Chapter 239
(Thank you for the five rewards from "Stupid Book Lover", and the rewards from "Milk and Ruxiang", and I owe four chapters)

When Cheng Mo woke up, the curtains were drawn tightly, and he couldn't tell what time it was. He glanced at the fluorescent numbers on the alarm clock on the bedside table, and then he was sure that it was past eight o'clock.

Because after completing the registration, the carrier can be displayed on the map, and Cheng Mo didn't want to reveal his identity, so he didn't study the carrier for a long time last night.

Now the use time of the carrier has increased from six hours a day to eight hours a day. When it is upgraded to the sixth level, it can be activated twice a day, and when it reaches the top level 33 full level, it can be used for twelve hours a day. , and activate it three times.

Not only that, as the level increases, his skill slots and equipment slots will also increase. At level 1, he has only four skill slots and only two equipment slots.As the level increases, the skill grid and equipment grid will increase. Basically, one grid will be added for every eleventh level.

Although Cheng Mo has four powerful skills in his hands, unfortunately, the skill equipment has a level limit, because his level is only one level, and only two skills can be equipped, one is the freezing ray, and the other is the exclusive skill : Infinite evolution.

The other two S-level skills and one AAA-level skill can only be used after level 33. Among them, "teleportation" needs level [-] to be equipped. In addition, the necessary "energy shield" needs the carrier to reach level [-], and the pulse The laser beam must reach level eleven.

Cheng Mo guessed that it was basically similar to the game, the higher the skill level, the higher the mana cost. For example, the mana cost of teleportation is 14950 points, his intelligence value is 269, and the mana at the first level is 2690 points, which is not enough Use a teleport fraction.

This means that the increase in level must be the same as the game's mechanism, which can improve physical strength and intelligence.

Assuming that he can really upgrade infinitely, and his physical strength and intelligence can also increase infinitely, then there is no doubt that his carrier will become a huge bug. As long as he upgrades his level, a blood bull mage with infinite mana Scary or not?
If the increase in level can continue to increase the number of skill bars and equipment bars of the carrier, it is simply invincible.

Secondly, every time you level up, there are still some free points that can be allocated to strengthen the auxiliary equipment of the carrier, such as maps, such as teleportation distance, such as teleportation speed, and the most exciting thing is that you can also choose to strengthen the main body, Although the price of strengthening the body is very high, five free points can be upgraded to one level, and a total of three levels require fifteen free points, but this is not a problem for Cheng Mo - because he can upgrade infinitely.

Therefore, the most important thing for Cheng Mo at the moment is to step on the road of leveling as soon as possible. Unfortunately, Cheng Mo found that even if he wants to upgrade now, there is no way, because the system gives unlimited tasks, such as "detection The "copy" of the underground temple, looking for the Forgotten Ship, is located next to the Egyptian pyramids. You need to go to Egypt on your own. There are also places such as Paradise Island and Shipwreck Island. Cheng Mo doesn't even know how to get there now.
At present, the nearest unlimited task entry place to Cheng Mo is the "Colosseum". Be an experience baby.

As for the upgrade method of killing other carriers and the main body, Cheng Mo has no such capital at all, and will not consider it for the time being. Where is Bai Xiuxiu obviously a huge pit? It was just luck last time. Cheng Mo knows that he still dares to find Bai Xiuxiu , That's looking for death, besides, for killing the main body, this kind of thing, Cheng Mo will not do it unless he is forced to.

In addition, there are bounty tasks, which are temporary limited tasks issued by players and the system, and can be obtained with experience points, contribution points, and bitcoins.

Cheng Mo glanced at the task list. There are not too many tasks in Huaxia District. Most of the system tasks are concentrated in Lop Nur and Sanxingdui, and most of the player tasks are to destroy the number of levels of the carrier with the ID of XXX.Before the carrier becomes the Chosen One, experience points will be lost if he is killed. Many people try to get rid of their competitors or enemies with shady tricks. This kind of thing often happens in the game.

In addition, there is a separate page in the task area, which is the reward list, which is full of notorious and powerful candidates. The rookie Cheng Mo had nothing to do with it, so he didn't look carefully.

For Cheng Mo, the risks and benefits of these random tasks are completely impossible to calculate, and he must get some effective information from Li Jiting to make a judgment.

In general, if no one brings it, the game of the Chosen One is actually very difficult to play.
Cheng Mo squinted on the bed for a while, and after getting up at nine o'clock, he saw his mobile phone was placed on the bedside table, and the charging cable was plugged in. Cheng Mo unplugged the charging cable, turned on the phone, and checked WeChat, Xie Minyun Reappeared in his WeChat friend list again, and Yan Yitong was about to call his WeChat to 999.

Cheng Mo shook his head involuntarily, replied to Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong's messages respectively, reported safety, and immediately received replies from Yan Yitong and Fu Yuanzhuo.

Fu Yuanzhuo sent a voice message: "Fuck! You are finally willing to show up! Please give me your contact information! I'm about to be tortured by Tongtong and go crazy!" Judging from the high tone of voice, Fu Yuanzhuo must have really collapsed.

Cheng Mo typed a reply to Fu Yuanzhuo: "WeChat! Don't you have it!"

Then he glanced at the message sent by Yan Yitong, with a row of angry expressions, "Bad guy Chengmo, I sent you so many messages, why didn't you reply me? You can go to Europe to attend the summer camp, why don't you follow me?" Let me tell you, the mobile phone is not roaming?"

Cheng Mo thought for a while, and felt that he still didn't want Yan Yitong to misunderstand, so he replied: "I don't think it is necessary, and the relationship between the two of us has not reached that level."

After replying to Yan Yitong, Cheng Mo went to listen to the voice sent by Fu Yuanzhuo, "WeChat? Is your WeChat account alike? Waiting for you to reply to WeChat once feels like buying a lottery ticket! How to get in touch with you! Cheng Mo! May I call you Zuzu?"

Cheng Mo replied: "I will come back every morning in the future. Of course, if the hotel doesn't have WIFI, I can't help it."

Just as Cheng Mo was about to switch back to Yan Yitong's side, he saw the video request sent by Yan Yitong. Cheng Mo clicked reject without hesitation, and then replied: "I don't like the video."

Yan Yitong typed: "I just want to show you the ants I raise." Followed by a row of tearful emojis.

Cheng Mo looked at the phone and sighed, then typed back: "I'll have a look when I go back, how can I see clearly on the video call?"

"Okay! Then you must come and see it! Let me tell you that raising ants is quite interesting. I thought it would be troublesome, but it's not troublesome at all. You don't need to feed them or bathe them. Not to mention taking them to the hospital, I see them digging tunnels and making nests under the leadership of the team leader every day, watching them move, choose leaders, start work, feed, and fight."

Yan Yitong blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Cheng Mo listened, and then replied: "Oh."

Yan Yitong also doesn't mind Cheng Mo's indifference, maybe she is used to Cheng Mo's indifference, and said enthusiastically: "Let me tell you something very funny, I found that an ant is missing one antennae, walking crookedly He gregarious, I named it Sai Lun the day before yesterday I searched for it in the ant nest for a long time, but I didn't see it, and wept crying while lying in front of the glass cabinet. The ant was crying, and he searched for it all afternoon, and finally found my little Sailun, who was hiding in the crevices of the rocks and playing alone, and it was too naughty not to work with his co-workers.”

Cheng Mo had just finished listening to this passage, and before he had time to reply, Yan Yitong sent another sentence: "Isn't it funny?"

"No, it's funny!"

"Then do you think I'm stupid?"

"No, it's not stupid."

"Then you just dislike me, Benz. I'm not as smart as you! I'm not as smart as my brother! In fact, I think Fu Yuanzhuo is also quite smart, but he doesn't like studying! Also, Xie Minyun is also very smart. He always takes the first place in the exam. One! What should I do? Cheng Mo, I’m the only one who hates me the most. You don’t really dislike me, so you don’t want to talk to me, do you?”

"No, I don't think it's correct to judge a person by their grades."

"Really? Hee hee! But I also want to improve my grades! Can you teach me more after school starts? I, I, I will pay you more."

"I'll see if I have time."

"I don't care, people rely on you. When will you come back? Fu Yuanzhuo's grades have improved by leaps and bounds this time. His parents are very happy. Now the side effect is a veritable local tyrant. It will be a disaster when you come back." Just kill him."

"I don't know."

"Can I turn on roaming for you? Why don't you turn on roaming!"

"No need."

"How could it be unnecessary?"


After finishing the conversation with Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong, Cheng Mo went to wash his face and brush his teeth, but it was almost ten o'clock and he didn't wait for any movement from Li Jiting's side, so Cheng Mo went to the restaurant for breakfast alone, because it was late, he Didn't eat much, just a fried egg, a glass of milk and a small piece of pistolchi cake.

When he returned to the room, the door of Li Jiting's room was still tightly closed, and it was not Cheng Mo's character to urge others, so he entered the room intending to visit the dark net.

Before he sat down, Cheng Mo heard a knock on the door. He thought it was Li Jiting calling them to leave, so he went to open the door immediately, but it was Xie Minyun who opened the door.

"Is Uncle Li still up?" Xie Minyun asked through the crack of the door.

"It should be! I don't know either."

After a moment of silence, Xie Minyun said, "Oh, since this is the case, let's wait while we play chess!"

Before Cheng Mo could find a reason to refuse, he heard Xie Minyun continue to say: "You said it yourself, stay with me for as long as you like today."

Cheng Mo had no choice but to remove the anti-theft chain and let Xie Minyun in.

"Yesterday, the two of us had a draw, and today I will definitely win against you."

"A draw?" Cheng Mo was quite puzzled by Xie Minyun's statement.

"At one o'clock, you fell asleep during the game due to lack of energy. I persisted until I played eight more games with you before going back to sleep, so we each had eight wins and eight losses. You have no objection!"

Cheng Mo was speechless. He turned on his phone and entered the Yike APP to have a look. Sure enough, yesterday’s match was [-] rounds, with eight wins and eight losses. He won the first eight rounds, and Xie Minyun won the ninth round. Cheng Mo I clicked on the details of the match again, and found that Xie Minyun did not directly use the bets clicked on his account to admit defeat, but seriously followed his style of chess and played eight games against himself.
Cheng Mo didn't say anything to satirize Xie Minyun. He thought of the chess game between Wang Shanhai and Xie Minyun that day. With Wang Shanhai's strength, he definitely didn't need to steal pieces to win. Maybe the reason he wanted to tell Xie Minyun was not that simple. Said that the most successful point of Go is that to win, you must survive, but you must also let your opponent survive.

Being too greedy will eventually lose your opponent. This is a delicately balanced game. On the one hand, you can win, on the other hand, don't completely defeat your opponent.

Wu Qingyuan once said: Winning just one eye is the supreme happiness.

At the end of the day life and death are just the result of a good or bad build.As Taniguchi said: Your birth and your death are both results.

This is the motto of Go, and it is also the motto of life.

Cheng Mo sat down on the sofa with an indifferent expression. Xie Minyun raised his eyes and looked at it calmly. Cheng Mo was not dissatisfied at all. He was a little frustrated, wondering whether he was too far behind Cheng Mo in terms of realm, and said in a low voice: "Just kidding! You won eight rounds, and I won one round. Anyway, the ninth round should be counted as my win."

The two played chess until after twelve o'clock, when Li Jiting knocked on Cheng Mo's door, Cheng Mo opened the door, and Li Jiting saw Xie Minyun sitting in the living room, and said with surprise: "You guys .not last night"

"Uncle Li, you are overthinking."

Li Jiting patted his chest and said with a sigh of relief: "That's good, otherwise a room will be opened for nothing, and I will die of heartache."

Xie Minyun, who lost for another morning, was already in a bad mood, but at the moment when he heard Li Jiting's words, his face turned frosty, "Uncle Li, you don't need to pay, we are AA."

"How can I do that! If your parents find out, you can't laugh at me to death, take your niece out to play, and ask your niece to pay for it, where do you think I will put my old face?"

"Are you taking us to play? Are we all playing by ourselves?" Xie Minyun sneered.

Li Jiting raised his head and said solemnly: "Starting today, Uncle Li will take you around Europe dutifully and let you experience the real European culture. Today we will meet the descendants of the Medici family and visit their family by the way." private museum!"

"Isn't the Medici family extinct?" Cheng Mo asked.

"There are quite a lot of collaterals. Today we are going to the Bellini family, and there is also a Medici family from Ottaviano. They are also collaterals." Li Jiting laughed.


In the next few days, as expected, Li Jiting would take Cheng Mo and Xie Minyun to travel around Europe during the day, and led them to meet important people who would never be able to meet them. The three of them drove all the way from Italy to Prague in the Czech Republic.

During this period, they went to Salzburg in Austria, which is the hometown of Mozart and Karajan, a place not to be missed by those who love classical music.Very artistic city.The movie "The Sound of Music" was also filmed here.

They also went to a small church in the town of Anif, where Karajan's cemetery is, and in summer, it is filled with flowers sent by fans.Then they went straight to Vienna to listen to a concert in the famous Golden Hall, and also went to Hallstatt to enjoy the summer scenery on the way.

Then came to Prague, visited Franz Kafka's bookstore, lingered in this culturally rich city for a day and a night, and then the three of them drove to Warsaw, Poland.

From the beginning to the end, Li Jiting never mentioned to Cheng Mo how to upgrade. It seemed that he had no intention of teaching Cheng Mo at all, and Cheng Mo was not in a hurry, so he took the initiative to knock on Li Jiting's door that night in Florence. Never asked about the carrier.

It wasn't until the second night when the three of them stayed in Warsaw that Li Jiting sent a message, asking Cheng Mo to activate the carrier directly into his room after twelve o'clock in the evening
(End of this chapter)

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