Rebel Demon King

Chapter 244 Saints

Chapter 244 Saints
"His Royal Highness, do you need Bastian to follow this boy of unknown origin?" The tall, strong man with round inches standing in front of Napoleon VII turned his head to look at Napoleon VII and asked in a deep voice.

Napoleon VII, who was standing with his hands behind his back, saw the back of "Lin Zhinuo" had disappeared into the crowded hall, turned around and walked to the bathroom, and said lightly: "No, no need, Maurice, although he is not on the map. It is shown, but I guess, he is not the main body, maybe he has equipment that can block the search, maybe he is just a novice with no experience points at the first level. It is meaningless to follow him."

The man named Morris helped Napoleon VII open the bathroom door, and asked at the same time, "Do you need to verify the information he just gave?"

"Of course you need to. You should inform Bernard now to find out who Filaret Dmitrievich Shirkov is, and also check to see if anyone from Tai Chi Dragon has come to Europe recently."

"Do you suspect that he is an official member of Huaxia?"

Napoleon VII walked into the bathroom covered with golden pansy-patterned wall tiles. On the left side of the front half of the bathroom stood three very old-looking brass water pipes and a single urinal depicting the German-Polish War. The front half on the right side is the washbasin, and the second half is the squatting seat with doors. The four luxurious gold-painted doors make one wonder if this is the toilet.

Napoleon VII did not choose the squatting position with the door, but went straight to the urinal. He never let his body out of the sight of the bodyguards.

"If this news is correct, why did the Chinese tell you this information? This is really unreasonable." Morris asked with a puzzled face.

"Of course everyone wants the Crossbee, but it is also a hot potato. If you don't have any strength to take it away, it will only cause trouble for you. What's more, for an organization, if you want to grow and grow, you can't just look at the things in front of you. Small profits, today's Europe is the most chaotic period in history, the Ministry of Propaganda of the Holy See (one of the nine holy departments, also known as the Ministry of Evangelization of Peoples, is responsible for cultivating and dispatching missionaries, arranging and developing churches around the world. Missionary work, providing economic and spiritual support.) The strength is far less than in the past, and the influence of us aristocrats on Europe is also fading. We all hope to restore the heyday of Europe, but we, who are supposed to be strong, fight on our own because of different interests.”

Napoleon buttoned up his trousers and left the urinal, the sound of rushing water was heard.

"For us, this is undoubtedly the worst era. Everyone knows that the Chosen One is a money-burning thing. Without the support of money and technology, even with the historical accumulation of our ancestors, sooner or later we will become second-rate. The Rockefeller family cannot last forever. Relying on 'Gravity' to occupy the position of the Twelve Gods, the Napoleon family cannot always rely on 'Vortex Electric Field' to be the president of the Rosicrucian Society (Note 1) Every technological revolution, no matter for the inner world or the outer world It is an opportunity to reshuffle the cards, and now we are standing on the cusp of history, either continue to lead the trend, or be swallowed by the wave"

Napoleon VII turned off the brass faucet, and Morris immediately handed him a paper towel. Napoleon VII dried his hands, crumpled up the paper towel, and threw it into the trash can, then walked towards the bathroom door, "Now the East The world is rising so fast that neither we nor the Americans are ready for it. Perhaps, it is a good choice to cooperate with the atheists in the East."

"Then shall we continue to track down Tominiense and Puensbalitis?"

"Of course, even if my father's death has nothing to do with the church, they are also responsible. Besides, why do you think Tominiens and Puensbalitis came to Warsaw?"

"Because the shortest route from Paris to Moscow goes through Warsaw?"

"If the news given to me by this Chinese man named Lin Zhinuo is true, then it means that the man named Filaret Dmitrievich Shirkov is fleeing to Russia, so we We have to find out how many people have entered the 'Sunflower Banner' (Russian law enforcement agency) from Belarus recently, and maybe our old friends will also be among them." When Napoleon VII said this, he entered the hall He paused by the side door, stood in the shadows and looked around the hall, but did not find the shadow of the oriental Lin Zhinuo.

Before Napoleon VII stepped into the hall, he said silently: "It's okay to offend God, but no matter who you offend our Napoleon family, I will definitely make you regret it."


Li Jiting watched Cheng Mo walk out of the royal castle and then disappeared into the vast night, then turned to look at the brown-haired girl and said, "Vodianova, are you sure Shirkov has nothing to do with the Sunflower Banner?"

"It is basically certain that Charles' death was actually caused by his own negligence. Not only did he let Shirkov know that he had a cross bee, but he also trusted his mistress too much. As a result, Shirkov seduced him. His mistress, and then Charles was poisoned and killed by his mistress. On the same day, Shirkov arranged for Charles' mistress to fly to the United States, but Shirkov himself quietly drove across the European continent and went straight to the Holy See on the Belarusian border. The people who followed Shirkov lost his track when he arrived in Warsaw, and now not only the people from the Holy See are looking for him, but also the people from the Sunflower Banner,” replied the sexy girl in a Byzantine-style black knee-length skirt When Li Jiting asked questions, he spoke fluent Chinese with a strong Beijing accent.

"Then he went to Russia to throw himself into a trap?" Li Jiting said with a smile.

"He disappeared without a trace in the siege of the Holy See, which means that there are other forces helping him, but we don't know which one." Vodianova said with a frown.

Li Jiting thought for a while, and said with a smile: "If he is going to Russia, it is actually easy to guess."

"You mean," Vodianova suddenly realized.

Li Jiting looked at, "Huh! What a clever girl. In order to reward your cleverness, you are allowed to sleep with me tonight. I know you have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

However, before Li Jiting could finish his words, a black Christian Louboutin red-soled shoe stepped on his instep hard.

"Don't dream, even if I sleep with Fatty Zheng, I won't take advantage of you playboy!"

Li Jiting grinned and gasped, "As for it? My dear Vodianova. If Fatty Zheng knows what you say, he will fly from the capital to Warsaw happily to spend the night with you."

"Can you be more serious? Now is the time to do things! And is this newcomer you have found reliable? Are you going to lure him to join Tai Chi Dragon?"

Li Jiting shook his head, "No, he's just a temporary cameo, and the main task has nothing to do with him. Don't record or tell others about him."

"Is this okay? It's a bit against the organizational principles?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, I'm your head." Li Jiting shrugged his shoulders, then put his arms around Vodianova's shoulders, "Come on, it's late at night, let's go to bed."

"Sleep you big-headed ghost, sooner or later you will die on a woman's belly"

"Isn't there a saying: 'If you die under a peony flower, you can be a ghost?'? Dying on a woman's body is definitely the most romantic way for a man to die! If I could choose, I would die on your body, Vodianova , your beauty and wisdom are my greatest rewards!"

"Come on! Team leader, use your sweet words to trick those girls who don't know you!" Vodianova broke free from Li Jiting's hand and walked outside the royal castle.

Li Jiting smiled and waved his hand, "Vodianova, after passing this village, this shop will be gone. Next time you still want to sleep with me, you may not have a chance!"

Vodianova turned around and raised her middle finger to Li Jiting with her left hand, and with the middle finger of her right hand, she scratched her lower eyelid, made a grimace, and continued walking into the depths of the night.

Li Jiting shook his head with a smile, even if it is funny, it will not damage the beauty of this Russian girl. In fact, her side job is a model, and her main job is the intelligence officer of Qianlong Group.

Li Jiting waited for Vodianova to disappear from sight, his smiling face gradually cooled down, and his face became serious. He raised his wrist, looked at the time, and said softly to himself: "This play is getting more and more serious." Wonderful, time to meet old friends”

After speaking, Li Jiting's figure disappeared in place, as if he had never existed before.


A black Mercedes-Benz G500 was running on the highway from Warsaw to Brest. Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun sat on the back seat of the car and looked at the blurry scenery outside the window. Because the speed of the car was so fast, they could not see much. Clearly, the wind noise and tire noise in the ears can't even be covered by music.

Xie Minyun held the co-pilot's seat with both hands, raised her body and looked at the speedometer, the speed had reached [-], she coughed, and said loudly angrily: "Uncle Li, you are in a hurry to go to the West to learn scriptures Is it?"

Li Jiting didn't look back, nor did he slow down the speed of the car. He just turned down the volume of Chopin's "Piano Concerto No. 1" that was playing on the stereo, and then said, "Don't worry! Your Uncle Li is a scourge that will never die for a thousand years. It's not that easy to get on." Xitian sees Marx, his old man"

"Why did you suddenly say you want to take us to Moscow?" Li Jiting woke up early this morning, took Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun to have breakfast, and then went to the embassy to apply for visas for Belarus and Russia. Ordinary people have to wait at least It took several days, but within half an hour of Li Jiting's arrival, the visas of Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun came down.

Then Li Jiting threw down the little Mini with the Italian flag, got a Mercedes-Benz G500 from somewhere, and took Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo on the road to the Belarusian border city of Brest.

Originally, Xie Minyun thought that Warsaw was probably the end of their trip, but Li Jiting actually wanted to take them to Russia. This unexpected trip made Xie Minyun very puzzled.

Of course Cheng Mo knew why, they were tracking a former Russian nobleman named Filaret Dmitrievich Shirkov, but he didn't know why Li Jiting would bring Xie Minyun with him, he didn't think There is no risk in this matter. On the contrary, it must be a dangerous event that will kill you if you are not careful.

"Have Xiao ever been in Moscow?"

Xie Minyun hesitated for a moment and said, "I've been there. But that was when I was a child. Apart from the onion buildings and the endless snow, there is not much left in my impression of Moscow."

"Our generation is different from your generation. In our era, we didn't sing "Dongfeng Po" or "Nunchaku". We sang "Katyusha", "Red Berry Blossoms", and "Three We don't have any "Young and Dangerous" or "Spiderman", we worship Paul Korchagin's "Iron Will", we didn't have comics at that time, there was no "Dragon Ball" by Akira Toriyama, There is no "Saint Warrior" by Masami Kurada, let alone light novels and web articles, only Pushkin's "Evgeny Onegin", Turgenev's "Hunter's Notes", Lermontov's "Contemporary Heroes" , Leo Tolstoy's "Resurrection", "Anna Karenina". For us, the artistic sky of Russia is always bright and bright, and it will always shelter the suffering human beings, so that human beings can survive famine, In the gap between disasters and wars, we can see bright hope and glory.”

After a pause, Li Jiting sighed: "But after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, it seems that all these lights have been extinguished! But Moscow and St. Petersburg are still cities that must be visited. In fact, there are only two cities in Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the rest are all in the countryside. .St. Petersburg has all the advantages of Shanghai, and Beijing has all the disadvantages of Moscow. I have been to so many countries, and in the end I like all the Socialist countries I have been to, no matter whether they were or are still, no matter they are rich, Still poor, whether they are collectivism or individualism, I see smiling faces and hope in every country, and I still believe that the ultimate goal of human development is to achieve maximum freedom, just like in "Communist League" As he said, in that good world, 'the free development of each is the prerequisite for the free development of all'."

"Uncle Li, you're going too far! And I'm not used to the way you speak seriously, and your words and deeds make it hard to believe that you are a staunch communism fighter." Xie Minyun snorted.

"Haha! I am different from the revisionists like your parents. For me, Communism is a kind of sentiment, a sentiment of breaking away from oppression, a sentiment of admiring industry, a sentiment of roughness and unrestrainedness, and a course. The feelings of the stars and the sea Yes! Our journey is the stars and the sea!" Li Jiting said loudly with a high tone, his voice even overwhelmed the singing of the third movement of Chai Liu in the stereo.

Cheng Mo couldn't help thinking of a poem called "Saints": We are saints, dear sir.

In the journey of pursuing the distant future, we have no hesitation.

Maybe you have to climb over the blue mountains covered with snow for thousands of years at the end of the world, or cross the moody sea.

The heart is like a saint, and the body is in danger. Comfort and smoothness have never been strangers to us.

The soul spreads its wings to face the unknown, and the courage is on the side to pursue adventures.We are hungry and thirsty.

Then live to meet the next dawn and challenge.

Only in this way can we find inner peace.

Only then can he tell everyone wisely: "I once overlooked all living beings on the most distant mountain top, and obtained consummation and sudden enlightenment there.

Then live to meet the next dawn and challenge.

Finally, I found inner peace.

I will tell everyone wisely: "I once overlooked all living beings from the most distant mountain top, and got consummation and sudden enlightenment there, which is the real sudden enlightenment in the depths of the soul.

That's what my life is all about.It is my heartfelt choice!Our journey is the sea of ​​stars! "

Cheng Mo saw Li Jiting's face through the rearview mirror, and there was a rare piety in his expression, usually a cynical and sincere smile was written on his face.

But in this moment, he's a devout believer.

Or, is it a saint?
 Note 1—Rosicrucian Society: A secret society composed of scholars and reformers founded in Germany in the early 17th century and spread in Europe.The association was developed in the Middle Ages in order to confront the Pope and the Church and practice the true teachings of Greece.During that period, this association has been regarded as a heresy by the Roman Catholic Church, and has never formed a legal organization, so it is full of mystery.The goal of its members is to become a master of occult knowledge, respect "fraternity" and take it as their responsibility to rescue seriously ill patients as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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