Rebel Demon King

Chapter 242 Talking about business (1)

Chapter 242 Talking about business (1)

"Good luck, my child!" Li Jiting patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, then turned and walked towards a brown-haired woman wearing a Byzantine-style purple half-sleeve dress, who was standing by a long table covered with a white tablecloth Drink at your own discretion.

It was obvious that Li Jiting had been staring at her for a long time, and he walked up to the woman without hesitation, Cheng Mo heard Li Jiting said in a very gentlemanly way: "Pretty lady, forgive me for coming here uninvited, because you are here alone Drinking is an extremely ridiculous thing, I cannot accept it."

"No, my friend just left for a while."

Li Jiting smiled at the brown-haired woman: "Even if it is only for a short moment, on such an occasion, you should have a flower protector to accompany you. This is a kind of respect for a lady like you."

In all fairness, Li Jiting's eloquence is quite good, at least for Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun, the journey these days has been a very interesting period of time, among which Li Jiting's words full of wisdom and humor are the key.

If Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun were to be together alone, there would be disputes if there was a disagreement, but with Li Jiting around, the two not only had a common enemy, but also a mediator.

Cheng Mo saw Li Jiting happily chatting with the brown-haired woman with a diamond tiara, instead of continuing to listen to Li Jiting picking up girls, he turned his head and observed Napoleon VII Jean-Christophe from a distance. With a smile on his face, he exchanged glasses with everyone in a relaxed and happy manner, and talked about the hottest political and economic topics at the moment. It seemed that he was not affected by the killing of his father and the robbing of the "Cross Bee".

Cheng Mo was not in a hurry to go up. How to get close to Napoleon VII and sell "news" to him was a difficult problem that Cheng Mo had to solve at the moment, because Li Jiting didn't give him a reason for Napoleon VII to fully trust him.

He must have at least two plans. It is not Cheng Mo's style to go up like this.

While hiding in a remote corner and studying Napoleon VII secretly, Cheng Mo began to recall some details of his conversation with Napoleon VII next to the Louvre in France that afternoon. In addition, at that time, Cheng Mo did not think that he would have social relations with Napoleon VII, and did not seriously understand some details of his actions.

Therefore, Cheng Mo obtained very little effective information, but generally Cheng Mo could analyze that Napoleon VII was a sensitive and stable person who was used to making decisions with one word. People like this generally have a strong personality.

But fortunately, relatively speaking, foreigners are more likely to appear consistent on the outside and inside. Unlike our countrymen, there are many petty gestures when speaking, and there are many people who habitually lie.Some people who have been wearing masks for a long time can't tell whether they are telling lies or the truth, especially some people in the officialdom, they even lie to themselves. These people have reached the highest level of lies, that is, the whole world Knows he's lying, but he doesn't think he's lying, things are just the way he knows them to be...

People of this level are very different from ordinary people. In Cheng Mo's view, Li Jiting is in a very high rank, because his expression never reveals any emotion, although he is always smiling, and that This kind of smile is still a very sincere smile, not hypocritical at all, but apart from the sincere smile, there is never any other information revealed in his expression.

Cheng Mo tried his best to observe Napoleon VII. Under the blessing of the powerful function of the carrier, he entered a strange state. Before his eyes, Napoleon VII's face had turned into pieces of muscle and bone. He even He could hear his breathing and the relaxation of his pores, all of which reflected Napoleon VII's physical and mental state.

Apparently his physical and mental state is not as relaxed as he has shown. He speaks a little faster than that day, uses offensive words more frequently, and his heartbeat is not very stable. In addition, although there are not many expressions on his handsome face, But the corners of his lips are slightly drooping, and his eyebrows are depressed, which are all signs of depression. In addition, when he is not speaking, the corners of his mouth will be tightened to both sides, which is an expression of suppressing negative emotions.
Cheng Mo probably had some confidence in his heart, so he quietly waited for the opportunity to get close to Napoleon VII.

Finally, after 10 minutes, Napoleon VII said "excuse me", and then walked towards the side of the hall. According to the map, there is a toilet in that direction. Multiple red dots were flashing, and it was the first time Cheng Mo saw so many such dense red dots. It was a pity that these red dots were scattered among the crowd, and it was impossible to judge which ones were carriers.

Napoleon VII walked into the empty narrow corridor through the side door, followed by a tall and strong man. On the map, a red dot flashed throughout the corridor, so there is no doubt that this tall and strong man is Guards protecting Napoleon VII.

Cheng Mo followed Napoleon VII and walked towards the bathroom. In the corridor, he suddenly quickened his pace, and then the tall and strong man immediately looked back at Cheng Mo, his sharp gaze seemed to come out of his shell The sharp sword pierced into Cheng Mo's pupil.

Cheng Mo immediately stopped in his tracks, and said in a moderate voice: "Your Excellency, can I have a few words with you? I have been waiting for a long time just now for such a suitable opportunity."

Hearing Cheng Mo's words, Prince Napoleon in a tuxedo stopped, turned around and looked at Cheng Mo indifferently. He was not surprised because Cheng Mo was an Oriental, nor did he look him up and down because of Cheng Mo's sudden utterance, as if As if guessing that Cheng Mo would follow, he looked straight into Cheng Mo's eyes and asked softly in a deep and solemn voice: "Who are you?"

Cheng Mo did not look at Napoleon VII, but closed his eyes and bowed slightly, and said in a humble voice: "Your Excellency, the glory of the Napoleon family is one of the great things I am in awe of. It is an honor for you to stop for me." Step by step, my name is Lin Zhinuo, and I am a chosen person from China. I came to see you specially because our organization has learned some news and hopes to do something for you and your family."

Prince Napoleon said lightly: "Our Napoleon family's affairs do not require anyone's intervention and help!"

"I think you have misunderstood. We deeply regret your father's death. In fact, our organization is very disgusted with this kind of behavior of hunting the main body. We have no position to help you, we are just selling a little information that you can just use. Of course we know the strength of you and your family, but lions will never lower themselves to catch mice in the gutter. It just so happens that these things are what we cats are good at Yes. I hope you will give us a chance."

(End of this chapter)

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