Rebel Demon King

Chapter 411 Gong Lang Chang Xing Mo Go (2)

Chapter 411 Gong Lang Chang Xing Mo Go (2)

(Thanks to the big boss "Shaan who loves reading books" for being popular again, thank you "zixishi" for the two rewards and "Nalan Little Pig" for the rewards, four more, this chapter's BGM "mariana" children-yui, QQ music Exclusive)

Xie Minyun took Cheng Mo's hand and walked into KFC. It was time for meal time. There were not too many people in KFC. There were people lining up in front of the three service counters. After leaving the back, the two of them raised their heads slightly and looked at the menu light box full of pictures of junk food.

Inexplicably, both of them felt vaguely excited. Cheng Mo felt a puddle of warm sweat in his hands. Cheng Mo was sure that it was his sweat. He tried to let go, but Xie Minyun held his hand even tighter. tight.

Cheng Mo was sure that he was not nervous because he was at KFC for the first time, but because he was holding Xie Minyun's hand. He didn't feel nervous much in K20, but he was a little overwhelmed right now.

He remembered that every time he passed Jiefang West Road, he would pass by a 24-hour KFC. That KFC in the bustling area was probably a late-night cafeteria for ordinary people. There are homeless men in strange clothes, live streamers holding selfie sticks, and stylish men and women who just came out of the bar to fill their stomachs.
The colorful people staged various life states in the middle of the night, the bewilderedness of the homeless man, the excitement of the anchor, and the slightly drunkenness of fashionable men and women, so that Cheng Mo could truly feel the strangeness of this world, and he was actually very curious about their living conditions. But as a person who would never touch junk food due to physical reasons, he never opened that glass door and went in to touch that world.

He stands in the world constructed by the books, silently observing the world with the eyes of a bystander.

To some extent, Xie Minyun has the same predicament as Cheng Mo. She has a natural gap with the bottom life. Of course, this does not mean that it is difficult for her to eat KFC once, even if Xie Minyun’s mother does not want her daughter to eat this kind of food. Junk food, but it’s not too difficult for Xie Minyun to experience it once. The difficulty is that someone is willing to eat KFC with her as a friend. For Xie Minyun, there is no distance between ordinary people. Life is a luxury.

Although Xie Minyun has parents, her parents are too busy to take care of Xie Minyun's needs, which makes her grow up in loneliness just like Cheng Mo.
At this moment, the two boys and girls, both of whom are visiting KFC for the first time, are having a hard time discussing what to order.

"I want Coke for the drink!" Xie Minyun decided to start planning from the drink.

"Isn't there soy milk? Drink soy milk to be healthier." Cheng Mo saw the soy milk on the menu and felt that he had found some comfort.

Xie Minyun shook his head, "Who would drink soy milk after eating fried chicken? It's too unsuitable. Of course, if you want to drink cola, it must be iced. Drinking cola once in a while will not affect your body. In fact, you should know that the disadvantage of cola is The impact of the sugar contained in it on the body, and the phosphoric acid in cola has a certain corrosive effect on the teeth, but the immediate dosage is talking about toxicity. As for other carcinogenic and other things, it is nonsense.”

When saying "that what", Xie Minyun blushed slightly.

Cheng Mo naturally knew that Xie Minyun meant "spermicide". He glanced at Xie Minyun's flawless side face and felt an electric current rushing through his hands, so he gave up resisting, bowed his head and said, "Coke is Coke!"

Seeing that Cheng Mo was persuaded, Xie Minyun also took a peek at Cheng Mo, pursed the corners of her mouth and held back her smile, she had laughed too many times today, so she had to be more reserved, so Xie Minyun regained her composure and said, "Then We also want French fries, spicy chicken wings, Orleans wings, and spicy burgers."

"So much? Didn't you say that you don't have any need for food now? Isn't it a waste to order so much?" Cheng Mo asked.

"I'll taste a little of each, and I'll leave the rest to you!" Xie Minyun said as a matter of course.

Cheng Mo shook his head, "No, I can't eat so much."

Xie Minyun turned his head to look at Cheng Mo, blinked his eyes, and whispered in his ear, "Then I'll feed you. Can you eat more?"

As soon as this slightly sweet sentence was said, countless eyes immediately focused on Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun. Cheng Mo had no choice but to surrender again. He finally understood how his old wooden father was raped It was captured, and he said helplessly: "Okay." Immediately, he realized that this answer was ambiguous, and said: "No, I mean you can order it as you like, but you don't need you to feed me."

Xie Minyun bit her lip, resisting the desire to continue flirting with Cheng Mo, who has always been calm like a stone, and ordered a bunch of food with him at the service counter. Speaking of which, she ordered a portion of each, but actually it was not That's a lot.

The two found a seat by the window and ate quietly. The sky outside was completely dark. The old-fashioned red brick building of Yuelu Academy gradually disappeared in the shade of green trees. Passers-by walked on the wet stone street after the rain. , everything seemed silent and slow.

Xie Minyun did not feed Cheng Mo as she said. Although she let go of her reserve, it was not Xie Minyun who was too nasty.However, Xie Minyun didn't eat this KFC so casually. She arranged all the food in the form of Western food, from the colonel's chicken nuggets as an appetizer, to the french fries with tomato sauce as a side dish, to the spicy chicken drumsticks as a main course Burgers with Orleans wings. Well organized.

The number of french fries is clear, and they are arranged in a pattern on the tray. Even the hamburgers have to be cut in half by the clerk, and they are neatly placed. The KFC clerk looked at the two "weirds" for a long time .

But the two of them didn't care about it, they still ate slowly. The two of them took Coke as red wine, and even ate KFC for half an hour.
In the end, Xie Minyun didn't just eat a little of everything as she said, but helped Cheng Mo share half of it.

After eating and drinking, the two walked out of KFC. The slope called Denggao Road was filled with the aroma of various snacks. There were some tourists and students standing outside the shops on both sides. Because it rained during the day, there were not many people. .

Xie Minyun dragged Cheng Mo up the Denggao Road. Along the way, he would pull Cheng Mo to look at every snack bar and souvenir shop. The two of them walked around like ordinary couples, and soon Just entered the south gate of Yuelu Mountain.

The mountain road is winding, and the street lamps shine warm light in the swaying dense shade of trees. There are few tourists in the dark mountain forest, and the rainwater deposited among the leaves is crumbling. When the breeze blows, water droplets will fall from it from time to time. on two people.

The two stood in front of the tour map, glanced at it, discussed it, and then walked along the main path to the most famous Yuelu Academy and Aiwan Pavilion in Yuelu Mountain.

"What kind of tree is this?" Xie Minyun just found out that Cheng Mo likes to study trees, so he pointed to the trees all over the mountains and plains and asked.

Cheng Mo stopped, looked carefully for a moment, and said: "The young leaves are purple red, the old leaves are dark green, and the leaves are slender. They are castanopsis trees." After a pause, he pointed to another forest and said: "This kind The evergreen species whose leaves appear stiffer and have teeth on the edges are green vines."

"Probably these two kinds of trees are the dominant tree species of Yuelu Mountain. This area was burned during the Anti-Japanese War. Later, pioneer tree species such as masson pine grew. I guess it took decades of succession to become the current community structure."

Cheng Mo pulled Xie Minyun to the side of the road, pointed to the ridges on both sides of the valley in the distance, "the tall ones over there are masson pine. But they are about to be replaced by castanopsis and green ridges, and soon they will be Other evergreen broad-leaved tree species form a 'top club', together with the shrubs, grasses and other plants below, form a complete top community of evergreen broad-leaved forest."

Xie Minyun followed Cheng Mo's line of sight and looked towards the valley. Although the night was dark, it should be just darkness in the eyes of ordinary people, but she could easily see the masson pine that Cheng Mo was referring to. "There is no place for competition in nature." Not here!"

Cheng Mo nodded, and then distinguished other trees with less leaves from Xie Minyun. Xie Minyun listened with gusto, and occasionally interrupted to ask, "How do you distinguish between evergreen tree species and deciduous tree species?"

"Why are the maple trees in Yuelu Mountain not red enough?"

The two chatted about the trees and came to the back door of Yuelu Academy. Unfortunately, the academy was closed at night, so they couldn't go in for a tour. It was a pity that they could only find a high place and look at the white labyrinth as big as a maze under the lights. Buildings.

At night, Yuelu Academy is shrouded in a thin layer of moisture. The blue tiles and white walls have the temperament of an ancient academy, which makes people have to imagine the hardships of the ancients in studying and studying.

They talked about Zhu Xi's visit and Zhang Shi's discussion of learning, and held the famous "Zhu Zhang Conference" in Yuelu Academy, which promoted the development of Song Dynasty learning and ancient Chinese philosophy.

Speaking of the year when the Yuan army broke through Star City, Yuelu Academy was burned to the ground. Hundreds of students from Yuelu Academy participated in the battle. After the city was broken, most of them committed suicide and died for their country. Why did the Song Dynasty fall
Chengmo believes that it is the stupidity of the ruling class in the Song Dynasty, and it is the collapse from the top.

Xie Minyun naturally disagreed, and used Jia Zhiyang's point of view. He believed that the demise of the Song Dynasty was because the enemy was too strong. On the surface, the Song Dynasty was prosperous, but in fact it was poor and weak, and its finances could not maintain military expenditures.

This is another matter where the public says that the public is right, and the mother-in-law says that the mother-in-law is reasonable. I don’t know how long they have been arguing. The talents of China come out from here, and those literary and military strategies recorded in the annals of history are all conceived in this cangzhidaiwa, which is naturally integrated with the heaven and the earth.

From Tianyi Pavilion to Yuelu Academy, both of them once again deeply felt the difficulty and shock of the inheritance of Chinese civilization.

Speaking of this, the two became silent for a long time, and the atmosphere became harmonious again.

Although the birth classes of Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun are very different, but to be honest, the distance between the two is not so far away on the surface. If you look at it in ancient times, Xie Minyun is a nobleman, and his status is naturally extremely lofty. A Princess of Zhenguo from Yipin.

Then Cheng Mo’s father, who entered the Huaxia Academy of Social Sciences before his death, was probably compiled by a historian from the sixth rank of the Imperial Academy. Ordinary people born in a small city can rely on academics to mix up to the sixth rank, even if it is ancient or modern. , both of them are Qingshui Yamen, but they are both rare and rare talents.

The reason why the two of them have a common language, in the final analysis, is because Cheng Mo has an awesome father.

After looking at the Yuelu Academy for a long time, and chatting about the history for a long time, the two walked to the "Aiwan Pavilion", but unfortunately the pond in front of the Aiwan Pavilion was turbid, and there was no koi at all. This once again made Xie Minyun Disappointed, the coins he had prepared didn't come in handy, but Xie Minyun turned Cheng Mo around, threw the coins into the pool by himself, and made a wish with clasped hands.

Then the two of them climbed up the steps and taught Xie Minyun how to recognize trees, such as red maple, camphor, white oak, red nan, and privet. Some hundred-year-old trees have heart-shaped adoption plates, most of which are native to southern Shonan. The starlet adopted it, but there are still a large number of precious tree species that are not over a hundred years old and no one has adopted them.

Climb to Lushan Temple, where Cheng Mo found a tree of more than [-] years old Saccharomyces chinensis is dying, which made Cheng Mo feel regretful.

Then the two walked down the road again. Cheng Mo looked at a very old tree with dark green leaves and low height on the side of the road. , only the lower part grows with the sweetgum, very close to each other, and the trunk passes through the maple leaves.

Seeing Cheng Mo's concentration, Xie Minyun asked, "What's the matter? What's the name of this?"

Cheng Mo said softly: "This may be the thorn cone." After a pause, Cheng Mo said in a long tone as if he was shocked by something: "This tree looks ordinary in appearance, and it is not listed. Even many people who study plants don't I don’t necessarily know that this is probably the only one in the world.”

Xie Minyun looked at an unusual tree, and asked in amazement, "This tree is the only one in the world?"

Cheng Mo took out his mobile phone and nodded while taking pictures, ""Flora of China" records that "the female parent of C. chinensis may be C. chinensis, and the male parent may be C. chinensis". It is believed that it may be the offspring of the cross between Mangosteen and Chestnut, 'leaves, fruits and other forms are between the two', and there are two kinds of plants growing around it, Mangosteen and Cone. But because there is no conclusion for decades, This statement can only be used as a speculation. Cinnamon chinensis is a hybrid species. It may be because the female flowers of Cinnamonia chinensis received pollen from the male flowers of Cinnamon chinensis, successfully pollinated and fertilized, and then produced hybrid seeds, which germinated , grow, and form hybrid plants. It is unbelievable that, according to the concept of 'biological species', there is reproductive isolation between different species, that is, different species cannot be hybridized, and it is impossible to produce hybrid offspring. Just like the acacia, although the chinensis is also unique, this is the magic of the 'birth' of the syringa, which is really a natural miracle. I didn't expect it to be out of the list of protection!"

Xie Minyun couldn't help but feel shocked when he heard that the eucalyptus had actually broken the reproductive isolation, "Is it so amazing?"

Cheng Mo put away the mobile phone that took many photos, straightened up and sighed: "Indeed. This can only be attributed to the good fortune of nature"

"The winding path leads to a secluded place, and the meditation room is full of flowers and trees. Yuelu Mountain is much more beautiful and magical than I imagined. I didn't expect to find such a miraculous species here. People always think about poetry and the distance. It's really easy. Ignore the surrounding scenery! Probably human beings are like this, the easier it is to touch, the easier it is to not cherish and not pay attention, just like Yuelu Mountain is close at hand, we always feel that we can come at any time, so we have never come. So we came to parting When I was there, I realized that there was only time to say goodbye.”

Cheng Mo said softly: "It's a great honor to have the opportunity to say goodbye."

"Yeah! I know so thank you thank you for saving me"

"I didn't actually do anything."

"In order to thank you, I plan to adopt this 'Brassica chinensis'." Xie Minyun turned his head and glanced at that plant, and said after thinking for a while: "It seems that I can't express my gratitude enough! I think I should adopt it. All the precious tree species in Yuelu Mountain that have not been adopted by anyone have signs adopted by Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun."

When saying this, Xie Minyun pretended to be nonchalant and kept staring at the 'Bitter oak hook cone', and did not look at Cheng Mo.

Cheng Mo was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say, and imagining that the mountain was covered with red heart cards with his and Xie Minyun's names written on them, which was a bit too exaggerated.
Yuelu Mountain is a national [-]A-level scenic spot!

At this time, a voice suddenly appeared from the darkness: "Sir, with all due respect, you should kiss this young lady. Right now, this is what God has said, isn't it?"

(End of this chapter)

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