Rebel Demon King

Chapter 284 The Anti-Entropy of Death Train

Chapter 284 The Anti-Entropy of Death Train
(Two-in-one update, due to a problem with the computer, the update is relatively late today, and one update was owed yesterday, and it will be uploaded at night.)
Moscow time on August 8 at 3:6 am.

The sun has completely jumped out of the horizon, and the dark blue train is pulling uneasy notes, rushing towards the cotton-like clouds and the orange sky in the distance in the silent wilderness.

In the middle of No. 20 car of K12, there was an urgent knock on the door outside the only barrier-free toilet on the train. This toilet has the only toilet and toilet in the whole train. Of course, it is also the most spacious toilet in the whole train. .

A gangster carrying an AK47 knocked on the door vigorously and shouted loudly in Russian: "The people inside, come out immediately!"

"Blyat (similar to fuck), I'm Nicholas, can you be a bit lighter, I'm shitting now." An angry roar came from inside.

"Nicholas? Skinhead Nicholas?"

"Yes, wait." The inverted triangular eyes turned to look at the mirror-like ice cover next to the toilet. Although he couldn't see the inside at all, he knew that the mysterious man was in it. He shuddered and went to open it. Open the door, showing a face, and said to the people outside: "I have a little diarrhea, don't worry about me, I'm fine!"

Seeing that it was really Nicholas, the gun-wielding gangster glanced at the crack of the open door again, but found no one, so he went straight to the group of people who were searching in front, and said, "Nicholas from the skinhead is in the bathroom. There should be no problem." What made him strange was that he didn't know why when Nicholas opened the door, he felt a chill, maybe it was the so-called murderous aura?The gangster with the AK47 didn't think about it.

The other four gangsters didn't speak, they all looked at Napoleon VII standing at the door of the private room - the curly-haired carrier Galbien, if he said no problem, it was really no problem, although they didn't know this Frenchman How do you know how many people are in the room?

The curly-haired carrier Galbien glanced in the direction of the bathroom, nodded without hesitation to indicate that there was no problem, and the group focused on the former KGB, who was asking about the situation in the private room with a stern face. people.

At this moment, the person named Nicholas was standing close to the door holding a mobile phone that was playing a Russian TV series. He glanced at the ice cover that was almost like a mirror. He didn't dare to say a word, so he just stood close to the door with.

In the barrier-free restroom, only the mobile phone was ringing in Russian. One visible person and four invisible people waited silently in the fairly spacious restroom.

The five people in the bathroom are of course Cheng Mo and the others. Nicholas is the bald man with inverted triangle eyes who led the team to support the skinhead in the No.16 car. The other person who was carried by Cheng Mo in the ice cover was beaten by Xie Minyun. A member of the Wolf Gang with a broken leg.

The other two are naturally the bodies of Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo. The reason why the team is so large is because Cheng Mo discovered that starting from No. 14 car, each car has four people guarding the head and tail of a train at the junction , and the reason why there is no one in the No.15 compartment is because all the guards in the No.15 compartment followed Nicholas to the No.16 compartment.

The gangsters' control over the entire train is much stricter than Cheng Mo imagined.

What Cheng Mo needs is to enter the car that has been inspected quietly, so he must find a way to "sneak" past.

It is not only the gangsters guarding the carriage that need to be concealed, but also a group of people who are searching private rooms one by one. Can only use his only skill "Frozen Ray" in the largest toilet in the train to create a multi-layer ice box to avoid the search of thermal imaging, and make the ice cover into a multi-layer hollow shape, it is In order to isolate the transmission of sound.

Cheng Mo looked at the red dot of the carrier flashing at the door of the private room, and his heart was raised in his throat. As for the other three people, they didn't understand what they were facing at all.It wasn't until the other party's group moved to the private room next to them that they didn't intend to come over at all, that Cheng Mo felt relieved a little.

About 10 minutes later, when the curly-haired carrier and his group walked to the junction of No. 12 and No. 13 cars, Cheng Mo directly cut through the ice cover and whispered: "Get ready to go out."

A group of people have gotten used to the magic of Cheng Mo, and stepped out of the ice cover without making a sound.

Cheng Mo stared at the map in the void, and when the last two of the group entered the junction of the carriages, he whispered, "Let's go!"

So the bald-headed Nicholas quickly opened the door and walked out, then Xie Minyun followed with Cheng Mo's body on his back, and Cheng Mo, who was wearing a mask and carrying a broken leg on his back, walked last.

The sunlight covered most of the corridor, and the shadows of the three people moved in the corridor of carriage No. 12 with the white screen window floating. When they were approaching the connecting point, Cheng Mo shook the wolf gang members on his back, and the corridor began to sound. With a howling sound, the bald man with inverted triangle eyes and swollen nose led Lin Zhinuo and Xie Minyun to open the door and walked to the No. 11 carriage.

The gangster guarding the door of the connection asked, "Hey! Nicholas, what's the matter?"

The bald head with inverted triangle eyes and a nose swollen like a lion's nose replied loudly: "Blyat (wow), I met two desperate drug dealers in the No. 16 compartment, killed two and injured two, I am now Send these two hapless bastards to a doctor."

The gangsters carrying the AK47 all focused their eyes on the man who was howling. His upper body was covered with burn marks on his bare arms and back. His red flesh turned outward, as if he had been drenched in oil. , looked very miserable, and the air was filled with the burnt smell of burnt skin and oil.

The two gangsters subconsciously frowned and turned their heads away. They couldn't bear to read, and directly ignored Xie Minyun, who was wearing a cap with Cheng Mo on his back and his face was covered with blood, and almost even Lin Zhinuo was wearing a mask. Ignore them all.

But Lin Zhinuo wearing a mask was too suspicious, so one of them asked, "Why are you wearing a mask?"

Lin Zhinuo immediately raised his head and said in pure Russian, imitating the rough-voiced man from the Wild Wolf Gang he heard that day: "Tebe Pisdets (similar to FU*K YOU), don't you think this smell is really bad? Why don’t you carry him over, and I’ll stand guard? Cyka (similar to bitch)!” Cheng Mo couldn’t speak so well in the body state, but in the carrier state, he can easily imitate the voice he’s heard before , although the voices may not be exactly the same, but it sounds like the tone, speed, and way of speaking can still get the essence.

The bald man with inverted triangle eyes turned his head and said, "Alexander, can you say a few words less? If you really don't want to do it, you can get off the train. I've had enough of your complaints along the way. You should be glad that you are not being carried on your back now."

"Nicholas, it's not your skinheads who died, of course you can accuse me calmly here"

The other party heard such authentic and fluent Russian, and the patient on the back looked so pitiful, and the two gangsters guarding the door were also forced to be unbearable by the constant howling and the unpleasant smell. Interrupting the quarrel between Lin Zhinuo and the bald head with inverted triangle eyes, "Forget it, forget it, you two stop arguing, and send him to treatment immediately! If you continue to quarrel, he will die soon."

The bald man cursed again, "Fuck", and then pushed open the door at the junction. Xie Minyun, who was walking behind the bald man with inverted triangle eyes, followed immediately. Xie Minyun didn't really know how this man named Xiao Lin persuaded the bald man , She only saw him pinch the bald man Nicholas among the people, after waking him up, he took the bald man who was still extremely fierce after waking up to the bathroom, and when he came out, the bald man became a good baby.

The four of them passed through No.11 and No. [-] carriages individually. After all, gangsters are not policemen, and their professional quality is far from enough. They also met Cheng Mo, a person who is well versed in psychology, so they let Cheng Mo go smoothly. He and Xie Minyun walked to the No. [-] carriage, but no one noticed.

What Cheng Mo uses is a trick often used by magicians. Simply put, the psychological principle of "misleading" magic is that the audience will pay attention to objects that are moving or making sounds; second, the audience will look at what the magician is looking at. The third is what the magician thinks is very important, and the audience also thinks it is very important.

There are at least two types of hidden misleading: one is called change blindness, and the change will not be detected unless the observer directly compares the state before and after the change; the other is called unintentional blindness , which means that people will turn a blind eye to some unexpected things.

So Xie Minyun, who was carrying Cheng Mo's body on his back, was miraculously hidden between the bald Nicholas and him by Cheng Mo, and was completely ignored.

Passing the last checkpoint safely, Nicholas, the bald head with inverted triangle eyes, said in a slightly nervous whisper, "The No. Trembling, the ghost knows what he went through. The man behind him is like a devil. Not only can he penetrate a 3 cm thick steel plate with his bare hands, but he can also freeze the water instantly. He saw this man from the East in the bathroom He made a 5 cm thick ice wall with water, and handed him the crow pistol to shoot. Nicholas had never met such a bizarre request. He hesitated a little and pointed at the mysterious man's gun. The shot was fired between the eyebrows, right in the bathroom, the muzzle of the gun was no more than two punches away from the man, but he witnessed a miraculous scene.
He actually caught the yellow 9mm Luger bullet in the middle with two fingers! ! !
At that time, his mood was very complicated, and he just wanted to kneel on the ground and deeply repent.

At that moment, he had no choice but to believe that there is a real God in this world.

As a human being, how could he be an enemy of the apostles of God?This was why Nicholas didn't dare to resist at all.

"I will do what I say." Cheng Mo replied lightly.

The bald man drew a sign of the cross on his chest, "Thank God for your blessing!"

"God will not promise you anything, God only blesses your hope, and whether your hope can come true depends on your performance." Cheng Mo whispered indifferently.

"Just give your orders, and I promise to carry them out without any compromise," the bald-headed Nicholas said in a pious tone. He planned to quit the gang completely after this incident, and change his mind from now on to become a loyal believer.

As for the man with the broken leg on Cheng Mo's back, there was no choice at all.

Cheng Mo took Xie Minyun to the 9-12 private room, and then knocked on the door, barely this can be regarded as a revisit of the old place.

An anxious male voice came from the private room, "Who?"

Knowing that it was Evans, Cheng Mo replied, "Mr. Evans, no matter who it is, you have no choice but to open the door."

After a while, Cheng Mo saw Evans' mournful face. His head was sweating profusely, his face was a little swollen, and he had obviously been hit by a hard object. He hid behind the door with the anti-theft chain, watching Cheng Mo, who was wearing a mask and carrying an injured person on his back, and the bald head with inverted triangle eyes behind him, saw that the three of them were all wearing camouflage uniforms, their eyes were full of horror, and asked with some dissatisfaction: "What are you going to do? Didn't you just check it?" ?”

His questioning was very false, and he obviously lacked confidence.

Cheng Mo can't say that he hates Evans, but since this is the cause that Evans planted, he must bear the current consequences. He said lightly: "We are not here to check, but because you have harmed someone. So you must take responsibility!"

Evans thought that Cheng Mo was talking about the moaning Russian on his back, and he was a little dazed, "Did I kill someone?"

Cheng Mo was too lazy to talk, he had too many things to do, so he waved his hand like lightning, and the anti-theft chain was cut off directly. Before Evans could react, Cheng Mo pushed the door open again, and the whole After the action was done, Evans still didn't know what happened, his hands were still stuck in mid-air, and he watched the door open.

Cheng Mo glanced into the room, and the little Lolita Rebecca was lying on the bed and sleeping. Mrs. Evans turned her head and saw Cheng Mo and the bald-headed Nicholas at the door, and immediately covered the little Lolita's eyes with her hand, and Mr. Evans stretched out his hands in panic, stopped in the middle and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Cheng Mo turned his head and said to Xie Minyun who was standing aside: "Come here"

Then Evans and Mrs. Evans saw Xie Minyun carrying Cheng Mo's body on his back. Xie Minyun's face was still covered with blood in a camouflage uniform and a hat, covering most of his face. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it. Who is it? As for Cheng Mo's face buried in the shoulder, it is even more difficult to see who it is. Evans didn't recognize it at once, and asked suspiciously: "You?"

Xie Minyun said softly: "Mr. Evans, Mrs. Evans, good morning!"

Cheng Mo said lightly: "I don't need to say anything, right? Someone kindly reminded you to get off the car, how do you repay him?"

Hearing Xie Minyun's voice and Cheng Mo's words, the faces of Mr. Evans and Mrs. Evans became very pale. Mr. Evans closed his eyes and said with great difficulty: "I, I, I really It wasn't intentional, the police said there were terrorists in the car, I was flustered at the time, I said it without thinking much, I'm really sorry!"

Evans' explanation was acceptable to Xie Minyun, so she lowered her head slightly. She was just a little surprised how Xiao Lin would know about this, but it didn't seem too abnormal. If Xiao Lin was ordered to protect her and Cheng Mo , Knowing these are also reasonable, so Xie Minyun did not speak.

Cheng Mo said coldly: "It's meaningless to say I'm sorry now, you must do something to make up for the harm suffered by these two kind-hearted people!"

(End of this chapter)

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