Rebel Demon King

Chapter 316 The King's Feast (End)

Chapter 316 The King's Feast (End)

[Two-in-one update, 6 updates owed, two more updates today, finish the second volume, BGM of this chapter——"icon" (instrumental) Hiroyuki Sawano]

Lake Baikal in summer is the blue pupil of Siberia, the winding ridge is its lower eyelid, the gorgeous birch forest is its slender eyelashes, the color of oil painting, against the birch trees all over the mountain and the wooden houses at the foot of the mountain, it is so beautiful It's like a dream!
If anyone saw this scene before them, they would definitely not suspect that they were in a dream.

Two figures who broke through the sound barrier turned around in the birch forest, like a huge harvester moving irregularly in the wheat field, the colors that are difficult for the human eye to catch, the trees fell down wherever they went, and the orderly follow The direction in which the two passed was paved into a runway, and there were deep marks plowed by energy beams on the dark black ground, like a cat's claws scratching randomly on an oil painting.
The battle of the strong does not simply rely on skills. More often, two people collide with each other and fight hand-to-hand. Between hand-to-hand combat, there are first-level skills that are hard to defend. The higher the level of each skill, the more time it takes to accumulate energy. The longer the skill is, the more powerful it is, this is something that every chosen person understands, so the [-]% hit skill in heads-up must be in the case of breaking the defense at close range.

The battle between Napoleon VII and the clown Sith reached its climax. The two had already fought from the train to the vast and boundless Lake Baikal. On the clear and bottomless Lake Baikal, a monstrous wave surged because of the two people's rapid skimming.

The clown Sith seized the opportunity and released "Truth: Breath of Sleep" on Napoleon VII. This is an SS-level powerful control skill that can cause the opponent to be paralyzed for 2 to 30 seconds. Of course, this is the carrier. If it is Ordinary people, then just hang up.
Although Napoleon VII has always been more careful, the skills of the chemistry department are stronger than those of the physics department in terms of concealment and the inability of energy shields to resist. In terms of damage and destructive power, the chemistry department is slightly inferior, because the physics department is almost There is no upper limit, but the chemistry department has reached the ceiling, so most of the chosen ones prefer to choose the skills of the physics department.

The transparent mist was mixed in the overwhelming tide and rushed towards Napoleon VII. It has to be said that the clown Sith was insidious enough, holding back his "sleeping breath" and never using it until he came to Lake Baikal to use the steaming water vapor and waves as a cover Out of this trick.

Napoleon VII was caught off guard and instantly paralyzed, his body fell straight towards the lake
2 seconds is enough time for the clown Sith to do a lot of things. He turned into a white light with a strange smile and flew under Napoleon VII, kicking Napoleon VII into the air, but before Napoleon VII's body flew away When he was within his control range, he grabbed Napoleon VII's ankle like lightning, tore him down, and punched Napoleon VII directly on the head.

At this time, Napoleon VII was unable to defend, and could only rely on blood volume to endure. Fortunately, the clown Sith's damage skills were in a cooling state, otherwise the situation of Napoleon VII would be worrying.

Napoleon VII was shot into Lake Baikal by the clown Sith like a cannonball. In the transparent blue lake, countless bubbles appeared, like a Sprite advertisement, but Napoleon VII, who was wet all over in an instant, was like a sharp arrow He rushed out of the crystal-clear lake, his hair stuck to his cheeks, and the morning coat and silk scarf that had been pressed were all wet and wrinkled.

Napoleon VII held the seven-star scepter in one hand, and the veins in his hand were bulging, and a faint water vapor evaporated from his whole body. In an instant, the silk scarf, clothes, and hair that were soaked through were all dry again.

"Miscellaneous fish, you have completely angered me! You will pay a high price that you cannot afford"

The clown Sith was soaring above the lake, the lake below him seemed to be boiling and bubbling, he bent over with a smile when he heard what Napoleon VII said, "Little nobleman, don't steal the lines of villains like us, okay?" ? If you don't follow the script like this, I will be very embarrassed."

"Remember your emotions now, you will live in fear in the future!"

The clown Sith laughed even harder. He pointed at Napoleon VII with one hand and said, "I'm just afraid. Of course I live in fear!" He straightened up, licked his lips, touched his chin and said, "But I'm really Yes, I have never experienced what fear is like. I just taste the fear of others and use fear to make myself stronger. You should also try this feeling of falling into fear, cruelty will make people's emotions boil!"

"You call yours cruel?" Napoleon VII said contemptuously, "No, no, yours is just a child's trick, just like a clown in a circus, it's just a rotten thing to scare ordinary people, no wonder you put Dressed up as a clown, you are nothing but a poor dark maggot!"

"A child's trick?" The clown Sith was a little angry, "Then I will show you how terrible a child's trick can be. Come! Come! Little nobleman, don't run away, don't hide, show like a man! A little bit of your nobility."

Napoleon VII sneered, "Do you think I'm afraid of you?"

The clown Sith raised his hands in front of his chest, forming a pyramid shape. A red air mass appeared on the top of the tower, and the air mass began to rotate slowly. This was a gesture of releasing a ninth-level skill and collecting energy through a carrier.

Napoleon VII held up the scepter of seven stars. The top of the scepter was like a small crown. The crown was inlaid with seven brilliant diamonds. In the center of the crown was a diamond the size of an egg. Countless electric lights began to shine on top of the diamond. Gathering together, Napoleon VII is surrounded by tiny streams of high-energy particles, and he is completely surrounded by blue-purple light clusters. Snake-like electric lights are running around, and the light clusters are constantly compressing towards the scepter, trying to It became thicker and thicker until it became a black spot.

The clown Sith's body emits a nearly transparent golden light, like a sacred flame is ignited all over his body. This is the characteristic of the ignited mood bar, and probably Akira Toriyama's inspiration for Super Saiyan comes from this.Contrary to the compression of Napoleon VII, the red air mass on the chest of the clown Sith is expanding, and it is almost as big as the red sun above their heads.

Of course Napoleon VII knew that the clown Sith was deliberately provoking him, relying on the bonus of having a mood bar to ignite the rampage, he wanted to kill him in one blow, but he was not without backhands, he mastered the electric current and ignited the surrounding crown Suddenly, a golden flame erupted from his body, all his hair stood on end in an instant, and his pupils also turned golden.

The most powerful ability of the imperial artifact seven-star scepter, all attributes are doubled within 10 minutes, and attack and defense are enhanced by 30.00%
The air around them is fleeing crazily, blue arcs are constantly flashing in the mist evaporated from the lake, like a vision flying between lightning and thunder at midnight, a huge vortex is constantly moving under their feet Expansion, like a black nebula in the vast universe.

Both sides used their most powerful SSS skills.

Generally speaking, in one-on-one situations, skills that take a long time to release are rarely used. Although such skills are difficult to resist, they are easier to hide. skill situation.

Once this process is entered, it is impossible for the opposing sides to retreat. If anyone wants to escape, he can only lose faster and worse.

The vortex under the two people's feet turned deeper and deeper, and it was almost reaching the bottom of the lake. The swirling water on the lake surface was continuously evaporating. Many fish fled to the distance under the water visible to the naked eye.

The clear sky has turned cloudy, and the clouds on Lake Baikal are getting thicker and thicker, and they are about to press down on the lake.

Then the wind picked up, and the birch grove on the side of the blowing swayed from side to side, and a waterspout actually began to form between the two. The originally transparent waterspout turned higher and higher, and the more it turned, the more obvious it became. The clouds are connected together.
At this moment, the two of them casted the seventh-order SSS skill at the same time.

"Truth: Mother of Satan, instant explosion!"

"Truth: Medusa's Bloom!"

A huge light covered the entire sky.

The water level of Lake Baikal is dropping at a speed that can be seen with the naked eye.

Heavy rain mixed with hail poured down in a vast expanse of whiteness.

Like a harbinger of the end of the world.


Cheng Mo returned to the messy compartment with the tube of bubbling and clear wine-red liquid. He could hear someone shouting in the distance, and the sound of fighting never stopped. French, German, English, and Russian were mixed together. It was accompanied by explosions and the sound of falling trees.

In the turbulent battlefield, Cheng Mo's heart is also in turmoil. Originally, he thought that he would be calm no matter what happened, but at this moment he was actually a little guilty.

He looked at Xie Minyun's body, as if he had been thrown into outer space, his whole body lost the pull of gravity, his hands and feet were floating, and he couldn't use any strength at all.
He thought of his father in the ice coffin again. The second he received the news of his father's death in a car accident, he thought it was a joke, a super cold joke, and the cold made his body tremble, "How could he Will he die? I’m not dead yet, how could he die? It’s agreed that the white-haired man will send the black-haired man. How could this happen?”

He couldn't sleep that night.

He originally thought that he would dream of his father standing in the corner watching him quietly, but he didn't, for which he still felt a little regretful.

That's what regrets are.

The faint heartache when you lose something and want to keep it but can't.

There is really a difference between a person's existence and non-existence in this world!

Cheng Mo remembered the morning when she woke up in San Giovanni Hospital, she was gently wiping his tears, and he was holding her hand, soft and warm, and now the temperature of this hand is slowly passing away.
There was a huge echo in Cheng Mo's mind, and a voice shouted loudly: "You can't let her die!"

"Don't let her die!"

"Don't let her die!"

He took off the plastic sleeve on the needle tube, pinpointed Xie Minyun's artery, and stuck the needle down. When it entered Xie Minyun's body, the red liquid boiled in the crystal needle tube. Cheng Mo didn't know There is no gas in the needle tube, how can this liquid boil, he can't care so much.
He can only try his best not to regret, not to regret.
After completing the injection, Cheng Mo moved Xie Minyun out of the carriage. He felt that Xie Minyun's body had warmed up again, and the heat on her body was getting higher and higher. He saw that her skin gradually became transparent, like crystal clear jade, The blue blood vessels and red capillaries in her flesh are clearly visible, as beautiful as an extremely precious work of art.

Xie Minyun was originally beautiful and cold, but now she is even more beautiful like a statue of a god.

He could even see her glass-like pupils through her eyelids, revealing a beauty beyond the body in rounds of illusory circles of light.

Cheng Mo carried her under the birch tree, next to his own body, and compared the two bodies, his own body was so dark that there was no limit, probably as big a gap as a beggar and a rich daughter.

Cheng Mo felt Xie Minyun's pulse again, but unfortunately he didn't feel Xie Minyun's heartbeat and pulse returning to strength, but this situation always made him feel that there was still hope.

Cheng Mo looked at Xie Minyun's silent face, expecting that this suspected "God gene" would work. Cheng Mo didn't think about whether he missed the chance to treat heart disease because of this. He simply couldn't handle it. He said that it was impossible to inject it into his body, after all, he didn't know whether it was the "God gene", and he didn't know whether the effect of the "God gene" was what the clown Sith said.

Although this tube of red liquid is likely to be the "God gene", the function of the "God gene" is likely to be able to make the body strong enough to match the carrier as the clown Sith said.

But is there any uncertainty in this?
Cheng Mo has never been a person who likes to take risks, and he will not risk his life unless he is forced to. What's more, even if it is a thing called "God Gene", he is now desperately injecting it into his body, what will happen to him? what will happen?

There is no doubt that he will be taken back by Li Jiting and used as a guinea pig.

He believes that a shameless and insidious bastard like Li Jiting will definitely do this. It is a cover to compete for the cross bee. In the hands of him, a kid who has nothing to do with Tai Chi Dragon.

No wonder Li Jiting kept urging himself to go to K20. He probably couldn't find someone as smart and ouroboros as himself, who was not afraid of getting out of control, and could sacrifice at will, right?
But Cheng Mo still can't figure out some details, but it doesn't matter if he can't figure out these details, anyway, now he pays for it, he injected this thing into Xie Minyun's body now, Xie Minyun's death is Li Jiting's fault, he pays for it Xie Minyun is not dead, so he deserves to be unlucky, lost the "God gene", he can catch himself as a guinea pig, but he may not be able to do anything to Xie Minyun.

Besides, I saved Xie Minyun's life, based on Xie Minyun's holy mother character, I might be able to save him countless times in the future.
In any case, whether it is Cheng Mo who finds reasons for himself, or out of practical considerations, Cheng Mo really does not want Xie Minyun to die, he hopes that the "God gene" is really a "God gene", he hopes that Xie Minyun can survive.

He doesn't have any friends that he can talk to. Although Xie Minyun is sometimes annoying, she can barely be regarded as a friend, a trustworthy friend.

At this moment, Cheng Mo felt a raindrop falling on his face. He reached out to wipe away the raindrop, turned his head to look at the sky, and saw that the originally clear sky had turned overcast, and there were thick dark clouds rolling over Lake Baikal. The gap between the clouds and the clouds is lit, and a waterspout spins in the middle of the lake. The Chinese call it a strange scene of a dragon absorbing water.

The dirty Nicholas was holding the little Lolita and standing not far away, one like a bear and the other like a doll stood beside the smoking train wreckage.

For a second, Cheng Mo thought of Annie from League of Legends.

The battle at the front of the car was still going on, and the light beams were flying randomly in the air, but this was nothing compared to the scene on the lake.

The train track meanders along the lakeside, the vast Lake Baikal never begins to be quiet and beautiful, curling mist rises from the surface of the water, and the turbulent waves keep churning towards the shore, eroding the distant valleys and forests, and the waves fly up. The green branches devoured the abandoned bridge holes and destroyed the Russian-style cabins on the shore
Compared with the explosion and overturning of the train, that is still within the imagination of human beings, but the shocking scene right now is entirely the irresistible power of nature.

The fighters at the front of the car also stopped, and Cheng Mo saw many people fleeing desperately to the distance.

The rainstorm came unexpectedly.

The bean-sized raindrops were mixed with fist-sized hailstones, which slammed into the ground, forests, and lakesides. The leaves were flying and the branches were withering. It was like pebbles hitting the wreckage of the train.
Nicholas ran this way protecting the little loli, Cheng Mo quickly picked up a huge piece of the carriage wall as an umbrella, and held it on top of himself and Xie Minyun.

Nicholas screamed when he was smashed, and he yelled at Cheng Mo: "I have stayed in Siberia for so long, and I have never seen such a ghostly weather."

Cheng Mo didn't speak, he was speechless.

He saw a huge vacuum suddenly appearing in the center of the lake, and the figures of Napoleon VII and Sith the Clown appeared in the vacuum. Napoleon VII, who was waving a scepter, collided with Sith the Clown, and countless blue arcs shot straight into the air. Above the sun-like red light group.

Everything around them disappeared.

A strong wind blew towards them.

Countless birds in the forest were flying towards the sky, and a large swath of darkness covered half of the field of vision.

Lake Baikal has completely disappeared in this second, and there is a layer of shiny scales in the mud, Cheng Mo thought: Russia's ecological protection is doing well, I didn't expect that there are so many fish in Lake Baikal, but this The thought just passed by.

An incredible light engulfed the entire world.

Then there is a huge sound!

At this moment, Cheng Mo has only one imagination - that is a mushroom cloud from destruction.

He knew it was all over.

But in the next second, a more powerful golden orange magma radiance enveloped Lake Baikal.

Render the pure white in front of you into the gold of the emperor.

Cheng Mo will never forget this scene. He seems to have seen life starting from the singularity at the beginning of the universe, rushing to the immortal destiny, turning into nebula, meteorite, ray, and dust, and finally turning into hundreds of millions of lights. Thousands of years of celestial bodies - stars.

Forbidden Skill - "Field: Coronal Gyre!"

In this unrivaled brilliance,
Everything is still, only the electrons are being accelerated, and countless blue light spots rain across the light curtain.

Napoleon VII and Sith the Clown turned into colorful spirals at the same time and disappeared into the air.
(End of this chapter)

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