Rebel Demon King

Chapter 413 Black Iron Age (2)

Chapter 413 Black Iron Age (2)

(Thanks to the two rewards of "There is a pig" and "Yu Xiaoxiao", and the rewards of "Xiao Gan" and "Summer Finale and Hesse". A small part of the revision was made in yesterday's chapter. It doesn’t affect the plot if you watch it. In addition, the average is finally over [-]. This month, there will be a special episode of "Sister Doll", and there will be no skipping tickets. Please look forward to it. Regarding the content, the VIP vote shall prevail)

The half-moon gradually leaves the ridge of Yuelu Mountain and hangs in the distant sky. The stars are invisible, but there are endless city lights. Those flickering lights are like fireflies flying all over the sky in the dark.

Cheng Mo and Li Jiting walked down the winding road, and soon returned to the Aiwan Pavilion again. Li Jiting glanced at the pavilion with red lacquer garden columns and glazed green tiles on the mountainside, and said with great regret: " It’s really different. I think the great men used to gather here with Luo Xuezan, Zhang Kundi and Cai Hesen, read books, discuss the situation in the world, and seek the truth. At that time, the mountain was still full of red leaves. Today, the leaves of sweetgum on Yuelu Mountain will not turn red. up"

Sighing, Li Jiting recited another line of poem with emotion, "'Transported to the unflooded object, the year is gone and the feeling has been reminded'."

In the middle of the night, there was no one on Yuelu Mountain, only the footsteps of Cheng Mo and Li Jiting, and his affectionate chant echoed in the quiet air.

Cheng Mo didn't mean to stop at all, but he was surprised that Li Jiting read Xie Lingyun's "Sui Mu", which seemed to have some unclear meaning. This "Sui Mu" was a poem of nostalgia. Sleeping, deeply feeling the long night, which seems to have no end.

This poem is not simply a worry about natural longevity, but a complex thought intertwined with many contradictions in life pursuits, social and personnel affairs, etc.

But on the whole, it still expresses the poet's regret for the irreversible passage of time and his melancholy for the failure of his career.

Li Jiting is in the prime of life, with the blessing of ouroboros skill points, the chosen ones are healthier than ordinary people. Generally speaking, as long as there are no accidents, it is not a problem to live to the age of 90 or [-]. Li Jiting is so strong, it is probably very difficult For those who died unexpectedly, it is really inappropriate to read this poem at this time, but it is naturally impossible to read it wrong with Li Jiting's level.

When Cheng Mo was puzzled, Li Jiting turned his head and glanced at the back door of Yuelu Academy, smiled and said: "Just now you and Xie Minyun talked about the difficulties and shocks of the inheritance of Chinese civilization. Don't you have the passion to serve the country? ?"

"Oh? Selfishness is useless. Just use righteousness? Sorry, Uncle Li, I really don't like nationalism. Countries and nations are just imaginary communities. When elites feel that they need popular support to establish effective governance , are vigorously promoting nationalism to protect their interests (some words are omitted below)" Cheng Mo said with a mocking face.

Li Jiting said with a serious expression: "Cheng Mo, I know you are a liberal, but each of us is in the torrent of the times, can we really stay out of it? I remember I told you about the air strikes I saw in Afghanistan After the scene, I actually think death is a kind of relief. I remember Janet who helped us clean up and do the laundry. The whole family lives in a piece of rubble, without a house to depend on the money she earns to support her alone. The suffering is indescribable. There is no hope at all. No matter how hard she works, she will also Difficult—difficult means not only that it is difficult for her to survive, but it is also difficult for her family to survive. Life is so difficult, and her only choice is to get close to religion.”

"The most painful thing in life is not the suffering itself, but the loss of hope. Often at this time, I feel that lies are really beautiful things. I tell Janet that the war is almost over day after day, so that she has something to look forward to For her, no matter how hard she works, nothing can be changed, but if she doesn't work hard, not only she will die, but her family will die. , It’s useless to push up, and you have to go up, but if you don’t push up the mountain, it’s all over. So, what should I do? Only believe in religion!” Li Jiting’s heavy tone has a piercing pain.

Cheng Mo sneered and said, "So? Didn't you just watch Janet fall into despair and do nothing?"

Li Jiting smiled wryly and said: "Janet is the last servant we hired. The first two were worse than her, and we sent them to Europe to Janet through other channels. We also promised her to be with us. Sending her away when we left is a pity that she didn't have a chance to live to that day. She didn't die in the air raid, but died in the robbery. We gave her a little more food during the Spring Festival that day. Even if she is the chosen one. In the war What can we do in front of us?"

"I can't do anything." Li Jiting said sadly.

Cheng Mo didn't continue to move forward, but stood silently on the edge of the road. After a long while, he said softly, "Is war going to break out?"

Li Jiting also stopped in his tracks. He turned around and walked to the edge of the road, looking at the Yuelu Academy at the foot of the mountain through a gap in the woods, "You also know that we live in the Yalta system (Note 1), which is set up by the Anglo-Saxons. With the light of the United States, we became the Five Permanent Members, probably not many people now know that it was the former Soviet Union that most opposed us entering the Five Permanent Members?"

"For the current world, the Lianhe Kingdom is the government, and the Wuchang is the police. When world peace is disrupted, the police have two ways to deal with it. If it is just a small country's expansion or revolution, the police can block and isolate , embargo, etc.; if the threat is too great, you can use the 'police' to exercise the corresponding rights and issue an ultimatum to the relevant country. If it is rejected, you can immediately organize military operations."

"Before the establishment of the Yalta system, there was no law, no police, no courts in the world, and each country basically did whatever it wanted to other countries, as long as it had military power. As for internal affairs, the government provided social security. But Internationally, there is no such constraint, and it is in a state of anarchy. All countries are in such a state. Every day is a jungle society. Existence. The idealist Roosevelt built the Yalta system, and people began to try to cross the natural barrier of human nature. Countries began to try through shared values, agreed rules, and construction mechanisms, such as Lianhe, the World Bank, the IMF, and the WTO. To establish morality at the national level, you can’t just rely on interests to speak.”

"But at present, the Lianhe Kingdom has lost its authority. You should know what this means. Without security guarantees, the trust between countries is extremely fragile. Joseph Nye Jr. said that four things lead to war: Security Paradoxes, prisoner's dilemmas, credibility issues, and self-fulfilling prophecies."

"Although the global economy is now highly integrated and the interdependence between the two countries is conducive to reducing the possibility of conflicts, it does not represent security. Before the First World War, someone wrote a book predicting that wars would not break out because of the breadth of economic exchanges. And the depth makes war more harmful than beneficial. But the reality is cruel."

"Interdependence does not mean that cooperation will necessarily replace disputes. Trade is a positive-sum game in which both parties jointly create benefits. But in terms of benefit distribution, it is still a zero-sum game. If you have more, I will have less."

"If you can't beat the chips, then you can fight soybeans. If you can't beat trade, you can fight finance. If you can't beat the economy, you can fight politics. If you can't beat politics, it's the turn of the world war. When the war breaks out in the world, military conflicts are not far away. The sequential disintegration of layer-to-layer interdependence"

"In fact, our relationship with the United States has never been close. Even with a high degree of economic dependence, maintaining a cooperative relationship above the bottom line has become quite difficult in the current situation. If this trend continues and continues to decline, the consequences will be disastrous."

"You should also be clear that in order to survive, all countries must pursue force. This pursuit cannot be lightly pursued. It must gain absolute advantages over other countries and become the hegemon. The so-called hegemony means that one country can defeat the whole world than other Both the country and the alliance are stronger, so it is a zero-sum game between countries, which has nothing to do with the nature of the country, has nothing to do with national preferences, and has nothing to do with the political system, and it has nothing to do with good or evil”

"In 2016, a strategic think tank in the United States released the report "War with China: An Unbelievable Discussion" ("war with china"). He is the executive deputy director of national intelligence in the United States and has also acted as the director. He is an absolute insider."

Standing in the bleak evening wind, Li Jiting said softly: "Cheng Mo, when the torrent comes, no one can survive alone."

There are a lot of things in the middle, Li Jiting only said superficially, and didn't make it very clear, but Cheng Mo naturally knew that Li Jiting, as a superior, said such words, that means Huami's relationship is very pessimistic.

Cheng Mo also has the habit of watching the news, and understands that the relationship between the two countries is collapsing from the rich dimension of the positive sum game to the single dimension of the zero-sum game, and the speed is still very fast. Don't look at the United States and the whole world, it is actually forcing Others stand in line.

Anyone else want to watch a show by the side?

"So what if I'm just an asshole?" Cheng Mo replied very calmly, because he also knew that even if a war broke out, the situation would not be so bad, because the existence of nuclear weapons would not have decisive consequences. One side can win absolutely, and neither side can completely fail, but economic regression is inevitable, and our country's losses will be much greater.

Li Jiting said lightly: "Didn't you help your classmates participate in the election of the president of the student union at school? For you, is this a kind of 'joining the WTO'? Probably in your opinion, the world is very bad, everyone Most ordinary people are stupid, blindly obedient, paranoid, and fanatical. The elites are cruel, cunning, mediocre, and indifferent. But Roman Rolland said that real courage is knowing the truth of life, but still loving life. If you just pretend to integrate into this society, then It's just a cheap pity, a shameless arrogance"

"What's more, you killed Liu Dongqiang, and now Jing Xing is investigating you. If I don't help you, he will find your teacher sooner or later. Can you sit idly by?" After a pause, Li Jiting said with a smile: "I guess You can't do it otherwise, and you won't kill people for more than 20 yuan. You see how good I am to you. I didn't take the initiative to threaten you with this matter. Instead, I tried to reason with you so hard that I drool. "

"Let's talk about the benefits." Cheng Mo lowered his head.

"Good boy, you have great courage!" Li Jiting smiled "haha" and patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder.

Cheng Mo said with a blank face: "There is no such thing as courage. Courage is luck. It is a choice I have to make in a specific situation. I have no choice."

Li Jiting shook his head, "No, no, this is called growth. You have to learn to face your own life from the perspective of the overall situation. You have to say goodbye to your past self and do things that you think you will never do. Like drinking coke and eating hamburgers, you have to try to like someone. Although you may feel stupid in the future, this kind of life is a complete person. You can't just live in books and theories. When you come out, you will see more majestic and majestic world."

 The Yalta System——Yalta System (English: Yalta System), is the name of the international political situation between 1945 and 1991. The Yalta Conference in Crimea, Russia.

  The characteristics of the Yalta system are: the two poles of the United States and the Soviet Union are at the center, and the cold war for hegemony is carried out on a global scale, but it does not exclude wars in which the two superpowers directly or indirectly participate in local areas (such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Afghanistan War. Wait). The drastic changes in Eastern Europe in 1989 and the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked the disintegration of the bipolar structure and the final disintegration of the Yalta system.

(End of this chapter)

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