Rebel Demon King

Chapter 267 Death Train (6)

Chapter 267 Death Train (6)

(Two-in-one update, 23 more owed, please ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket!)
On the drizzled Vladimir platform stood many Russian aunts wearing headscarves. Some of them held baskets in their hands, and some hung a board around their necks. The baskets and boards were filled with local snacks and Bento, the most common ones are chicken breast with rice and salmon stewed potatoes, of course, there are also special salty "Lake Baikal smoked fish", amazing cheese bob rolls and goose eggs that are a bit scary.

Standing by the window, Cheng Mo looked at the somewhat crude food of the Russians, and couldn't help feeling that countries with freezing weather generally couldn't produce good food.

If these foods were replaced with instant noodles with melon seeds, peanuts and spicy radish, it would be exactly the same as Huaxia Station. Cheng Mo didn't make complaints like this, because he neither likes to complain, nor has he taken a Huaxia train.

Cheng Mo heard the sound of Xie Minyun plugging in the door bolt before walking back. K20 has no luggage compartment, so the dining car is the last section. Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun’s room is located at the end of No. 16 compartment. You only need to go through No. 17 and No. 18 No. car can reach the dining car.

Originally, this was a very pleasant thing, but under the current situation, he would rather live in the No. [-] car, so that he could take the opportunity to observe the situation of the whole train more.

It's a pity that God doesn't want it.

When Cheng Mo walked through the corridor of No. 17 carriage, he saw through the windows covered with water that many people had got off the car to buy food. The parking time was as long as 15 minutes, and some people walked to the canteen in the distance. The doors of the carriages were all tightly closed, and no one came out.

Cheng Mo turned his head for a glance, walked through the No. 17 carriage at a normal speed, and directly entered the No. 18 carriage. In fact, he wanted to walk slowly, but there were two red dots representing the carrier in the No. 18 carriage. So Cheng Mo didn't dare to deliberately walk too slowly to attract the other party's attention.

Enter the No. 18 car, this car is exactly the same as the No. 17 car, no door is open, but Cheng Mo is more cautious, because he clearly knows that he is in the rooms No. 67 and 68 and No. 69 and No. 70 Each has a carrier, it is obvious that these two people are together, otherwise they would not have exposed themselves on the map so blatantly.

And they are definitely more than two people, at least there are more than two chosen ones or gladiators, so that the activation carrier can be rotated so that they can protect each other 24 hours a day. choosers.

Cheng Mo didn't want to guess where these people came from, but when he approached the end of the carriage, he suddenly realized that the four rooms with beds 63-70 were all from the Napoleon family.

These people unabashedly hung the golden bee coat of arms of the Napoleon family on the door, which is really domineering.

As bitter masters and powerful nobles, they are qualified and capable to do so.

Cheng Mo didn't dare to look at the colorful emblem like the Porsche logo, and walked past the No. 18 carriage pretending to know nothing.

Cheng Mo's being so upright is a good thing for Cheng Mo, which made him rule out the possibility of Shirkov in the four rooms in an instant, but when he stepped into the dining car, he was still wondering whether Napoleon VII would come in person. Come on, if Napoleon VII came in person, would he take the 240 or the K20?
After all, Cheng Mo still doesn’t understand the world of rich people. In fact, Napoleon VII is going to take both cars, K20 for the first half of the journey, and 240 for the second half. Pick up, so Napoleon VII is quietly looking at the information of train passengers in rooms 67-68 at the moment, eating St. Jacques scallops, French dry fried flatfish, foie gras and Caviar, paired with Bordeaux red
If Cheng Mo could see such a luxurious scene through the wooden door, he would be deeply envious of the corruption of capitalism.

Cheng Mo walked into the dining car, and the long and narrow car was lit with fluorescent lights, dark brown right-angle leather sofas and stainless steel dining tables filled the two sides of the car, giving it the feeling of a Xiangjiang tea restaurant.It was meal time, and there were quite a few people sitting in the dining car, all of whom were blond and blue-eyed foreigners. Except for him, no one was Asian, which made his appearance a bit abrupt.

Cheng Mo immediately felt several scrutinizing eyes focusing on him. There is no doubt that among the people present, there must be the owner of the Ouroboros observing him.

Cheng Mo didn't panic either, he was indeed here for dinner, he pretended to be a little ignorant and let his eyes search around the narrow dining car, then he found an empty booth and sat down as if nothing had happened. When Shi Chengmo glanced at the menu on the table, he immediately understood why no Asians came. The menu only had English and Russian annotations, not to mention no pictures, and all of them were Russian dishes that did not suit the appetite of Asians. It’s so expensive, it’s better to eat instant noodles, whether it’s Huaxia Unified Laotan sauerkraut, Nissin UFO fried noodles, or Korean Nongshim Xin ramen, it’s enough to beat the food on the Russian dining car.

Cheng Mo looked at the menu carefully for a long time. Unfortunately, he could only order red cabbage soup. The other Russian dishes were second to him. The main thing was that they were too greasy. Most of them were deep-fried, except for Russian dumplings, which were not greasy. .

However, Russian dumplings with strawberry and cherry flavors are extremely poisonous to Chinese people, so Cheng Mo can only thank him for his insensitivity.

After ordering with the Russian aunt in uniform, there was a long waiting time for the food. Cheng Mo didn't look forward to the red cabbage soup at all, and he was not in a hurry, but hoped that the food would be ordered later.

While waiting for the meal, he sat in the booth and carefully observed the people around him. Diagonally opposite, two men, two women, and four people were chatting about Russian knowledge. They all spoke English, but two had French accents, and two The one without an obvious accent looks like a Nordic person; directly opposite him are two Englishmen and two Spaniards, also two couples, chatting about their travel experiences; and diagonally opposite him is a Frenchman and a There was a table behind the Nordic people, because the distance was too far, he couldn’t tell where they were from. He could only speculate that they were not Russians from the priest beer on the table. This is not the point, the point is that these four people still look It's two couples.
Cheng Mo couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Why do couples like to take this long railway to abuse dogs." He also didn't think that he was also here to abuse dogs in the eyes of others.

Cheng Mo pretended to look at the phone, but quietly listened to the conversations of the people around him, and judged from it who among these people might be the owner of the Ouroboros.Like that British couple is very suspicious, even though they look normal, but they did not say anything about their travel in Russia when chatting, at most they said: "Yeah!" "Indeed!" "I I also think so!" Wait, there is no substantive content, but it is more talkative about Russian politics.

In addition, they claimed to be an engaged couple, and they looked like a handsome man and a beautiful woman, but they didn't show that natural intimacy, and their speech was a little deliberate.

Cheng Mo made a note of the two British people in his heart, and tirelessly began to listen to the conversations of other people around him. At this time, another person came in the dining car. Cheng Mo raised his head and glanced at the door. Finally, they were not lovers. For single dogs, this is not good news, but it is even more heart-wrenching. It is a couple with a cute little blonde loli.

The little blonde loli has two braids behind her ears, wearing a pink long-sleeved dress, black leather shoes, and red and white striped stockings. There are a few small freckles on her fair face, big eyes, and eyelashes. Curved and long, blue and deep eyes, plump and round cheeks, not beautiful and delicate, but really cute and bleeding, if the gentlemen of lolicon are here, I am afraid that they will shout "the blood tank is empty", "medical treatment" Where are the soldiers?"

The family of three stood in the middle of the car for a while, and found that there were no more seats for four people, except for Cheng Mo, there were three vacant seats, a blond man with glasses and a blue and white plaid shirt who looked like an IT man, without hesitation. Walking to Cheng Mo's side, he asked Cheng Mo in American English if he was alone.

After getting an affirmative reply, he immediately and politely asked Fang if it was inconvenient to be together, and Cheng Mo had no choice but to sit in a booth with this family of Americans.

The IT guy was very enthusiastic. He didn't look at the menu after he was seated. He introduced himself first, and then Cheng Mo learned that the middle-aged blonde man named Evans was not an IT guy. He and his wife Grace jointly ran a hardware store from In Los Angeles, the little girl named Rebecca is five and a half years old and hasn't started reading yet.

Rebecca will be in the first grade in the second half of the year. The family plans to cross the Eurasian continent, take the train from Moscow to Beijing, then take the high-speed train to Shanghai, and then take a boat to Seoul and Tokyo.
Evans also asked Cheng Mo's name, where he came from, and where his destination was. He was quite happy when he learned that Cheng Mo was from China and was going to the capital. He thought it was a coincidence worth celebrating.

The five-year-old blond-haired little Lolita heard her father and her black-haired brother with glasses sitting opposite her discussing the capital city, so she threw herself into her mother's arms and kept whispering: "The Great Wall! The Great Wall!"

"Rebecca, what else does Huaxia have besides the Great Wall?" Evans clenched his hands into fists, put them on his head, and puffed out his cheeks to imitate a bear.

The blond little loli immediately said shyly: "Panda, panda!"

"Smart!" Evans reached out and touched his daughter's hair. "We are about to cross Siberia and go to Huaxia, a country with magical kung fu. At that time, Dad will not only take you to climb the Great Wall, but also to see giant pandas."

Little Lolita said: "I like pandas the most! Can I kiss it then!"

"But pandas only like to kiss bamboo, not you! Two people have to like each other to kiss! So Rebecca can't kiss panda, unless panda tells you that it likes you too."

Little Lolita was a little disappointed, and hid in her mother's arms with a sad face.

Evans didn't try to coax little Lolita, but asked Cheng Mo, "How to say Panda and Great Wall in Chinese."

"The Great Wall, Chang Cheng!"

The whole family immediately followed suit: "chang cheng!"

Cheng Mo said again: "panda, xiong mao."

This time, only the little Lolita repeated in a childish voice with a weird pronunciation: "xiong mao." It seemed to be talking about fierce hair.

Little Lolita glanced at Cheng Mo, then buried her head in her mother's arms shyly, Evans and Grace both laughed.

Cheng Mo also laughed, pure happiness can always easily infect people.

Evans' wife, Grace, asked Cheng Mo whether he was studying or doing something, whether he had been to the United States, etc.

Cheng Mo glanced at Grace. She had short brown hair shoulder to shoulder and was a typical American housewife. She didn't dress in fashion or elegance, and she dressed casually, but her attitude was amiable.

If you want to change the place and time, Cheng Mo is not interested in chatting with the other party.

He will definitely pretend that he doesn't know much English and reduce his communication with the other party, but he can't do it right now. He has to find out whether Shirkov is on the train or not, so he has to find a chance to walk around, so Cheng Mo chatted with this family of Americans. get up.

Through chatting with Cheng Mo, he learned that his family lives in carriage No. 9, which is the first section of the second-class carriage for four people, which happens to be in the middle of the whole train. Cheng Mo really wants to deepen his relationship with this family, so that they can Looking for an excuse to go to the other party's place to "play", but Chengmo has been closed to himself for too long. Although his communication skills are reluctant, his affinity is seriously lacking.

This American family is easy to deal with, and they seem kind and kind, but they will not invite Cheng Mo to their room for no reason. a girl.

Cheng Mo has a headache. For a logical person like him, it is impossible to go to the other party's room without a suitable reason.Until he finished eating the red cabbage soup, Cheng Mo failed to complete the task of "being invited by the Evans family to play in the room", and he had no choice but to get up and leave.

Seeing that Cheng Mo was going to leave, the little Lolita took out a red De Linon taffy from the belly pocket of the dress with the encouragement of her mother and handed it to Cheng Mo, but she didn't dare to say anything.

Cheng Mo bent his lips and said "thank you" to the little loli, and then left the dining car. At this time, the train had left Vladimir Station for more than half an hour, and it would arrive at Nizhny Novgorod Station in three hours They will arrive at Yekaterinburg Station at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon. After passing Yekaterinburg on the east side of the Ural Mountains, K20 will enter the endless West Siberian Plain.

Although Cheng Mo hasn't got any useful information yet, he knows with his toes that after arriving in Yekaterinburg, when he actually arrives in Siberia, where there is often no mobile phone signal, everyone will move, whether it is for the cross bee The Chosen Ones are money-driven gangsters.

At that time, 240 just started.

(End of this chapter)

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