Rebel Demon King

Chapter 314 The Day of Rebirth (1)

Chapter 314 The Day of Rebirth (1)

(Thanks to "Waiting for Quicksand 3000 Years Ago" for being popular, and I owe 8 more, and thank you for the rewards of "Making a living without working", "sp55aa" and "Ziyan 001")

The shore of the blue Lake Baikal ignited a bright and fiery semicircle of red, and the sun's light seemed dim at this moment.

"Is this the most powerful chemical skill 'Truth: Mother of Satan-Instant Explosion'? It's really spectacular!" Slimming Minato Koyoshi said softly standing on a treetop five kilometers away, his body didn't know Is it trembling or swaying with the treetops.

"Fortunately, we retreated early, and we will be reaped by these two people a little later. I really didn't expect that 'Instant Explosion' would be faster than the power of the forbidden skill 'Eternal Crack'." Thinking of those who still want to grab the bonus People might all be turned into steam, Xiyuanji Benimaru sighed, this sigh has a deep meaning, there is not only a kind of luck for being saved, but also a kind of strong unwillingness.

"Mr. Xiyuansi, there is no need to be depressed. The road to being the chosen one does not happen overnight. Don't pay too much attention to the ranking. You have to regard it as a practice, and sooner or later you will be able to occupy a place in the top [-] if you are talented."

Xiyuanji Benimu sneered and said: "Mr. Yuan seems to like pouring chicken soup! I realized very early that talent does not necessarily lead to harvest. Those big families monopolize SSS skills and let other chosen ones forever Unable to compete with the Twelve Generals, this kind of inferior trick is really disgusting, no wonder the clown Sith laughed at Napoleon VII's hypocrisy"

Seeing what Xiyuanji Benimaru meant, Yuan Guangyi shook his head and said: "Things can't be viewed from one direction. Doesn't this also promote the development of science?"

"Promoting scientific development? How many years have there been no SSS-level skills?"

Yuan Guangyi said with a faint smile: "That's not necessarily true, maybe there is, but we don't necessarily know."

While the two were talking, the red light on the shore of Lake Baikal, which was as blue as the blue sea, was shrinking. From a distance, two figures could be seen flying in the air above the lake, their hands gathering light clusters, and the black figures gradually turned into gold. A sign of a full-level ninth-level skill. (No matter what the skill is, the power is adjusted according to the level. It can be cultivated up to the ninth level. If you want to upgrade the skill to the ninth level, in addition to proficiency, you also need to understand the principle of the skill)
Two huge whirlpools appeared on Lake Baikal, which was originally a flat mirror. Thick water vapor rose from the lake surface to form a huge transparent air shield, forming a colorful and colorful scene under the sunlight. scene.

"Are these two people crazy? The ninth-level 'Mother of Satan-Instant Explosion' and the ninth-level 'Medusa's Bloom' will completely destroy Lake Baikal." Xiyuanji Benimaru put down and hugged The hands on the chest said incredulously.

Yuan Guangyi squinted his squinted eyes, and it seemed that his eyes hadn't moved at all, as if he frowned, he took a deep breath and said: "Now neither of them can stop, unless one of them is killed !"

"To see such a powerful duel, this trip is not in vain." Xiyuanji Benimaru sighed looking at the two people who looked like gods descending into the world in the distance.

"Who do you think will win?"

"Of course it's Sith the clown. After starting the match between him and that Chinese boy, his mood bar should have been full. All skills have a power bonus of [-]%. It is impossible for Napoleon VII to resist." After a pause, Xiyuanji Benimaru said again: "Napoleon VII is a bit arrogant. He shouldn't let the clown Sith accumulate emotional points through that Chinese boy. Assuming that the clown Sith has not fully accumulated emotional points, the outcome will be decided by the clown Sith." [-]-[-], the clown Sith is a little bit stronger, but now it is [-]-[-] and Napoleon VII has no chance of winning."

"He has no choice. I guess he has been waiting for the plane in the sky to explode, and he is also waiting for the Chinese boy to try to weaken the Teutonic 88 Knights."

Xiyuanji Benimaru shook his head and said regretfully, "No matter what he thinks, he should lose this time."

"It seems that this distance may not be safe, and we have to stay away." After speaking, Yuan Guangyi turned and jumped off the branch, and landed on a thick tree trunk below, on which his body was hanging.

Xiyuanji Benimaru also jumped down, lifted his own body, and the two quickly moved further away.


Cheng Mo stood up from the wreckage of the train, and the things buried on his body fell down, including fragments of bed boards and boxes, cotton pads and plastic parts of the carriage, as well as iron pipes and iron pieces. Sparks flickered from hanging wires, and there was a scorching heat in the air.

The train had come to a complete stop, and the carriage was broken into two pieces. Shirkov's body was inlaid in the split gap. His head and legs were completely slumped inside the carriage, but the left half of his body was outside the carriage, and the right half was inside the carriage. In the compartment, thick blood dripped down from his hanging fingertips on his right hand.

It should be dead, but the way of death is really weird.

Cheng Mo lowered his head and looked at his own body, it was intact, but the carrier's clothes had been scratched to pieces, and the wound on the left rib that was cut by the iron sheet was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.Cheng Mo walked under Shirkov's body hanging on the roof of the car, grabbed his hand and checked his pulse, and it had stopped beating, which also meant that Shirkov had no heartbeat, Cheng Mo stretched out his hand again Shirkov's pupils were dull and completely dilated.

Although the body is still hot, but medically speaking, it has been completely cooled, and there is still hope of getting the "Cross Bee" if it is cold.

Cheng Mo's mood is still a little depressed, but it's useless to think too much right now. Check Shirkov for anything, and then leave as soon as possible.

Cheng Mo was about to tear off Shirkov's body, when Nicholas moaned from the other side, Cheng Mo turned his head, this big man seemed to be lucky, rolled in the corner, a bed cover that fell apart It fell on him, Cheng Mo guessed that he shouldn't be seriously injured.

Cheng Mo stepped on the debris on the ground and lifted the bed, Nicholas wrinkled his face, closed his eyes and subconsciously asked: "Am I dead?"

"You have to be thankful that the train didn't roll over. If it had rolled over, it would have been dead!"

"Then you mean that I'm still alive?" Nicholas' voice was a little hoarse. He opened his eyes and was about to sit up, but found that his right elbow was dislocated, and grinned in pain.

"Don't move!" Cheng Mo bent down and held Nicholas' wrist tightly, pulling hard to bend his elbow joint by 60 degrees, and then slightly pronated him, and heard a "crack" reset sound, accompanied by Nicholas's scream.

Cheng Mo straightened up, and said lightly: "Okay, but you still have to pay attention to your right hand, don't use your strength, go to the hospital for a plaster cast!"

"I didn't expect that I would still have the chance to go to the hospital." Nicholas said mockingly, then he propped himself up with his left hand, crossed himself on his chest, said "Thank God" first, and then said to Cheng Mo Thanks.

Cheng Mo went back under Shirkov's body, stepped on the iron bars on the edge of the lower bunk bed, stretched out his hand to forcibly break open the crack, then got Shirkov's body down, and searched him, except He had nothing but a Samsung mobile phone, a work permit, and an ID card. Cheng Mo put away his mobile phone, pulled off his clothes, and found a shiny necklace hanging around his neck, and the pendant was a silver key.

Cheng Mo tore off the necklace, put it in his pocket, turned around and picked up his body, and said to Nicholas beside him, "Let's go, let's get out of here."

The two climbed out of the window, surrounded by a scene of hell on earth, the dining car and the No.18 car had completely melted, and most of the No.17 car had also melted. At this moment, the edge was still shining with golden light, and there were drops of molten iron. on the ground and splashed.

The nearby redwoods and birches are all left with only a charred black stump, the ground is also black, there is no grass, and the railroad tracks have melted, turning into a pool of golden liquid flowing on the black charcoal-like sleepers and pebbles , On the white cobblestone roadbed, the carbonized black shadow of human beings can still be seen.

Nicholas had begun to see the black shadow, so he knew exactly what it was. Nicholas was terrified and speechless. If the two of them hadn't been far enough away from the dining car, they would have been annihilated by the flying ash.

The front compartment was far less damaged than the rear where the clown Sith and Napoleon VII fought.On the front side, several carriages were scattered on one side of the track in a mess, and the cars were mostly intact, not as miserable as this side.

Cheng Mo saw a person in a gas mask fighting with other chosen ones in front of the car, including the black tiger Cao Yi and Vodianova's cyborg carrier. As for the fast hand Zhang Yang, Cheng Mo couldn't recognize it either. Whether his carrier is in it.

There are more people in the Teutonic 88 Knights wearing gas masks than Cheng Mo imagined. Obviously, after being forced by Cheng Mo to "eat" them by the clown Sith, they came from other places. No wonder the clown Sith Have nothing to fear.

Thinking of Xie Minyun and Little Lolita Rebecca, and not knowing whether they are alive or dead at the moment, Cheng Mo told Nicholas, and hurried towards the front of the car with his body on his back. He ran along the railroad tracks While shouting the name "Xie Minyun", at the same time, he tried his best to concentrate on distinguishing Xie Minyun's voice from the messy and noisy voices. (BGM "angel" Teshi Aoi)

Until he passed a carriage lying on its side beside the roadbed, he heard a faint cry, like the cry of a little girl, Cheng Mo immediately shouted loudly: "Rebecca", and then he heard Rebecca She answered in a sobbing voice.

Cheng Mo jumped onto the car body, the blue iron sheet under the window was hung unevenly, the Russian Railways logo and the number four were somewhat blurred, he walked forward following the sound, and found a somewhat deformed window, Then he called, "Rebecca?"

A crying "Yes!" came from inside.

Cheng Mo put his body aside, leaned on the window and looked in. There were several people lying or hanging in the carriage in a mess, including Black Tiger Cao Yi, Vodianova, and the Northeast brother Kuaishou brother Zhang Yang.

When Cheng Mo glanced at Zhang Yang, he paused for a moment. Zhang Yang's body was bent on the bed in the opposite corridor, his neck was crooked, blood was oozing from the corner of his mouth, and his face was like gold paper. The situation seemed to be not optimistic.

Cheng Mo called out "Rebecca" again, and saw a white and tender little hand, waving through the gap between the upper and lower bunks.

Cheng Mo can see through the gaps in the iron railings, and see a graceful body in the middle, the body he is familiar with is being tilted down by the wall and the upper bunk, and some luggage is pressed on the lower bunk, forming a gap with the ground. vertical angle.

Cheng Mo hurriedly climbed in from the window, but because it was full of people lying there, there was no place to stand, so Cheng Mo could only grab the edge of the window with both hands and hang in the air. He couldn't see Xie Minyun's face here, so he could only I saw the profile of her body, and the long blonde hair that had just been dyed.

as well as,

Viscous blood was dripping down her fair fingers. This scene was exactly the same as Shirkov who was hung on the roof of the car. Cheng Mo's heart sank suddenly. He didn't even call him when he lost [-] million US dollars just now. His complexion changed, but at this moment, his stern face was suddenly covered with frost.

"Senior sister! Senior sister!" Cheng Mo shouted.

Rebecca, who had stopped crying, started to cry again, and she said, "Is it successful?"

It was only then that Cheng Mo noticed that Rebecca's voice was muffled, as if through something, he hesitated and said, "No, I'm Cheng's friend."

"Please hurry up and save my sister, hurry up and save my sister, she was killed in order to save me."

Cheng Mo understood what happened in an instant. He interrupted Rebecca's inarticulate narration while sobbing. He let out a "hmm" and hung in the carriage to observe the situation carefully. According to Xie Minyun's state of being stuck in mid-air, When he didn't understand the specific situation, he rashly pulled up the bed and the wall, which might cause her a second injury.

Cheng Mo knew that he had to race against time. He said "Rebecca, wait a minute" and climbed out of the carriage. He had to straighten the entire carriage. However, when he glanced left and right, the seven or eight carriages in front included The front of the car has already fallen, even if he is the carrier, with his strength, it is impossible to lift up so many carriages.

He had to separate car No. 4 from the cars on both sides first.

Cheng Mo moved to the junction of carriages No. 200 and No. [-]. He is not a Hulk, and it is impossible to tear the two carriages apart by brute force. The only skill he can use at present is "Frozen Ray". At critical moments, knowledge is Strength, Cheng Mo knows that when the temperature reaches minus [-] degrees, ordinary steel is as fragile as shrimp crackers.

The low temperature can reduce the mobility between the metal molecules, so the rigidity of the material will increase. Simply put, the less it can bear deformation, the easier it is to break when it is subjected to external force.

Cheng Mo didn't hesitate, and immediately put his palm on the joint of the car, and urged his only D-level skill "Frozen Ray", which Li Jiting called useless garbage, but the outer wall of the blue car was instantly destroyed. A thin layer of gas is covered, as if liquid nitrogen has been poured on it.

Cheng Mo felt that his blue bar, which represented intelligence, was being consumed quickly. When the blue bar was used up to one-third, he stopped releasing the freezing ray, and slammed his palm on the carriage, causing the outer wall of the carriage to shatter immediately. Cracked into a spider web, and then fell down like mud.

Cheng Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly ran to the back of the compartment where Xie Minyun was, climbed to the window and saw that there was no one inside, then followed the same pattern, smashed the compartment, and lifted the compartment separated by him. stand up.

After straightening the compartment, Cheng Mo climbed into the compartment again. He lay down on the gap in the railing and observed carefully. He didn't find anything piercing Xie Minyun's body, so he carefully placed the upper bunk on her and Xiao Luoli's body. , a luggage rack full of luggage, and a large piece of the wall were moved up.

Rebecca, who was crushed by Xie Minyun, immediately crawled out. She still wore the gas mask Cheng Mo gave Xie Minyun on her head. She asked loudly through the mask: "Where are my parents?"

Cheng Mo froze for a moment, then shook his head, "I don't know!" He ignored the little loli, and pushed down the bed with all his strength, and the car was filled with unpleasant creaking noises.

Cheng Mo turned Xie Minyun who was on the bed over. It was obvious that she was on the bed to protect Rebecca. Cheng Mo was expressionless, but he was sighing in his heart.Cheng Mo stretched out his hand to feel for the pulse, it was very weak, but at least it was there, he was squatting beside the bed, just about to roll Xie Minyun's eyelids, when Xie Minyun grabbed her hand, but she seemed powerless to open her eyes, exhaling weakly Asked: "Cheng Mo?"

Cheng Mo said softly, "It's me, senior sister."

"Is Rebecca okay?" Xie Minyun asked panting.

"It's okay, she's fine." Cheng Mo turned his head and looked at the little loli who was standing beside crying. The fog blurred the glass window of the gas mask, and he couldn't see the little loli's face. He looked at Xie Minyun again. Obvious trauma, but that doesn't mean anything, probably internal bleeding, which is more dangerous than trauma.

The weather outside the deformed window was clear, blue without a trace of blemish, and soft white clouds gently wiped the pure face of the sky.

There were still sounds of fighting outside the carriage. Trees were collapsing, the air was exploding, and there was a huge vibration as the heavy front of the car was picked up and smashed to the ground. The bodies of Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun also vibrated.

The atmosphere in this dismembered compartment was very quiet, as if what happened outside had nothing to do with this place.

"That's good." Xie Minyun seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. She held Cheng Mo's hand weakly, as if it would hang down at any moment. She tried hard to open her eyes, but only for a moment, then closed them again.

Cheng Mo looked down at Xie Minyun's face. There was still a smile on the corner of her lips. She seldom smiled. At this time, her smile was hazy like a dream. It should be a sweet dream, from the heart smile.

Cheng Mo didn't know whether Xie Minyun could see who he was, and he couldn't care less at this time, he said, "Sister, hold on, don't fall asleep, I'll take you to the hospital."

Xie Minyun gently squeezed Cheng Mo's hand, "I'm really sorry."

"Excuse me?" Cheng Mo was a little puzzled.

"It was supposed to be me protecting you, but it turned into you protecting me. It's too bad that you sacrificed so many people for me! My mind went blank at the time, I didn't know what to do, I couldn't turn around To pretend not to see, let alone convince yourself that you should be thankful, I think you are a bit too much, I know your chess strength, I think I should stop you, but I don't know how to do it right, I can't drag you down It's all my fault, at least I have to bear it with you no matter what. But I ran away. Am I very cowardly?"

Xie Minyun spoke intermittently, her words contained a definite and powerful confession, Cheng Mo could feel the strong sense of guilt in her heart, even though she had made redemption and sacrificed her life for it, she still did it for her. It's a pity.

"No, you are very brave, you are the bravest and kindest girl I have ever seen." Cheng Mo felt the temperature in Xie Minyun's palm slowly disappearing, like the sun slowly leaving the shadow, that is the speed of life passing by what?
In turn, Cheng Mo held Xie Minyun's hand very tightly. He wanted to convey some warmth to her, he wanted to bring back the sunshine, he wanted to turn the clock back a little bit, a kind of heartache that was mixed with cold and hot tortured him.

"It's a pleasure to travel with you. I don't regret it, but I'm a little sad that I'm so useless." Her slightly hoarse voice was full of apology.

"Senior sister, I'm actually very happy to travel with you, but can you stop talking about it? It's like saying goodbye to life and death."

The corners of Xie Minyun's mouth curved again, like a streamer lurking in the deep sea, "I know I'm dying, but I'm not afraid. Didn't you say it last time? Death is not scary. As long as you can think about it calmly, it will Sublimation I am trying to sublimate it now."

Cheng Mo couldn't help laughing, not because of Xie Minyun's cold joke, but because she still refused to let go of her pride when facing death. He saw that her originally radiant complexion dimmed, and her body also Getting weaker and weaker, only the proud bones supported her few remaining lives.

Cheng Mo didn't know what to say, he just felt that he was ridiculous, he had no right to cry, let alone cowardice, he could only laugh at himself.

In the silence, Xie Minyun's breath became short of breath, and at the same time she regained some of her spirit, "I hope you will gain weight in the future, I hope your illness will get better, I hope you can make many friends and you will be happy. So Promise me that I will be a good person in the future." Speaking of which, Xie Minyun felt a little hard to breathe, she took a weak breath, and said with difficulty: "If you think it is too difficult, then I will relax a little bit for you, and you must not be a bad person."

"I can't guarantee it, so you must supervise me and stay and watch me, or I will easily go astray." Cheng Mo said in a low voice.

He was very sincere.

But Xie Minyun didn't answer.

(Shuangwen! Shuangwen! Please don't misunderstand)

(End of this chapter)

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