Rebel Demon King

Chapter 286 Chasing the murderer in the white night (1)

Chapter 286 Chasing the murderer in the white night (1)

(Thank you "Black Knife Zhanyue" and "Book Friends 20180310160408361" for the rewards, two-in-one update, slightly fewer words, and a larger chapter will be added in the evening to make up for the number of words)

8:3 am Moscow time on August 11.

It was lunch time, and the dining car, which was supposed to be full of seats, was empty. There was no one there, not even the bearded Russian cook. If you only look at this place, it seems that this is an empty train.

But if you listen carefully, you will find that this train is very quiet and strange, and every private room is lifeless. The people staying in it either look pale and breathe carefully; or lie on the bed like a corpse, entering the endless In addition, there are people who are desperately dialing the phone with no signal over and over again, waiting for a miracle to happen; and those gangsters wandering in the corridors of the carriage with AK47 are not at ease, their faces are also With all kinds of anxiety, some people are looking forward to a big harvest, while others are worried that things will make too much trouble and it will not end well.

Regardless of the emotions of these people, this train seems to have been abandoned by the world. It uses non-stop running to isolate itself from the world, and no one knows where it will go.

Those with the most information felt they had it all under control; those with some information thought they had it all;

But in fact, no one knows whether what he can wait for is arrival or destruction.

Only a very small number of people can escape the limitations of thinking and information, such as Napoleon VII, although the whole train is in a tense atmosphere, but Napoleon VII is still very leisurely, just like the lost cross bee Not the same thing as the Napoleon family.

At this moment, Napoleon VII is leisurely enjoying the matsutake foie gras prepared for him by the French chef in his room. This is the most advanced ingredient in French foie gras. The accompanying wine is from his own winery. The white wine produced is supervised by Anne-Claude Lefrey, a top winemaker known as the Iron Lady, and is made from Chardonnay that is more than 30 years old.

Napoleon VII sat at the dining table alone, tasted a piece of foie gras carefully, and after drinking a glass of white wine, he couldn't help sighing: "White grapes with foie gras may be the taste of love, which makes people feel sweet. Feel the taste of poisoning."

"It seems that His Royal Highness wants to fall in love." Morris, standing behind Napoleon VII, said with a smile.

Athena Celine Delorme of the Onassis family suddenly flashed in Napoleon VII's mind. That beautiful face and flawless body line, in fact, Napoleon VII has no requirements for girls, he doesn't care Appearance or background, do not care about character and family background.

He only cares about whether the other party is the best.

Napoleon VII grew up, he used the best for food, clothing, housing and everything, including learning, having fun and even making friends. For Napoleon VII, who is used to the best in everything, the object must naturally be the best. OK.

Currently, there are very few women who meet his requirements, among which Athena is the most suitable candidate.

Because she is the best.

As for his sister's classmate Xie Minyun, she is also very good, but unfortunately she is not white, and it seems that she is not yet the chosen one, which is really a pity.

At this moment, several images of women flashed through Napoleon's mind.

"Love? This kind of guessing and torturing each other is not suitable for me. If you like it, just get married." Napoleon VII shook his head and said. Of course, as long as he proposes, no woman in this world can refuse his proposal.

"Speaking of which, you really should seriously consider getting married. There's no need to stick to it because of a joke you made when you were young." Morris said in a low voice.

"A man's oath is more precious than life. Even unintentional promises must be carried out meticulously." Napoleon VII said lightly. The entire Napoleon family knew that Napoleon VII had made great promises when he was a child. He will never fall in love after becoming the Twelve God Generals. So far, he has done such incredible things.

It is a miracle for a French man to still have his first love at the age of 27.

Maurice didn't know how to persuade this stubborn and stubborn prince. He was not very good at words. Just as he was about to speak, Napoleon VII immediately changed the subject, "Maurice, I know Batisian told you to be free. Just persuade me, but you really don't need to worry about this matter. After I get the Crossbee back, I will devote myself to the Colosseum, get the challenge qualification of the Twelve Generals as soon as possible, and then complete the challenge and restore the glory of our Napoleon family So, all we have to worry about right now is the cross bee."

Speaking of Crossbee Morris hesitated, and said with some concern: "His Royal Highness, the situation on the train is quite chaotic now. The conflict between gangsters and some ordinary passengers is getting more and more intense. There have been several gun battles. There are two In one case, the drug dealers thought they were real policemen, so they violently resisted and injured several innocent passengers; there were also several cases caused by gangsters, which aroused the anger of some Russians. Fighting with weapons, also injured several people, it seems calm now, but I'm afraid the situation will get out of control"

Napoleon VII looked at the foie gras on the plate, and said calmly: "When we make foie gras, we first stuff the goose into a small cage, and then fix it on a rack specially designed to train the neck muscles. The farmer increases the amount of feed every day, trying to make the gosling's stomach into a flour bag. When the gosling grows up and becomes stronger, the farmer will put a 20-30 cm iron pipe directly into the goose's throat every day In the depths, three times a day, morning, noon and night, iron pipes are used to forcibly infuse 12 kg of feed. The goose has no time to digest it before going to the next meal. After 18 days, the foie gras develops pathological changes and becomes fatty liver. At this time, the goose gras is finished. .”

"But each of us will not feel guilty when eating foie gras. We put beauty and kindness on things that can bring temporary comfort to the senses and temporary paralysis to the spirit. We deliberately forget the delicious foie gras The cruel production method behind it. Sometimes we have to forget some things that must be forgotten in order to enjoy victory and success Morris, you are not a nobleman, you will not understand the responsibility of being a nobleman, wanton goodness and wanton evil are equally sinful Yes, this world will not become better just because you give a little more kindness. It is always good and neither bad. As a nobleman, there is not much I can do to maintain the balance of the world and protect every member of the family. It is enough to disappoint everyone who supports me. Russia is not my country, and there are not many French people on this train. My love will not be given to people who have nothing to do with me. I don’t want to be a saint. I'm going to be king"

"Those who admire me will be protected by me, and those who hate me will be punished by me!"

Hearing Napoleon VII's indifferent but powerful words, Morris knelt on one knee, "Your Highness, I am willing to dedicate everything to you, and I will be loyal and stay by my side."

At this moment, Morris's satellite phone rang. Napoleon VII smiled, and waved his hand to signal Morris to get up, "It should be that the investigation has a result. You should answer the phone first!"

Morris nodded and went to answer the phone. After a while, he said to Napoleon VII: "His Royal Highness, five suspicious people have been identified, including two Koreans, two Japanese and one Chinese."

"Give the list to Galbien and the others, and ask them to control these five people now." After speaking, Napoleon VII ate the last piece of foie gras on the plate, and drank the wine in the glass.

He gently placed the shiny crystal glass under the sunny car window, and then stood up, "It's time to go out and let these annoying cockroaches know that there are some people in this world who they must Awed."


Cheng Mo was wearing a camouflage uniform and a bald head. Nicholas had found the beds of No. 12 women according to the list he obtained. Obviously, Cheng Mo's luck was not good. Although this list is not a rare item, the leader of Nicholas' level It took a lot of time to get it without any suspicion.

The search after getting the list was not all smooth sailing. Cheng Mo naturally arranged the search list according to the order of the most efficient cars, so he started from the hard sleeper, but the hard sleeper is the car with the most Russians. Enough of the Russian mafia disguised as police and military, causing constant conflict in the first few cars.

Cheng Mo and Nicholas, who knew at a glance that he was a skinhead, couldn't move a single step, and they were beaten up several times. If it wasn't for the overbearing carrier, Cheng Mo and Nicholas might not even be able to walk through two carriages.

Seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, and there were less than half of the 23 Korean women on the list, Cheng Mo was unavoidably a little impetuous. If Napoleon VII's investigation list came out, he might have no chance at all.

At this time, they have found the No. [-] car, and they will soon go to the No. [-] car where Evans is, which is the starting car of the soft sleeper.

Cheng Mo looked at the list, and the first one in the eighth car was a 437-year-old woman named Jin Zhumi in shop 27. Cheng Mo said to Nicholas in Russian: "Pub 437, Jin Zhumi. There are three Korean men with her. "

Nicholas nodded, and the two walked into the No. [-] carriage.

Car No. [-] is the last hard sleeper. The layout of hard sleepers on Russian trains is different from that on Huaxia trains. Huaxia trains have six berths divided into upper, middle and lower berths, while Russian trains have no upper berths. The upper berth is for storage. Huo Ce also placed two upper and lower bunks horizontally in the corridor, so the corridor is very narrow and can only accommodate one person. If you are fat, it is very inconvenient to pass through the corridor.

Nicholas walked in front, and Cheng Mo followed behind. The two wearing camouflage uniforms immediately caught the angry eyes of many Russians. Obviously, many Russians have discovered that there is something wrong with this train, but because they cannot communicate with the outside world, The opponent had a gun and used it as a search for terrorists, so they had to temporarily submit.

But Cheng Mo can clearly know from their eyes that these Russians who don't know the inside story are powder kegs, and they may explode if they are not careful.

Even if Nicholas was walking in the No. [-] car, he didn't dare to be too arrogant. He had been completely brainwashed by the envoy. Oh no.

The two went straight to the second space, and Nicholas was not aggressive, just holding a notebook and a pen, pretending to be a policeman and asking, "Who is Kim Joo Mi?"

There are four Koreans in this cubicle, three men and one woman. All four of them looked at the bald Nicholas with some doubts. Cheng Mo saw the Korean woman sitting by the window at a glance. She looked at Nicholas worriedly. , hesitated before saying: "You looking for me?"

Cheng Mo took the opportunity to look up and down, the traces of plastic surgery were obvious, the nose, eyes and chin were all done, so in an instant he judged that the other party was not the woman he was looking for, Cheng Mo pretended to raise his hand inadvertently, and touched her with his elbow. Squeeze Nicholas' arm, which is a normal movement in the narrow aisle.

Nicholas knew that it was Cheng Mo telling him that he was not the target, so he handed her the book in his hand and said, "Sign it."

Kim Joo-mi, with plastic surgery face, glanced at the train sleeper information registration form, and didn't understand why she had to sign it, so she wrote her own name under the vertical row of Korean names in a daze.

Nicholas did not take back the notebook immediately, but followed Cheng Mo's instructions, and said to the other Koreans together: "And you, also sign. Koreans must sign."

The other three unidentified Korean men also signed their signatures. This is not good for Asians. Although I really wanted to know why they signed, they didn't ask. Nicholas and Chengmo checked twelve people, and only three people asked. After asking "why do you have to sign", others just obeyed and didn't dare to ask, but this kind of thing is unimaginable in Europe and the United States.

Nicholas took back the notebook from a Korean man, and Cheng Mo whispered, "Shop 450, Jiang Xiuren."

The two of them were squeezing through the narrow corridor to the middle of the No. 8 carriage. At this moment, a sudden change occurred. Cheng Mo noticed a red dot passing through the No. [-] carriage quickly, and there seemed to be many red dots on the roof of the car. Approach in this direction.

Cheng Mo's heart tightened for a moment, he wasn't sure if the other party was heading towards Evans because of what happened in the No.16 carriage, or came by himself, or because of the Korean woman?

Although he knew that it was unlikely that the carrier was going towards Xie Minyun, various thoughts still rose from his mind at this moment. When those red dots passed by Evans' private room, Cheng Mo stopped involuntarily, dying. Staring at the map, when the red dot quickly walked past Evans' private room, Cheng Mo let go of his hanging heart, but this also meant that the Korean woman might have been discovered
Sure enough, when he opened the door, Cheng Mo saw the curly-haired carrier that he had seen in the dining car at the beginning, the subordinate of Napoleon VII. When he entered the door, he turned to the person in the last compartment of No. [-] carriage and asked, "Who is Yin Xianzhen?" ?”

Cheng Mo heard everything clearly, regretting in his heart: "It's still too late."

Unexpectedly, no one answered the curly-haired carrier, and what greeted him was an explosion.
(End of this chapter)

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