Rebel Demon King

Chapter 264 Death Train (3)

Chapter 264 Death Train (3)

(Thanks to "Feng Xiao's Legs" and "The Moon in the Crooked Sea Under Eyes" for the rewards, two in one update, and one update in the middle of the night)

A long steel dragon painted with the words "Russian Railways" in red prostrates under the semicircular steel canopy. Full of rivets, all these make the starting platform of K20 full of a steampunk feeling.

Although the blue K20 is not retro enough at all, there are no pipes, pedals, control pipes and hydraulic systems all over the body, let alone sparks and steam, but the Russian stop signs on the platform and the white Russian signs between the windows The text, like a beautiful spell, gives it the aesthetic feeling of a magic tool that came out of steampunk comics.

Xie Minyun stopped and let go of the hand that was dragging the box, picked up the Leica camera hanging around his neck and started taking pictures, Cheng Mo immediately reached out and grabbed Xie Minyun's box handle to prevent someone from taking the box by surprise and running away. There is no way to chase.

The shutter was ringing, and the flash was shining in the somewhat dark space. Xie Minyun's expression was very focused, like a professional photographer.

Although Xie Minyun didn't say anything, Cheng Mo knew that she was looking forward to it, because before that, no matter where she went, she didn't hang her camera around her neck, and she rarely even took pictures.

Cheng Mo guessed that because she had already been to those places, there was no value for taking pictures. For Xie Minyun, taking the train through Siberia would not have many opportunities in this life. Maybe this is the only time. After all, the international train running through Siberia is famous for its security. No, thieves, robbers, drug dealers and even the police are all objects that passengers need to guard against.

In the 90s, the China-Russia international train robbery that shocked the world happened on the K3 international train running through Siberia. The movie "Operation Moscow" was based on this case. The Huaguo police got off the train at Erlian, so after this train left the border of Huaguo, it became a veritable death train.

Even though the reputation spread far and wide, the losers who commute between the capital and Moscow were tempted to make money, and they still took this train desperately and risked nothing. Inside, people dare not open the door for six days and nights, but lawless criminals will hold gas guns and forcibly break open the car door, committing robbery, rape, and murder.
But this is an old thing, and the law and order has improved a lot now, but this main artery that runs through Siberia is still a paradise for criminals. A large amount of drugs, weapons, and contraband flow through this railway on the Eurasian continent.

Of course, today, for ordinary tourists, the danger of taking this train is not too great. At most, they will be stolen or robbed, and nothing serious will happen.The only thing to pay attention to is that you must keep a close eye on your luggage and don't be taken advantage of by drug dealers. If drugs are stuffed in your luggage, you will be in great trouble.

After Xie Minyun took the photo, she saw Cheng Mo holding tightly to the tow bar of her suitcase, looking cautious, observing the surroundings, staring at the passengers getting on the bus not far away from time to time, feeling a little ashamed of being too slack, but He refused to admit defeat, and pulled the box from Cheng Mo's hand, "It's not like walking on thin ice like facing an abyss, as if this train is a death train leading to hell."

Cheng Mo thought to himself: "That's really hard to say. If it wasn't forced by the situation and I had no choice, I really wouldn't want to get on this bus." But in just a few minutes, he saw that several tourists were not like tourists, Passengers are not like passengers.

Traveling in an expensive bespoke suit?Give me a break?A backpacker with crystal clear face and no tan marks?Is it possible?The man wearing camera glasses pretending to be waiting for someone, without blinking his eyes, looked around and looked at the passengers who were about to board the bus.
Cheng Mo would not believe that these people had no ghosts.

"I'm just watching to see if there are any suspicious people." Cheng silently recorded the looks of these people, and then walked towards the No. 16 carriage at the end. Logically speaking, this train has a total of [-] sections except the dining car. The fifth section is the first-class carriage, and the first-class carriages are all double rooms.

"Yo! It's working now? Did the detective find anything?"

Cheng Mo shook his head.

Xie Minyun dragged the suitcase to follow, and the two walked to the No. 16 carriage, handed the ticket to the Russian aunt with short red hair and short-sleeved Russian Railways uniform standing at the door of the carriage, and boarded the train.

The first-class compartment is relatively empty, and there is no one in the corridor, only white gauze curtains float by the windows, some of the brown-red sliding doors are closed, some are open, the corridor is narrow, and only one person can pass through, if two people meet Must be sideways.

Cheng Mo dragged the suitcase and walked towards it. Based on the fact that the first double room had berths 29 and 30, he instantly calculated that their berths 41 and 42 were the second-to-last at the end of the carriage. Many of the things Xie Minyun bought in the supermarket later became extremely heavy, and the rubber rollers made loud noises on the wooden floor, echoing in the cramped corridors.

Xie Minyun followed behind him, whispering the number printed on the sliding door of the double room, while Cheng Mo carefully watched who was sitting in each double room with the door open
Until the two of them reached the end of the carriage, the door of the double room next to them was open, and a pair of blond foreigners were talking inside. Cheng Mo heard that they were speaking German, so he didn't dare to look any further, just took a quick glance, then Going to look at the densely packed timetable posted on the carriage, the double room belonging to them is on the side, while the door at the end of the carriage is tightly closed.

The room is of course small, but it is clean and tidy. There are white pillows and towels on the khaki chairs. The pink curtains are drawn down, so you can’t see the outside scenery. The small table is covered with pure white tablecloths. , There are sockets at both ends of the window, and the blue seat back is folded down to form a single bed.

Cheng Mo stuffed the suitcase directly under the seat, and Xie Minyun walked in with a very satisfied expression, because the conditions were much better than she imagined, and she had never sat on a sleeper train, her imagination of the sleeper came from movies, and her impression was Dirty and messy, if you want to spend seven days and six nights alone with Cheng Mo in such an environment, it is really a terrible thing.

In fact, the conditions of the second-class carriages and hard sleepers are still far from those of the first-class carriages. You must know that the price of the first-class carriages is about 6000 Chinese dollars per person, while the second-class carriages only need half the price
Xie Minyun did not sit down immediately, but pulled the door and locked it, then put the box on the sofa with great effort, and cleaned out some of the things she bought in the supermarket at the beginning, such as a miniature humidifier in the shape of a can, a night light, alcohol, etc. Cotton sheets, garbage bags, folded slippers, and hangers are placed on the sofa.

Cheng Mo took the pillow away, put it aside and sat by the window, opened the curtains, and looked out the window quietly, showing no intention of helping.

Xie Minyun sprayed a disinfectant spray around the room, took an alcohol swab and wiped the area around her bed that could be wiped, and then took mineral water from the box and put it on the small table.

"Hey! Here you are." Xie Minyun handed Cheng Mo a pair of brand new blue foldable slippers.

Cheng Mo turned his head to look at Xie Minyun, hesitated for a moment, and reached out to take it. After all, boys are not as careful as girls. In addition, Cheng Mo is actually taking a long-distance train for the first time. He didn't think of this at all, so he didn't prepare slippers. He didn't expect Xie Minyun Not only did he buy it for himself, but he also bought a pair for him. Although he paid for it, there was still a rippling in Cheng Mo's heart.

"Thank you."

"There is nothing to thank, you paid for it." Xie Minyun responded coldly, and after she finished speaking, she put the humidifier on the small table, filled it with mineral water, installed the battery, and then the curling water vapor came from Spray came out from the tab of the can.

When Cheng Mo changed his slippers, Xie Minyun handed him a simple cloth box for shoes, and she glued a simple hook on the window, and then a simple hook on the sliding door, and used a clip and a The dark blue tablecloth made a curtain, and it was drawn between Cheng Mo's bed and her bed. Except for some gaps in the small table board to see the opposite side, there was nothing to reveal
So Xie Minyun clapped her hands when Cheng Mo was close but completely invisible, and then pulled her homemade curtain to the side of the sliding door, and said with satisfaction: "Perfect!"

"Should I put a few bowls of water on the floor at night?" Cheng Mo didn't expect Xie Minyun to prepare so well and meticulously to guard against him, and couldn't help laughing.

"Of course not, if you dare to go half a step, I will definitely break your dog's paw." Xie Minyun sneered and took out a cigarette box-sized electric shocker from his bag, and pressed the switch. The rattling sound signaled danger.

Cheng Mo was speechless, lowered his head and took out the KINDLE from his backpack to read a book, but he said in his heart: "This woman is really insane."

Just at this time, the soft Russian music in the carriage stopped. The conductor first said in Russian that the train was about to start, and then announced it in English. Then the train began to move slowly, and after a while, it drove out of the semicircular platform , rushed into the thin rain.

August in Moscow is like a cool and light autumn. The gray skyline and buildings without lights form a sad parting picture. Cheng Mo sits on the train and feels the train gradually accelerating, like a rocket breaking away from gravity. Leaving a city, falling like an unattainable blue light in the sky.

The voice of "Besides" and the revived Russian song seem to be telling a mottled memory. For this great city, he is just a passer-by, like a bird flying across the lake, unable to stop, just passing by.

"But where can I land? Where can I fly? In fact, I could refuse to step on this train, but why am I both nervous and excited? What do I want? What is it? Is it really like I told myself that I have no choice but to live?"

He thought of his father's cold face, and Li Jiting's always smiling face. Suddenly, he felt a little uncomfortable when Li Jiting was not around.

At the moment of leaving, Cheng Mo didn't know why, but he felt a little lonely in his heart, maybe it was because of the raindrops he hadn't seen for a long time, maybe it was because of the unknown that he was about to face, but he had to shield this moment of weakness and cheer up to face the possible arrival To avoid the danger, he must concentrate extremely.

Because, after last night, he already understood that if he is not careful, he will die
Even so, he still hoped that Shirkov was on the K20, hoping that he could find his trace.

Cheng Mo watched the raindrops crackling on the window, looked at the Ouroboros on his wrist, and began to think about how to find Shirkov who might be on the train.

Xie Minyun put the toothbrush, plastic toothbrush cup, and mouthwash neatly, and put a large bag of snacks on the sofa, then changed into slippers, put his fisherman's shoes into the shoe bag, and placed them under the sofa. In one breath, looking at the hazy Moscow in the rain outside the window, he said softly: "Досвидания, москва." (Goodbye, Moscow)


At the same time, in the No.18 car of the train, Napoleon VII was quietly looking at the laptop, which contained the information of all passengers on this train. Generally speaking, K20 only has 15 cars, but this time because it was full, And some powerful people requested that three additional carriages be hung, so there are eighteen carriages in total.

Five first-class carriages, four second-class carriages, seven third-class hard sleepers, two hard seats, one first-class carriage can accommodate 14 people, a total of 70 people in five carriages; one second-class carriage can accommodate 36 people, a total of 144 in four carriages Individuals; a hard sleeper car can accommodate 66 people, a total of 462 people in seven cars, and a hard seat car with 108 people, a total of 216 people; the whole train plus staff should have 919 people, but he has one room per person, so It is 918 people.

Morris, who had already activated the carrier, touched his round inch, looked at the engrossed Napoleon VII, and said in puzzlement: "His Royal Highness, there is no point in reading these materials, right? Most people basically bought scalpers, there is no Register real information"

"It is true, but even if there is only one percent possibility, we must do our best , You have to try it to find out." Napoleon VII looked at the computer and said lightly.

"Your Highness, what you say is always so philosophical." Morris bowed his head slightly.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and Morris stood up and asked, "Who?"

"Butler Axel, Mr. Sergey Shakurov, the train conductor, is here."

Morris opened the door of the room, and outside the door stood Sergey Shakurov, a plump train conductor wearing a Russian railway uniform and a belly. When the conductor saw Morris, he took off his big-brimmed hat, revealing a slightly With a bald head, he bowed slightly and said in suffocated English: "Dear Steward Axel, I am here to pay a visit at the invitation of His Excellency the Prince."

Morris smiled and looked at Sergey Shakurov, who was a little nervous and sweaty on his forehead, and said, "Please come in, Mr. Train Conductor, His Royal Highness has been waiting for you for a long time."

Morris turned away to let the bloated Sergey Shakurov in, then gently closed the door, signaling the conductor to sit opposite Napoleon VII, while he stood respectfully on the swaying From the side of the carriage, watching Sergey Shakurov's every move.

The train conductor stroked the big-brimmed hat on his chest, bowed slightly to Napoleon VII, and said, "Your Highness, it is a great honor to meet you. If you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know. My staff and I will do our best to serve you. "

Napoleon VII didn't stand up, nor did he intend to shake hands with Sergei Shakurov, but just poured a glass of Evian mineral water for Mr. Train Conductor, "Mr. Train Conductor, Gregory must have told you As I said before, I called you here because I need your assistance for a small matter."

"Yes, Mr. Rasputin explained something, but he didn't explain the specific situation very clearly." The bald train conductor put the big-brimmed hat on the sofa, and then took the pouring hat from Napoleon VII with both hands. Drinking a crystal glass of Evian mineral water, he said with a smile. Although there were many drops of sweat on his chubby face and his expression was a little frightened, there was a cunning light in those small, deep-set eyes.

"The situation is that a thief stole a valuable item from me and I got word that he was hiding in this car disguised with a fake passport, so I hope my people will follow your The ticket inspector and the police inspected all the carriages together to catch this shameful thief." Napoleon VII said lightly while holding the scepter.

The train conductor nodded quickly and said, "With Mr. Rasputin's explanation, it's certainly not a big problem, it's just"

Napoleon VII waved his hand lightly, "No, I have prepared some small gifts for you and your subordinates, Maurice, show them to Mr. Train Conductor."

"Okay, Your Royal Highness." Morris took out a large kraft paper envelope from under the sofa, untied the wrapped rope, and opened it to the train conductor for a look. There were five stacks of five thousand rubles in a bundle inside.

"250 million rubles." The train conductor wiped the sweat from his forehead, and immediately came up with the figure. He laughed dryly and said, "Your Excellency, I don't mean that, just because of Mr. Rasputin's face." enough"

Napoleon VII knocked on the table, and Morris stuffed the brown paper bag into the conductor's arms, "This is just a small amount of money. If the thief can be found, there will be a higher bounty, at least ten times. It’s not impossible to catch a live one a hundred times.”

"A hundred times." The train conductor couldn't help opening his mouth, and tightly grasped the kraft paper bag. He was so surprised that he even forgot to refuse Morris, and said tremblingly: "I will arrange for someone to start checking your tickets and interrogating you right now." Do people need to change into uniforms?"

Napoleon VII smiled, "There is no need to be in such a hurry. We will start when you usually conduct the first round of inspections. In addition, the patrols will also be replaced by my people. It happens that the police officers can take a good rest."

(End of this chapter)

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