Rebel Demon King

Chapter 269 Death Train (7)

Chapter 269 Death Train (7)

(Thanks to "Raphaelwind" for the rewards, Dazhang supplemented the updated numbers, there are two updates tonight, a little later)
August 8, at midnight.

The train is moving towards the depths of the earth non-stop, and Chengmo controls the carrier to appear at the junction of the carriages. Outside the train window is a dense birch forest, and houses with low houses flash past quickly, which can only be seen by ordinary people. It was a blur of black, but the carrier could still clearly see the red sickle and ax painted on the somewhat dilapidated walls.

Although Li Jiting has told Cheng Mo not to activate the carrier and save his life, Cheng Mo thought about it for a long time. For him, his only advantage is that his carrier is still in the protected stage, cannot be detected, and does not use The carrier has super hearing and vision, so it can be said that he has no chance to find out whether Shirkov is on the K20 or not.

What's more, it is not only Shirkov who is looking for him, but also Russian gangsters and other Ouroboros owners. In comparison, he can obtain the least information and is at an absolute disadvantage. If he even has the carrier If you don’t dare to use it, you might as well wait for the next stop and get off the car directly, and forget about taking the plane back to your country. What are you still doing on the K20?
Cheng Mo even suspected that Li Jiting wanted to get on this train by himself, maybe it was a test, but he always felt that there was something incomprehensible about this matter in his mind, something that should have been handled in a low-key and secret way by all parties. Why did the matter break through the limitation of the inner world and become a major event that spread to the outer world.

Cheng Mo didn't continue to think about it. Anyway, no matter what the final result is, he doesn't have too much relationship with him. The use time of the carrier is extremely precious. When he opened the 18D map, there were still two red dots flashing in the No. 17 car , while the No. 17 carriage next to it was silent, as if it had entered a deep sleep. Although his carrier could neither be sensed by thermal imaging nor appear on the map in the form of flashing red dots at this time, he still could not go to No. 18. And car [-], that's just too dangerous.

So Cheng Mo planned to walk from the No. 16 car to the No. 1 hard-seat car, and then return to the body in the bathroom of the No. 1 hard-seat car. This is probably the least noticeable way.

After making a plan, Cheng Mo opened the door at the junction of the cars and entered the No. 16 car, and the thermal imaging within a radius of ten meters was clearly visible.

On the three-dimensional map, he could see his own body lying on the 41st berth, and Xie Minyun on the 42nd berth, separated by a simple curtain made by Xie Minyun himself.Of course, it cannot be displayed on the three-dimensional map of the curtain. It is purely Cheng Mo's own imagination, but the carrier's strong memory ability can restore the picture to the extent that it is like seeing it in person.

At night, only the night lights under the windows are on, the narrow aisle is empty, all the doors are tightly closed, only the white gauze curtains are floating with the shaking of the carriage, if it is not for the sound of the wheels hitting the cracks in the rails, the sound is always there, It really makes people feel that this scene is a little scary.

Cheng Mo walked slowly in the carriage, focusing all his attention on his ears and listening to the sounds around him.

Those extremely subtle wind noises, the friction between the steel wheels and the rails, the breathing of sleeping people, the Russian language on the TV, and even the music missing from the earphones squeezed towards him like [-]D surround sound.

Cheng Mo tried his best to filter out meaningless voices, and only listened to those voices that were useful to him.

When he walked to the No. 15 carriage, Cheng Mo heard the people in the No. 33 and No. 34 berths talking from a distance. He concentrated for a while, and instantly realized that this was an extremely unsuitable dialogue for children.

"ohh! good! ohh! yes! ohh! ohh! Come on Wayne, that's a good boy, Harder!"

"Do you think my is long compared to the other boys?"

"You are the best! Oh! yeah! oh! no! oh! my god!"

It has to be said that foreigners are open, and they would call such shameful words even when they are having sex. Cheng Mo glanced at the two shadows that are much redder than other thermal images. Show clear movements, but it's self-evident what they're doing.

He didn't look much, let alone listen, he immediately shifted his attention to other boxes, and ruled out the people in boxes 33 and 34 as suspicious persons.

Cheng Mo walked all the way to the second-class compartment of No. 10 and did not hear any useful information, but heard several cases of railway sex.When he passed the connection between the second-class carriages and the third-class carriages of No. 9 and No. 8, he saw two Russian men wearing vests and tattoos all over their bodies smoking. They all had short hair. There is a kind of ferocity from the inside out, like animals with teeth and claws, and they have daggers that run through their necks tattooed on their shoulders.

When he walked into the junction of the carriages, the two stopped talking and focused their eyes on him.

After Li Jiting told him that the identities of Russian gangsters can be identified through tattoos, Cheng Mo made up some knowledge about Russian gangster tattoos, and naturally recognized them as members of the "Wild Wolf Gang" at a glance. He was afraid of attracting the other party's attention , without looking sideways, opened the door at the junction of the cars and walked towards the hard sleeper No. 8 car, but actually stepped into the bathroom at the end of No. 8 car.

For Cheng Mo, even with a carrier, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to find Shirkov among nearly a thousand people with his power, but it is not difficult to find those who are looking for Shirkov, so These people are the source of important information, so Cheng Mo intends to listen to what the two gangsters will say. Although they have been talking about women just now, Cheng Mo can only try his luck.

It is reasonable to say that it is normal to discuss the mission on the way to perform the mission, so the chance of this is still very high. The only fear is that they have already discussed it, or they know too little due to their identities.

Cheng Mo stood in the shaky bathroom, the stainless steel sink, with raised steel pedals, and the smell of wet urine reminded him of his experience that night. Outside the window, the night was constantly receding, but the forward movement was still dark, like Falling into an endless abyss.He turned off the carrier's sense of smell, and focused on the voices of the two men who were talking, but the two wolf gang members were always talking about women, as if they had nothing to talk about except "sex" in this world that's it.

Cheng Mo has been standing in the bathroom for almost 10 minutes. The two wild wolves have never left, probably guarding someone. It's just that they didn't say anything that interests him, but Cheng Mo doesn't feel bored either. He never gave up, and patience is one of his greatest strengths.

During the monitoring, Cheng Mo heard someone come over and twist the handle of the bathroom, but found that it couldn't be opened, and then walked into the opposite bathroom.

If it was daytime, Cheng Mo probably wouldn't have had the chance to stay in the bathroom for so long. When Cheng Mo waited for almost two hours, he heard a brighter and younger voice saying: "I don't know if Ivan will bring him in Yekaterinburg." Get in the car, girl, I'm so suffocated, I need to vent my anger!"

Another voice with a thick nasal voice and a very mature voice said: "No, the boss of this bus will not allow him to do business!"

"That's a pity, one trip costs hundreds of thousands of rubles."

Cheng Mo understood in an instant that the so-called business should be a flesh and blood business. In Yekaterinburg, someone would take a Russian woman who had stumbled into the car to do business, but this trip might not happen.

"What's a few hundred thousand rubles? You don't want to think about the boss saying that this mission was successful, and everyone gets 100 million rubles. The more credit you get, the more you get."

"Who is this Shirkov? He is so violent?"

"Who knows, maybe he offended some important person, or he has something extremely confidential. I heard it's a weapon blueprint. We're not the only ones looking for him, haven't you seen people from the Tomahawk Gang and the Mafia? I saw a few dials, and I also saw that lunatic Yevgeny, who was in the compartment of the No. 11 car."

"My God, is Yevgeny, the skinhead's executioner, here?"

The man with a thick nasal voice here probably didn't speak, but probably nodded. The other person continued: "Then we have to be the first. Why hasn't the vice principal made any moves yet?"

"It is said that the bosses have already discussed it. No matter how we fight in the nest, it is an internal matter. Outsiders are never allowed to find Shirkov first, so this time all the gangsters in Russia will unite first. Boss, Godfather Hassan, Iraqi Vankov, the learned Simon, and the one-eyed Alimjian are all in Moscow for a meeting now. Not only are we sleepless at night, but the bosses are also unable to sleep!"

"My God, even if you want to deliver a nuclear bomb, you don't need so many big guys to get together?"

Apparently the younger man was very surprised, Cheng Mo heard the sound of a cigarette falling to the ground, and then the sound of a man slapping his jeans.

"At the Yekaterinburg Academy, people will be sent up with weapons. They are all elites. There should be big moves in the future. You should also be careful at that time. This time things will not be that simple. It's okay that Shirkov is not in our car. If there is."

"What if it's here? Didn't the bosses agree?"

At this instant, Cheng Mo heard the squeaking of cigarettes burning rapidly in the air, followed by the sound of exhaling, "Do you think if someone is found by a skinhead, our boss will recognize it or snatch it?"


August 8 at 2:8 am.

Cheng Mo opened his eyes. Last night he used the media to listen to the conversation of two gangsters, and went all the way to No. [-] car, and found that most of the hard seats in the first two cars were gangsters. Besides, he was still observing on the map. When they reached five or six carriers, these people were all on the roof, and even chased, fought, and knocked down the train, but Cheng Mo didn't dare, and had no way to chase out of the train to see.

He just secretly observed and eavesdropped in the bathroom for a while, until the red dot disappeared on the map, then continued to the No. [-] car, and listened for a while in the bathroom at the end of the No. [-] car. He didn’t hear any useful information, and then Back to the body.

Cheng Mo sat up from the bed and put on his glasses. The simple curtain between him and Xie Minyun had been opened, and Xie Minyun was fully dressed and was watching Shestov's "Athens and Jerusalem".

The sky has cleared up and is as blue as washing. As far as the eye can see, there are continuous coniferous forests and birch trees, a deep green.

Xie Minyun said to him expressionlessly: "Good morning!"

Cheng Mo responded, "Good morning!" and went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. Although the bathroom in the first-class car is small, it is used for two private rooms, so there is no need to fight, and the facilities are better than Cheng Mo's hard sleeper car yesterday. The bathroom is much better, and you can take a shower, but it is difficult to have hot water when washing.But Yekaterinburg has not yet passed, and it is summer again, and the weather is not too cold, so taking a cold shower is acceptable.

Cheng Mo brushed his teeth while looking in the mirror. Through the information collected last night, he knew that the daytime would be calm today, but it would be very dangerous tonight, and the gangsters would conduct the first round of inspections.

There is no doubt that all the Ouroboros holders will cooperate, and they also hope that the gangsters will find something, and the fisherman will benefit from it. As for the battle between several carriers last night, it should be just a small episode.
Cheng Mo can only pray that the best time for the situation to happen is after the train arrives in Omsk, because his carrier can only be activated again after 04:30. If something happens before that, we can only hope that Li Jiting The people arranged in the car, or Xie Minyun's bodyguards hiding in the dark can protect them.

(End of this chapter)

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