Rebel Demon King

Chapter 321 Undercurrent

Chapter 321 Undercurrent
(Thanks to the book friend "Driving a BMW, sitting on a Mercedes-Benz, dangling a Porsche" for becoming the leader, and owes 8 more, and thanks to the book friend "yahchenz" and "Red Cucumber" for their rewards. I have made some changes to the order of the previous article, and the plot has been slightly adjusted. In addition The plot about injections is also added. This book is not an upgrade stream, and it does not use upgrades as a selling point. The single chapter at the end of Volume [-] charges a fee because it needs to collect opinions from genuine readers. I will send out the money as a benefit, and download Not again.)
When Cheng Mo took a taxi back home from the airport, it was already one o'clock in the morning. Dim yellow street lights stood alone on both sides of the long street he was very familiar with. The lights of tall buildings around him flickered in the hazy night sky. Roaring, and the irregular hustle and bustle beyond Pub Street.
The summer night in Star City is quiet and hot.

Cheng Mo stopped on the curb for a while, closed his eyes and smelled the fresh aroma of burning straw, which was filled with the inspiring smell of GDP, which is the breath of the times, the breath of hometown, and the stability breath.

Cheng Mo, who was alone, turned around and walked towards home, finally temporarily escaped from the dangerous environment and the threat of terminal illness, and could sleep soundly
It seems a little wrong to say this, because he no longer needs to sleep at all. After reaching level 33, his carrier usage time has reached 12 hours a day, and he can activate it three times (three accumulative hours cannot exceed [-] hours)
But today, he doesn't want to activate the carrier, he wants to try what it's like to have a sweet sleep.

Passing through the somewhat dark and narrow corridor, taking the old elevator upstairs, the smell in the closed corridor is still unpleasant, but it smells better than the scorching sulfurous air in Siberia, Cheng Mo walked to the door of the house , knocked on the door.

Soon there was the sound of slippers rubbing on the floor in the room, and a voice came from inside: "Is it Cheng Mo?"

Cheng Mo said "En!", and the door was opened immediately.

Uncle Cheng Jidong's square face appeared through the crack of the door. He was wearing a white vest with holes and baggy blue shorts, shaking his cattail fan, and smelling of beer, "I've been waiting for you! "Girl Dong opened the door and pulled on the slippers, and said while walking into the room.

Before getting on the plane, Cheng Mo called his uncle and said that he would be home at one o'clock in the evening and asked him to open the door for him, but he didn't have a key.

Cheng Mo walked into the room empty-handed. The empty shoe rack was already filled with shoes, all of which belonged to his aunt and Cheng Haoyang. A few pairs of beautiful basketball shoes were placed on the top of the shoe rack. Where did it go.

Cheng Mo took off the Converse canvas shoes on his feet, put on slippers, and heard Ji Dong yawn and said: "Cheng Mo, I'm going to bed first, remember to turn off the lights and lock the door behind you."

Cheng Mo said "Oh", and the uncle closed the bedroom door, and the whole room fell silent. The spotlights in the living room were dimly lit, and he saw his silver box in the corner of the dining room, like a lost item. Unowned items at the recruiting office.

He dragged the box out from the corner, and when he walked into the living room, he turned around and saw the phonograph his father bought, with a little dust on it, Cheng Mo hesitated, let go of the box, and walked to the window of the living room , took a vinyl turntable of the guitar master Paco de Lucia (the greatest flamenco guitarist in Paco di Lucia history) from the disc shelf, and put it in the record player.

Cheng Mo turned the volume down to the minimum, and then started to play "Concierto de Aranjuez - 2. Adagio", which is the most fascinating melody in the history of guitar, the melody is soft and beautiful, like a dream.

The lights outside the window are like a never-ending river, the clear sky of summer night is above the field of vision, the moon hides behind the dark clouds, revealing a hazy silhouette, and the Yuelu Mountain on the other side of the Xiangjiang River is lurking in the black without a sound.

Standing by the phonograph, he looked at the secular source outside (referring to the place where rivers originate, generally referring to the origin of things), listening to the elegiac dialogue between the guitar and the orchestral instruments, letting the sad emotions flood his heart like a tide .

When Cheng Mo returned to the room, Cheng Haoyang had already fallen asleep. He turned on the desk lamp and heard the sound of the upper bunk turning over and the sound of the bed board, so he turned down the light a little, went to take a bath, then turned off the light and lay down on the bed.

Falling asleep after a frightening day is not easy.

Closing his eyes, what happened in K20 was replayed in his mind. Although Cheng Mo said that he didn’t want to know the truth, he still couldn’t help thinking about it. When he returned home, in the dead of night, Cheng Mo I can completely calm down and recall, but I feel that there are more and more doubts.

The time when "Run Lola Run" was played at the airport was too coincidental; the timing of Li Jiting's appearance at the Pantheon was also too coincidental; why did Li Jiting lead him to track Shirkov; why did Li Jiting ask him to sell news to Napoleon VII?Was the $[-] million reward posted by Li Jiting?
At the Yaroslav train station, Li Jiting jokingly said to him: "Chengmo, the security measures I prepared for you, don't forget, it's best...don't kill anyone." Is his repeated exhortations a joke or a hint?Could it be that the 'God Gene' was prepared for Xie Minyun?Otherwise, why would he say to Xie Minyun before leaving, "You will be grateful to me!"

The 400-ranked Chosen One beat the 19th-ranked Napoleon VII and the 27th-ranked Sith the Clown with one move, so where should his real ranking be?

Why did he go back to 240 in the end?And to cover up what?
I have soared to level 34, which shows that what happened on the train is far more complicated and profound than what I guessed.
Cheng Mo even had the urge to get up to see what would be said on the Chosen Forum, but after thinking about it, he suppressed his curiosity. He thought that as long as he stopped thinking about it, everything would be over.

Cheng Mo put aside his complicated thoughts and let himself fall asleep. He decided to forget this extremely dangerous experience and return to an ordinary and ordinary life.

"I don't know how my senior is doing!" Before falling asleep, this was the last question that hovered in Cheng Mo's mind.


Cheng Mo is determined to completely block the K20 incident, but it cannot affect the fact that this incident has caused a huge sensation in both the inner world and the watch world. Needless to say, the Russian commander-in-chief personally rushed to Irkutsk to take charge of the aftermath.

There are countless tourists from other countries on this international train, so they are closely watched all over the world. For a while, the relatives of the passengers are rushing to Irkutsk, including Rebecca's grandparents and grandparents.

On August 8th, Lake Baikal and the K4 headed to the capital became the focus of the whole world, and the global TV and Internet news were broadcasting this event.

When the whole train included 941 train crew members, and there were only thirty survivors left, most of them became the missing persons and the number of victims in the news. Lights are turned off to show condolences.

The Russian leader delivered a fierce speech against the terrorists and said he would never tolerate them.

And the world in the other world was blown up, no matter how many ordinary people died, they were concerned about the fact that the clown Sith had killed at least 20 Chosen Ones, or the main body.

More attention is paid to: Napoleon VII finally fought against the clown Sith on Lake Baikal, but was killed by the mysterious man in a second.

This is really shocking. Although it is said that the mysterious man relied on a sneak attack and forcibly intervened at the inevitable moment when Napoleon VII and the clown Sith fought each other, his ability to choose the timing and powerful output still made many heaven The selectors couldn't believe it.

But then someone broke even bigger news, completely blowing up the entire forum!

Some witnesses said that the clown Sith got on the car to find the "God gene", and the function of the God gene is to make the human body have the same powerful ability as the carrier. When this inside story is revealed, compared with this, Napoleon VII And the clown Sith being second is simply insignificant little thing!
As a result, the discussion post about this incident instantly became the hottest post on the Chosen Forum, and the number of replies overnight surpassed the highest post in the history of the Chosen Forum — the "Olympiad" five years ago. Battle of Sri Lanka" discussion thread.

Area 51 and Stargate in the United States, EADS and the Twelve Gods will become the target of public criticism. Countless Chosen Ones have launched appealing posts on the forum, and these organizations and the Round Table Council must be forced to announce the truth about the "God Gene", because this is Major Events Concerning All Chosen Ones
The Chosen Organizations in many countries have just learned of the existence of the "God Gene". Many Chosen Organizations from countries that are behind the United States have contacted "Stargate" to ask whether the "God Gene" is true. It exists, and the unified reply is "temporarily inconvenient to answer".

The whole world is undercurrent.
But all of this has nothing to do with Cheng Mo, he didn't hear anything out of the window, and rested quietly at home for a few days, planning to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination after the body strengthening is completed, to see what the body is now what kind of situation.
But it seems impossible for Cheng Mo to spend the rest of the summer vacation quietly. Although he didn't tell anyone that he was back in Star City, he pretended that he was still in Europe, hiding it from his heart and waiting for him Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo came back, but they couldn't hide it from Tang Wenjun.

Tang Wenjun knew through Cheng Haoyang that Cheng Mo had returned home, so Sun Dayong knew through Tang Wenjun that Cheng Mo had returned home.

Sun Dayong always wanted to apologize for bullying Cheng Mo last semester entrusted by Tian Bin, and made several phone calls to invite Cheng Mo to dinner and then go out for activities at night, but Cheng Mo never hung him up, always saying No time.

Cheng Mo's attitude made Sun Dayong extremely uneasy. Not to mention that Cheng Mo and Fu Yuanzhuo have a very good relationship now, he won Du Leng and the student union in the end-of-semester gamble. Sun Dayong must pay attention to apologizing to Cheng Mo.

On Saturday, August 8th, during the weekend, Sun Dayong and Tang Wenjun came to Cheng Mo's house, and asked Cheng Mo to accept his sincere apology and have a meal.
(End of this chapter)

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