Rebel Demon King

Chapter 202 Xie Minyun

Chapter 202 Xie Minyun

Xie Minyun

Height: 172cm
Weight: 103 catties

Cup size: DE
Birthday: October 10 Libra
Stunt: Almighty, except knowing the way and falling in love.

Hobbies: Kendo, reading, lighthouse learning (Note 1), glass design, calligraphy, violin, piano, oil painting

Motto: Although this world is not perfect, it is on a slow road to perfection; perhaps, it is perfect at every moment, and all sins already contain forgiveness, and all blooms contain corruption. Bad, all babies contain death, all passings contain eternity, just as all perfection contains imperfection...learn to love this world and stop comparing it to some imaginary world that I wish , compared to a perfection that I conjure up, but to let it be, to investigate it, to hear it, to be willing to belong to it.


In the scorching hot and dull air, Du Leng's confident and calm question was like a sudden earthquake and tsunami, making Xie Minyun who was standing in the stairwell momentarily fell into a shocked dazed state.

At this moment, Cheng Mo was destroyed and rebuilt in her heart, and the image that was destroyed again and rebuilt again completely collapsed.

Refined egoist?
That was just a misunderstanding of him.

The inexplicable Xie Minyun felt very sad. It was really hard for her to imagine how a young life should calmly deal with the death that would come at any time. Although people always say that time passes quickly and life is but a drop in the ocean, this short and pale presentation is true. Take a look at the entire history of mankind.

For each individual, in the best years, the most wonderful years, when such a time when you can flaunt your vitality, you should wait for the ruthless god of death peacefully and calmly, and live hard like an ordinary person. What a strong will it takes.

At this moment, Xie Minyun understood what Cheng Mo said calmly and expressionlessly: "How can lucky people like you understand the misfortune of people like us." What a mockery of the unfairness of fate is hidden.

At that time, she couldn't understand, because she felt that Cheng Mo's vision was too narrow, and she even felt that she was very willing to exchange lives with Cheng Mo.

As a red aristocrat with young roots, her life is basically determined.Study, study, enrich yourself, get a brilliant degree, and then marry the son of a political ally.

For example, Wan Sheng, the son of the Wan family, of course Wan Sheng is very good, with impeccable looks and knowledge, it seems that he really likes her, okay!Then marry him, and then live a life of being a husband and raising children. Presumably he will be very busy, and I will have a lot of free time, but that doesn't mean that I can do whatever I want, she has to socialize, she She must maintain the circle of friends of the wives of the big shots, and she must participate in the intrigue within the family.

No matter whether she has a good or bad relationship with the other party, no matter whether the other party has three wives, four concubines, or even an illegitimate child, she must maintain the husband-wife relationship with the other party, give birth to a son, and carefully train him to make his son a successor.
So that the prosperity and wealth of the family can be extended.

Although she is only 17 years old, she can even imagine what her 80-year-old life will be like.

Perhaps in anyone's eyes such a life is a kind of perfection.

But in Xie Minyun's eyes, this kind of life is just like her WeChat avatar, which is a spiral illusion, a vortex composed of concentric circles, which makes her life fall into the abyss in the constant rotation.

Fate, when it is clearly visible, becomes a chain that binds body and soul, and it becomes tighter and tighter until it is suffocating.

Whenever he thinks about the future, Xie Minyun is extremely envious of those ordinary people.

But she has no choice.

Even the mother she admires and hates the most, as the best of many women, cannot escape the shackles of fate.

She kept trying to break free, she performed better than most boys, she desperately made herself perfect, and hoped that in the future, she would not have to dedicate her body and dignity to a person who didn't know what to say, and hoped that she could be like her mother Similarly, being able to control one's own life to a certain extent can become an object worth cultivating in the family, rather than just being a reproductive tool.

She hates perfection and has to pursue perfection in order to fight for more choices.

But these struggles, these resentments, these efforts are so insignificant compared with the cruel life Cheng Mo faces.

Why should I accuse him of compromising injustice?

Apart from life and death, which one of the worldly affairs is not a matter of nostalgia?
She originally thought that there was something wrong with Cheng Mo's mentality, but now she realized that there was something wrong with her own mentality.

Standing in the stairwell, Xie Minyun felt that the air around her was heavy and viscous like mercury, and she seemed to hear the god of fate taunting her mercilessly: "You see you are pretending to feel the life of ordinary people, you just learned how to ride the subway, You just learned how to ride a shared bicycle, you eat cheap food and wear the same school uniform as everyone else, you think you can enjoy it, but do you think this is an ordinary life?"

"Then you now know what ordinary life is! When disasters and misfortunes strike, you have no ability to resist. You can only watch yourself go into the abyss."

"Now, are you still willing to exchange lives with Cheng Mo?"

Xie Minyun's forehead was covered with beads of sweat. For the first time, she felt that she was superficial and terrible. She remembered a sentence in "The Great Gatsby": When I was young and inexperienced, my father taught me I said a word, I still can't forget it. "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone," he told me, "just remember that not everyone in this world has had the advantages you have."

She has always understood the truth, but she still doesn't understand how unfair fate can be to some people.

Xie Minyun turned her head and grabbed the iron doorknob and leaned out of the stairwell a little bit. She saw Du Leng and Cheng Mo standing side by side on the roof covered with dazzling gold, looking at the emerald Yuelu Mountain in the distance, the winding green, Like raging waves in the sky.

Cheng Mo's back is slender and straight, like a lighthouse standing between the sea and the sky.

At this moment, Xie Minyun hoped that Cheng Mo would agree to Du Leng's conditions, and she no longer felt that Cheng Mo's compromise was something he should reflect on deeply.

However, she heard Cheng Mo respond: "Senior Du Leng, I am very moved by your concern, but if you want to cooperate with the strong, you must grow into a strong yourself. Although I am not a strong, I think I am a strong person." Don't need pity from others"

"I know you have the ability to solve the problem of money, but you have to understand that heart replacement is not just a matter of money. It is not easy to find a suitable heart source, and your time is very limited." Du Leng slightly Frowning, he felt that Cheng Mo was a little too irrational, so generous and in line with the conditions he needed, he actually refused without much consideration.

"Besides, I don't feel pity for you, but I think you are worth it. You can detect Changya's underground black market, learn some gambling games, and plan ahead. It is the only genius I have ever seen with such a strong penetrating power. If I'm not wrong, probably you were planning all this when you attended the June [-] party I held, right? I didn't realize your genius at the time, maybe it was blinded by the jealousy of your relationship with Xie Minyun, maybe it was a long-term The smooth sailing made me gradually proud." Du Leng said with a hint of self-confidence.

"Speaking of which, I would also like to thank you for your hard work this time!" Du Leng turned his head and glanced at Cheng Mo's stern side face. He is really a natural military adviser, and he can keep calm and calm at any time, because his heart is not Allowing him to be excited, although limited by objective conditions, is enough to win his respect.

Cheng Mo lowered his head, and after a while, he turned his head to look at Du Leng for the first time, "Such conditions are indeed beyond my imagination, but I don't want to sell my life just yet."

"I said, don't rush to answer, you need enough time to think, I have enough patience for you." After a pause, Du Leng smiled and said: "But Min Yun, you should stop thinking, Yan Yitong is very good Alright." Then Du Leng showed some strange expression and said: "It seems that it is also very difficult. His brother."

Cheng Mo interrupted Du Leng, "I don't have much thought about any girl, and my problems haven't been resolved yet, so I'm not qualified to say these things."


When Cheng Mo returned to the class, the summer vacation was completely over, and everyone in the class had already dispersed, except for Fu Yuanzhuo and Yan Yitong, who were sitting in their seats talking with a little uneasiness.

"Cheng Mo, Du Leng didn't make things difficult for you, right?" Fu Yuanzhuo saw Cheng Mo coming in from the front door of the classroom, and immediately stood up and asked loudly.

Cheng Mo shook his head, "No." He was still thinking about the other badge that Du Leng had on his shirt. The pattern is so similar to the Ouroboros pattern, except that one is a snake, the other is a dragon, and the other has only one. One has two lines, but they are consistent in imagery.

"Then what have you been talking about for so long? Side Effect and I went to the student union office to take a look, but we didn't see you and Du Leng!" Yan Yitong, who was sitting sideways on Cheng Mo's seat, also turned his head to look at Cheng Mo who was approaching. asked curiously.

"What else can we talk about? Of course it's about this exam." Cheng Mo temporarily put aside his thoughts about badges and replied without changing his expression.

"Is he not going to pay for the tuition?" Fu Yuanzhuo raised his eyebrows. Obviously, if Du Leng really wanted to do this, he was going to come to him.

Cheng Mo shook his head, "Du Leng didn't mention this at all, I guess he will pay, but it is difficult for us to exchange 66 learning points, or we can only exchange them at a low price."

"It's a big deal, we won't exchange it anymore, we can use it ourselves, there are so many delicious food in the canteen." Yan Yitong pouted and said brazenly.

"66 is enough to evacuate the canteen several times." Fu Yuanzhuo rolled his eyes.

"It doesn't matter so much, in order to celebrate this glorious victory, I will treat you at noon." Then Yan Yitong lowered his voice and said, "Do you want to call Song Xizhe up? Let's go have a big meal together."

Cheng Mo looked at the phone, shook his head and said, "Not at noon today, I have something to do with someone!"

(Two updates today, and one more)
 Note 1: Pharology, the etymology comes from the place name Faro, the first lighthouse in human history, and one of the seven wonders, the Alexander Lighthouse is located here.Lighthouse science is a very unpopular subject. As the name suggests, it is the study of lighthouses. Although there are very few people engaged in this research, it is actually a very interesting science. A history of lighthouses in the world is a history of shipwrecks. It is also the history of human exploration of the ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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