Chapter 419

(Tomorrow is the college entrance examination. Bless all college entrance examination students: long wind and waves to swim in the sea of ​​books, hard work at the helm and hang the clouds and sails. Years of sharpening the sword and not being afraid of hardships, now leaning on the sword to shine. The mind is full of ideas, and the pen is full of brilliance. In one fell swoop, a good oiran in high school , Confidently go to a good future. National College Entrance Examination Day, I hope the students of the college entrance examination will return victorious!!)

Fu Yuanzhuo said he was going outside to laugh for a while, but in fact, he turned to a canteen and bought two "Hetianxia" in black plastic bags, and then called his father's secretary Peng Zhihao, asking him to take the goods with him. The person in charge explained that although Peng Zhihao was off work, he didn't dare to neglect when he heard that the young master had something to do, so he immediately said he would come over right away.

Although Fu Yuanzhuo felt that he and Cheng Mo were enough to handle this matter, and repeatedly said it was okay, Peng Zhihao still had to come over.

Seeing Peng Zhihao's resolute attitude, Fu Yuanzhuo was too embarrassed to refuse repeatedly, so he could only say yes.

When Fu Yuanzhuo returned to the property management office after making the phone call, there was already a lot of noise inside. The crying of children, the barking of dogs, the noise of plastic surgery women, and the dissuasion of two security guards made the entire duty room chaotic. A pot of porridge.

However, Cheng Mo, who was standing in the middle, was not affected too much. He just looked at the cosmetic woman who yelled at him with a cold expression. Isn't that considered a beating? That crazy hand even touched my big treasure and still doesn't admit it, is there any king's law?"

"Ms. Xiao, please don't be excited, please don't be excited. The other party didn't act too much?" one of the uncle security guards persuaded.

"It's not too much, so what is too much? Do you have to knock my baby down on the ground? Look how he is crying!" The cosmetic woman immediately turned her gun and pointed at the security guard who helped Cheng Mo speak Shout out.

Another security guard who was younger knew that this woman surnamed Xiao was not easy to mess with. Once when she was leaving the gate of the community, someone accidentally rear-ended her car. This woman immediately called a large group of people over. The other party called the traffic police, but it didn’t work. A small scratch forced the other party to pay [-] yuan before he understood. So the younger security guard hurriedly teased the middle-aged security guard, and said to the cosmetic woman: “Ms. Xiao, you also watched this video. Our property management cannot handle disputes between you, so you and this little classmate can negotiate on your own, and if it doesn’t work, call the police!”

As if she had gained the upper hand, the cosmetic girl turned her head and said to Cheng Mo arrogantly: "This is no longer a matter of apologizing. You can't solve the problem. Now hurry up and call your parents over."

Cheng Mo looked at the plastic surgery girl with an arrogant expression and said lightly: "I don't need to call the parents, I can deal with you and tell you what you want?"

The cosmetic girl snorted coldly and said, "Can you handle it? Then you quickly call your classmate over to apologize to my Dabao and Erbao. Then take my Dabao and Erbao to the hospital for a checkup. Don't blame me for not reminding you." You, if there is any problem with my eldest and second treasure, you will be in big trouble."

Fu Yuanzhuo walked up quickly, pulled Cheng Mo's hand and said, "Cheng Mo, it's okay, I've already called Brother Peng, he'll be here soon!"

When the cosmetic girl heard that Fu Yuanzhuo called him "Brother", she sneered and said, "Yo! You still call me! Just call me. Whoever is afraid of who!" After finishing speaking, the girl immediately took out the bag from the pocket of her slacks. The mobile phone quickly dialed a number, and shouted in a delicate voice: "Husband, what are you up to?"

"I took my son down for a walk with the dog just now. I ran into a few little bastards. They beat my son and refused to admit it. They still wanted someone to come over. Now I'm here alone. I'm so scared."

"Well! Well! Good! I'll wait for you in the community. Come quickly and bring more people."

After making the phone call, the cosmetic woman put the phone in her pocket, sat down on the stool behind her, raised Erlang's legs and said proudly: "It's really a toast, not a fine wine."

It was also the first time for Fu Yuanzhuo to meet this kind of shrew, so he twitched the corner of his mouth in a very funny way.

But Cheng Mo observed an interesting thing, what the person on the other end of the phone said Cheng Mo didn't really hear it, after all he was not in a carrier state, but he could vaguely feel that the tone on the other end of the phone was not particularly intimate , and the other party does not seem to call the plastic surgery wife.

Cheng Mo took a closer look at the cosmetic girl again. Her hands were not white and clean, but slightly yellowed and rough. She didn't wear a wedding ring, but she wore a Cartier bracelet, but it was the kind without diamonds. The earrings are from LV, the belt on the waist is also from LV, and the high heels are from Ferragamo, a luxury brand from top to bottom.

However, there are no big houses in this community, the one that Fu Yuanzhuo rented is considered big, and it only has two bedrooms and two living rooms. Judging from the phone calls between her so-called "husbands", the plastic surgery girl in front of her is most likely a "little three".
Cheng Mo has no opinion on Xiaosan, whether it is for love or for money, this is just a matter of personal choice, he does not despise it at all, according to the principle of natural selection, capable people do have the right to leave more descendants, fair and reasonable .

But actually extorting money came to him, Cheng Mo would not mind using social ethics, public order and good customs to ridicule the other party, so Cheng Mo glanced at the little kid who was still crying and said: "I don't think you should do this." It’s okay to make trouble, your child is lying, you know it well, it’s because of the lack of family education, it’s better for your man to fulfill the responsibility of being a father.”

Cheng Mo obviously had something in his words, which made the cosmetic girl's face full of hyaluronic acid turn pale with anger, and screamed furiously: "What did you say? Tell me clearly, you little bastard. What do you mean by that?"

Cheng Mo said "Oh" and said: "Then I will say it clearly! You are a mistress, of course you can also be called a concubine, mistress, concubine, or mistress! I have to persuade you, being a mistress or mistress is obviously It is not a right way of life. From the point of view of the prevailing moral concept, the hateful behaviors of mistresses and mistresses are destroying people’s families, greedy for enjoyment, debauchery and indulgence, full vixens. You take advantage of beauty, enjoy men’s money, and give married men’s families Therefore, from the perspective of current laws and family ethics, mistresses and mistresses should be criticized, and women who are mistresses and mistresses should be despised, especially hated and cursed by men’s legal couples and children.”

Talking about how the plastic surgery girl can be Cheng Mo's opponent, Cheng Mo's seven orifices are full of smoke after a few words, Cheng Mo is indeed right, he stabbed the plastic surgery girl's weakness with one knife, and hit her most taboo thing , so the cosmetic woman jumped up from the chair, screaming and rushed up to scratch Cheng Mo's face.

The security guards who originally planned to remain neutral had no way to remain neutral, because they received a call from their superiors, saying that they wanted to help Changya’s students, so the two security guards quickly stopped the cosmetic woman, "Ms. Xiao, calm down. Ms. Xiao, calm down , don't hit people!"

The cosmetic girl was held up by two security guards and still refused to give up. She barked her teeth and said, "Let go of me, I don't know anyone who is a little girl who is not plastic today, so my surname is not Xiao."

At this moment, a gentle and pleasant voice came from the door, "What happened to Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo?"

Cheng Mo knew it was Teacher Shen without turning his head, but he and Fu Yuanzhuo still turned their heads at the same time, and then shouted one after the other: "Mr. Shen!"

Shen Youyi, who walked in from the main entrance, immediately attracted everyone's attention. She was wearing a white clover sportswear, with a ball head tied up, and there was some fine sweat on her fair, porcelain-like neck. The waist hangs down, making her look extra tender, more like a college student than today's college students.But there is also one thing that doesn't look like a student's, that is, the loose sportswear is pushed up high, and the faintly arched curve on the chest is beautiful and the scale is quite considerable. Based on this alone, no matter how many beautiful women Shen Youyi stands In the middle, it is still easy to pick her out of it
When the cosmetic woman heard Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo calling Teacher Shen Youyi, she hurriedly shouted: "You are the teacher of these two little girls who gave birth to children? Let me ask you Changya how to teach and educate people? Not only beat children, but also insult women It’s just too disgusting. If your school doesn’t deal with this matter seriously, let me tell you, I will ask your school to close down.”

Shen Youyi looked at the cosmetic girl who was held up by two security guards, and saw the little boy next to her still crying loudly, so he frowned, walked over and squatted down, and touched the crying little boy head, smiled at him and said, "Little friend, tell sister why you are crying?"

The little boy pointed to the security guard and then pointed to Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo, "They all bully my mother."

Shen Youyi said softly: "No one will bully your mother, don't worry, you can't cry as a little man. So don't cry, sister treats you to ice cream, okay?"

Hearing that there was ice cream to eat, the little boy immediately stopped crying, looked at Shen Youyi with wide eyes and asked, "Is there any ice cream to eat?"

Shen Youyi nodded.

But the cosmetic woman pulled her son over, "Who told you to buy ice cream? Do you think I'm a child too?"

Shen Youyi stood up, still not angry, looked at the plastic surgery girl and said softly: "Sister, I am the head teacher of the two of them, if they offended you in any way just now, I apologize first. My student told me about it, but I don't think there is anything wrong with your son, why don't I ask them to apologize in person?"

The cosmetic girl looked Shen Youyi up and down, put on a look of contempt for her, and said with a sneer, "It's too late to do this now. I said I was going to kill these two little boys who dare to scold me."

"I didn't say a single dirty word from the beginning to the end. I just stated the fact that you are a mistress and advised you not to do so." Cheng Mo said.

The cosmetic girl didn't expect Cheng Mo to dare to say it, and was stimulated by Cheng Mo again, and she yelled angrily: "Don't be in your country, you're looking for death! Suck your mother in the house! Stumble on your head! You country bastard!" .You are Mo Ziqi, you are afraid that you are a beggar warming up."

At this moment, someone suddenly slapped the face-lifting woman and collapsed on the ground. Everyone was startled by this sudden scene. Everyone took a closer look, only to realize that they didn't know when there were so many people in the room. A black super special police officer in a black suit and sunglasses.

The cosmetic woman was stunned at first, then touched her nose, and the prosthesis inside seemed to be crooked, so she cried and screamed immediately, "How dare you hit me! How dare you hit me!"

The hysterical voice was so sharp that it almost pierced everyone's eardrums in the narrow duty room.

The Heichao special police slapped the face again, and returned the cosmetic woman's prosthesis to its original position, and said with a blank expression: "Don't scream. If you scream, even your jaw will be smashed together."

The cosmetic girl has never encountered such a person who slaps her face when she disagrees with her. Even after being slapped twice, she didn't dare to make a sound. She covered her mouth and sat on the ground trembling, thinking in her heart that she would wait for her man to come over. , how do you call this group of people good-looking.

Seeing that the cosmetic girl dared not make a sound, Heichao special police turned around and said to Cheng Mo, "Young Master Cheng, I'm sorry for being late, I just took a little time to send Miss Xie back, and I won't let this kind of thing happen in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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