Rebel Demon King

Chapter 440 Goldfish

Chapter 440 Goldfish
Cheng Mo stood at the back of the classroom, quietly staring at the painting amidst the laughter and noise of the students.

He could clearly hear the discussion of the students, and most people thought it was an improvement, at least this painting did not directly allude to Teacher Shen as before.

In the eyes of the vast majority of students, the focus of this painting may only be the twisted body of the half-fruited woman like a snake, her exposed plumpness and fat buttocks, but in Cheng Mo's eyes, the focus of this painting is , is this half of the fish composed of scales of different colors, a little rotten, exposing the fish bones, its flowing curves and the bright fruit body form a huge impact in contrast.

The painter's painting skills are quite high. He cleverly uses different curve changes and color blocks to form a pattern-like picture. There is realism in the decoration, and figuration in the abstract. The style of painting is very similar to the great symbolist painter - Gus Taft Klimt.

Gustav Klimt's paintings have the style of Ukiyo-e, focusing on composition, emphasizing geometry and curves, like a large-scale modification of sketches.

And this famous master whose paintings sold for [-] million yuan is most keen on expressing his own destruction through the use of women and love, which is the theme he has always expressed in his works.He painted the world of women, emphasized women's status, belittled or even denied the value of men's existence.He paints desire, the matrix, and salvation, but all of these are further denying the value of one's own existence and talking about one's own destruction.

Every expression of love implies horror and destruction at the same time.

The huge chalk drawing that takes up the entire blackboard in front of me conveys the same emotion.

Obviously, the other half of a woman is "fish", not other animals. The painter has a deep meaning. "Fish" means "desire", which refers to desire. In ancient China, fish means beauty and wealth. This is very intuitive. Chinese people often write "you have more than every year" as "you have fish every year".

In addition, fish also symbolizes the love of husband and wife, love and happiness, because fish has the meaning of blessing for reproduction and prosperity in Chinese language, and the word "the joy of fish and water" is the classical expression of "papapa".

Speaking of this point, the ancients are still elegant, using literary and beautiful words, such as "going to Wushan together", "spring breeze once", "bed and pillow mat", how can it be like the current Internet vocabulary, such as "cannon" and "circle". Circle fork fork", what "applause", boring and vulgar explosion.

Cheng Mo stared at the pictures on the blackboard for a while, and he didn't react until Fu Yuanzhuo called him. When Cheng Mo came to his seat, Fu Yuanzhuo asked curiously: "Why does Cheng Mo look like this?" Fascinated? Is there anything strange about this painting?"

At this moment, Yan Yitong also looked back at him.

Cheng Mo shook his head, "It's nothing, I just think this painting is very depressing."

"Healing? I just think the colors match well. But it's not warm at all! Instead, it feels a little creepy. Why do you think it's healing?" Fu Yuanzhuo asked puzzled.

"You're an idiot!" Yan Yitong mocked Fu Yuanzhuo triumphantly, as if she understood why.

Cheng Mo also thought that Yan Yitong heard that what he said was "depression" and not "healing", so he didn't say anything.

However, Yan Yitong pointed at the blackboard and said: "Do you think that woman is eating that grilled fish? The happiest thing is to have barbecue, why not be cured?" Fu Yuanzhuo rolled his eyes at Yan Yitong, very contemptuous Flapping his right hand, the subtext of this action is: "Go away, idiot!"

Yan Yitong turned around and picked up the eraser from the table and threw it at Fu Yuanzhuo's body. Fu Yuanzhuo screamed "ah", and lay down on the seat as if he had been shot in a performance, and said intermittently: "Cheng Cheng. Mo. I. No. OK. This. This. This. Is. My. Last. A sum of. Learning (X). Fee. Please. Help. I. Give. To. Organization. Organization .”

Cheng Mo ignored Fu Yuanzhuo, just stared at the drawing on the blackboard in a daze, because he felt that what Yan Yitong said seemed to make sense, but it was not "gnawing", but devouring.

Yan Yitong, who was smiling happily, saw that Cheng Mo didn't seem to know how to answer the question at all, so he stretched out his hand to poke Cheng Mo, and immediately began to perform emotionally, "Cheng Mo, you should be like this." Then Yan Yitong began to grab Cheng Mo with both hands. Mo's arm began to shake, "Comrade, wake up! Comrade, wake up!"

However, Cheng Mo suddenly stood up, walked to the podium, picked up the blackboard brush, and began to wipe the blackboard under the eyes of everyone. The classroom was quiet for a moment, and the students were all looking at each other because of Cheng Mo's unexpected behavior.

Every time when a chalk drawing insulting Teacher Shen appeared on the blackboard, no one tried to erase it, even the students on duty were indifferent. Everyone seemed to be used to and expected to see Teacher Shen embarrassed, or felt that The evidence of the crime should be kept for Mr. Shen to see, so that he can go to the school security office.

Therefore, no one has ever run to the podium and erased the painting before Teacher Shen came.

Cheng Mo was the first.

The students in the classroom watched as Cheng Mo slowly wiped the blackboard clean, and felt that something was wrong and contrary to common sense, but no one stopped it, as if Cheng Mo took everything for granted.

He is Xie Minyun's favorite, Chang Ya's Mr. [-] million.

Cheng Mo finished wiping the blackboard without saying a word in the silence. When he walked off the podium, he stopped for a while, stood on the edge of the podium, looked around at the students sitting in the classroom, and said lightly: "I'll find out who drew it!"

After Cheng Mo said this, the whole classroom was quite strangely quiet, everyone was looking at the people next to him with the eyes of the suspect, as if the murderer who drew obscene pictures was right beside him.

When Cheng Mo returned to his seat, Fu Yuanzhuo couldn't wait to lie down on the desk and asked in a low voice: "Do you think the person who drew this painting is from our class?"

"This possibility is very high, and it may be from the original class." Cheng Mo said.

In the sophomore class, many people from the original class were assigned to other classes.

Fu Yuanzhuo felt that Cheng Mo should know something, and asked a little excitedly: "How did you know? Last semester, the school security department tried a lot of ways to catch that person, but they didn't catch him. At first, it was because there were no classrooms open at night. Because it is not an infrared camera. The school behind has strengthened night patrols, and even replaced the classroom with an infrared camera for our class, but still failed to capture the other party, but let the other party leave a picture. At that time, there was a rumor in the class whether it was a ghost .Do you have any clue now?"

Cheng Mo said: "There are no clues yet, but as long as you look carefully, you will find it soon."

"Punish the evil, promote the good, and do justice for the heavens. You must count me in." Yan Yitong, who had been eavesdropping, immediately turned around and said excitedly.

Fu Yuanzhuo also nodded, "Count me in as well."

Yan Yitong snorted coldly, and said righteously: "Teacher Shen is such a nice person, we must catch the murderer and make it public, and let the school expel him, so we can't draw these paintings that insult Teacher Shen!"

"Yes! Yes! Yes! When do we start?" Fu Yuanzhuo nodded in response like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Wait until the monthly exam is over." Cheng Mo said.

After hearing about the monthly exam, Fu Yuanzhuo was a little sluggish again, "This time I'm going to be beaten back to the original form. Fortunately, the liberal arts class doesn't send the results together with the science class, otherwise it will be a big embarrassment."

Cheng Mo straightened his chair back and leaned against Fu Yuanzhuo's desk, and said in a low voice, "I'll help you with math for the last time, and you should be serious about other exams. According to your recent performance in class, I don't think it will be too bad. Can not watch."

Fu Yuanzhuo immediately regained his composure when he heard Cheng Mo say that mathematics would help him, "Hey! Hey! Good brother, I knew you wouldn't ignore it."

"The monthly exam is over, you need to hire a tutor to teach you mathematics."

"What kind of tutor do you want! You can teach me, and I will pay you. You can teach me and Tongtong tutor better than you!"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "I can only do my best, but a tutor must also be invited."

At this moment, the bell rang for morning self-study, and Teacher Shen also walked into the classroom. The first thing she looked at was the blackboard. When she saw that there were no pictures, she relaxed a little, and walked briskly onto the podium, "Today This is the first monthly exam after class placement, everyone must take it seriously!"

(End of this chapter)

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