Rebel Demon King

Chapter 404 Black Willow Ding

Chapter 404 Black Willow Ding
(Thanks to "sp55aa" and "All things are impermanent" for the rewards)

As soon as Yu Junshan yelled out his words, he knew he was being stupid. However, it was too late to take back the words at this time. The people in the front row heard what he was saying, so they all turned their heads to the white curtain on one side. Sitting in the back, those who didn't know what happened were whispering to each other, and soon they all discovered the abnormality on the real-time voting display.

Immediately, the entire auditorium became noisy, and everyone was talking about the strange situation that happened before them.

Seeing so many surprised eyes from the audience, Yu Junshan forcibly stabilized his mind, turned his head to Shen Mengjie pretending to be calm and said, "You stop voting now, and by the way, ask the technical department, what went wrong?"

Of course, Shen Mengjie knew that Cheng Mo must be playing tricks, but she didn't understand why Cheng Mo had to correct the result so blatantly. She hurriedly said "Oh" and shouted to the staff beside her: "Microphone. Microphone!"

After shouting several times, seeing the staff standing by the stage winking at her, she remembered that the microphone was in her hands, and Shen Mengjie realized that she was too nervous.

For Shen Mengjie, Yu Junshan is absolutely something she must never offend. If the matter is revealed, she doesn't know how Yu Junshan, who is always vengeful, will retaliate against her.

Right now, this result is the last thing she wants to face, Cheng Mo slaps Yu Junshan in the face so grandiosely, one can imagine how angry Yu Junshan is, maybe he will doubt her in the end.
Shen Mengjie regretted telling Cheng Mo about this matter. She could have not told Cheng Mo about Yu Junshan's manipulating votes, but in the end she did. In fact, she didn't quite understand what prompted her to make such a decision .

But now there is no point in regretting. She can only pray that Yu Junshan will not doubt her. Shen Mengjie suppressed the many thoughts in her heart, raised the microphone, and said calmly: "There is something wrong with the real-time voting. Let's end the vote first. Restart later."

However, the numbers on the projection screen had stopped jumping at this time. Fu Yuanzhuo's votes were fixed at 1257 votes, Yu Junshan's votes were fixed at 209 votes, Shen Mengjie's votes were fixed at 291 votes, and Liu Bosong's votes were fixed at 64 votes.
A few lines of colorful hollow fonts appeared on the projection screen: "There is no need to start over. I just can't understand someone's deceitful behavior, and returned the ticket that originally belonged to whom."

As soon as this text came out, the entire auditorium was in an uproar!
All kinds of voices rang together, and all eyes were focused on Junshan, which gathered into a huge pressure and rushed towards Yu Junshan like a tsunami.

Yu Junshan felt that he was about to be swallowed up. He gave Fu Yuanzhuo a resentful look, and without speaking, he reached out to snatch the microphone from Shen Mengjie's hand, and said loudly: "This is completely slander, please calm down and leave the matter to the school Deal with it! I believe the school will give me justice."

As soon as Yu Junshan’s words fell, a line of words appeared on the projection screen again, "Slander? I will show the evidence next! There are 1893 people in the high school, and a total of 3 valid votes were cast within 1821 minutes. I have the complete correspondence in my hand. With the voting list of the student number, it is clear at a glance who is cheating."

Then the list of people who voted for Yu Junshan and the list of people who did not vote for Yu Junshan but allocated their votes to Yu Junshan appeared on the big screen. The two lists were marked with different colors.

Yu Junshan knew that he couldn't let the other party continue at this time, so he quickly turned his head and said to the staff beside him, "What are you still doing? Ask the technical department to turn off the projector! A bunch of trash!"

The discussion in the auditorium became louder and louder. People sitting in the seats were pointing at the projection screen and Yu Jun, and some people found their student ID on it, and said loudly: "I really want to buy the ticket. Vote for Fu Yuanzhuo."

"No way! I also voted for Fu Yuanzhuo. Could it be that Yu Junshan really cheated?"

"It's too shameless for Yu Junshan to falsify the voting records of the student union's guards!"

"It's true, it's true! This is definitely cheating! Otherwise, why would no one say that they voted for Yu Junshan, but there is no student number on it!"

"It's cold, it's cold, Yu Junshan is going to be cold now, and he blatantly cheated in the chairman election! I don't know how the school will punish him!"

Seeing that the technology department hadn't turned off the projector for a long time, Yu Junshan took the microphone and said loudly: "Everyone, don't believe the so-called evidence forged on the projector. It is absolutely impossible for me to cheat. I can go to any behavior that proves myself." Try, please believe me, I will also ask the school to investigate clearly, and give me justice! Of course, including those who framed me, please also ask the school to find out. This is an illegal intrusion into the school's server, which is a crime, and the school must deal with it seriously! "

Yu Junshan's serious face still deceived many people, and the discussion in the auditorium became louder and louder, and it became a mess.

Vice-principal Wan was whispering to Tang Shuisheng who was sitting on the side, as if they were discussing something.

Seeing that the projector was finally turned off, Yu Junshan breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to hold the microphone and said, "This time, the premeditated behavior was specifically aimed at me. Maybe it was because I was strict in the process of enforcing the school rules. My jealous character has caused some people's hatred, but please don't lose confidence in the student union and me, the school will definitely prove my innocence, please don't believe in rumors, don't spread rumors, and wait for the school's investigation results Today because someone The reason for the disturbance is to temporarily suspend the election for the president of the student council."

At this moment, Fu Yuanzhuo walked up to the podium and interrupted Yu Junshan with the microphone on the podium, "It doesn't matter if Yu Junshan cheated or not, it is impossible to just terminate the election for the president of the student union. ?”

Yu Junshan turned his head to look at Fu Yuanzhuo in front of the podium, hatred wrapped around his heart like a snake, he felt that his life, his dreams and everything about him had been controlled by Fu Yuanzhuo
No, it was Cheng Mo, that insidious and cunning villain who was destroyed. A huge dark energy was devouring his soul, knocking into his body like steel nails one after another, and Yu Junshan felt a huge feeling. The pain, but he could only pretend to be innocent and said: "Now the school's server has been hacked, and there is no way to work normally. The most urgent thing is to solve this problem first!"

Fu Yuanzhuo took the microphone off the microphone stand, walked up to Yu Junshan with the microphone in hand, faced him at close range and said lightly, "It doesn't matter if the server can't work, aren't all the students here? We vote on the spot !"

Yu Junshan pretended to have nothing to do with himself and said, "Are you joking? There are more than 800 students at the scene, and we have no tickets or ballot boxes. How can we vote? Fu Yuanzhuo, you don't understand the student union." Please don’t intervene in the organization work!”

Fu Yuanzhuo smiled at Yu Junshan, turned to face the auditorium and said, "I think everyone knows what happened just now. I believe right and wrong must be distinguished. If there is a mistake, it is a mistake. If there is a mistake You have to admit it, and you have to stand at attention when you are beaten. This is in line with our Changya school motto, "Enhance morality and study". Now I ask the students who just voted for me to raise your hands!"

Yu Junshan knew that it was "terrible", but he had no way to stop it from happening. He could only watch helplessly as the entire auditorium quieted down from the noise, and then one after another raised their hands, the entire auditorium was immediately shattered. Covered by flesh-colored palms, it looked like the audience in the auditorium of the stadium was playing a human wave. For Jun Shan, this spectacular scene was indeed a cruel public execution.

Those uplifted hands were javelins thrown at him, piercing him with holes.

Yu Junshan couldn't help trembling all over his body, he knew he was finished, no matter how he struggled, he was in Cheng Mo's calculations, Cheng Mo killed him all, just to pave the way for Fu Yuanzhuo to enter the student union, laughing at himself I also wanted to wait for Fu Yuanzhuo to enter the student union to play with Fu Yuanzhuo, seeing Cheng Mo's joke, but I didn't expect that Cheng Mo would not give him a chance, even the vice president would not let him do it, but let him directly out
The hatred towards Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo in Yu Junshan's heart is like a balloon that keeps inflating. He gritted his teeth and wanted to rub Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo on the ground, but he could not change the fact that he was being pressed and rubbed on the ground. , he could only helplessly look at Vice Principal Wan in the audience.

This matter is no longer within his control and handling by Yu Junshan.

Vice-principal Wan also saw Yu Junshan's helpless eyes, sighed secretly, stood up and pressed his hands in the void, took the microphone from the staff and said, "Students, please put your hands down. The students all performed very well, especially Fu Yuanzhuo's speech, which was really good, even my nearly 50-year-old man listened to it with enthusiasm and wanted to make a change."

When the principal spoke, the students lowered their raised hands, and the atmosphere that was about to explode in the auditorium immediately eased.

Vice President Wan said with a serious face: "But I'm sorry that the organization work of the student union was not done well this time. Such a big mistake made it impossible to continue the election. The student union must conduct a review on this matter. But did Yu Junshan Cheating, we can’t draw conclusions so easily, after all, we can’t wrong any of our classmates! Today, please leave in an orderly manner, the school will conduct a detailed investigation, and report the results to you as soon as possible. Now please students from the student union to do it It’s good to get out of work, everyone, take your time, don’t be crowded.”

However, the students in the auditorium didn't stand up immediately. Obviously, everyone was not so satisfied with the answer and the result, and they didn't know who asked loudly, "Does the result of this vote count?"

"Yes! You won't have to run for another election, will you?"

"It's obvious that Fu Yuanzhuo won this time, won't it be counted?"

Principal Wan frowned slightly, and said with a sincere expression: "Please don't worry about the voting, this cannot be faked, there must be data in the server, we will ask someone to restore the data, and then announce the final voting results. The students who hacked into the school server went to the school affairs office to surrender themselves. Don’t let the school find you before you know what you did wrong. Now please ask the head teachers of each class to go to your class and organize the students in your class with the class committee leave"

Vice-Principal Wan had spoken, and the head teachers of each class quickly stood up from the front row, turned to look for their own class's phalanx, and then the class leaders also stood up, and the students sitting by the gate began to walk out.

However, the end of the show couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the core group of Fu Yuanzhuo's supporters. People kept shouting: "Fu Yuanzhuo! Come on! We will always support you!"

"Fu Yuanzhuo, remember your promise, if you win the election, you will hold a school-free day and a cultural festival."

There were also girls who chanted the slogan of support: "Sail the long voyage without fear of difficulties, stand tall and elegant and extraordinary!"

The entire auditorium suddenly became the scene of the concert, making the originally dull atmosphere relaxed and happy again.

Fu Yuanzhuo, who was standing on the stage, waved to the people in the audience, and raised the microphone and said: "Everyone, pay attention to safety, don't be crowded"

Yu Junshan turned to leave.

Fu Yuanzhuo put down the microphone, looked at Yu Junshan's back and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I failed your hope, I'm afraid you didn't even become the vice president."

Yu Junshan stopped in his tracks, but he didn't turn his head back. He just gritted his teeth and said, "Don't think that if you win like this, I won't be able to be the president, and neither will you!"

Fu Yuanzhuo let out a sigh of relief, and said lightly: "I don't mind at all whether I can be the president or not, and don't get me wrong. My participation in the election is really not aimed at you, and you are not worthy."

Yu Junshan didn't respond to Yuanzhuo, and strode forward with a livid face, no one paid attention to him.


Cheng Mo watched Yu Junshan leave angrily, and walked towards his class camp, because the second graders were all in the middle of the auditorium, so it was not the turn of the second graders to leave at this moment.

The atmosphere in class (9) was very enthusiastic. All the students in class (9) were immersed in the joy of victory. Everyone was talking and laughing as if Fu Yuanzhuo had been elected as the president of the student union, but only Cheng Mo knew that things were not going well. There is no complete end, Fu Yuanzhuo still has the most important hurdle to pass if he wants to become the president of the student union.

If Fu Yuanzhuo didn't take the initiative to go to the principal to explain the situation and express that he would obey the school's instructions, he would not become the president of the student union.

As for student opinion?
When the school needs it, it can be important; when the school doesn't need it, then it doesn't matter at all.

Even the United States, which is known as the lighthouse of the world, is like this. On the surface, all living beings are equal, but in fact, public opinion is used to control clear intentions. When public opinion cannot control clear intentions, it tears off its hypocritical face. The American government will do what it should do. Democracy is only within the strike range of the US aircraft carrier.

When Cheng Mo arrived, Shen Youyi was also standing by the corridor. Fu Yuanzhuo's success made her look good. When she saw Cheng Mo, she immediately waved to Cheng Mo.Cheng Mo went up the corridor, Shen Youyi was standing beside the red velvet curtain, the rain was pattering outside the transparent glass window, the tall camphor tree was shaking in the slanting wind and drizzle, she was wearing a light beige short-sleeved improved double-breasted windbreaker , tied with a black bow tie around the waist, paired with black wide-leg pants, the whole person is elegant and peaceful, like noble porcelain displayed in a museum.

When Cheng Mo walked in, Shen Youyi reached out and tapped Cheng Mo's forehead, "You! You really dare to do anything"

Cheng Mo scratched his head and whispered, "I didn't do anything!"

Shen Youyi smiled softly and said: "I still don't admit it, don't worry, I won't tell the teacher what's wrong, I won't tell other teachers!"

Cheng Mo did not hesitate to frame Fu Yuanzhuo, "Fu Yuanzhuo did it all. I just helped out with some ideas and nothing to do with me. Mr. Shen, if you want to find him, you should find him!"

Shen Youyi turned his head and glanced at the excited students, "I think you did a great job. To be honest, I never thought that you would be successful, and that you would make the impossible possible." After a pause, Shen Youyi continued Covering his mouth with a smile, he said, "Ms. Tang's face was almost wrinkled just now, like that."

Shen Youyi suddenly realized that as a teacher, his appearance seemed too serious. He immediately coughed, put down his hand covering his mouth, suppressed the smile on his face, patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, and said in a low voice: "Your article is awesome. I was so moved that it also made me think. Come to my house for dinner on Saturday night! I haven't thanked you for what happened last time!"

Cheng Mo nodded.

"We'll see you there on Saturday." Shen Youyi said softly, then she looked at the half-empty auditorium, and said to the students in class (9): "Now everyone get up, line up and walk out slowly!"

At this time, Fu Yuanzhuo ran over from under the auditorium, invited Cheng Mo's shoulder, and said loudly: "We still follow the plan and gather under the Wanda Hotel. Today I will treat the whole class to a seafood buffet!"

The whole class cheered, causing the people next to them to look sideways.

Fu Yuanzhuo turned to Shen Youyi again and said, "Mr. Shen, you are also here!"

Shen Youyi shook his head with a smile, "I won't go, you should pay attention to safety and don't drink alcohol."

Yan Yitong and Zhen Siqi also squeezed over, "Mr. Shen, go! It's rare that Fu Tuhao is bleeding so much this time!"

Shen Youyi shook his head again, "I have something to do at night, I really can't go, you have fun, but don't stay out at night! I will tell your parents in the parent group!"

As soon as the latter sentence was said, the students in the class started to boo again, "Mr. Shen! Are you trying to beat the mandarin ducks with a stick?"

Dr. Ma said: "Mr. Shen, you can't stop us good kids who are trying to get out of the singles if you don't fall in love!"

Shen Youyi glanced at Dr. Ma who was speaking, "Ma Yunchao, you! You said you have such a poor mouth, why can't you write any words when it comes to composition, you can't write love letters like this, how could there be Girls care about you? You should get out of poverty first and try to get out of the singles."

Everyone burst into laughter, and the air was full of joy.

 (I know that many people are not satisfied with the election article. In fact, I am not satisfied with it either. Originally, it could be written better and deeper, but because of the pressure of daily updates and too many realistic factors, a lot of content is still unsatisfactory after much deliberation. Dare to put it in, I can only say a few things I want to express. I think if you read it carefully and think carefully, you will understand what I want to say.)
(End of this chapter)

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