Rebel Demon King

Chapter 215 Freemasonry

Chapter 215 Freemasonry

Although Cheng Mo had heard of Zacharias Sitchin for a long time, he hadn't read his "Earth Chronicle" seriously. If Xie Minyun hadn't mentioned it, he would have forgotten that he had been dead for almost ten years. Linguist, science writer.

In fact, the scientific community ridiculed this linguist, calling him a "folk science enthusiast".

"Zacharias Sitchin, I know that before he passed away, he would still correspond with my father. He was already eighty years old at the time, and he tried his best to sell his "Alien Creation Theory" to my father. My father Consistent with the views of most scientists, the value of "alien creation theory" cannot be completely denied. In fact, this hypothesis is not the first one put forward by Zacharias Sitchin. Some scientists have hypothesized that it is aliens. Earth civilization has been created, but current mainstream research is still focused on exploring whether the outer space environment is conducive to the formation of organisms due to political factors, religious factors, and academic resources. Therefore, there is no universally accepted theory of alien creation Supported by the evidence." Cheng Mo's blood was scorched by the huge flame that suddenly lit up, and what was surging in his mind at the moment was the "Origin of Humanity" written by his father Cheng Yongze, what exactly was written?
As for how Cheng Yongze got Uroboros, he was temporarily unable to think about it, and he didn't dare to think about it.Undoubtedly, there is a huge and ignorant unknown ahead of him. Even if he possesses something similar to an "artifact" like Ouroboros, it is just a small boat floating in the boundless sea. If he is not careful, he will die. The place of burial.

Cheng Mo doesn't believe that his father died in an accident at all.

"Really? I didn't expect Mr. Zacharias Sitchin and Uncle Cheng to know each other. Have you seen him write "Earth Chronicle"?" Xie Minyun asked in surprise.

Cheng Mo shook his head and nodded again, "I wasn't very interested in this undeniable and unprovable theory at first, but I just glanced at it roughly, and didn't read it carefully. The leftover text and the "Bible" are combined to deduce the origin of human beings, but this kind of science lacks strong proof"

"It's not surprising that you have such an idea. Mr. Zacharias Sitchin, the pioneer who propagated that alien races came to Earth in ancient times to assist mankind in the development of civilization, has been mercilessly ridiculed by many media. When I look up the information later, I will see On a program, another professor of linguistics, Carly, said: If you compare the ancient Sumerian engraving tablet with Xiqin's book, you will find that the two sentences do not match, and there is no way to compare the engraving board translated into what Sitchin wrote in the book. Carly used 'Anunnaki' as an example, and Sitchin defined 'Anunnaki' as 'Visitor from heaven'. Kali said: The correct meaning of 'Anunnaki' should be 'royal seed' (royal heir). In fact, it is not only Professor Kali, but many traditional academic Sumerian scholars and Kali Professor Li has the same view, thinking that he deliberately misinterpreted the Sumerian language just to attract people's attention."

Xie Minyun paused, and continued: "Another popular science writer, Corey Goode, said that Mr. Zacharias Sitchin had contact with three members of a secret society. The purpose of this secret society is to create an issued orders, and the people believed in the religion of a pseudo-alien creator. These three provided the society’s Sumerian cuneiform translation to Sitchin, and let him start from 1976. Starting from "No. Chronicles of the Earth."

"Actually, according to my research, Mr. Zacharias Sitchin's first book "No. 12 Celestial Bodies" was published by Berkeley Books, which is a subsidiary company of Penguin Press. Penguin Press belongs to Pearson Group. The shareholder members of Pearson Group belong to a secret organization called 'Economist Group', most of the members of this organization come from Freemasonry, and Lord Rothschild is an important member of this organization. There is another secret organization in the organization, called the 'Economist Intelligence Unit', or EIU for short. At an annual meeting of the EIU, Lord Rothschild contacted Mr. Zacharias Sitchin at the London School of Economics through his publishing company co-financed the work of Mr Zecharia Sitchin"

"So, Lord Rothschild, or the Rothschild family assisted Mr. Zacharias Sitchin to spread the theory of ancient alien creation. The most direct proof is the History Channel's "Ancient Alien People" series is sponsored by the Bristol Meyyers Squib company. Guess who owns a huge stake in the company?"

"That's right, Lord Rothschild! And Mr. Zacharias Sitchin is also a member of the Freemasonry." Although Xie Minyun asked the question, he did not pause, but gave the answer directly in one breath. My own research is still very confident and proud. To be able to tell this kind of secret that no one can share, for Xie Minyun, there is a huge sense of comfort, as if I have been unable to speak for a long time, and finally found someone to talk to.

This is a kind of happiness that comes from "sharing" and "confiding"
At this time, the two of them had already walked to the entrance and exit of the museum, that is, the side of the glass pyramid. Cheng Mo thought that his father seemed to be a member of the Freemasonry, and his expressionless face twitched slightly. Let his brain explode, and to hide his unnaturalness, he had to say: "This is really shocking."

Most people don't know much about the organization "Freemasonry". People often only hear about this organization in some sensational newspapers and magazines and conspiracy theory novels. Mason Commune".

Regarding the origin of Freemasonry, the most absurd statement he has seen is based on its commune document "Masonic Charter". It is said that this document was written in 1701 and officially first published in 1723. In the first "History" According to the explanation of Freemasonry, Freemasonry originated in 4000 BC, and this year was called the Year of Light by Freemasonry.They claim to be the descendants of Cain, who are familiar with astronomy, geography and the mysteries of the universe.

In addition, there is a book that reveals the secrets of Freemasonry: There are two theories about the origin of Freemasonry. One is that it participated in the construction of the ancient Babylonian Tower of Babel. masons.

These two statements are isolated but not proven. So far, there are not enough archaeological objects and documents to prove this point. What's more, even if there was an organization composed of stonemasons in 4000 BC, it has gone through 6000 years of vicissitudes. , Countless wars, famines, and plagues, how many empires and dynasties fell apart, and even the millennium empire like Rome has been wiped out, while the Freemasonry has survived for 6000 years.

However, the 6000-year lineage inheritance, hereditary transfer, and even internal changes were unknown, and they did not appear suddenly until the eighteenth century. This kind of plot structure similar to magical novels is undoubtedly too absurd.

However, there are several points that are not in doubt. "Freemasonry" does exist and is a very powerful organization.

The greatest enemy of Freemasonry is Catholicism. The difference between Catholicism and Freemasonry is not only in academic or theological views. For 300 years, the Catholic Church has in fact compared Freemasonry with Satan the Devil.

At the end of the nineteenth century, Pope Leo XIII insulted Freemasonry, even using obscene terms.

Not only that, Christians' hatred of Freemasonry continues to this day, and it is not limited to the Catholic Church. In November 2002, Archbishop Lon Williams of Canterbury, who belongs to the Anglican sect, condemned Freemasonry as incompatible with Christianity. Because of its occult nature, and possibly Satan-inspired beliefs.

It can be said that the Freemasons have every reason to support Zacharias Sitchin to write this popular science book against creationism.

The two stood under the glass pyramid and looked at the blue sky outside the rhombus-shaped glass. At this moment, Cheng Mo's stomach suddenly growled, and he, who always eats on time, remembered that he was talking too much just now. H, completely forgot about eating.

"I'm hungry too, why don't we go eat." Xie Minyun turned to look at Cheng Mo with a faint smile on his lips.

Cheng Mo nodded, "Where to eat?"

"The food in the Louvre is expensive and unpalatable, why don't we go outside!" Xie Minyun looked at the watch and said.

"Oh, going outside, will it be too troublesome?" Cheng Mo hesitated a little.

"Let's go, don't be wordy, anyway, the remaining two hours are not enough for you to see anything, I'll take you to a nearby cafe." Xie Minyun dragged Cheng Mo towards the exit.

Cheng Mo did not refuse, he also wanted to hear more from Xie Minyun about Freemasonry, he believed that Xie Minyun knew more than he did.

Coming out of the Louvre, walking across the square is the left bank of the Seine River. This whole street is full of famous old bookstalls.

Xie Minyun and Cheng Mo walked among the crowd of tourists. The thick leaves of the sycamore trees were very green and transparent. Xie Minyun said softly: "If you have time and interest, you can spend a whole afternoon here. I used to like a family Visiting an old bookstore, there are second-hand books of various languages ​​in various eras, old posters of the Black Cat Cafe, artistic postcards with a sense of eroticism, and of course there are also a lot of music books and CDs. Can’t see It doesn’t matter if you understand, what you enjoy is a sense of calmness and freedom, browse quietly, flip through gently, don’t worry about the owner of the bookstall, he is sitting under the tree staring at the girl in red in a daze, no one will urge you."

Looking at the colorful old books and posters under the black tin shed, Cheng Mo couldn't help sighing: "It's really romantic when you think about it, these old books give people a sense of history when you touch them, maybe the place where I stood may be the place where the big man once stood." Maybe we will still set our sights on the same book.”

"Have you seen "Amelie"?" Xie Minyun asked looking at a pair of Emily's watercolors hanging on an old bookstall.

Cheng Mo shook his head.

"You must see it." Xie Minyun stepped forward and asked the white-haired old man who was staring at her in French, "How much is this painting?"

Cheng Mo turned his head and looked at the Seine River on the side, the river water was sparkling in the sun, it seemed calm, but there were deep and strong water patterns running fast in the river.

(End of this chapter)

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