Rebel Demon King

Chapter 274 Faust (2)

Chapter 274 Faust (2)

Man has two hands, one for taking and one for giving. - Goethe's "Faust"


August 8 at 2:12 noon Berlin time.

The midday sun walks on the highest point of the city, and the tall buildings divide the sunlight into fragments. Some places are warm and bright, and some places are dark and cold. This is the most decadent party city in Europe, with a 24-hour uninterrupted electronic music bar Everywhere.

There is a notoriously gentle Kit Kat club on Brücken Street in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin. There are men and women hustle and bustle 365 hours a day, 24 days a year. If it is a nightclub in London, people are at most shy. Let’s have a kiss, or touch a few casually in the dark, but here, the hey hey hey at your fingertips responds to the passionate rhythm of techno (industrial electronics, a form of electronic music), which is common in Berlin’s electronic music bars standard configuration.

Strict Germans are so open when playing, don’t make a fuss, if you are good enough, no matter whether you are male or female, someone will come up and ask you all the time: "Do you play X (X is a number greater than 1) P?"

Perhaps from the perspective of Chinese people, the Kit Kat club can’t even be called a bar. It’s as big as an indoor basketball court, enough to hold hundreds of people for an electronic music party. At this time, countless colorful laser lights in this huge venue are in the dark Seek out.

At the end of the rectangular venue is a DJ stand standing in mid-air. A bare-headed and shirtless DJ is waving his hands on it. Behind him is an electronic screen on the entire wall, with green lines that dance with the rhythm. , Techno music with a strong beat is flying in the hot air, immersing people in an incredible psychedelic atmosphere.

In the middle of the arena is a huge dance floor, which is densely packed with people, both men and women wear very little, and some people are even so naked.

There are bars and seats around the dance floor, where exhausted guests sit, chat, and smoke, and in the gaps between these bars are passages leading to other places, some of which lead to swimming pools, which are celestial swimming pools, and those with clothes are not allowed to enter ; Some lead to small bars that are divided into categories, such as gay bars, such as SM bars and so on.

Next to the DJ booth, there was a hidden passageway, where stood two burly men in black leather shorts with pink bunny ears. There was no signage on the passageway, but a seemingly ordinary clown mask.

At this time, a man with brown hair and a Hitler hairstyle was being held between two strong men in leather trousers and black tights, and was walking towards the inside of the passage. In the dark passage, rotating lights slid across the wall from time to time. You can see countless compartments, the compartments have no doors, and the compartments are decorated very fancy, which reminds people of rave parties in the 90s. The narrow passages are full of fluorescent graffiti and hallucinatory patterns that appear after taking hallucinogenic drugs .

There are people in some cubicles, mostly one-on-one. The women are wearing some symbolic clothing, leather or PVC shorts, matched with almost transparent underwear, or simply bare-chested, with rough makeup on the chest. X rings, some with elaborate tattoos, and they hold ponytail whips or candles.

Men are blindfolded and tied to chairs or sofas
Although the current atmosphere is very gloomy, the man sandwiched by two strong men in leather pants doesn't seem to be happy at all. He can't even walk steadily. If it wasn't for being caught, he would have collapsed to the ground long ago .

The man was carried to the end of the corridor, where there was a room made of stone, with many rusty medieval instruments of torture hanging on the rough blue bricks, such as punishment shoes with steel thorns, iron donkey face masks, There are also many creepy instruments of torture in the room, wooden boots made of wood and steel bars (actually wooden beds), racks, hanging cages, head crushers, Judas stools and Iron Maidens (Iron Maidens are Copper coffins can lock people in, and there are steel thorns inside. After the prisoners are locked in, the steel thorns inside will penetrate into their bodies one by one, making them die in painful wailing).

In the largest room, there is an iron cage, in which a naked woman wearing a black cat mask is dancing to the beat of the music, while on the red sofa facing the cage is Sitting was a man wearing a dark purple suit and a clown mask. He was tall and thin, with his white shirt collar unbuttoned. Judging from his body, he was undoubtedly a man.

The strong man in leather pants with a shaved head and tights put the brown-haired man in front of the man wearing a clown mask, let go of his hand, and then walked aside, the limp man knelt down on the ground.

The clown, who seemed to be enjoying the dance in the cage, put his index finger to his mouth and made a silent gesture. He shook his head following the strong rhythm of electronic music, and he just shook his head without looking at the man kneeling in front of him. , without saying a word, while the man with the Hitler haircut knelt in front of the sofa, sweating.

I don't know how long it took, but the man kneeling on the ground finally couldn't hold on any longer, and said, "Master Sith, I don't know why you called me here?"

The clown, who was dancing heartily, heard the man speak, and slapped the man's mouth without warning. The man immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and a few teeth flew out. He is called the clown of Lord Sith The man stopped shaking, looked at the frightened man, and asked softly, "Do you know why I hit you?"

The man wearing the clown mask has a tearing feeling when he speaks, as if his vocal cords have been damaged. Listening to his speech is like rubbing against the eardrum. Of course, this kind of rubbing is not happy at all, like a blackboard eraser scratching the blackboard. , making people uncomfortable.

The sweaty man kept shaking his head, his hands and legs were shaking violently uncontrollably.

"Fox, don't be so nervous and scared. These instruments of torture are not meant to scare people. They are great works of art. If you look closely, these exquisite gadgets are not at all vicious...they highlight the diversity of history , which embodies the skill of an art that tortures the body deep into the soul."

The man wearing the clown mask waved his hand, and an exquisite iron "Pear Punishment" flew into his hand automatically. He showed the Pear Punishment, a bud-shaped iron engraved with gorgeous patterns, to the man who was already sweating profusely. , "Come and enjoy it carefully, see? How beautiful it is, turning the controller at the bottom can make the four petals of the 'pear' separate, causing great damage and pain to the victim's throat, XX or XX. But this gadget usually doesn’t cause death, so it is benevolent, and pain can sometimes bring people pleasure, doesn’t it? This fully demonstrates a state of mind of people at that time-long and careful thinking about various A form of suffering and torture." Lord Sith twisted the pear torture, letting the bud-like iron tool expand in his hands, and then said extremely frantically.

But in the next second his tone became extremely low and serious, "My ideal is to compare and combine different types of torture until I become the most perfect master in the art of torture. The relentless pursuit of the ultimate perfection, the perfect punishment, and the perfect crime"

"Lord Sith, I. I know I was wrong. Please forgive me!" The man looked at the pear torture in front of him and wept in pain. He seemed to have felt the pain when the iron weapon expanded in his body .

"No, no, dear Fox, you are not wrong. Everyone is selfish and thinks for themselves. There is nothing wrong with what you do. The problem is that you are not rational and smart enough. You know you can't hide it from me. Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why do you have to be lucky?" The clown Sith asked in a tone, obviously he was very sorry for Fox's bad decision.

The man shook his head, and Hitler's hairstyle, which was originally neat, became very messy, "Master Sith, please forgive me, I really got it wrong."

"Do you know it's wrong?" The man in the clown mask looked up at the roof, which was a colorful mural of Masaccio's "Holy Trinity", Christ crucified, the Holy Father on his shoulders, and the Virgin Mary and St. John's on either side.The Madonna's downward gaze and gestures draw the viewer's attention to Christ on the cross, creating an extraordinary hallucinatory effect.But the Holy Father is invisible at this time, and he has been integrated into the aura of God and Jesus, all of which indicate that the holy soul is inseparable, and the victims will be resurrected in the infinite power of God.

Clown Sith clasped his hands together, looked up at the mural, and said in a pious tone: "Fox, confess with me."

Fox, who was kneeling on the ground, lowered his head and clasped his hands together.

"Today, I will accept the words of blessing and curse. If I obey the commandments, which you have commanded me today, I will be blessed. If I serve others, I will suffer."

Just as the man named Fox lowered his head and was about to speak, the clown Sith raised his chin with the pear punishment, "Fox, look at me! You have to tell me, you have to confess to me!"

Fox looked at Sith's mask in horror, and said intermittently: "No matter what blessings or curses you say today, you can bear it calmly. If you obey the commandments, which are what you commanded me today, you will be blessed. If I don't obey your commandments Doom me if I turn away from the way you have commanded us today to serve others."

The clown gently stroked Fox's drooping head, "What a good boy, my punishment is only given to those who deserve it. If you repent, you will be blessed."

"Thank you, Lord Sith!" Fox choked up, the scarlet carpet was already wet with his tears, snot, and urine.
"Tell me, what else has been lost in the group besides some confidential documents?"

"Gene. God's gene" Fox said with a sad face and some despair.

"This is really the worst result! Fox, you should have told me this news earlier." The clown Sith stood up from the red sofa when he heard "God's gene".

Fox crawled to his feet, hugged his leg and cried, "Lord Sith, I know I was wrong, I failed to notify you immediately because the whole group is conducting inspections. I am very scared. Please be sure forgive me!"

"Of course I will forgive you, Fox, and will you follow my teachings as you promised?"

"Of course! Of course, Lord Sith, your instructions guide my way forward!"

The clown Sith reached out and touched Fox's forehead again, "What a good boy! Fox, now go into the Iron Lady by yourself, close the door, and reflect on yourself inside."

"No, please, Lord Sith." Fox opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe what the clown Sith said.

"Huh?? You just said you have to be obedient?" Sith looked at Fox's weeping eyes and said kindly.

"Master Sith, I really"

"My patience is very limited! You see, your parents, brother, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, wife, son, and daughter are all counting on you to survive!"

When Fox heard these words, he completely collapsed. He turned his head and looked at the iron lady who was standing aside with blue light. The door was opened by a bronze vessel like a pharaoh's coffin, and the door was inlaid with barbed iron nails.

Fox slowly crawled towards the Iron Maiden, stood in tremblingly holding the copper door, and then slowly closed the door.

Clown Sith said softly: "Good boy! You are so brave! Your bravery has touched me! I will bless you!"

As the Iron Maiden's door closed, a miserable howling sounded in the room
The clown Sith seemed to hear the sweet music. He waved his fingers around his ears and said sadly to the strong man standing behind him: "What a child! It would be a waste to die like this! Waiting for his blood to flow Fuck, make him a hamburger, send him to his family and let his body and soul be with his family!"

(End of this chapter)

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