Rebel Demon King

Chapter 4 Mysterious Relics

Chapter 4 Mysterious Relics
After the banquet was over, Cheng Jidong and Huang Qiaoyun were busy packing up their things, putting away the unfinished wine and drinks. These are things that can be sold by the wholesale department.

Cheng Mo sat on the side with his mobile phone to check questions, and waited for his uncle and aunt to pack up and go home. Suddenly, a message popped up on his mobile phone. At first, he thought it was a spam message, because there was no The phone numbers of several people, he has no friends and does not need friends.

But what emerged was Li Jiting's name. Clicking on it, the text message was telling him to come to the parking lot of the funeral home.

Cheng Mo was a little strange. Li Jiting was the first to leave. He didn't expect that he was still in Yangmingshan. He couldn't think of anything worthy of such a big man waiting for him in the parking lot.

Cheng Mo was puzzled, and after talking to his uncle Cheng Jidong, he got up and left the hall and walked outside the cafeteria.

The weather on this day was particularly gloomy and cold, the sky was low, and the wind outside was so strong that people could not breathe well.

Cheng Mo walked slowly and calmly to the somewhat empty parking lot. When he looked around to find his target, a black Audi A8 chirped and flashed its headlights in the pile of cars.

The light is like a beacon that guides the way in this slightly gray world.

Cheng Mo walked straight towards the Audi A8. Cheng Mo didn't speed up his pace, and still approached the Audi slowly at a constant rhythm. At this moment, he could clearly see that Li Jiting was sitting in the back seat smoking with the window open, and the bleak wind was blowing. His long hair was a little messy, and the soot seemed to evaporate in the air, and it was rolled away in an instant.

Seeing Chengmo coming over, Li Jiting waved to him with a smile from a distance.

Cheng Mo walked to the window in the back seat. Li Jiting first put out the cigarette in the ashtray, then turned to Cheng Mo and said straight to the point: "I called you here because I have something for you..."

Saying that, Li Jiting took out a white silk bag tied with a red string from the inner pocket of the suit jacket. The bag was printed with a red six-pointed star logo. Li Jiting weighed the bag in his hand, and then reached out from the window and handed it to him. Cheng Mo said: "I forgot to give it to you just now. This is your father's relic. You have to take good care of it."

Cheng Mo was a little puzzled, because the things his father kept in the capital had already been handed over to him and his uncle when he handed over the body, but Li Jiting actually gave him some more now. Although it was only a little bit, it was a bit strange. He took the silk bag that Li Jiting gave him that looked like jewelry, squeezed the bag a little and said, "Thank you, and I'd like to ask you to make a trip in person."

Li Jiting smiled and said, "It should be, your father and I are friends..."

Cheng Mo said: "Then there is nothing to do, I will go first!"

Li Jiting nodded, "I'll wait for you to be admitted to the capital, see you in the capital, live a good life, and don't let your father down!"

Cheng Mo said: "I can only do my best for this."

Li Jiting smiled and said, "It's good to do your best!" After speaking, Li Jiting waved at Cheng Mo and said, "Goodbye Cheng Mo"

Audi drove forward slowly, and Li Jiting stuck his head out of the window, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it, just waved his hand again.

After Li Jiting sat down, he pressed the window up, and the shadow of Cheng Mo in the rearview mirror gradually became smaller until it disappeared.

The burly man with the national character in the driver's seat, who was wearing a formal suit and driving, suddenly said in a low voice, "This is not your style, how can you be sentimental?"

Li Jiting said: "I know some of Yongze's careful thoughts, so I feel sorry and sentimental"

The man with the national character face was silent for a while when he heard Cheng Yongze's name: "You give him this thing now, I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse!"

Li Jiting said with a smile: "For this kid, of course, it's a blessing. Anyway, there will be no worse ending."

"Then why didn't you explain to him how to use it?"

"If he can't solve this problem, it is impossible to become a 'chosen one'. Why don't you waste the 'Ouroboros' (Note 1) that Yongze finally got?"

After waiting for the Audi A8 to go away, Cheng Mo opened the silk bag and looked down at the contents, a key, two badges and a white watch with a dark luster.

The key, he recognized, was the key to the door of his father's dormitory at the Academy of Social Sciences, which he had seen often.As for the two badges, a round one is obvious and represents the badge of fatherhood.The number 111 is engraved on the back of the badge. This is the number. Cheng Yongze happens to be the 111th academic leader in China.

There is no doubt that this badge is naturally his father's highest honor, and the other badge is intriguing.

The upper part of the badge is a small flag slightly larger than the two fingernails. The flag is fixed with golden metal strips on the top and bottom, and the metal strip has a triangular pattern, while the middle of the flag is a black equilateral triangle, the middle of the triangle It is an open eye drawn with a white border, and the pupil consists of the stars and the moon.

The metal bar below the flag is linked to a golden badge, the body of which consists of blue corrugated enamel surrounded by golden olive leaves, with golden engraved divisions above and a golden curved ruler below, between the compasses and the The golden letter G is inlaid in the diamond-shaped space in the middle of the ruler
Cheng Mo picked up the badge and took a look at it. The scale, the ruler, and the all-seeing eye. With such an obvious sign, Cheng Mo immediately recognized that it was the evil society "community" that was controlling the world behind the scenes in many street readings. Franciscan badge.

Originally, the "Free Mason's Union" was unknown, but after the fire of the two books "Currency War" and "Domination of the World", the shadow government of Freemasonry, the most powerful financial organization on earth, is like a giant beast hidden on the seabed Usually, it surfaced in the fog of indistinguishable truth and falsehood.
All kinds of rumors can be seen everywhere, some people say that this is just a charity organization, some people say that it is a union of human elites who want to rely on this organization to build a "new world order", and some people say that "the goal of Freemasonry is to bring global human beings together." It was wiped out to only 5 million.” Some people say that this is just an association of rich people formed by a group of financial oligarchs.
All in all, there are a lot of rumors, and the truth is only in the hands of a few people. Originally, these things had nothing to do with Cheng Mo, but at this moment, a Freemason badge suddenly appeared in the relics that Li Jiting handed over to his father, and Cheng Mo was confused. , he never knew his father could still be a Freemason.

But even if Cheng Yongze is a member of the Freemason, it is not surprising. It is normal for a genius like Cheng Yongze to be invited to join the Freemason.

Cheng Mo put the badge back in the bag and picked up the last relic. Cheng Mo had never seen his father wear this watch, and Cheng Yongze didn't seem to have the habit of wearing a watch.

Cheng Mo wondered if Li Jiting made a mistake?But he felt that it was impossible. A person like Li Jiting waited for him specially, and even if the things that were handed to him were not his father's relics, they must have been given to him on purpose.

Cheng Mo stuffed the silk bag with the badge and key into his jacket pocket, and took a careful look at his watch.

This watch has been stopped. The white gem dial looks like a white computer screen without any brand logo on it. The silver pointer floats on the dial motionless. Cheng Mo turned over and looked at the back. , not even a single screw can be seen,
A silver dragon with its own tail is engraved on the circular chassis behind it.
Cheng Mo put the watch on his wrist and was about to try it on. Unexpectedly, he hadn't buckled the buckle yet. The white watch seemed to come alive, like a twisting white snake with a white section. A watch strap tightly restrained his wrist.

Cheng Mo was taken aback and was about to stretch out his hand to pull this weird watch off when he felt a pain in his wrist, as if there was an electric current hitting his brain, and then he felt a blank in his mind and passed out.
When Cheng Mo collapsed to the ground, rows of multicolored genetic chains began to slide on the white dial, and the silver dragon's mouth on the back turned scarlet as if filled with blood.
(Note 1) Ouroboros - Chinese name "Ouroboros" is a symbol that has been handed down since ancient times. It roughly resembles a snake (or dragon) eating its own tail, resulting in a ring (sometimes also will be displayed in a twist shape, the shape of the Arabic numeral "8"), and its name means "self-devourer" (Self-devourer).This symbol has always had many different symbolic meanings, and the most accepted among them are the meanings of "infinity" and "cycle".In addition, the Ouroboros is also a common symbol in religion and mythology, and it is an important emblem in alchemy.In modern times, some psychologists (such as Carl Jung) believe that ouroboros actually reflect the archetype of human psychology.

The snake god represents the wise man, and the symbol of the middle outlook on life is a symbol of "ouroboros (also known as biting snake)" and "(uroboros)".In Norse mythology, Loki's child is a giant snake whose head and tail are hermaphrodites coiling around the whole world.In a sense, ouroboros means a "vicious circle".Contemporary thought is no longer moving toward some preconceived truth or goal, so perhaps this serpent or dragon could be a philosophical symbol.

It not only has philosophical significance, but in many ancient myths, there is a snake or dragon that survives by devouring itself. The baby begins to repeat a new life.A snake that bites its own tail and connects end to end is a symbol of the cycle of life.Such symbols were first discovered in ancient Egypt more than 3000 years ago, and have been found in many ancient civilizations.Similar snake rings have appeared in more than 40 ancient civilizations.In different civilizations, there are different symbols.Usually, the shape of the snake is also expressed as a double ring, that is, "∞", as a symbol of the sun, showing its orbit, symbolizing eternity and infinity.In psychology, it is also compared to the chaos before the self is formed, which symbolizes the "mother" who dominates everything.The snake ring OUROBOROS has many meanings, and its common meaning is: reincarnation.

(End of this chapter)

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