Rebel Demon King

Chapter 304 To become a king must go through loneliness (2)

Chapter 304 To become a king must go through loneliness (2)

(Thanks to "sp55aa", "Wang Xiaobai wzc", and "Binghuang Romance" for the rewards, two updates today and two updates tomorrow morning)

The clown Sith looked at Cheng Mo's lonely back slowly moving forward, his body trembled twice, this was throbbing from the bottom of his heart, interesting people always make him feel excited and happy, his favorite It is such people who lose their noblest qualities, as men of faith fall away from faith;
For the clown Sith, the child in front of him is a fun toy. He believes that if he cultivates it, one day he will grow into a monster like him, or a hero.
In fact, being a monster is much more interesting than being a hero. A hero can only unite some human beings.

But there are some monsters that can unite human beings all over the world.

But whether a hero or a monster, they are essentially a creature.

All kings are also lonely monsters.

The clown Sith turned his head, and he saw that the carriage was full of raised hands, and even those who were originally hiding in the compartments were rushing outside desperately, wanting to fight for a chance to play games.

After Cheng Mo led the seven people away safely, everyone was silent and raised their hands high in the silence. Their gazes towards the clown Sith were full of tension and anticipation.

It's like watching their king instead of a ruthless terrorist.

Sith the Clown laughed again.

But there is not much joy in this laughter, but a more complicated emotion, sad?ridiculous?mercy?disdain?
He stopped the ambiguous smile in an instant, searched among the crowd who were fighting to be the first, and then casually pointed to a white male youth with Mohawk hair, "You, what do you want to say?"

"I want to play games too." The young Caucasian man was so excited that his lips trembled.

The clown Sith tilted his head, and said noncommittally: "Tell me, what game do you want to play? What bet do you want?"

There was silence in the carriage, and everyone in the carriage looked at this lucky young white man with envious eyes. The young white man rolled his throat and said tremblingly, "Can I choose Texas Hold'em?"

Clown Sith shrugged his shoulders: "Oh! Of course, this is good. I play Texas Hold'em much better than I play chess! But you have to tell me, what bet do you have? Or chips?"

The young Caucasian man replied with sweat on his face, "Money? Is money okay?"

"Money? Money?" The clown Sith bent over with a smile, and then held the mask with one hand and said, "Can you offer one hundred million dollars or two hundred million dollars? Don't waste my time if it's less. My Time is precious!"

The young Caucasian man's face changed from throbbing red to frightened white in just a short sentence, and he stammered quickly: "I, I, I, and I can find someone. And... I... .Play together."

Clown Sith asked with a strange smile of "ho ho," "You mean you can find someone to act as your bargaining chip?"

The young Caucasian man looked around, seeing everyone's evasive eyes, his mood sank to the bottom, he said with some reluctance: "I'll try. Look. Look!"

The clown Sith shook his finger at the young white man, "No, you have to try this statement, now I'll give you 5 minutes to make it up. Hmm." The clown Sith propped his chin with one hand, turning his head to think After a while, he pointed to the young white man and said, "I'm very fair. Just now, that kid collected [-] chess pieces. Now you can collect [-] chips. That's [-] lives."

Then he smiled happily: "However, if you don't make enough, you will be judged to lose!"

A moment later, the young Caucasian man pinched his neck with both hands and fell by the window in the middle section of the No. 13 carriage. His death was strange, his face was covered with sweat, and his eyes were wide open unwillingly. He couldn't find it until he died. Someone is willing to be his bargaining chip, not even his girlfriend is willing to be his "chip".

Even though everyone knows that death is imminent, they are still unwilling to hand over their destiny to others, especially if the other party is a person trapped in the same crisis as they are, they will only obey authority or...
Seeing this scene, all the raised hands in the carriage were put down. No one can afford [-] million U.S. dollars, and it seems that it is not enough to collect [-] lives. The clown Sith walked back and forth, and at the same time said lightly: " My time is limited, if none of you want to play games with me, how about I give you an idea?"

At this time, someone raised his hand again. It was a gangster wearing a camouflage uniform at the rear of the carriage.

Clown Sith stopped talking, then looked at him, and then made a gesture for him to speak.

"I've got enough sixteen chips!" said the man.

Clown Sith shrugged his shoulders, "Okay! Then you can come to the front with your chips."

So the man and one of his accomplices held guns and forced the other [-] people to come forward. Most of the [-] people were female Asians. Their expressions were very dull. Although they were not very willing, they did not resist. , anyway, they seem to be waiting to die
The occupants of the carriage fell into a terrifying, suffocating silence as they watched the line of chips slowly passing through the corridor.

When the team walked to the middle of the carriage, a strong white man suddenly attacked the man in camouflage uniform with a gun. After grabbing the other party's AK47, he shot and killed the man in camouflage uniform, holding a Gun said loudly: "Now this team's chips are mine. People behind, you can choose to trust me, my Tetris skills can guarantee to win."

The clown Sith was indifferent to what was happening right now, and accepted the challenge from the man who grabbed a team of chips. At this time, no one in the car cared whether his challenge could be completed, and everyone was trying to find a way to use violence to collect their ten chips. six chips
At this time, apart from the supreme authority, only violence can make others submit.


The sky was blue.

A black shadow is galloping in the wilderness, like a sharp black arrow. If there is a speedometer, then you can see this black shadow is definitely speeding, but in the wilderness where there is no one for thousands of miles, people are still speeding, probably the traffic police There is no way to manage it.

In front of the wasteland is a vast coniferous forest. The black shadow jumped onto the top of a tree more than ten meters high, and then the black shadow blew across the swaying green blue waves like the wind. Branches tremble violently.

Standing above the coniferous forest, you can see the Novosibirsk Air Force Base at the far end. At this moment, a huge Tu-160 supersonic strategic bomber shaped like a white swan is waiting to take off on the side of the airport.

The flag bearer of the sunflower flag, "Boris the Director", was standing aside, looking at the void from time to time. I don't know how long it took. When a flashing red dot approached quickly, the tall and strong white-haired, crew-cut boy Boris turned around. He turned his head to the man wearing a flying helmet and wearing an air force uniform and said, "Get ready to take off!"

The man gave a military salute, "Yes! Sir!" He climbed up the cabin door from the hanging ladder, greeted the pilots inside, closed the door, and then called the tower: "TU160-67225 is parked on taxiway H. , prepare for 32L, L: left left runway.”

Then the slender white swan slowly slid out of the runway, and the roaring sound gradually became stronger in the air, echoing in the sky.

Just at the edge of the airport, Li Jiting, wearing a little black dress, flew over the high power grid. When countless red dots were aimed at him, he teleported directly to Boris' side. His bow tie was crooked and his hair was a little messed up. , The handmade leather shoes on the feet have also cracked.

"Oh! Dear Li, I didn't expect that we would meet so soon. I thought I would have to wait at least two days!" Boris smiled and hugged Li Jiting, who was holding a bow tie.

"To be honest, I didn't expect that either." Li Jiting also hugged Boris, and glanced at the picture-160 behind Boris. !"

But Boris was not in a hurry at all, he patted Li Jiting on the shoulder: "Don't be too anxious, the Tu-160 can guarantee you to go to any place in Russia within two hours. Now it is almost ready, and the superior But, Lee, you have to give me a reason so I can tell my superiors."

"Let's get on the plane first, don't talk about it later." Li Jiting walked towards Tu-160, but Boris grabbed his shoulder.

"Hey! Li, we in Russia don't have the habit of getting on the train first and paying for the ticket. Your request last time was too much. Just now you called me in a hurry and said that you need a plane to let you catch up with K20. Our sunflower flag can I’m not in the service industry. I’m not in the service industry. What’s important is to feel at home. The customer is God. We generally only send people to God. So, Li, you have to give me a good reason, otherwise, I can only let this Tu-160 fly back to Engels Air Force Base .You can try to find a way to see if there is a vehicle with a speed of Mach 2 that allows you to catch up with the K20 faster.”

Li Jiting turned his head, glanced at Boris, spread his hands and patted the seam of his trousers, and said in disbelief: "Oh! My God! Don't you know that the clown Sith and the Teutonic Knights of the 88th On the K20?"

Hearing the names of the clown Sith and the Teutonic 88 Knights, Boris frowned, "Don't think I'm being fooled, I don't believe you would even connect the iris and the black eagle because of the Clown Sith and the Teutonic 88 Knights." I don’t care about you guys. Didn’t you have fun in the car these days? You don’t know how many weird videos there are on the Internet and our people wipe your butts on the Internet. As for the K20, I don’t care. I said it. Do you still care about that K20 that was hijacked by terrorists? This is really terrible. If I had known that I would have killed you, I would not have promised you to ignore everything for five days."

Li Jiting was also a little annoyed, he raised his hands, "Fuck! I don't even want to care, but my friend's daughter is in the car!"

"Your friend's daughter? Don't be kidding! Which friend would let a rotten person like you care so much?"

Li Jiting shrugged his shoulders, "People from the Xie family."

"Xie family?" Boris was a little surprised.

"Yes! The daughter of Xie Jili and Wang Jinyan."

Boris is not a political idiot ignorant of worldly affairs. He can be called the flag bearer of the sunflower flag. He naturally knows who Xie Jili is.

"I arranged for bodyguards. But who knew Sith the Clown would go to K20?"

"Do you think that lunatic, Sith the Clown, is someone who can play cards according to common sense? Maybe he rolled the dice and decided to go to K20?"

"No, no, I never thought that he would get together with the Teutonic 88 Knights and come to Russia for the Crossbee." Li Jiting said helplessly.

Boris snorted and said: "Bah! You treat me as a three-year-old kid, that lunatic is definitely here for the things that EADS lost!"

"Quick! Quick! Stop talking nonsense, can you get on the plane?"

"Hairy! There is no place to land after catching up with K20. You have to find a way to jump out of the plane." Boris said while taking out his mobile phone and pressing the phone number.

Li Jiting looked at the open magazine door on the belly of the plane, "Director, you don't mean to let me sit with those missiles in the magazine?"

Morris dialed the phone and said to Li Jiting with a blank face: "You still have landing gear to choose from."


Cheng Mo led the unconscious Xie Minyun to the No. 16 carriage. The whole carriage was as quiet as if it was empty, only the door of the 41-42 private room where they used to live was open.

Cheng Mo did not try to wake up Xie Minyun, he thought it would be best for Xie Minyun not to regain consciousness, so that death would not cause any pain, and it would not be too late to find a solution when it was confirmed that there was no danger.

He didn't go to his original private room, but went straight to the next-door private room 39-40, waved his fist and knocked on the wooden door of the private room, and the sound of "Boom~Boom~!" resounded through the empty corridor.

A moment later, the sliding door of the private room opened, and what emerged from the crack of the door was not the Northeast Kuaishou brother Cheng Mo had imagined, nor the man with dark skin and sharp eyes, but a blue pupil.

Cheng Mo didn't care that the other party was still stuck at the door, he opened the door unceremoniously, led Xie Minyun and walked straight in. In the private room, the Northeast Kuaishou brother and the dark man were lying on the bed with their eyes closed, obviously in the carrier state.

And when he turned around, he found that the one behind him was actually a blonde, which was not surprising. What surprised him was that this was the fair-skinned, beautiful, and hot blonde he had seen in Warsaw, Poland. I remember that when he used the carrier to discuss "business" with Napoleon VII, Li Jiting was talking and laughing with this woman at the banquet.

"Where is that bastard Li Jiting?" Cheng Mo looked at the blonde and asked in a cold tone.

The blonde girl looked at Xie Minyun who had changed clothes, and quickly closed the door again. Seeing that Cheng Mo called Li Jiting the bastard, she frowned slightly, and said in fluent Chinese: "Now we have a team with 240. Lost contact, the satellite signal can’t be sent out, all the signals must have been blocked by the clown Sith!”

Cheng Mo pressed Xie Minyun on the edge of the bed and sat down. Xie Minyun sat obediently on the edge of the bed like a robot puppet. Cheng Mo turned around and asked again: "Why don't you leave us? He clearly said that someone will protect us."

"This is an order from the team leader and we don't know why." The blond girl responded blankly, obviously she did not apologize for this.

Cheng Mo sneered, "You Chosen all have this virtue? Just sit and watch other Chosen massacre ordinary people, but remain indifferent??"

The blond girl was silent for a while, "We can't stop it, except that Napoleon VII can match the clown. The rest of us may not be the opponent of the clown Sith and the Teutonic 88 Knights. The difference in strength is too big, amazing The chosen ones are almost all on 240, and so are our Taijilong people. There is really nothing we can do, not to mention we have a plane full of young animal missiles on our heads.”

Cheng Mo glanced at the Kuaishou brother and the dark man lying on the bed and said, "It's a good excuse."

"It's really not an excuse that the clown Sith is currently the strongest chemical skill holder. If he wants to kill ordinary people, we can only watch. We can't protect anyone except killing his carrier. There is a Experts from Japan tried it, but the clown Sith beat him back in one move with 'Truth: Pharaoh's Snake'. Others have tried it one after another and even fucked him together." The blond girl looked at it after a pause. Looking at the dark man lying on the bed, he said: "The black tiger also joined a group of Chosen Ones to attack the clown Sith. But although they are all Chosen Ones, the top 7 Chosen Ones and other Chosen Ones are not the same at all. At the upper level, it’s like how a hundred babies can’t defeat an adult.”

Cheng Mo, a first-level novice, doesn't understand the difference in strength at all. He didn't expect that lunatic Sith the Clown to be so powerful. "Do you mean that only Napoleon VII in this car is enough to beat Sith the Clown?"

"Although the ranking cannot fully represent strength, Napoleon VII's ranking is ahead of the clown Sith, which means that on the bright side, only he has a chance."

"Then why didn't Napoleon VII do anything? Concerned about his body on the train?"

"I guess this is not the main reason. It should be no problem for him to run with the main body, but his subordinates may not be able to. After all, there is a plane following in the sky. The young animal missile is a missile specially aimed at the chosen one. It can rely on sub-munitions Breakthrough Light Shield"

Cheng Mo said with a gloomy face, "I understand. Anyway, you are unreliable now, and Li Jiting is also unreliable. If you want to survive, you must help Napoleon VII defeat the clown Sith, and at the same time shoot down the plane overhead, right?"

The blond hesitated, then nodded. From her point of view, this was an impossible task.

"Miss Xie, I will leave it to you for the time being, you take good care of her." After saying that, Mo stood up.

The blond girl glanced at Xie Minyun who was dazed and lifeless in her pupils, then turned her head and asked Cheng Mo: "Where are you going? I think you'll be safer if you stay here!"

Cheng Mo opened the door, "I'm going to find Napoleon VII. Help him defeat the clown Sith. I don't think he will refuse!"

(End of this chapter)

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