Rebel Demon King

Chapter 28 Invitation

Chapter 28 Invitation

(seeking recommendation and collection)

Cheng Mo spent an afternoon looking for clues about the savage brains on the major hacker forums. After spending a lot of energy and eyesight, he really found a lot of clues.

Lai Ji Nao Tui is waiting for a number of hacker exchange forums to publish information, some of which are posts about live work, and some are posts about communication technology. Trojan avoid killing", "remote control" and other hacking technologies.

All the posts that were received were the QQ number left for him, and the mailbox was the QQ mailbox with the same number.

While browsing these posts, Cheng Mo also learned some simple things, such as using

After learning about these things, it was already time for the end of school. Cheng Mo still waited for the people in the classroom to finish before walking out of the classroom without any hassle. .

When he was emptying his mind and slowly walked out of the school, Cheng Mo saw the Rolls-Royce at the gate, which he now has some memories of. At this time, the driver in uniform was helping Xie Minyun to open the rear door. With less attention, he stroked his skirt with one hand and gracefully stepped into the expensive machine that seemed to represent superiority.

At this time, a pure white bicycle suddenly braked, and a beautiful tail flick stopped next to the Rolls-Royce. beautiful flower looks.

After the tail flick, the handsome guy put his hand on the ground and knocked on the window glass of the Rolls-Royce. His expression was very natural. The window of an ordinary car, and he is not ashamed that he is only riding a bicycle.

The surrounding Changya students exclaimed one after another, and many of them began to whisper.

Countless girls couldn't help but whisper: "Senior Du Leng! Really handsome!"

"Senior Du Leng's family is so rich and still rides a bicycle to school, it's really low-key."

"Cut! Don't you know? Do you know the brand of someone else's bicycle?"

"How expensive is a bicycle? It's not worth a Rolls-Royce wheel!"

"Joke, the bike that Senior Du Leng's is a KGS custom bike, do you know how much? It's $32! It's not worth a wheel?"

There were incredible questions around: "It's so expensive!"

"Of course, if you want to buy this bike, you must go to the United States to have the manufacturer measure the customer's body data, check the suitable riding style, and then customize the finished bicycle," said the girl who began to ask proudly.

The girls looked at Du Leng, who was standing beside Rolls-Royce, with stars in his eyes.

"Do you think that Senior Du Leng and Xie Minyun are really a couple?"

"I think yes, our school is the best match between Du Leng and Xie Minyun."

"Did you forget Sima Qianshu?"

"That idol star doesn't come to school very often!"

As for the boys, they basically left the idol drama scene with brisk steps, but almost all of them kept looking back at the beautiful scene under the eye-catching setting sun.

At this time, Xie Minyun had already pressed down the car window and was talking to Du Leng. Du Leng looked at the pure and invincible appearance of Xie Minyun in the school uniform in the car window, and a pair of long legs with just the right thickness stretched out in front of the seat. He couldn't help shaking his heart. And there is no end to it, he pressed down his love for the girl in front of him, looked at her impeccable and intoxicating face and said with a smile: "Minyun, Children's Day is just the weekend, I have a few friends with me. Go to Yuelu Mountain for BBQ, let's go together!"

Xie Minyun has always thought that Du Leng is a good friend, but she is not willing to develop a relationship beyond friendship with Du Leng. For her, the world in the future is very broad, there are more things to experience, and there are more outstanding people People need to know, she will not tie herself to Star City, or even Huaxia.

Although Du Leng seems to be impeccable at this moment, but as her grandfather said, the world is so big, and the peak is always outside Yunshan. She neither wants to waste her own feelings, nor does she want others to waste their feelings for her, so The attitude towards Du Leng has always been lukewarm, keeping a distance.

She has also suggested many times that Du Leng should be friends, but Du Leng has never given up his approach to her. This is the fifth time that Du Leng has invited her out.

Just as Xie Minyun was about to refuse, Du Cooling said at the moment when Xie Minyun was about to speak: "Hey! I said Minyun, this time I invited all the top students in the school. Everyone was having a barbecue and discussing their learning experiences. You too Don't be bored and write questions alone, that will only make yourself a nerd. After all, we are all people who want to enter the society in the future. We must learn to communicate with people and live with life. We can't be a person who can only read books. , geniuses, those who illuminate the world and promote the progress of mankind are all people who can directly read the facts of life!"

After a pause, Du sneered and said, "Also, I remember you said that if you fell from the top three on the list, you would agree to my invitation."

Xie Minyun didn't have the habit of breaking his promises. He frowned and said, "Are those people at the top of the ranking all yours?"

Du Leng hesitated for a moment and nodded. He himself is No.2. In order to catch up with Xie Minyun, he has been working overtime for three consecutive weeks. There are still many questions.

And that person was someone he didn't know.

Xie Minyun was silent for a while, and reluctantly prepared to agree. At this time, a thin silhouette came into her eyes. She moved in her heart, and she raised the volume on the window with one hand and shouted: "Chengmo!"

This sound seemed to startle countless gulls and herons, and immediately countless people looked in the direction of Xie Minyun's eyes, including Du Leng, who was also looking back.

Cheng Mo turned his head and glanced at Xie Minyun who was beckoning to him. For the first time, he quickened his pace, as if someone was following him behind him, intending to leave the scene quickly.

Xie Minyun saw that Chengmo ignored his shouts, and the dialogues he met with this unremarkable "child" on Saturday flashed again in his heart. He didn't know what kind of psychology it was out of, maybe his grandfather thought highly of him. Her dissatisfaction may be a curiosity to explore, or she may simply want to play a prank, she said to Du Leng: "This is the strange person who often gets perfect marks in the first year of high school, I think since it is a gathering of top students , must have him, right?"

Du Leng narrowed his eyes and looked at Cheng Mo's fleeing back, and said, "If you think he should appear, he will definitely appear."

Xie Minyun Shi Shiran said: "His name is Cheng Mo, a student in the first (ninth) class of high school. If he goes on June [-], I will go."

Du Leng didn't show any surprise about the fact that Cheng Mo belongs to the first (ninth) class of high school, but just said with a joking smile: "Don't talk about Cheng Mo, even if it is the Jade Emperor, if you want to see him, I have to give it to you. Come here!"

Xie Minyun said, "Senior Du Leng, I'll go first. We'll be in touch when you make an appointment with him."

Du Leng nodded and waved his hand, and before Xie Minyun pressed the window, he stood on the pedal and stepped on it a few times.

Then Xie Minyun's Rolls-Royce also drove away from the school gate and disappeared at the corner of the road.

Only the walking Cheng Mo was still in everyone's sight, but no one looked at him, the crowd had dispersed, and the call from Xie Minyun just now seemed to be just an illusion in everyone's mind.

No one thought that Goddess Xiaoxiang would be associated with someone as unsightly and unknown as Cheng Mo.

Of course, Cheng Mo himself was extremely resistant to getting involved with Xie Minyun.

When he got home, Cheng Mo directly turned on the computer. Due to the limited time, today's task of reviewing questions could only be suspended. He entered the security information query website, entered the spicy QQ email address, and began to search for relevant information.
(End of this chapter)

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