Rebel Demon King

Chapter 221 Vortex

Chapter 221 Vortex
The summer sun in Paris always sets very late, and the sky blue looks like an oil painting by Claude Lorrain. The two blond men standing under the plane tree looked at the luxury carriage going away, and turned to look not far away. to the church.

"Jean Christophe is not in the carriage, I mean how could that coward have the courage to pass by here?" One of the curly-haired men with flaxen hair said slightly sarcastically.

"I'm curious who the two orientals in his carriage are." Another man with brighter hair, closer to golden, said lightly.

"It should be just two ordinary people."

"As long as they can sit in Christopher's carriage, then they can't be ordinary."

"Maybe it's the pagan nobles from the East, the reptiles of the Freemasonry have eroded the upper echelons of the Eastern countries too seriously, although we are working hard to preach, we can still only spread it at the bottom of society, waiting for the pardon of Milan (Note 1 ) turning point is almost impossible.”

"This is not within the scope of our current concern. Our immediate task is to assist Charles (Charles Marie Jerome Victor Napoleon is the father of Napoleon VII) to regain his position as the head of the Napoleon family, so that It is possible to break the monolithic structure created by the Freemasonry in Europe through internal means. Therefore, you still have to send someone to find out who was sitting in the carriage just now."

"Tomeniens, you are too cautious. Eastern countries still have a very low level of control over Ouroboros. Those two just now were just children, and they can't shake the order of this world. God loves the world, but He loves his people more." The flax curly hair said in a relaxed tone.

"No, Puenspalitis, the glory of God has been silent for too long, and the world is now in chaos, so that some cunning antichrists can deceive the lost lambs. Don't just look at the enemy in front of you, we must Looking to the future, the Pope recently received guests from the East in the Vatican Palace. According to diplomatic practice, only envoys representing the country can enter the Vatican to meet the Pope. Although the Pope received the other party in a private name, the political meaning can be ignored, but this matter What does it mean?"

"The forces in the East should not be underestimated, especially China. Although the already weak Tai Chi Dragons did not perform well in the Chosen Ranking Tournament after a rare catastrophe, in recent years with the With the recovery of their national power, despite the continuous blockade of the West, their number of chosen ones is still increasing. Although the current base is only large, and the number of masters in the top [-] is only five, if this momentum continues, sooner or later One day, there will be a chosen one among them who will be able to challenge the position of the Twelve Gods." After a pause, the blond man named Tominiens said in a leisurely tone, "Even promoted to become the Incarnate."

"The Incarnate? Shocking the Twelve Gods, I believe it, but it is not so easy to become the Incarnate. In such a long history of mankind, there are only a few Incarnates. In today's era, there are many masters, but It is almost impossible to be called the Incarnate." The curly-haired flaxen-haired boy Puens Balitis shook his head and said with a smile, obviously he thought what the other party said was just a joke that was too serious.

The sun slanted from behind the two of them, and the black suits blown away by the wind cast a half-folded wing-like shadow on the ground. In front of them was a solemn and solemn French classicist church, which was not as good as a Gothic church. The exaggerated and sharp spire is not as round and peaceful as the Byzantine church. It belongs to the typical French classicism style. Compared with the former two, the shape is more rigorous and solemn, and it is more solemn and solemn.

European churches can be seen everywhere in the main city. This church called St. Germain Auxerre is really not well-known, but it is one of the oldest churches in Paris-it was built to enshrine the fragments of the cross of Saint Jesus.

To be precise, it should be called the "True Cross", that is, the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. This sacred object belongs to one of the holy objects of Christianity.

It is also a powerful artifact. Although it is broken into several pieces, it is not as powerful as the intact Holy Grail and Holy Spear, but it is also one of the only 66 artifacts left on the earth.

"Anyway, you still have to check it out." Tominiens turned his head and looked in the direction of the Louvre. He had locked the carriage with "Insight" just now. At this moment, the carriage belonged to Napoleon VII. His expensive gadgets had already parked in front of the Louvre not far away, and the two young men also got out of the carriage, as if they were just ordinary tourists.

But Tomeniens has always been cautious. Even if the opponent is an ordinary person, he still wants to find out every detail of Napoleon VII through clues, because this opponent is so powerful that it seems to be invulnerable.

Cheng Mo naturally didn't know that he had been spied on secretly. When he walked to the lower level of the glass pyramid, he received the attention of a group of students who had gathered. Tang Wenjun shouted excitedly: "Brother Mo, you finally You're back! We're all guessing where you and Senior Sister Xie went!"

"I'm not with senior sister Xie, I just went out to eat something by myself just now." Cheng Mo put on his signature poker face and said expressionlessly.

Tang Wenjun blinked at Cheng Mo, then put his arms around his shoulders and said loudly: "Brother Mo, don't pretend! We have seen it from the beginning. You and Senior Sister Xie entered the closed gallery. The staff of the Louvre are still there. Tell us, it was Prince Napoleon who greeted you before you could enter. Prince Napoleon!!! That is the son of Napoleon's grandson's grandson"

Tang Wenjun, Cheng Haoyang, Tu Huiqin, and Feng Leiting have been discussing this matter just now, and now they all want to get confirmation from Cheng Mo, although it has nothing to do with them, but my friend XX and Napoleon The prince's acquaintance is also something that he can brag about if he is honored, so everyone stares at Cheng Mo intently.

The other people who participated in the summer camp also stopped talking. Tang Wenjun and Cheng Haoyang had been bragging for a long time just now, so almost everyone knew about it. Everyone pretended not to care, but they were all secretly observing. Those are the descendants of Napoleon, the great name they have recited countless times in history class and appeared countless times on examination papers.

In fact, Prince Napoleon is Napoleon's great-great-great-grandnephew. Strictly speaking, he is not a direct bloodline. What is the meaning of explaining these?Cheng Mo had a headache. He didn't know why it happened so coincidentally. Tang Wenjun and the others saw that Xie Minyun was related to Napoleon's family, not to mention it.

Now that Xie Minyun has been promised not to disclose, Cheng Mo can only deny it to death, so he said firmly: "No such thing, you must have heard it wrong. Besides, there are so many Napoleons in France, and all of them are Napoleons. offspring of

"Fuck, there are a lot of people named Napoleon, maybe there are not many Prince Napoleon who greeted the Louvre, I just checked, he is a very handsome young man!" Cheng Mo still kept silent and showed no interest , Tang Wenjun smiled wretchedly and said: "It's not because you are your rival in love that you don't want to see others, right?"

"You can imagine whatever you want!" After finishing speaking, Cheng Mo ignored Tang Wenjun and the others, put on his earphones and started listening to music.

There is nothing he can do about Tang Wenjun's brains. He is too lazy to explain. In order to maintain the purity of blood, European nobles will only marry European nobles under normal circumstances. Orientals like Xie Minyun are unlikely to become the options of European nobles. .

The xenophobia in the Western world is unimaginable. For example, in the UK, everyone is proud to marry a blonde, but to marry a pure-blooded blonde, the assets must be at least 1000 million pounds. This is not an aristocrat .

Seeing Cheng Mo's denial, Tang Wenjun and the others became lifeless, while Coconut Man said to Yuan Cun Nan with a smile on his face: "Actually, Princess Tania de Bourbon called me just now and asked me to go to his Kasbah attended the dinner, but I declined”

"What's the matter? Prince William even sent me a WeChat message, saying that I would not go to England to have a drink with him after I came to Europe. I really look down on him!" Yuan Cunnan said proudly.

"Your taste is really unusual, and you actually like the rotten prince." The coconut man smiled strangely.

"At least the real prince is better than the fake prince!" Yuan Cunnan laughed.

This kind of insinuating irony really made Tang Wenjun and Cheng Hao very angry, but there was nothing Cheng Mo could do if he refused to admit it, the two could only whisper something aside.

When it was time to assemble, Xie Minyun finally came late, and was the last one to appear in the line. A group of people hurriedly headed towards the outside of the square, toward the bus that came to pick them up.

Cheng Mo walked in the middle of the line, and Xie Minyun hung at the end of the line.

Tang Wenjun and Cheng Haoyang were a few steps behind, and when Xie Minyun came up, Cheng Haoyang smiled and asked: "Sister Xie, my brother said that you know Prince Napoleon, and today you specially greeted the people in the Louvre, let me know Is it true that you can enter the closed oil painting gallery to see oil paintings?"

"What did your brother say?" Xie Minyun asked indifferently.

"Yes! My brother told me that himself. If we don't believe it, we will come and ask you!" Cheng Haoyang didn't realize the indifference of Xie Minyun's tone, and continued to say with a little excitement that he could talk to the goddess.

"I think your brother must have misunderstood something. I just called my teacher. My teacher is Alizee Bruni, a master of modern oil painting. She is a frequent visitor to the Louvre Museum and is very familiar with the curator. "Xie Minyun said expressionlessly.

At this moment, her expressionless face is completely different from the expressionless face of the previous few days. It was very soft a few days ago, but it was very stiff just now. Cheng Haoyang wanted to say something, but Tang Wenjun, who saw the opportunity was wrong, said first: "I'm sorry, Excuse me, senior sister Xie. Let's just ask casually." After speaking, Tang Wenjun pulled Cheng Haoyang into the team.

(I am too old and physically weak, and I have a cold again, and my throat is so sore that it is difficult to swallow saliva, so there are not many updates, I hope everyone will forgive me)

 Note 1—The Edict of Milan (Latin: Edictum Mediolanense, English: Edict of Milan), also translated as the Edict of Milan or the Edict of Milan, was issued in Milan, Italy in 313 by Emperors Constantine I and Licini of the Roman Empire An edict of a Catholic Catholic.

  This edict announced the freedom to believe in Catholicism in the Roman Empire, returned the confiscated church property, and recognized the legal status of Christianity.

  The Edict of Milan was a turning point in the history of Catholicism, marking the change of the rulers of the Roman Empire from a policy of combining suppression and tolerance towards Catholicism to a policy of protection and utilization, and from a persecuted "underground religion" to a recognized religion. [1]
(End of this chapter)

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