Chapter 402

(two-in-one update, and one more)
Xu Yawei's sweet voice was heard in the surround sound system of the auditorium. As the Minister of Literature and Art Department, Xu Yawei, who is quite sweet and pleasant, is quite popular, so no one in the auditorium whispered and listened to Xu Yawei's speech. Some people took out their mobile phones and secretly took photos or videos.

Cheng Mo, who was hiding in the corner of the background, did not pay attention to Xu Yawei. He clearly saw the dispute between Fu Yuanzhuo and Yu Junshan from the side.

Yu Junshan deliberately chose to go backstage at this time, just to disturb Fu Yuanzhuo's emotions, Cheng Mo hoped that Fu Yuanzhuo would not be fooled, but fortunately Fu Yuanzhuo did not do any drastic actions.

Cheng Mo saw that Yu Junshan and Fu Yuanzhuo seemed to be separated from each other, and Liu Bosong was already standing on the edge of the stage, ready to go on stage, so he quietly walked out of the backstage and came to the right side of the auditorium. Unfortunately, the entire auditorium was full, even though There were no more seats at the edge of the front row, so Cheng Mo could only stand in the corridor by the window.

He looked up at the projection screen on the side of the auditorium, which had already appeared from top to bottom: the names of Liu Bosong, Fu Yuanzhuo, Shen Mengjie, and Yu Junshan, followed by a number "0", above which was The word "votes".

At this time, Shen Mengjie, who was standing on the stage, had finished reporting the results of the election for the Ministry of Literature and Art, and announced the start of the final chairman election. The whole auditorium burst into applause. The somewhat dull atmosphere was instantly swept away, and everyone in the auditorium was in high spirits.

Cheng Mo saw Liu Bosong walked onto the stage amid applause, so he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, sent a WeChat message to Song Xizhe, asking him how the preparations were going, and soon Cheng Mo received Song Xizhe's reply "OK" Cheng Mo guessed that Song Xizhe would never have imagined that the back door he left in the school server would be used for such a purpose.

Cheng Mo sent another WeChat message to Fu Yuanzhuo, telling him to give a speech with peace of mind. Everything was under control, and he put his phone back in his pocket. Next, it was time to watch a play.

Liu Bosong's speech began with Carnegie's words, "Carnegie said: 'Don't be afraid to sell yourself, as long as you think you are talented, you should think you are qualified for this position.' With the work experience of the committee, I walked to the podium with confidence today, and I am confident that I have the ability to take on this heavy burden.”

It is obvious that Liu Bosong has made very serious preparations and re-polished the speech, but the level is really limited. Both the speech and the speech can only be said to be average, and the effect obtained is naturally only average.

Liu Bosong also noticed that the reaction from the audience was not ideal when he talked about the end, so the more he talked, the lower the momentum, the less he could impress the audience. In the end, he could only end hastily and sadly stepped off the stage, receiving some polite applause.

At this moment, Liu Bosong already had a premonition of his end, with a expressionless face and a mournful face, while Yu Junshan, who was standing aside, ignored him at all, and started to take Fu Yuanzhuo's throat lozenges at him.

Instead, Fu Yuanzhuo smiled at Liu Bosong, and then walked to the edge of the stage.

When it was Fu Yuanzhuo's turn to take the stage, the entire auditorium erupted, and Cheng Mo @everyone in a WeChat group of more than 600 people, said: "Success or failure once again, now is the time for us to rewrite the history of Changya! Everyone act."

This group is full of Changya students who have been brainwashed, some are loyal to Two-dimensional, some are because of Fu Yuanzhuo’s inspirational image, some girls simply like Fu Yuanzhuo, no matter what the reason is, They are all gathered together for the three words "Fu Yuanzhuo". More than 600 people occupy one-third of Changya High School. If they work together at this time, the upsurge that can be set off is enough to drive everyone.

The applause was so loud that everyone was shocked, including Shen Mengjie on the stage, and some members of the student union standing in the background. They all looked at the audience with incredible eyes, and then looked worriedly at the On the side of the stage, Yu Junshan was in full swing.

Yu Junshan also sensed the eyes of his surroundings, and said with a confident smile: "Just wait and see! Fu Yuanzhuo can't win!"

Fu Yuanzhuo walked onto the stage with a smile on his face, and walked towards the podium with steady steps. Cheng Mo could see that Fu Yuanzhuo was in good condition, he didn't seem nervous at all, but there was surging tension brewing in his body.

It seems that Yu Junshan's plan to disturb Fu Yuanzhuo's emotions not only failed, but instead inspired Fu Yuanzhuo's fighting spirit.

Before Fu Yuanzhuo walked into the podium, he first bowed slightly, and then pulled out the microphone from the microphone stand on the podium. The sound of the microphone twitching echoed throughout Dalitong. He was unexpectedly not as well-behaved as the people in front of him. Instead of standing inside the podium, he stood at the very edge of the stage with a microphone, the closest to the students in the audience.

Fu Yuanzhuo waved his hand, took the microphone and said, "Students, good afternoon!"

Immediately, the entire auditorium resounded with a flood of "good afternoon" responses. This was a detail designed by Cheng Mo for Fu Yuanzhuo. It interacted with the students and shortened the sense of distance. This was something that none of the previous speakers could do. Of course, even if they can think of this detail, they may not have the courage to try it. After all, not everyone has such a thing as appeal. If they encounter a cold silence, it will be extremely embarrassing.

But Fu Yuanzhuo was different. He already had a large base of supporters, so he didn't need to worry about being left alone.

When the voice stopped for a while, Fu Yuanzhuo held the microphone in his right hand, pinched the five fingers of his left hand together, and gently swayed up and down on his chest, "Today's campaign will be a brand new start, and it will open up my future. Life, maybe not only me, but also Changya and everyone here."

"Today, when I stand on this, I have never been afraid of failure. Changing this kind of thing must take risks. If we are afraid of failure and choose to continue with the same life, what will our life be like?"

Compared with the previous speeches, Fu Yuanzhuo was crushed in terms of skills and content. Not only did he not dryly say some politically correct formulas, nor did he use any aphorisms or chicken soup for the soul, but he chose to ask questions and let everyone People follow along and think together, allowing the audience to focus on him as much as possible, instead of just listening.

From the previous "good afternoon" to asking a thought-provoking question at the beginning, they are all interacting with the audience. This exquisite rhythm makes the audience silent, waiting to recover and say the answer.

Facing the concerned eyes of countless people, Fu Yuanzhuo said softly: "Yes. I saw the end at a glance."

Here Fu Yuanzhuo used the trick that Zhen Siqi told him, using a soft voice when releasing emotions.But at the beginning of just 1 minute, Fu Yuanzhuo firmly attracted all the attention.

"Take me as an example. I study for two years, take the college entrance examination, and then go to another country to attend a prestigious university. After five or six years, I will return to China to work in my father's company and start my career. , I believe that the students here are roughly the same as my plan. There is no doubt that you are the top group in the whole of Shonan, and even in the whole of China. There is nothing to boast about being admitted to 211. The goal of our Changya students is to be in the top ten A prestigious university, this is the pride of our Changya students.”

Fu Yuanzhuo paused here, waiting for the applause of the students in the audience.

Sure enough, he was greeted with stormy applause.

When the applause subsided, Fu Yuanzhuo continued to hold the microphone and said: "It is conceivable that many of our classmates will be able to enter Peking University, Tsinghua University, Wuhan University, Zhejiang University, Fudan... These top ten well-known universities, and then graduate to enter the country or even The world's top companies, or well-known research institutes"

At this time, Fu Yuanzhuo turned his head and pointed at Yu Junshan who was standing diagonally behind, and said with a smile: "But this definitely does not include Yu Junshan, because he is coming back to pick up his father's shift. Oh! Sansan Heavy Industry Your prince is really enviable."

Fu Yuanzhuo shook his head and salivated, causing a chuckle.

Yu Junshan, who was standing aside, also sneered.

"Then when we reached the age of marriage, we were troubled by not being able to find a suitable partner, and worried about housing prices in big cities. But it doesn't matter, we can't find a partner, we still have paper figures, inflatable figures, and when we buy a house, we still have Six purses, in short, the boat will go straight to the bridge, right?"

The relaxed tone and humorous ridicule caused the audience to burst into laughter, and the applause almost toppled the dome of the auditorium.

Fu Yuanzhuo also stood in the middle of the stage with his arms folded, and when the laughter faded away, he raised the microphone again and said with a smile: "In another ten years, our lives will be stable. At that time, we can't even play basketball." Now, it’s time to lose weight, and I can’t play games anymore because I have to help my children wrap diapers. At the age of 30, our life trajectory has been finalized. After all, we stand at [-]! Next, we can see the end of life at a glance, For children's education, house, car, marriage, and grandchildren. Work hard until retirement, and make one of the six qualified wallets. I hope that the house price will not be too high by then, and leave us some money for retirement."

This time some people were laughing, while others were lost in thought.

Fu Yuanzhuo stopped and raised a finger, "But I want to say, our life may not be like this!"

"Some people did well in the college entrance examination, but they got into the ideal school but failed to get into the ideal major; Some people graduated with a master’s degree at the age of 21, but they still can’t find a job; some people didn’t even go to college, and entered the society after graduating from high school, but they found their goals and direction and worked hard for them; People are born with everything that others need to struggle for a lifetime, but they are not happy. Some people find what they want to pursue in the process of life, and some people understand what they want since they were young; Some people want to be dink, some people want kids, some people are still single"

"What I want to say is that everything in our life depends on our choices, but these choices are not static. Don't care about the eyes of people around you. Maybe your parents, relatives, and friends are reminding you , What kind of things should be done at what point in time, what is correct. But what is the real correctness?"

"Mark Cuban was still working as a bartender at a bar when he was 25 years old. After that, he worked as a salesperson for Your Business Software, the number one software retailer in Dallas. However, he was kicked out after only one and a half years. The only reason he was fired was that he was talking to a client on the phone about a once-in-a-half-year deal, so he didn't have time to return to the store to open for business on time. At this time, Cuban, who had never thought of going it alone, felt wronged and realized that he was given It’s not easy for people to work. After thinking about it, he decided to change and not work for others, so he opened his own company and started his own business. He named his company——MicroSolutions”

"JK Rowling published "Harry Potter" at the age of 32. Although she studied French and classical literature and received a bachelor's degree in arts and sciences, she did not become a novelist after graduation, but was taught in Manchester. Training, worked as a secretary for a while, at the age of 26, she went to Portugal to teach children a second foreign language-English, and later she taught children French in Edinburgh. Later she lost her job and became a living on government relief But she wrote her first novel when she was six and started writing Harry Potter when she was 24. During that time she wrote for five years, living almost entirely on relief."

"Amancio Ortega, the world's richest man who briefly defeated Bill Gates, founded Zara at the age of 39. He was a poor tailor when he was young. He once fell in love with a client's daughter. The girl's mother disliked her He was too poor to play mandarin ducks. This incident changed his life, and Amancio Ortega, who wanted to prove himself, founded Zara, which is famous all over the world."

"Steve Carell once wanted to study law, but he gave up because he couldn't study well. After graduation, he couldn't find a job, so he tried acting career. He used to be the TV show "The Daily" (The Daily Show) Show) worked as a correspondent for 7 years. In 2005, he finally landed a leading role in NBC's hit drama, the American sitcom "The Office," for which he won a Golden Globe Award in 2006."

"Morgan Freeman took the stage at 8 and didn't get recognized until he was 53"

"There is also our familiar father Ma. In 1982, Ma Yun took the college entrance examination for the first time and failed the ranking for the first time. He only scored 1 point in mathematics. Ma Yun was full of frustration. Later, he and his cousin went to a hotel to apply for a waiter job, but his cousin was hired , I was rejected miserably. The reason given by the boss was that Ma Yun was thin and short, with bad looks. Later Ma Yun worked as a secretary and a porter. Ma Yun failed the college entrance examination. His father, Ma Laifa, saw that he was depressed and asked him to ride three rounds to the magazine. In 1983, Jack Ma took part in the college entrance examination for the second time and failed again, improving his mathematics to 19 points. Jack Ma’s parents persuaded him to stop going to college and learn a craft. But in 1984, Jack Ma ignored his family’s efforts Opposed to take the college entrance examination for the third time. This time I scored 89 points in the math test, but the total score was 5 points away from the undergraduate line. Since the enrollment quota for English majors was not full, some excellent English students were given the opportunity to be promoted. Jack Ma was promoted to Hangzhou Teachers College Undergraduate major in foreign languages. After entering the university, Ma Yun became a good student with excellent character and learning, and was firmly in the top five of the foreign language department with his excellent English. After that, Ma Yun was elected as the chairman of the student union, and later served as the chairman of the Hangzhou Student Union for two terms. After graduating, Jack Ma was assigned to work as an English lecturer at Hangzhou Institute of Electronic Industry. In 1992, because many people came to invite Jack Ma to do translation, Jack Ma founded Haibo Translation Agency and asked retired teachers to do translation. However, he could not make ends meet. In order to survive, Jack Ma carried Big bags went to Yiwu and Yangcheng to buy goods. Haibo Translation Agency began to sell flowers, gifts, and even sold medicine for a year. In 1994, Haibo Translation Agency’s revenue was flat. Among them, Bill and Ma Yun, a foreign teacher from Seattle, chatted Internet, Ma Yun decided to change and look for opportunities to enter the Internet. In 95, Ma Yun resigned and founded Haibo Computer Service Co., Ltd., and Huaxia Yellow Pages was officially launched. In 97, he gave up Huaxia Yellow Pages and went to Beijing to develop Huaxia Merchants, Online Canton Fair, etc. A series of websites and then in 99 until he was 35 years old, he founded Alibaba."

After telling the story of Jack Ma, Fu Yuanzhuo took a deep breath, calmly looked at the dark crowd under the auditorium, and said in a low voice: "Persistence and change are very important to everyone. But we often don't Know when you should persevere and when you should change."

"When you make this decision, it makes you happy, it makes you feel the passion in your heart, it makes you feel like you won't regret it in the future. It's the right thing to do!"

Fu Yuanzhuo clenched his fists, "We have to believe in ourselves and not be afraid of change!"

"There is no so-called standard for success. Being admitted to a prestigious university does not mean success; successfully buying a house in a big city and finally being able to settle down is not success; making untold money and buying a luxury house and yacht does not mean success Not necessarily success Einstein once said: 'Not all important things must be calculated clearly, and not all things that can be calculated clearly are important'. This is the most important point, we must create our own, A meaningful life, use your own light to illuminate the world and influence the world.”

"So, what I want to tell you is - keep changing, find your true love dream - and stick to it!"

Fu Yuanzhuo said loudly, "make a change! You will definitely find yourself!"

The passionate voice exploded in everyone's ears. Fu Yuanzhuo was not only talking about himself, but everyone, which made them feel a contagious excitement!
At this time, I don't know who will take the lead, all the students stood up from their seats and applauded desperately!
Shanhu and tsunami-like applause resounded throughout the Changya Auditorium.

(End of this chapter)

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