Rebel Demon King

Chapter 434 The King of Soft Rice Worth 2 Million

Chapter 434 The Ruanfan King Worth [-] Million

(Thanks to "Instructor Huck" for the rewards, here is a special mention, I am really sincerely grateful to Instructor Huck, the old readers who have followed since the time of "Sister Puppet", when the results of "Anti-Demon" were not satisfactory , Every chapter and this chapter said that he has a message, although each time it is a particularly meaningless interjection. But it is really touching. I think the world is probably like this, with many of us like this, one more is not more, one less is not much Our existence is meaningless, but our existence is very meaningful. And my meaning is to be able to write novels that everyone likes. Thanks again for your support)

Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo stood with their backs against the wall at the door of the girls' bathroom. The girls passing by all gave them strange looks. If it was the past, the girls would definitely shout out: "Fu Yuanzhuo!"

However, although the girls first saw the handsome Fu Yuanzhuo today, their eyes finally fell on Cheng Mo, who was short and almost half the height of Fu Yuanzhuo, and then bumped into a classmate who hadn't noticed Cheng Mo, and said in a low voice: "Look, is this Cheng Mo?"

"Wow! Yes, yes, yes it is him!"

Although the girls were exclaiming, their eyes said: "It's so ordinary!"

The vast majority of people will comment in a low voice: "Why do you think Xie Minyun likes him? I don't understand at all."

There are still some who didn't speak, and they just didn't speak when they passed by Cheng Mo. After passing by, they would discuss with others brazenly, "Xie Minyun spent [-] million yuan for him! Can you believe it?"

"How rich is Xie Minyun's family? If you say [-] million, it will be the top number in the whole country, right? What kind of rich second generation and local tyrants are all turned into scum in seconds!"

"I think this will become a joke. Xie Minyun will definitely regret doing such a stupid thing in the future!"

"Do you know what nickname Cheng Mo has now?"


"[-] million Ruanfan King!"

"I feel like we are watching a bloody Korean drama, which reminds me of that Samsung Princess Li Fuzhen, she is beautiful, she is also the eldest daughter of the Samsung family, the richest woman in the Republic of China, and she married a small security guard, now it's not a trouble The most expensive divorce lawsuit in history came out, tsk tsk! It’s a bit of a joke! It’s true to turn your face. So I said it! The family background must be quite good.”

"I still can't figure it out, why don't more than 100 million yuan be donated to impoverished mountainous areas? Buying [-]-year tree adoption rights is too much to show off!"

"Don't guess what rich people think!"

"Hehe! I just want to say show affection, die fast!"

Cheng Mo had already heard countless discussions, and he was already prepared for this, so he remained indifferent.

Fu Yuanzhuo now also understands that things like public opinion are actually easy to be manipulated, don't mind too much, but he minds other things, so Fu Yuanzhuo sighed and said: "I said Cheng Mo, you should give some Respond, two hundred million! It’s enough for me to save up all the supercars I want to buy. Xie Minyun! As expected of Xie Minyun, she contracted a mountain for you, did she tell you at that time, Cheng Mo, look at this The mountains and rivers I laid down for you"

Cheng Mo thought: It's only [-] million. For a real ruling class like Xie Minyun, money is just a series of slightly longer numbers.Even for him, [-] million is not a big deal. Of course, after Nicholas helped him find the bank he was looking for in Europe, [-] million is not a particularly small amount for him at present.

But the two Yi Chengmo will not take it to heart either.

Naturally, Cheng Mo would not be so pretentious, he just said lightly: "There is nothing to make a fuss about, Xie Minyun's status is higher than what you know, and more than two billion yuan does not all belong to the Yuelu Mountain Tourism Management Committee. Part of it will be donated to the Huaxia Institute of Botany, and the other part will be donated to the Shonan Academy of Social Sciences. For Xie Minyun, this is just a field that does not flow to outsiders, and it is not for me. I really don't have any special feelings!"

Cheng Mo's words made Fu Yuanzhuo speechless, and after a long pause, he said in a big fuss: "Cheng Mo, although I am a child, you are going too far! I don't think this is something that can be measured by money. .If a girl treats me like this, I will really give her my heart!"

Cheng Mo shook his head and said: "Look, while you said that this is not something that can be measured by money, you also said that if a girl treats you like this, you will give her your heart. So, in the end, you still use money to measure of."

Fu Yuanzhuo shook his head, "To be honest, I can't say no to you, but I think it's true that senior sister Xie Minyun really likes you, Tongtong, not because you are like Brother Ning." Fu Yuanzhuo said softly, referring to Tongtong His tone was obviously a bit sad when he was talking. To be honest, he felt that senior sister Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo were more suitable, and senior sister Xie Minyun was really good at flirting. Only Cheng Mo, a bastard, would be indifferent to such a romantic matter. It was he who passed out happily.

At this moment, Fu Yuanzhuo finally felt the fear of being dominated by "White Album 2" in those years again, what should I do!Winter horses are really good!Snow vegetables are cute too!I want to support it!Why did it become like this!This should have been double the joy. Why did it turn out like this?
It's all the monogamy's fault!
But it seems that Yan Yitong is far from reaching Shelley's level, Fu Yuanzhuo couldn't help but sighed in his heart, "I can only stand by Tongtong! I'm sorry, senior!"

At this moment, Yan Yitong's loud voice sounded in the girls' bathroom. Although Yan Yitong was thin, she was full of energy. At this moment, her dismissive and charming voice echoed from the bathroom to the corridor, "Or Xie Minyun has vision, you frogs in the well don’t understand at all, Cheng Mo is worth it! It’s worth every amount of money.”

Fu Yuanzhuo smiled "hehe", "I wanted to drag you to comfort her, but I didn't expect that this girl has not passed out crying in the toilet, and still has the strength to quarrel with others!"

Cheng Mo was silent for a while, then turned around and took Fu Yuanzhuo's arm and walked quickly towards the stairwell beside him.

"Why?" Fu Yuanzhuo asked a little puzzled.

Cheng Mo said softly: "I think she doesn't want us to hear her say these words, so let's pretend we didn't hear them!"

Fu Yuanzhuo was stunned for a moment, and said with some distress as he walked: "Don't look at her smiling all day long, even if she sometimes feels emotional and cries, she's fine. A video surveillance was installed next to the swallow's nest downstairs in the secret base, and an app was installed to observe them at all times. She just hopes that the three little swallows can grow up smoothly."

Cheng Mo let out an "oh", he thought it was right to protect animals, but over-protection is meaningless.Human beings protect animals only based on their own interests.Some people are for spiritual needs, and some people are for the protection of the ecological environment on which human beings depend for survival.

Both of these are utilitarian in nature, and animal protectors like Yan Yitong seem to be a little bit obsessed.

"Do you know why she loves little animals so much?"

Fu Yuanzhuo didn't wait for Cheng Mo to ask why, he knew that Cheng Mo would not ask, he said as if asking himself: "Actually, this girl is really a second-year student. When she was young, she liked to listen to fairy tales. Her brother told her about animals. They are all talking, so she believed it was true. After watching "Dragon Ball" and "Arale", the animals in comic books are so cute and can talk. Humans and animals live in harmony, so she believes in animals even more She can talk, but human beings make animals lose their ability to speak, so as long as she sees someone hurting animals, she will help, so she often chats with animals like a fool. Ants who do not understand”

For Cheng Mo, the protection of animals and plants is just a good deal. If measured by money, the cost of destruction is too high. A utilitarian like him can't understand Yan Yitong's naive and bizarre ideas, but He knew that this kind of innocence is a rare quality, and the world has become better because of their simplicity and innocence. Cheng Mo said in a low voice, "I hope she can continue to be so simple!"

Fu Yuanzhuo smiled, "Don't hope, she will."

When Cheng Mo returned to the class, the classroom was more lively than the vegetable market, and there were many people crowded in the corridor. When Fu Yuanzhuo and him came over, the group of people immediately focused their eyes on him, and even walked away.

As soon as Cheng Mo took his seat, someone couldn't help but ask him questions loudly and curiously, all about him and Xie Minyun, it was like a press conference.

The big star-like treatment makes Cheng Mo a little helpless, but Cheng Mo knows that this situation will not last for a long time, and the news about Xie Minyun's name will probably be withdrawn soon.

Fortunately, the class bell saved him who was being bombarded indiscriminately. At this time, Yan Yitong also returned to the class. Her eyes were slightly swollen, but her expression was quite normal. She could still smile and shout into silence: "Mr. "

Cheng Mo ignored Yan Yitong, stood up the textbook, and ignored Yan Yitong's call

Yan Yitong was not annoyed, he just said jokingly: "Cheng Mo! I will start working hard to make money now, wait for me to earn [-] million, and then I will redeem you."

In addition, Cheng Mo also received several WeChat messages from Teacher Shen during the break, asking about him and Xie Minyun. It seems that even the teachers can't sit still!

When school was over in the evening, Cheng Mo took out his mobile phone to refresh Weibo, and sure enough, all the hot searches about Xie Minyun, his name, and "the most expensive confession in history" were all downloaded, and some interview videos of the reporter disappeared without a trace. On the Internet, this wave of searches about his and Xie Minyun's names seemed to have never happened before.

But this does not erase the memories of Changya students, Cheng Mo is still at the center of Changya gossip.

In the evening, Cheng Mo still turned into Lin Zhinuo and went to Yinyan to work. Kevin was surprised by his return.

Another three or four days passed, and when it was almost the weekend, the atmosphere in the school gradually returned to normal. Even though the trending search disappeared, Xie Minyun also left. Cheng Mo is still Changya's influential and topical figure, in the post bar DISS has his posts every day, and even has a career black
The other students looked at him strangely, just like watching a gorilla performing calculations in the zoo. Cheng Mo didn't like this feeling, and he didn't intend to keep silent.

On Friday, Yinyan put up a huge poster of Lin Zhinuo outside the bar in a high-profile manner, which read—Lin Zhinuo, the number one bartender in Star City, returned to Yinyan, and Yinyan's business boomed again, but this night, Gao Yuemei did not appear.

Cheng Mo is not in a hurry, anyway, he doesn't care whether the task is completed or not, as long as he can take the opportunity to collect crime points and accumulate skill proficiency, it is a pity that when Cheng Mo wants to meddle in his own business, he just picks up a thief on the street Have never encountered.

During the day on Saturday, Cheng Mo went to Mr. Shen’s house again, and continued to help Mr. Shen build character settings and outlines. Then another week passed, the weekend before the new semester’s monthly exams, the college doctor and Mr. Shen came to the music again. color
(End of this chapter)

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