Rebel Demon King

Chapter 251 Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (2)

Chapter 251 Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (2)

(Thanks for another reward from the leader of "Waiting for quicksand 3000 years ago", 29 chapters are owed, thank you for your support)
The roads in Moscow are very spacious, but the road conditions are really bad and bumpy. Secondly, there are too few overpasses, which are as rare as a miracle. In addition, Russians drive all kinds of crazy. Compared with people, they are really insignificant, and it is not uncommon for driving to turn into a gunfight.

Finally, the black Cherokee got out of the congested traffic and walked onto the slightly smoother road. Li Jiting heaved a sigh of relief, "Is there enough time? You won't be late, right? If you really can't, just tell me the location and I'll run, and it will be faster."

"Don't worry! In time, the location is not far from here. It is a private club called 'Family Elite Club' in Nikolina Mountain Village on the outskirts of the city. Today happens to be the birthday of Sergei Usoyan's son. The four main leaders of the Riel Onyani gang also came to many gang members from Russia and Belarus. Of course, they were celebrating the birthday of Sergei Usoyan’s son in name, but they were actually preparing to discuss about The Crossbee incident. Most of the gang members don’t know about it, thinking that the Crossbee is a watch that hides the latest secrets of EADS (the parent company of Airbus)”

After Vodianova finished speaking, she slammed the steering wheel to the right and drove into the faster lane on the right, forcing a white car behind to step on the brakes. Li Jiting saw the other party through the rearview mirror as if Very dissatisfied and wanted to catch up, but Vodianova had already stepped on the accelerator and drove the car almost into the air.

The sturdy Grand Cherokee started to rampage in the traffic like a shark. If Cheng Mo was here, he would definitely feel that Vodianova's driving style is exactly the same as that of Li Jiting.

While driving the Cherokee fiercely, Vodianova said: "Since Aslan Usoyan was shot by a sniper, the Taliyel Onyani gang has split into four gangs, Cher Gai Usoyan once held several meetings and wanted to hold a 'coronation' ceremony to determine the party leader from among the three main members ('party leader' is the 'jargon' of gangsters in Russia and some former Soviet Union republics, once the gangsters are confirmed 'Party leader', i.e. access to the highest echelon of the underworld group.), however was either sabotaged by other gangsters or the police, making it impossible to regroup"

Li Jiting swung the chair down a little bit, resting his head on his hands, feeling the shaking like being on a boat, "Then what he wants most is to reunify the Taliyel Oniani Gang?"

"Who doesn't want the Crusader Bee? Sergey Usoyan wants it too, but what makes this man smarter than his father is that he has self-knowledge, knowing that even if he is lucky, he finds Shirkov and even takes Even Crossbee couldn’t keep it, so they agreed to cooperate with us. Now most of the Russian gangsters are involved in this incident, and it is estimated that the entire Moscow gangsters are looking for him with Shirkov’s photo.”

"After I finish meeting with Sergey Usoyan, I'll try my luck at the addresses you gave me."

"Hmm! I guess there is no chance. Moscow is not Brest. It is too easy to hide in Moscow!"

"It's okay, I have a magic weapon!"

"magic weapon?"

"Yes! My lucky boy!"

"You mean the stalker who is not yet 17?" Vodianova asked, frowning.

Li Jiting glanced at Vodianova and smiled, "He became a stalker because of helplessness, so don't be prejudiced against her."

"I have no prejudice against him, I just have an opinion on you. As a public servant, you cover up the stalker, know the law and break the law. If you are known, you will be criticized if you stab it. You have a bad reputation in the office, and you mess around. , Are you planning to be the leader of the Qianlong team for the rest of your life? Are you going to reach the pinnacle of your life without a raise?"

"I can't harass my beautiful and lovely female subordinates with a salary increase or promotion, so let the salary increase and promotion go to hell."


Xie Minyun was wearing a large white T-shirt and gray sports trousers. He was lying on the bed and using "Booking" to find out if there were any vacant rooms near the Radisson Royal Hotel for Cheng Mo. Unfortunately, it was not only near the Radisson Royal Hotel. There are no rooms in the hotel. It seems that the hotel business in Moscow is so hot that it is full of rooms. It feels like it is hard to find a room on Chinese Valentine's Day.

Although there are still rooms in some remote hotels, Xie Minyun can't really let Cheng Mo live so far alone. He has small arms and legs, what if something happens?
But what was said was the water that was thrown out. Besides, even if it was not intentional, Cheng Mo was guilty and must be punished. Xie Minyun is not a soft-hearted person. Looking at the time on the phone, it was almost eleven o'clock, so Without looking up, he looked at the phone and said coldly, "It's almost eleven o'clock, I'm going to bed."

Cheng Mo, who was still reading, raised his head, pushed his eyes and said "oh", put the e-book into the black satchel, then stood up from the sofa, and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going to sleep?" Xie Minyun asked, after a pause, Xie Minyun added with a straight face: "I don't care about you, your mobile phone is not roaming, I'm afraid it will be difficult to find you tomorrow morning."

"If there is no room nearby, I'll just lie on the sofa overnight." Cheng Mo spoke in a calm tone without any dissatisfaction.

Seeing that Cheng Mo's attitude is relatively correct, Xie Minyun felt that he was a little too cruel, but when he thought of his 17 years of innocence being seen by this seemingly innocent, harmless boy in front of him, Xie Minyun hated it again, and snorted He said: "Go to the lobby and reflect on yourself."

Cheng Mo didn't answer, and walked out of the room directly. Just as he was about to close the door, he heard Xie Minyun shout: "Wait."

Cheng Mo looked back, and saw Xie Minyun, who had draped hair and a curvy body line, stepped on disposable slippers, walked into the corridor and stretched out his hand to him and said, "Give me your mobile phone!"

Cheng Mo asked puzzledly, "Why?"

"Your mobile phone is not roaming, and you can't make calls. Let's change the mobile phone, just in case something happens and you can't find you!" Xie Minyun said with a blank face, as if she didn't mean Cheng Mo at all. But it is convenient to monitor Cheng Mo.

"No, there's WiFi in the lobby, and I'll open WeChat. I won't go anywhere else."

Seeing Cheng Mo's ungrateful expression, Xie Minyun said in a more indifferent tone: "Whatever you want!" Then he closed the door with a bang, making Cheng Mo's indifferent face disappear from her vision.

Cheng Mo turned around and walked towards the elevator room, took the elevator downstairs, he didn't mind where to rest, Li Jiting had just informed him that he would be picked up at the hotel entrance on time at twelve o'clock.

To be precise, it is the carrier that picks him up
(Second update, there is another update today)
(End of this chapter)

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