Rebel Demon King

Chapter 233 The Gods Enter the Hall of Valor (5)

Chapter 233 The Gods Enter the Hall of Valor (5)

(Thanks to "Book Friends 20171217111511419" for the reward, BGM "Das Rheingold: Entry of the Gods into Valhalla" Klaus Tennstedt version "Rheingold: The Gods Enter the Hall of Valhalla")
Against a dark, deep cosmic background shining with gorgeous colors, a huge golden statue is slowly stepping into the Hall of Valor. The golden cloak covered with dark patterns of ouroboros moves automatically without wind, like rippling water waves, the whole majestic Only the pupils of the mountain statues are black, which is a kind of shining darkness, just like the bottomless universe in front of you, with majestic nebulae swirling inside.

At this moment, Cheng Mo was completely shocked by this huge movable statue, his mind was full of the sound of string music that made his soul tremble, his consciousness was blank, only the impulse to worship was left.

This huge shining golden statue is bright and not vulgar at all. Cheng Mo looked at his shining brilliance like the sun, his steady and powerful steps, and felt that he was really too small, not just physically small, but a A kind of spiritual and spiritual insignificance.

When he walked to the center of the Hall of Valor, the golden statue of Newton slowly moved upwards, walking towards the depths of the universe as if shattering the void, walking so calmly and without hesitation, Cheng Mo couldn't help but sigh in his heart, feeling that everything is born and died. It is a common thing, and only the truth is the eternal destination.

At this moment, Cheng Mo felt that words like greatness were actually very humble.

For human beings, when we discuss the great figures in history, we often mention those emperors who have made great achievements in battle, such as Caesar, Alexander, Genghis Khan, Qin Shihuang, Cromwell.
But their contributions to the entire human race are really not great. Indeed, Isaac Newton is the only correct choice. He opened the door to a new world for the entire human race and stimulated a leap in human productivity. This is for the entire human race It is the blessing of Haohao Tangtang.

What we should respect and admire is the person like Newton who commands our minds with the power of truth, not the emperors and generals who rely on violence to enslave people; it is the person who leads us to understand the universe and ourselves. Not the ones who slaughter people and distort history.

Cheng Mo watched the moment when Newton's huge statue stepped into the edge of the universe, and another huge golden statue walked in from the main entrance of the Hall of Valor with a rumbling sound. He seemed to feel that the entire Hall of Valor was shaking.

Then he saw Einstein, and a line of words appeared again on the large white screen on the opposite wall: "The Chosen One ranks second in the history of the Heavenly Ranking Points——The Incarnated: The Immortal Heart of Time and Space Albert Love Einstein."

Then behind Einstein is Jesus Christ.

"The Chosen One ranks third in the history of the Tianbang Points - The Incarnated: Holy Son Jesus"

Then Cheng Mo saw Karl Marx, Aristotle, Euclid, Pythagoras, Maxwell, Paul Dirac, Heisenberg, Schrödinger
The huge golden statues of great men in history lined up and walked towards the depths of the universe, turning into shining stars. The silent solemnity has been flowing in the bottom of my heart, until Dmitry Ivanovich, who is ranked No.90 Chi Mendeleev and No. 1 Johannes Kepler walked by, the music gradually became low and then disappeared, and the gate of the Hall of Valor was slowly closing.

All the light dimmed, and the wall of the huge LCD screen turned into a real wall, neither showing the beauty of the universe, nor flashing the symbols that symbolized human civilization.

Cheng Mo, who was still in a state of indescribable shock, did not see Li Jiting inserting his right hand between the second and third buttons of his jacket and bowing, thinking that he was just touching his chest and saluting, he subconsciously followed Li Jiting He bowed deeply to the void.

"Let's go!" Li Jiting got up and looked back at Cheng Mo and said softly.

Cheng Mo nodded, and followed Li Jiting out of the Hall of Valor, where the gate had not yet been closed. He couldn't help sighing: "Are these great human beings chosen by heaven? It's really incredible!"

"Of course, the history of human beings was rewritten by them. It took 40 billion years for life on earth to evolve to where it is now. Although it is so long, the explosive development is only a few hundred years. Even now we are still in a state of confusion. , since the birth of human beings, or in other words, human beings have been the same as other animals from the beginning to the end, the gaps of various races and class contradictions and antagonisms have not been eliminated, and the countless bloody oppression, massacres, exploitation, insults and injuries they have brought have not stopped. If not These sages put their lives on the line to push mankind forward. We humans may still be in the dark age of blood and blood. If it is better, wars will break out in rounds of Malthusian traps. The greatness of science is great liberation. And the development of productivity allows us to avoid the Malthusian trap and move towards the light. In fact, we have only been slightly leveled for a few decades now." Li Jiting glanced back at the slowly closing golden door and sighed.

"Speaking of which, we humans are really stupid creatures. We keep destroying and rebuilding. One city after another, from prosperity to barrenness, seems to be like a dream. Destruction is always so easy and common. We humans have witnessed so many ups and downs in history, but we still keep making the same mistakes. There is a solemn line in Horace's poem: the glorious tower and the low hut are both Hurry with the same steps!" Cheng Mo couldn't help but sigh in a low voice.

"I can't see that you're a pessimist after working so hard?" Li Jiting patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, "No wonder, with a father like you who has facial paralysis, it's not bad to suffer from depression!"

Cheng Mo didn't want to talk about personal relationship issues, so he asked: "What is this list? How are the points calculated?"

Li Jiting was noncommittal about Cheng Mo's behavior of changing the topic, but just smiled and said: "Tianbang, in general, the historical score list ranks the chosen ones according to their influence. As for the system of the chosen ones, what is it based on?" We have no way of knowing the results of the algorithm statistics, but the historical score list and the current list are not the same thing. The historical score list can only be listed after you die, and after you leave the Hall of Valor, you can log in to the system to see Up to now, on the current Tianbang list, only the registered name will appear on it, and the real name will not appear. The real name is the biggest secret before we die. I don’t need me to tell you about this, how important it is! Don’t be shot to death with a needle like Michael Jackson, and then his Ouroboros watch will be inherited by others”

"Ah?" Cheng Mo was a little surprised.

"What's so strange"

"It's just a pity" Cheng Mo didn't expect to hear a shocking secret so casually.

The two walked out of the towering porch of the Hall of Valor and walked down the golden steps. Li Jiting continued: "It's really a pity, but Michael Jackson is also a person who has entered the list, and this life is worth it."

"How can I enter the heaven list?"

"Let's talk about the chosen one first! In fact, it is not difficult to become the chosen one, as long as you can successfully upgrade to level 33, and then pass the ultimate test of the Tower of Babel. The way to upgrade is to do system tasks, and kill other carriers and There are two ways of ontology, for us, as long as the ontology is not dead, the carrier can spend a huge amount of bitcoins and contribution points to buy life."

It was within Cheng Mo's expectation that the carrier could be resurrected, and the way of resurrection was not surprising. He was glad that he didn't do the same experiment to see if the carrier could be resurrected, otherwise he, a pauper, couldn't even buy it. Cheng Mo was more surprised by the number 33 than the upgrade and resurrection of the carrier.

"Level 33?" Cheng Mo repeated softly. This number is ubiquitous to human beings. It is the atomic number of arsenic, the period of the Leonid meteor shower, in Newton degrees (that is, a temperature measurement method created by Newton) Among them, 33 degrees is the boiling water temperature.In the Pythagoras era before 600 AD, numerology (numerology) has always regarded the number 33 as the highest-level ultimate number (MasterNumber), the most sacred number, and a symbol of divine truth (Di-vineTruth). ).Jesus Christ was crucified at the age of 33; Joseph was married to the virgin Mary at the age of 33; Jesus performed a total of 33 miracles; in the "Bible Genesis", God's name was mentioned in total 33 times; in Saint Laurent, the age of people in heaven is always 33 years old.In Buddhism, Avalokitesvara has 33 appearances.There are 33 spines in the human body, like a ladder to the sky, connecting the most sacred part of the human body - the brain.And in natural science, 33 is the sum of the first 1 items in the magical Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 7, ...), and 7 is the sum of the first 4 items in it. [-] items and.

Moreover, 33 is the symbol of the highest rank in Freemasonry.

"Yes! Everything in 33 is revealed in 33!" Li Jiting said in a deep voice, with a kind of power surging in his tone.

After a pause, Li Jiting continued: "The difficult thing is to enter the heaven list. Becoming the chosen one is a watershed, and being on the heaven list is another watershed. If you can be lucky enough to become one of the twelve gods, then there is no doubt that you will become the leader of this world." One of the most dominant individuals."

"Just to get power and money?"

"Domination doesn't just mean power and money. In fact, for those who can be on the list, those are nothing. Only the truth, the truth, and the true self are what we are pursuing!" Li Jiting replied with a smile.

"Uncle Li, didn't you just say that becoming a god will give you eternity?"

Li Jiting smiled "haha" and said, "You are ambitious!" Then he shrugged his shoulders and said, "But that's just a legend. No matter how powerful the carrier is, our body is still very fragile. Even if we have the ability to strengthen the body, It can't stop the continuous decline of the main body, but I heard that the artifact 'Holy Crown of Thorns' can permanently fix the soul in the carrier. But now I don't know who owns that artifact."

"Holy Crown of Thorns?? Isn't it in Andrea Cathedral?"

Li Jiting shook his head, "It's definitely not there. In the First World War in 1916, someone went to Andria and burned the Andria Cathedral, and then stole the Holy Crown of Thorns. Where is the fragment now? counterfeit."

At this time, the two had already reached the center of the square, where Cheng Mo first appeared, and then Cheng Mo noticed that there were several Ouroboros rings carved on the marble floor in the center of the square. I was attracted, so I didn't pay attention.

"Just stand in." Li Jiting casually found a ring and stood in, and Cheng Mo also stood in, and instantly a radiant beam of light rose, and after a while, Cheng Mo returned to the center of the Pantheon Temple again.

He searched around but didn't see Li Jiting. At a strange moment, Li Jiting appeared behind Cheng Mo like a ghost again, and patted Cheng Mo's shoulder heavily as if joking, and when Cheng Mo turned around, Li Jiting appeared behind Cheng Mo again. time to make a scary face
Naturally, Cheng Mo couldn't be frightened, but rather speechless, he thought: How can you be more childish than me when you're old!
Li Jiting looked at Cheng Mo's expressionless face, put away his stiff grimace, shook his head and said, "You're just too boring, you just pretend to be scared in a coping manner! You don't respect your teacher at all."

"Isn't it a guide? How did you become a teacher?"

"Are you still talking about words?" Li Jiting raised his hand in shock.

Cheng Mo actually wanted to hide, but Li Jiting's hand speed was too fast, so fast that Cheng Mo could only see afterimages, and he couldn't react with the carrier's reaction, so Li Jiting knocked him on the forehead, leaving him empty There was a crisp sound in the hall of the Pantheon.

Cheng Mo had no choice but to estimate that the gap in strength was too great to prevent him, so he could only bear it silently without saying a word.

"Open your information form and look at your skill column, I don't know what your father left for you!" Li Jiting saw Cheng Mo's look of being untouchable, I couldn't bear it, and smiled Say.

"Skill table?" Cheng Mo had a question in his heart, but he didn't ask, but twisted the Ouroboros ring quickly. At this time, there was no hindrance, and the human body composed of rotating colored light spots appeared on the screen. In front of Cheng Mo's eyes.

Cheng Mo glanced at it, and the top of his head has changed from the original one without any sign to a green "LV1", the physical value is still 427, the intelligence value is still 269, and the mood bar is still dark gray.

"Report your basic values."

"Can't you see my light curtain?" Cheng Mo glanced at Li Jiting and asked.

"Of course, only you can see your own." Li Jiting said as a matter of course.

"Oh! The physical strength is 427, the intelligence is 269, and the mood is gray."

"Your stamina is also low. No wonder it was at the beginning." Before finishing speaking, Li Jiting stopped and did not continue.

"No wonder what happened at the beginning?" Cheng Mo immediately asked alertly.

"Actually, it's nothing." Li Jiting smiled faintly, "Back then your father wanted to report you to the [-] Research Institute. Did you go to the capital for an inspection? That inspection found that your physical strength was too low. So the [-] Research Institute rejected you."

"[-] Institute?"

"Our China's [-] Research Institute has been called the Tai Chi Dragon Group again! The three options you see are actually three completely different systems of the Chosen One. The angel represents religion, and his source of power is the power of faith. The more devout the belief, the more thorough the theological research, the stronger the carrier of the angel. As for the cyborgs, many belong to various state agencies, of course, it does not mean that there are no superhumans in government agencies. For example, I actually have more than one pantheon. You should also know that the Pantheon is also the 'Pantheon', which is dedicated to people who have contributed to the country, so each country has its own Pantheon, and each country's own organization of the chosen ones is based on its own Registered by the Pantheon of the country, wandering ghosts like you who belong to neither religious organizations nor state institutions are called stalkers."

Cheng Mo was shocked when he heard the word "Tai Chi Dragon", and immediately remembered the badge worn by Du Leng. It seems that Du Leng has become a member of the [-] Research Institute and entered the Tai Chi Dragon Group.
Li Jiting didn't notice Cheng Mo's strangeness, and continued: "Cyborgs and superhumans we chose are actually two evolutionary directions. Superhumans focus on genetic modification and spiritual cultivation, while cyborgs focus on mechanical transformation." Combined with the human body and relying on the power of technology."

"But no matter for angels, superhumans or cyborgs, there is only one thing that is most important."



"Yes! In the Chosen system, the level is actually not that important. The important thing is that the skills you have determine the upper limit of your ability. I will take the SSS-level skill: Gravity as an example. It is the SSS contributed by Newton Level skills, when you have this skill and practice it to the top level, and reach the level of the Twelve Generals, you can control the gravitational force of the earth. There are only two skills in the whole system. One is among the Twelve Generals. One in the hands of George Rockefeller the other."

([-] words combined into one)

(End of this chapter)

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