Jie (ke)?"

Cheng Mo glanced at Wu Bing, who was about the same height as him, and said blankly: "Not only do I know your name is Wu Bing (ke), but I also know that you have been a soldier and participated in the round of war against Vietnam. disabled soldiers, and you are the brother of principal Wu Lei."

Wu Yan looked at Cheng Mo and sneered, "Then you still say you don't know me?"

Cheng Mo also sneered, "I need to know you to deduce this information? Your right hand has calluses at the junction of the hypothenar and wrist, the heel of the finger, and the first joint of the finger. The index finger is naturally a little distance from the thumb, and the shoulder is high and low. It’s because you’ve been shooting for a long time. In addition, your standing posture is very straight, which looks like a standard military posture, and your voice is loud, like shouting slogans. It says 'I have been a soldier'!"

Wu Ping lowered his head and looked at his right hand. Sure enough, it was exactly what the kid in front of him said, so his expression changed from contempt to surprise, "Then how do you know that my brother is Principal Wu? Not only did I participate in the war against Vietnam Or a disabled soldier?"

"Principal Wu's full name is Wu Lei, and he is from Xiangtan. You have a Xiangtan accent, and you have the name Wu Ke (ke) in the information column. To be precise, Director Wu, your name should be Wu Ke (luo),' The word Lei Ping (luo) is extraordinary' is a metaphor for people with unique talents." After a pause, Cheng Mo looked Wu Ping up and down, and said lightly: "Your whole body is cheap, but the belt is a luxury, and the belt should be Did Principal Wu send you off?"

Wu Jing didn't expect that the young man in front of him could tell the origin of his name, even guessed that the belt was given by his brother, he opened his mouth slightly, his face was full of disbelief, he looked at Cheng Mo and said hesitantly: "Then Then... how did you know that I participated in the round of war against Vietnam? I was also a disabled soldier?"

"The vast majority of people who are healthy will not keep walking on the railing of the stairs. Only those who are used to it will always go down the stairs because of long-term inconvenient legs and feet. As a soldier, he can serve as the director of the security department in our school after retiring from the army. It’s not just that you are Principal Wu’s younger brother, that is to say, you have sufficient reasons, and the disabled soldiers are one of the most favorable reasons. You are about 50 years old, and you use guns as often as you do And because of the battle injuries, the only battles you can participate in are the Vietnam War in 84-90. I guess you participated in the battle fought by the Fourth and Seventh Army in 86-87."

Cheng Mo was able to guess so accurately because he had talked with Principal Wu and visited Principal Wu's office. Through the conversation with Principal Wu, as well as the layout and layout of the office, he probably knew what kind of person Principal Wu was. He accurately grasped what kind of person Wu Ping was.

Naturally, Wu Bing didn't know that Cheng Mo linked him, his expression had changed several times, from disbelief to surprise to shock to speechless, he didn't expect the student in front of him to have such terrible observation skills, he didn't know what to say when he looked at Cheng Mo it is good.

Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo felt that they were watching the plot of a movie. Someone met a god-level fortune-teller who was straight-talking on the road, and Cheng Mo, who was holding a half-immortal flag, took out a tortoise shell and copper coins, and did the math for Director Wu. With one hexagram, one can know the other party's past and present lives.
The two silently called out in their hearts: Cheng Mo, it's a blockbuster!Cheng Mo, the fortress!

The four of them stood in the corridor in the sunset, no one spoke, Cheng Mo was waiting, while Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong were reminiscing about Cheng Mo's wonderful performance just now, and Wu Bing was considering whether to believe in the present. This student can find the mysterious perpetrator who can't even be photographed by surveillance cameras and who comes and goes without a trace like a ghost.

After a moment of silence, Wu Yong said, "What's your name?"

"Cheng Mo."

Wu Bing took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, "I'll tell you, Teacher Shen, about this matter. As long as she agrees, I can show you the information collected by the security department."

(End of this chapter)

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