Rebel Demon King

Chapter 302 The Train Game (9)

Chapter 302 The Train Game (9)

(Because it is a two-in-one update, the update is relatively late, 9 chapters are owed, and there are two more chapters to be updated normally today)

The atmosphere in the compartment of K20NO.13 was so tense that no one dared to breathe easily, especially the "chess pieces" standing on both sides of the corridor. On behalf of themselves, some people are staring at the chess piece that represents them closely, wiping away their sweat; In the pool of blood, it turned into a warm corpse.

Cheng Mo stood opposite the clown Sith, and there was a black and white chessboard floating between the two of them, on which black and white represented the king (king), queen (queen), chariot (rook), bishop (bishop), Chess pieces of knights (horses) and guards (soldiers).

Cheng Mo defeated the clown Sith in the rock-paper-scissors game, so he took the white lead. At this moment, the battle situation has entered a state of hand-to-hand combat. On the scene, Cheng Mo has the advantage, but on the surface, it looks like he is at a disadvantage.

At this moment, his black hair was completely wet with sweat, sticking to his cheeks. His face was covered with bean-sized sweat, as if he was in a sauna. Although his face was expressionless, his eyes were very focused. He devoted himself wholeheartedly to this victory.

However, Sith the clown, who was at a disadvantage opposite Cheng Mo, calmed down and said to Cheng Mo while whistling: "Now you have no other choice, you have to exchange the money."

Because of the first-mover advantage, Cheng Mo chose the Italian opening, which usually leads to an open situation, and the clown Sith did not passively defend, but adopted a Scandinavian defense, immediately counterattacking the center , and directly dispatched the queen. In theory, prematurely dispatching the queen and repeated moves are against the opening principle, which is undoubtedly not a very good choice.

However, for the clown Sith, this is a good choice, because his purpose is to force Cheng Mo to exchange money with him, and his ultimate goal is also obvious. He doesn't care about winning or losing, he just wants to exchange money. Cheng Mo's Queen - Xie Minyun.

Xie Minyun saw Cheng Mo closing her eyes in pain. She had played Go with Cheng Mo so many times, and knew that although he looked weak and timid, he was actually a typical calculating player, his emotions and anger were invisible, and his style of chess was thick. Balanced, her psychological quality is so good that she rarely makes the wrong move, which makes her feel that she has no room to take advantage of. If she makes a mistake, she will suffer a fatal blow from Cheng Mo.

This is Cheng Mo's style of chess, with precise calculations and a chilling calmness.

But at the moment, when Cheng Mo bears the weight of the lives of sixteen people, the pressure must have reached an unimaginable level. Yes, Cheng Mo didn't take the next step because he had to eat a pawn of the clown Sith in the next step, and the chain reaction triggered was that the next step was that the clown Sith would also eat his pawn Lose
Xie Minyun looked at Cheng Mo with his back to her, his slender body was trembling slightly, her heart was also bleeding, a kind of helpless anger was burning in Xie Minyun's heart, this should not be what Cheng Mo should face cruelty.

"There's no time! This is the game you proposed. You should be prepared. Don't you have a saying in Huaxia? It's called compassion without palming soldiers. This is what you are facing now. At that time, it is not the life of one person, but the lives of thousands of people. If you still hesitate like this, it will lead to even more tragic results." The clown Sith touched his chin and said calmly. The tone is like a kind of bewitching.

Cheng Mo opened his eyes, picked up his own white soldier on the floating chessboard, and ate the black soldier of Clown Sith.

The clown Sith laughed "haha" and said: "Yes! Yes! A man should kill decisively. As a king, he doesn't have the determination to let his subordinates die. He is not worthy of being a king." After finishing speaking, the clown Sith quickly ate Cheng Mo just now. The piece that ate his piece, raised his hand and made a shooting motion, with a "piu" sound from his mouth.

At this time, the person standing at the end of the clown Sith team, representing the eaten chess piece, had a blood hole on his forehead with his eyes wide open, and his body slowly slid down against the wall

Seeing his pawn fell to the ground, the clown Sith said, "Now it's your turn!" Then he asked Cheng Mo with great concern, "Do you want a gun?"

Cheng Mo was silent for a while, then lowered his head and said, "No need."

Clown Sith immediately laughed "haha", "Come on! Come on! Let me see, let me see, what do you plan to do with your soldiers?"

Cheng Mo didn't speak, turned around and walked towards the end of the line. When passing by Evans, he took the AK47 in Evans' hand, and walked step by step towards the middle-aged white man who represented the pawn he was eaten just now. Let's go, at this moment, the middle-aged white man with pale blond hair has wrinkled his forehead, his face is full of tears, his legs are limp and he is leaning against the wall, and he unconsciously said: "No, no!"

Cheng Mo walked up to the middle-aged white man, and he squatted close to his face and said in a low voice: "What's your name, where do you live? Do you have any last words to explain, and any unfulfilled wishes? If you have any, please tell me." , I will help you convey it and help you complete it.”

"No, no, I beg you not to do this." The middle-aged white man firmly grasped Cheng Mo's sleeve, shaking his face full of snot and tears.

Cheng Mo first quietly looked into the eyes of the middle-aged white man, and when his mood was a little more stable, he put the AK47 aside, knelt down in front of the man, made a cross on his chest in the way Nicholas did, and said softly: "Pray with me. My lord, merciful father, please show yourself"

The middle-aged white man looked at Cheng Mo's calm and pious face, his expression was dull for a moment, then he couldn't help but knelt down, and subconsciously repeated according to Cheng Mo's words: "My lord, kind father, please show your true body .”

"Light the way for me."

"Light the way for me."

"Please forgive my sins, please dispel the darkness around me"

"Please forgive my sins, please dispel the darkness around me"

"I see your gracious hand on my shoulder."

"I see your gracious hand on my shoulder."

"Lead me to eternal Paradise."

"Lead me to eternal Paradise."



Speaking of the last sentence of "Amen", the middle-aged white man's head had completely dropped to Cheng Mo's shoulders. He put one arm around the middle-aged white man's head, and gently stroked his back with the other hand, "What's your name?" name?"

"Sam. Sam McAuliffe." The man answered, sobbing.

"Where do you live?"

"127 Cloud Road, Falkirk, England."

"Is there anything you want to tell your family, or have any wishes?"

"I don't have any wishes, I just want to say to my parents: sorry"

Cheng Mo could feel that his shoulders were completely soaked with tears. He put his arms around the back of the middle-aged white man's head and said in a very low voice: "I will smash the window glass later. You are struggling towards the train. If you are lucky, you can survive and remember my words, and you must jump forward. We leave our fate to God! He will bless you!"

The middle-aged man trembled when he heard Cheng Mo's words, "Thank you. Thank you!" His tone was filled with hope again. He didn't know that jumping off a train traveling at 120 kilometers per hour was no different from committing suicide. .

Cheng Mo patted the middle-aged man on the back, stood up, picked up the AK47, opened the insurance, and shot at the glass behind the middle-aged man. The violent gunshots echoed in the silent compartment, and the tempered glass In response to the sound, Cheng Mo removed the cracked glass on the side of the window with the butt of his gun, and then whispered to the middle-aged man: "May God bless you, Sam"

The middle-aged man stood up from the ground, and then climbed onto the window of the train corridor. He grabbed the protrusion on the side of the window and squatted on the window sill. With a sound, he jumped down in the direction of the train with all his strength, and disappeared from people's sight in an instant.

Lake Baikal outside the window is blue and clear, and the cold sunshine of Siberia in August sprinkles the lake in the wilderness. This is really a picturesque burial place.

Cheng Mo took the AK47 and walked back to the front. When passing by Mr. Evans, he slipped the AK47 back into the arms of Mr. Evans who was still looking out of the window with a terrified face. Rebecca woke up because she didn’t sleep well all night. She was tossing and fell asleep in Mrs. Evans' arms again. She didn't know the danger and raised her innocent face.

Cheng Mo didn't have any unbearable emotions, on the contrary, he felt that death in this state might be a blessing.

When passing by Xie Minyun at the front, he saw Xie Minyun turn his head away, she didn't let him see her face, but the moment she turned around, Cheng Mo saw the sun shining on his cheek, it was the light of tears
This was the first time Cheng Mo saw Xie Minyun cry.

It was the first time that Cheng Mo was so eager for power, and a raging flame was ignited in his heart, but he knew that he was nothing now, so he could only remain silent. He walked back to the opposite side of the clown Sith, and said lightly: "Continue .” After speaking, he moved the pawn forward.

The clown Sith didn't continue, he shrugged his shoulders, "This is the most exciting game I've ever played in my life. It's awesome." Then he clasped his fingers and shook his chin, and said sincerely: "You have great potential, honestly, the whole train, you are the funniest person I have ever seen, even more interesting than I imagined. If you can live to the end, I don't mind leading into A whole new world for you to grasp. Real power. Power like mine.”

"That also depends on you being able to live to the end." Cheng Mo said expressionlessly.

Clown Sith laughed again and bent over, "To the end?" He panted and said, "Hey! good boy, I really don't want you to hate me, really, everyone here has reason to hate me , but you didn’t. You see, you said you wanted to play games with me, and I’ll play games with you; you said you wanted to use people as chess pieces, so I promised you to use people as chess pieces; you wanted to save your little girlfriend, You want to save someone you know. So you set up a game." The clown Sith pointed to Xie Minyun, the Evans family, and then pointed to Nicholas and the others, then shook his head, "I didn't expose you, why did you You want to hate me? You should bless me, bless me! Although your blessing doesn't matter to me"

"But a lonely person like me occasionally wants to feel blessed." The clown Sith raised his hands, then patted his trouser pockets and said to Cheng Mo.

"I bless you. I bless you to go to hell." Cheng Mo said through gritted teeth.

"Yes! Yes! That's the expression! Anger! Hate! The stronger your emotion, the stronger the pleasure of revenge~!" The clown Sith made another explosive movement in front of Cheng Mo, but instantly He withdrew his crazy expression again, shrugged his shoulders, "Oh! Although such a blessing is not bad, I still prefer to stay in the world. A place like hell is pure, crazy and boring, and a place like heaven It's so idiotic and boring, only the world is the real interesting place, for example, today, I think you are my biggest entertainment today"

After speaking, the clown Sith moved his chess pieces again, and his strategic policy remained unchanged, not for victory, but for the purpose of getting rid of Cheng Mo's queen.

Cheng Mo started the layout, the clown Sith gave up the white square bishop, and then arranged the pawns on the white square to form a strong guard of c6 and e6. This is a typical layout plan in Scandinavian defense.

But Cheng Mo, who had the opportunity to take the lead, completed the transposition first, and at the same time prepared to launch an attack on the king's wing in the event of a short transposition of the black king.

The two sides exchanged the horse and two pairs of pawns again, and the situation was simplified.

During this process, three of Cheng Mo's sixteen sons died again. One of them was Nicholas' younger brother Vorobev. His younger sister was sent to the United States to study at university, and Vorobev also jumped off the train from the window.

Vorobev jumped very simply, without crying or saying too much, he just hugged Nicholas and Ivan, and then jumped down without hesitation.

Nicholas stuck his head out of the window and didn't take it back for a long time, wanting to see if his little brother had a chance of surviving, but the speed of the car was so fast that he could only see a black shadow falling like a sack on the grassy ground. On the hillside, the cold wind hung over his bald head, blowing his tears and snot flying together, he could hardly breathe, but he still didn't retract his head to the window.

Because they were afraid that a signal light would cut off Nicholas's head, Cheng Mo and Ivan pulled Nicholas back. The big man's face had already wrinkled into a bitter face. Wan's arm said guiltily: "Actually, we really planned to stop doing this trip. It was I who killed him. He originally only wanted to be a car repairman. I'm guilty."

Cheng Mo held Nicholas' hand in his arms and touched the gun, and whispered: "Nicholas, you have to live, and you have to take care of Vorobiev's family and sister. You can't just die like this, You still have a responsibility to bear!"

Nicholas's eyes were covered with tears and he couldn't open his eyes at all, but he still didn't let go of his hands, and said with a sob: "And Ivan. And Ivan, he will take this responsibility."

"Nicholas, you also have parents, brothers and sisters. Besides, you are going to be impulsive. Do you think Ivan has a chance to live? Sending him to death is just a way to shirk responsibility." Cheng Mo looked at Nicholas, then at Ivan .

Ivan's eyes were full of hatred, powerlessness and other meanings. Cheng Mo couldn't tell whether it was for himself or for the clown Sith, or both. He felt that Ivan's eyes were clearly asking: " Didn’t you agree, can you take us down alive?”

Cheng Mo doesn't quite understand this kind of brotherhood, because he and Cheng Haoyang have no feelings at all, they belong to the kind that is invisible to the eye, and he doesn't believe in the brotherhood shown on TV, especially between gangsters. The reckless, ridiculous, and stupid feelings you can see from the 90s movie "Young and Dangerous", it is just a kind of underworld fairy tale, just as unreliable as fairy tales like "Beauty and the Beast", It's just that the latter belongs to the romance between men and women, while the former is more of a romance between men
From Cheng Mo's point of view, this is no different from those K-dramas that deliberately sensationalize death in a car crash, death from cancer, and death from a gun.

But at this moment, it seems that this feeling is not fictitious, it really exists, perhaps as Fu Yuanzhuo said, "The so-called friends are those who are willing to do things for you that a fool would do. "

It seems to be an enviable thing to have such friends and brothers.

Cheng Mo waited until Nicholas let go of his hand in his pocket before returning to the chessboard. He had already calculated how many pieces he would have to exchange to checkmate Sith the Clown. The price was higher than he originally expected, but this It is also expected to be within his expectations.

The strongest point of Cheng Mo's chess is that others only see one move or two moves and three moves, he will see the middle of the game, or even the end of the game.

"It's over!" Napoleon VII looked at the layout of the chess pieces on the chessboard, and calculated the ending.

"It's over?" Gregory asked a little puzzled.

"The most obvious feature of the situation is that White has the advantage of two bishops, and two bishops are the most powerful in the current open situation. As long as White starts to break through the center, Black, the Clown Sith, can only surrender. The final result is just See if black has a chance to beat white's queen Guseinov G. I have encountered the same game twice in 2014 and 2015. White is a master and of course knows how to play. So this game is over Bai Fang wins!" Napoleon VII looked at Cheng Mo's profile on the screen and said calmly, he really didn't expect that he would see this face that he had met once.

coincide!Or is it a coincidence?Napoleon VII was somewhat unpredictable.

"Then it's time for us to discuss how to establish contact with the military." Gregory said impatiently.

Napoleon VII picked up the black tea on the table, took a sip cautiously, and then said, "Wait"

"Wait for Clown Sith to fight the other Chosen Ones?"

"Of course!"

Gregory hesitated and said, "But they are also waiting for you to fight the clown Sith."

Napoleon VII said lightly: "The clown Sith is not an idiot, he knows who to attack first. I'm just curious, what kind of method will he use to disintegrate the union of those mobs?"

(End of this chapter)

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