Rebel Demon King

Chapter 318 Postscript to "Gods Entering the Hall of Valor"

Chapter 318 Postscript to "Gods Entering the Hall of Valor"

After writing the second volume, the beginning of the main story line has been paved, and Qingshan doesn't feel relieved.

Instead, I feel more tormented.

Because I suddenly found that I didn't know what readers wanted to see.

Take the beginning that has been complained about for example, the beginning of the first edition is "Prologue" "A Not-So-Sad Funeral", not the current "Chapter 1" "Day of the Fall".The reason why it was revised at that time was because the editor said it was not very good. I thought about the golden rule of three chapters, so I wrote a new one.

But it seems.
I can only cover my face, it seems that I can't grasp everyone's preferences.

But after writing for a long time, the results were a bit bad. I tried to sum up my experience and found that first, there was a problem with the setting of pig feet.

Nowadays, pig’s knuckles, which are full of bitterness and hatred, are not popular, and all the texts are light-hearted with a tendency to complain; pig’s knuckles are ordinary people, either through time travel or the system, so that readers have a more sense of substitution.

Second, there is a problem with rhythm.

It takes too long to enter the main story line. In the fast food era, if you can’t catch up with a girl for a week, you give up. The novel is about ten chapters; the foreshadowing is too long, and the climax is not high. Simply put, it’s an hour of foreplay and 1 minute of hard work. Before I started to feel good, I already had social security, which is probably: I took off my pants, and you just showed me this feeling.

Third, force depth.

It didn't integrate the philosophy of life into the plot very well, and the plot of pretending to be B was too blunt
MD, after such a self-analysis, I found that I really didn't do it well. Of course, it's not that I can't do better, but "network" itself is a strong control over the author. If I can spend a month Time, if I revise the previous article carefully, I think I can give you a satisfactory answer.

But economic pressure does not allow it. I am not a master and I am not qualified to be willful. Not to mention no income if I don’t update, I will lose a lot of readers. After all, I am not writing purely for fun, so being poor is the original sin.

In fact, as far as the current web articles are concerned, except for sporadic geniuses and some famous masters, most of the web articles are assembly-line products written to cater to readers. It is a compromise to the readers. I will write whatever the readers like to read. For the author, the boring level should be very high, and even many of them are handed over to the studio to complete, because although the things produced by the assembly line It does not possess spirituality, nor does it lack personal characteristics and style, but it must be a qualified product.

And assuming that the author wants to write a work with excellent content and depth, the difficulty will increase geometrically.

The criteria for judging the value of works in this era are elusive for most authors.You think it is good content, good text, and high-quality painstaking efforts, but the website, capital, readers, and seasonal popularity (not following the trend) do not buy it.

This kind of situation is the normal state of the vast majority of online writers who write for their ideals. We usually complain, why my writing is not bad, but no one reads it, no one subscribes?
Want to compromise with the market, but without spirituality and luck, it is difficult to get to the G-spot of readers. There are only a few masters and thousands of low-level writers.

The pay is not proportional to the income, there is no income, no respect, and no sense of accomplishment. This is a devastating blow to an author, because most authors will equate their own value with the value of their works, and their works will not be recognized. That is, he cannot be recognized, and this kind of depression will make people fall into self-denial and doubt.

So the more I write, the more confused I become, and the more I write, the less I know how to write.

In addition, what is even more difficult is that there are so many creative restrictions that make one's scalp tingle. You can't write this, and you can't touch that. If you want to break through the restrictions and write some depth, you will face the risk of being harmonized. You can only evade, evade, and then evade .
Of course, there are more difficulties that will not be described here one by one. In fact, the above aspects are related to study and work.
Qingshan is not here to complain to everyone, but for the follow-up development of "Anti-Magic", I want to communicate with you more.

"Sister Puppet" is a bit too self-indulgent, which leads to readers' dissatisfaction. Although I think the ending is very good, the full text forms a circular structure, and the discussion of "life" and "fate" is deep enough, but most of the readers are helpless. Buy it.

Since I don't know what you want to see, where are your cool points, and where are your poisonous points, then I will ask.

After all, as an online novel, the interaction with readers is also very important. I said in "Sister Puppet" that a novel is jointly completed by readers and authors. Here I hope to use everyone's strength to complete "Anti-Demon" better.

So when posting this article, I paid a special fee, just to collect the opinions of genuine readers. Everyone wants to see the cool things they want to see, the poisonous things they don’t want to see, and even the plots they want to see, including hard things that have already appeared. Injuries and poisonous points are written in this chapter.

I collected them to present you with a more perfect content.

Like the top three, I will give [-] starting coins each on the [-]th of next month as a reward.


Finally, regarding the plot, many plots that seem a little unreasonable at present are all derived from Li Jiting's purpose of doing this-the main storyline, which cannot be spoiled now.

As for the heroine, I reiterate again—the author will not be biased, and will give enough roles. The final choice will be left to everyone to vote, and everyone will pick the character they like.


In the end, although it is extremely difficult to write a good-looking and in-depth web article, I will still stick to this extremely rough road.

This world is already vulgar, boring, and boring enough. Writing a good enough story is my last resistance to this world, even if it is like Don Quixote’s most ridiculous challenge to the windmill.

Of course, I don't deny that I hope to support myself in this way.

But the greater value that creation brings to me is to fight against mediocrity and loneliness, against the shortness and powerlessness of life.

This is also a bit of inspiration for everyone.

Because the vast majority of readers are students, you have just begun the most exciting but also the most confusing and difficult period of your life.

Just started to find the meaning of my existence.

For me, creation is the meaning of my existence.

It took me more than 30 years to find it, and it took me more than a third of my life to understand what I wanted to do, what I liked to do, and I planned to stick to it.

Everyone’s life has just begun, so there is no need to be anxious, live well and think at the same time, as long as you identify what you like and are sure that this is a dream you can’t give up, then do it, then go after it.

Life is short, and the greatest happiness is nothing more than not being afraid of other people's eyes and doing what you want to do.

Just as Cheng Mo said: on the road of life, you can’t turn back, and you can only go on, go on, go on until you reach the end you desire

- go on.

(End of this chapter)

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