Chapter 22
(Rolling all over the floor for a recommendation ticket!!!!)

Cheng Mo wandered around the dark web at will, which is far less scary than what some alarmist media say. Of course, there are a lot of disgusting content, but in general, the dark web is nothing more than a huge online black market. , in addition to illegal transactions, useless information accounts for about half.

Seeing that it was already more than nine o'clock, this day had delayed a lot of study time. Cheng Mo finally took a look at the hundred no taboo forum, and no one replied to his post, so he closed the Internet and began to brush questions. At eleven o'clock, Cheng Mo Turn off the lights on time and go to bed without even glancing at the watch on your wrist.

At this point, Cheng Mo feels that he has lost control. If his father really died in an accident, then that's fine. If not, then he is a red fruit lamb running on the plain, completely exposed to danger. Not even a hidden bush.

But he has no choice. Once some things start, it is impossible for him to have the final say. This is the helplessness of being a weak person. He can only go down this road. Anyway, there is no way out.

Cheng Mo put his mind down and went to sleep.

The next morning, he still woke up at 05:30, and he did not indulge himself to sleep for a while because of today's holiday. After washing his face and brushing his teeth, he had eggs, milk, and oatmeal. He had eaten such a boring breakfast ten times. It has been many years and has not been replaced, because it has high nutritional value and is not expensive. Besides, he can't eat high-fat and greasy food.

After eating, Cheng Mo started to read the textbook and his previous notes. When he saw that at eleven o'clock in the morning, Cheng Mo opened "Eleme" and ordered a set of nutritious meals, then turned on the computer and went through the VPN again. And onion routing entered the hundred no taboo forum.

Cheng Mo is not proficient in computers, but he still understands some basic protections, such as how to close unnecessary ports, such as disabling file, print sharing and Guest accounts, such as using proxy servers
As for the world of hackers, Cheng Mo doesn't know much about the field of knowledge, but he knows that if his father is a hacker, he must be a hacker now. Although he doesn't want to admit it, his father's shadow is nowhere to be found in him. not.

After entering the forum, Cheng Mo saw that he had received a lot of private messages before he found his post, mostly asking him what he wanted to learn and how many bitcoins he was going to give out.

Cheng Mo found a reply from more than a dozen private messages. This one was not found casually, but was decided based on the person's screen name.

Net names can reveal a person’s inner world to a large extent. People who use Martian names as names are undoubtedly very young and naive; people who use animation elements as names are naturally high school students. , college students, junior high school students; there are also white-collar workers whose names are like business cards; most of them are well-educated; some have goddess of desire, loneliness, FU, JI love videos , Panasonic pants straps, not dissatisfaction, is a liar.
And people like Cheng Mo who use random garbled characters as their names have to be extra careful, which shows that he is always on guard against others.

The online name of the person chosen by Cheng Mo is called "spicy brain pumping", these four words contain three Internet terms, "spicy chicken", "funny", "brain pumping", these are three sarcastic words of a joking nature , is known for his emojis, and using these three words as his online name has a self-deprecating meaning, indicating that this person is very open-minded and jokes. Relatively speaking, he should be a sunny and cheerful person.

Another key point is that people who use Internet terms as names are not very old, and those who are young are always easy to coax.
Cheng Mo returned the private message and asked the other party to leave a contact information, so he began to look for clues on the dark web, waited for the lunch box to be delivered, and watched the popular science video, then closed the dark web and began to write questions.

Click on a blue book on the computer desktop with the word "Changya" on it. This is the "Changya Learning Software" and the computer version of the "Changya APP", but after opening it, it is found that it needs to be updated. Chengmo has turned off the automatic upgrade. , it can only be done manually, so after the manual upgrade, it takes dozens of seconds to read the article.

The internet speed of Cheng Mo's house was good, and the upgrade was completed very quickly. He entered the student number to log in, and the homepage had been greatly revised. It was completely different from the previous pages that were all information on various test papers.

After entering, at the top of the middle are the names of the top three in each grade, as well as the nicknames they use on the Changya learning software. Cheng Mo knew that Xie Minyun was followed by a row of "X", and she didn't want to expose herself. , while the vast majority of other students chose to make their nicknames public.

Cheng Mo also saw that Shen Mengyao was called the "Goddess of the Sun", and silently thought that only Neon and the Nordic Sun God were women.
Next is a list of rankings, including "question brushing rankings", "problem solving rankings", and "contribution rankings". The so-called contribution rankings mainly represent the school's participation in various levels of subject competitions, including mathematics. , Physics, chemistry, biology and informatics competitions can win prizes, including sports competitions, music competitions, and the weighted score is not low
Before Cheng Mo came to see the list of the leaderboard, he was first attracted by a pop-up announcement. The announcement stated that every week, those who can maintain the top ten of the list will have learning points. The champion of the week can get five hundred, No.2 three hundred, No.3 one hundred, and then No.10 is fifty.

It seems that the reputation of Hengshui Middle School and Maotanchang Middle School in recent years has put a lot of pressure on Changya, but Changya can't use corporal punishment like Hengshui and Maotan, and use prison-style management to motivate Changya's students. They moved forward, so they used another method that was also very effective, that is, profit-driven, but in this way, schools without financial resources would never be able to play.

For Cheng Mo, this is naturally a good thing. Although [-] learning points is not a lot, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. For him who has been inexplicably deducted from learning points, these extra incomes are not bad. .

Cheng Mo turned off the announcement and dragged the page down to the ranking list. The result was a little surprising to him. "The Queen is from Outer Space", which ranks first in the problem-solving list and the problem-solving list all the year round, is suspected to be Xie Minyun's account. After the update, Both lists can only be ranked seventh and fifth. At this moment, the top ranking list is: Anonymous 19002211.

Cheng Mo looked at the number of questions on the back, which was exactly the same as the number of questions on his own account, so he knew it was him, and the No.2 anonymous person had 217 fewer questions than him, Cheng Mo refreshed it, Instantly reduced to 214
Cheng Mo looked at the third, fourth, and fifth places behind him. The gap was not too big, and he was suddenly speechless. Chang Ya was hiding a lot of madmen. Even when he was sick, he wanted to keep it up. It is a bit difficult to get the first position on the list of questions, but at least he has occupied a favorable position with his previous accumulation.

At this moment, he didn't think too much, entered the sea of ​​questions, hit the water in the middle, and the waves stopped the flying boat.
However, because Cheng Mo doesn't pay much attention to the contribution ranking list at this moment, he ignores the ID that ranks third on the contribution ranking list.

(Hee hee hee! Ask for tickets!)
(End of this chapter)

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