Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1423 Finale (4) Until the End of the World

Chapter 1423 Finale (4) Until the End of the World
"Am I too nervous on stage just now?" Fu Yuanzhuo asked, looking around.

"I'm a little nervous, but just right." Du Leng pointed to the tears in the corners of his eyes that were not dry, "You can see that I'm crying because of you. In fact, when I was in high school, I loved pretending to be an adult. At that time, I thought it was cool to behave like an adult. Looking back now, I feel so ashamed that I could dig out a castle with my toes. When I heard what you said just now, I thought again, I have become what I wanted to be when I was a child. Have you become the kind of adult you are? It seems like it’s just a little bit off, but it’s still far away, so I don’t have any regrets.”

"Don't say it so seriously!" Fu Yuanzhuo said with a smile, "Brother Leng."

Du Leng suddenly stopped and bowed to Cheng Mo and the others, "I also have to thank you."

Gu Feifan waved his hand quickly, "Don't, don't, don't start reminiscing about brotherhood before you even have a drink. It's too early in the drama. Why are you going to stir things up later when you're drunk?"

"If we really want to reminisce about brotherhood, then it's not a bow." Du Leng straightened up and said, "Then we have to give Zhu Lingqi and Guan Bojun a thumbs-up. Their projections really touched me today."

Fu Yuanzhuo scratched his head, "Originally, I planned to donate all the gift money to the 'Tai Chi Dragon Disabled Soldiers Association', so I looked for the data of Zhu Lingqi and Senior Guan Guan in the headquarters database and made a projection, but I didn't expect Tongtong donated the money to the school first. Money was not a problem. I discussed with Sisi and donated another one to the association. But the words I had written earlier were useless, so I thought of a paragraph and recited it. It was great, but as soon as I got on stage and saw all of you, I forgot all about it. I didn’t even think that I would be nervous about getting married. But the strange thing is that when I started talking, I wasn’t so nervous anymore. No matter what I said, I was so moved that I even cried."

"I cried too. Just when the three-dimensional projections of Zhu Lingqi and Guan Bojun popped up." Gu Feifan sighed and said, "Time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, Fu Yuanzhuo also got married, and I also had a child. . Do you know that every time I play with my baby, I always sigh when I look at his tiny hands and feet? Why do I have children every time I see them? , seeing them grow up little by little, I always feel unreal, and I always sigh about how I have children. For the first time, I look at them from a new perspective, a father's perspective. I read the picture books and asked questions one after another. Watching them play with the sand at the beach, running wildly by the waves in the sun, and crying because of the childish cartoon plot, I sincerely felt that their innocence was really great. Precious. I have never thought about what a person should be like, but I stand in the childhood of my children and look towards their future. I hope they can stay in this state forever, be curious about the world, and have the courage to try new things. You may not understand that you are honest and kind to other human beings!" He looked at Cheng Mo, "You are also a father, you should understand, right?"

Cheng Mo also nodded, "The so-called mature and sensible is nothing more than human society's PUA towards humans."

"Okay." Du Leng rolled his eyes and said, "No one can PUA against your two children. You two are just standing and talking without pain."

"Such a society is abnormal." Cheng Mo said seriously, "It should be subverted."

As soon as these words were said, the atmosphere backstage became a little weird and solemn.

Yan Funing laughed "haha", making the stagnant air flow again. He took out a beautifully carved gilt photo frame from the void and handed it to Fu Yuanzhuo casually, "This is a wedding gift for you. Du Leng and I It was rescued from the underground vault of the Louvre while Cheng Mo was destroying Paris for the second time.”

Fu Yuanzhuo glanced at the front of the frame without knowing why. It was the smiling face of a woman known to everyone in the world. Others were dumbfounded, "This... this shouldn't be true, right?"

"If it's fake, if it weren't for Xie Minyun's silence, we wouldn't be sure that the original is there." Du Leng patted Fu Yuanzhuo on the shoulder, "Put it away! Keep it as a family heirloom."

"Madam, that's an exaggeration! It's too exaggerated!" Fu Yuanzhuo's hands were trembling, "How can I stop it?"

"My ancestors don't know how many treasures were robbed by the French. This painting will be treated as interest first." Gu Feifan said disapprovingly, "Put it away!"

Fu Yuanzhuo was speechless for a moment, then carefully placed the painting on the speaker, and anxiously found a cardboard box to put the painting in. "By the way." He asked, "What happened in Paris? Why is the global network disconnected now? ?”

"Nothing happened, that is, I wiped out all the powerful elites in the world." Cheng Mo said, "Now that the Internet is disconnected, Nuwa is taking over the global network. Soon mankind will enter the era of artificial intelligence management. A truly honest, Efficient era, human society 5.0.”

"The good news is that humanity may be saved." Du Leng said with a wry smile, "the bad news is that the cost is us."

"Ah?" Fu Yuanzhuo looked around and stared at Du Leng, "What do we mean?"

"They are dignitaries from various countries, lords and nobles, business tycoons, and influential celebrities from science, education, culture and entertainment, including us." Du Leng sighed and said with some complaint, "Even Principal Bai The Hebai family is not immune."

"It's not that bad of a price. At least I've given you two choices." Cheng Mo said calmly, "Go to the Winter Palace to receive ideological reform. Or stay on the Eden and follow me to the end of the world."

"Winter Palace? To the end of the world??" Fu Yuanzhuo's scalp went numb and he almost threw out the world-famous paintings in his hands. He looked at Gu Feifan, Du Leng and Yan Funing, "What about you? Where are you going? ?what about me?"


Fu Yuanzhuo was called by Murong Yusi to go through the toasting process.
Cheng Mo, Gu Feifan, Yan Funing, and Du Leng chatted for a while backstage. Seeing that Cheng Mo had no intention of moving, Du Leng asked, "Aren't we going out?"

Gu Feifan and Yan Funing both looked at Cheng Mo. He hesitated and said, "Is it okay for me to go out?"

"What's inappropriate?" Yan Funing asked.

Cheng Mo took a deep breath and said, "I don't know, maybe I'm afraid."


"Ever since the 'Garden of Eden' entered the border, I became in a trance. I thought that people like me would never understand the meaning of my hometown for the rest of my life, but when I returned to it, I would leave it forever and go to the end of the world. At this time, my body seemed to be penetrated by time. I suddenly realized that my hometown is far from a geographical concept. It is a clue of time entangled in me. It is my parents, my relatives and friends, and my teachers. The island formed with my friends is the tossing and turning of language, the breakwater built by music, and the novel I wrote with my life. Everything about my birth, my life, my growth, everything is clear. "Chu" is written on it, like an indelible stone carving. When I passed by the clouds, I saw the familiar river, which was like a blue dragon entrenched at the boundary between the mountain and the city. I saw the burial place of my father. I thought of so many things at once, but I didn't dare to look down. That was the end of my father and my mother's story. It's the end, you will say goodbye to everything you once knew. I thought it would be easy to say goodbye to my dreams, but in fact it is not easy at all. Just like in the cold winter, you know the rain in spring. It will definitely fall, the spring breeze will blow, the spring buds will grow, the spring water will thaw, and the sun will shine brightly, but you are now in such a cold winter, this winter is so cold, so cold that even time is as silent as ice. You know that ahead is the spring wind and the summer sea, but it is still difficult to leave the warm hut in your hometown and go through the cold to the next season~"

After Cheng Mo finished speaking, the four people fell into silence at the same time.

After a while, Yan Funing said, "That's why I'm going out, and that's why I need to say goodbye properly." He patted Cheng Mo's arm, "The banquet is both a reunion and a farewell."

Cheng Mo was silent for a while and then nodded, "It's time to say goodbye properly." He smiled, "I also know that the cold winter is actually a scenery."


When Cheng Mo came out from the backstage, many relatives and friends of Fu Yuanzhuo and Murong Yusi had been drinking for three rounds, and the atmosphere was at its climax. Except for Bai Xiuxiu, Bai Jishu, Xie Minyun, Athena, Shen Youyi, Cheng Linglu, Cheng Mo's uncle Cheng Jidong, aunt Huang Qiaoyun, Cheng Xiuyan, and Cheng Haoyang's family, the atmosphere at the table was very strange. Other tables are very high. Especially the tables of Changya’s old classmates at the back of the hall were filled with singing and dancing.

Gu Feifan glanced at the murderers sitting in the rightmost seat of the first row, as well as the reserved Uncle Cheng Mo's family, and the relatives of the Murong family at the next table. Their expressions were complicated and impressive. How could they have the courage to fight with those few people? The two murderers sat together and sighed. Seeing Athena raising her wine glass and responding to Yu Yafan's toast expressionlessly, he shuddered and said: "MD, brother, I feel like the world has ended just now. Every extra minute of living is a huge profit." ”

"I know you are using exaggerated rhetoric." Cheng Mo whispered, "But not that much."

Seeing that Yu Yafan was toasting Xie Minyun with his usual expression, Gu Feifei couldn't help but said: "Fu Yuanzhuo and his sister-in-law have the courage to serve this wine. She is really not an ordinary person. I feel ashamed." He looked at Cheng Mo and said, "Anyway , Brother, I won’t accompany you anymore, I have to sit far away to avoid harming Chiyu.”

"Me too." Du Leng said.

Yan Funing patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, "You wish for yourself."

Cheng Mo coughed and said, "Since it's goodbye, naturally I don't want to sit with them."

The other three looked at each other, and then laughed softly in unison.

"Then let's sit in the back." Du Leng smiled and took the lead to walk back along the edge of the hall. The passage was quite spacious. Du Leng walked in the front, and the back was big enough for three people to walk side by side. On the side of the hall, there was a short screen made of flowers all the way, and there were flower pillars standing between the banquets. They were dimly visible, and no one noticed them unless they looked closely.

"Oh, no wonder you talked a lot about hometown, farewell, and winter. In fact, you just didn't dare to sit at that table." Yan Funing teased in a weird way, "It's really hard for you, Lord Lucifer, in order to cover up that you are a rake. Ears, it’s been a long time coming!”

"As a staunch lover of pure love, I have to say that it is not shameful at all to rake one's ears. What is shameful is to rake a lot of ears." Gu Feifan smiled and asked, "I'm curious if Athena and Xie Minyun join forces, Can you beat me?"

"Can't beat them. If the two of them really join forces, no one can beat them. Even if I join forces with David Rockefeller, the former number one general, we can't beat the current Athena plus Xie Minyun." Cheng Mo said, " It’s absolutely impossible for the two of them to join forces.”

"That's not necessarily true, right? Maybe the two of them will awaken and join forces to beat you up?"

"I don't care if others make fun of me, Yan Funing, do you know that the most terrifying thing now is not the two of them, the most terrifying thing is your sister. Her favorite thing to do now is to fight with each other. Fortunately, today is Fu Yuanzhuo's wedding. If At someone else’s wedding, the table might have been overturned.”

Yan Funing spread his hands, "Is it my fault?" He sneered, "I'm not talking about you! Cheng Mo, you deserve it. If you marry a goddess' wife, you have to enjoy your life!"

Gu Feifan said with a "hehe" smile: "I can hear it. Cheng Mo, your uncle still hasn't forgiven you for your hatred of seizing your sister!"

"Forget it, let's not talk anymore. If you want to see a joke, just watch it." Cheng Mo shook his head and said helplessly, "Anyway, I'm already lying down."

Cheng Mo said "I won't say anything anymore", and the others naturally stopped talking. He is Cheng Mo, but he is also Lucifer.

Du Leng changed the subject and asked, "Then where should we sit?"

The four people stopped and looked around. Fu Yuanzhuo and Murong Yusi were still toasting table after table in the front half of the hall. Generally speaking, the guests of the entire banquet were arranged according to their age. The older ones were basically concentrated in the front, and the young ones were in the back. Qinghua classmates Fu Yuanzhuo and Murong Yusi sat at the left tables at the back of the hall, while their high school classmates sat on the right.

Cheng Mo and the other two were walking on the right side of the hall, but due to the angle of view, it was the Qinghua students on the left who were further away who saw them first. For students of Qinghua, especially students of Taijilong, who doesn’t know the names of Cheng Mo, Gu Feifan, and Du Leng? Especially Cheng Mo, the more taboo, the heavier his weight, not to mention that there are many students who have experienced the Twilight Battle, so when they see Cheng Mo standing in the middle, they suddenly become cautious. The noisy hall suddenly became a lot quieter. The girls Tang Muchuan and Ye Xiaowei who were close to them stood up immediately and waved to greet them.

Cheng Mo smiled and nodded in response, so all the Tai Chi Dragon students at the three tables of Qinghua stood up excitedly and saluted him solemnly.

No matter how the outside world publicizes it, for Tai Chi Dragon students who know part of the truth, Cheng Mo is a well-deserved hero.

The commotion became louder now, and Changya students who were much closer to Cheng Mo also saw him and Du Leng. Everyone in Changya knew that Du Leng had a high status in Tai Chi Dragon, and they all thought that the students were saluting Du Leng, and no one thought about Cheng Mo. Therefore, the students in Changya all respectfully greeted Du Leng first, and then Look at Cheng Mo.

Sun Dayong, who was blushing after drinking, stood up, raised his glass and shouted to Cheng Mo: "Cheng Mo, you are so uninteresting, you didn't tell me when you came, you didn't join the class WeChat group, let alone contact us old classmates. , I don’t have any camaraderie with classmates, it’s so uninteresting, I have to drink as a penalty!”

Dr. Ma and others also shouted: "You have to drink alcohol as a penalty!"

As soon as these words were said, even the entire second half of the hall became silent. A group of Tai Chi dragon people who stood up and saluted Cheng Mo all froze there, twisting their wooden necks and opening their eyes wide. His eyes looked at Sun Dayong and the others as if they were fools.

Gu Feifan whispered: "MD, the world has been destroyed for the second time."

Cheng Mo stared nonchalantly at the faces surrounding the round table that were rising toward him, like golden sunflowers under the summer sun. BGM naturally sounded in his ears, the horn of the bus sounded from far to near, the silver bicycle bell passed through the rustling leaves, the pigeon whistle, the shouts of teenagers, and the sound of football breaking through the wind echoed over the playground. In the quiet class, Fu Yuanzhuo lay on the table and secretly read comics. The pages of the book crossed the desk board and rubbed his eardrums. Fatty Sun and the others secretly drank ice Coke while lying on the table. There was a rustling sound. Like a faint harmony. A long and slow rhythm flowed in his mind, making his memory feel hot, as if he had really returned to summer and that classroom.

Even though time has passed, the years passing through his body still powerfully stir up his memory. The young boy who timidly wrapped himself in a protective shell has broken out of the shell, but he is full of nostalgia for himself and the time in that shell.

So he smiled and said gently: "Okay, if you drink as a penalty, you will drink as a penalty."

Sun Dayong and Dr. Ma moved their chairs, walked over a few steps quickly, and clamped him to the left and right as if they were afraid that he would be snatched away. They smiled evilly at Du Leng and Gu Feifan and said, "I'm sorry, Senior Du Leng, but... With these two, let’s rob him first.” After saying that, he led him towards the tables in Changya’s garbage class and shouted, “Look, we’ve robbed the No. 1 Scholar, everyone, catch him. Opportunity, we must severely punish this boy who abandoned the class!"

Before Cheng Mo arrived at the table, Big Bear and Monkey had already arranged the chairs and poured three glasses of wine. Without further ado, he walked to the table and poured all three glasses of wine into his mouth three times in a row.

"Fuck~ This kid Cheng Mo is sensible now! I remember he always said he couldn't drink before!"

"Is this still the top pick of the year? I remember he never smiled. He looked gloomy. He wore glasses and looked like a dead nerd. Now he looks quite sunny and a little handsome. How can this be different? Like a person!"

"It seems like these three cups are not enough! I need to make up for three more cups!"

Probably because the contrast with Cheng Mo in everyone's impression was too great, the cheers were particularly enthusiastic, and even the girls became excited and kept talking.

"Everyone listen to me! Everyone listen to me!" Sun Dayong raised his hands to stop everyone from making noises. "Although the punishment of three cups is indeed not enough for those who betray the class, we also have to give the champion a chance to explain. If he explains it well, we will let it go; if he explains it badly, don’t worry about the friendship between classmates and give him a hard time!”

Everyone clapped and applauded, immediately exaggerating the lively atmosphere.

Cheng Mo couldn't laugh or cry, "No, when did I abandon the class?"

"Whether you betray the class or not depends on how you behave next!" Sun Dayong raised his glass and said boldly, "Cheng Mo, it's not like we didn't know each other before fighting. Looking back now, we all feel that the world is really real. It’s a wonderful feeling. To be honest, there are only two people I admire in my life, one is Edward Rothschild, the god of space, and the other is you.”

Seeing Sun Dayong gulping down the wine in his glass, Cheng Mo smiled and said, "You compared me to Edward Rothschild, so I can't have a drink?" After that, he didn't take a sloppy drink. However, even if he made an agreement with Gu Feifan and the others not to use super powers to decompose alcohol, given his current physique, it would still be very difficult to get drunk, so he didn't have to worry about anything.

Seeing Cheng Mo being so generous, Sun Dayong patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder with relief and said: "Although I have just criticized the wine table culture, maturity and growth, that is for the chosen ones and the rich second generation. What can we do if we are immature? I think you are mature, Cheng Mo."

"Thank you for the compliment." Cheng Mo smiled.

"I have benefited a lot from your magic tricks when you taught us how to win points and helped Fu Yuanzhuo's election campaign." Sun Dayong sighed, "It's better to say that there are side effects. Those people you meet will not Without you, I will always live in your body. Although I may not be important to you, you are still very important to me. Without you, I, Sun Dayong, would not be able to achieve what I am doing today. "

"Mr. Sun, did you say this to the vice president in the beginning? There are too many people living in your body! Your physique is too easily frightened!"

Dr. Ma's teasing made everyone burst into laughter, and Cheng Mo laughed too, as if he had returned to his youth, a time when he had not yet learned to laugh.

After the laughter, Dr. Ma burped and raised his glass to Cheng Mo, "Cheng Mo, we don't want to play with you. To be honest, I beat you first because Lao Tian said he was helping me, and secondly he really didn't care. You were unhappy. I didn’t have much sincerity when I apologized to you, but later on, you really convinced me, Dr. Ma. If you think highly of me as a classmate, let’s have a drink!”

"We are all classmates, there is nothing to look down on or look down upon." Cheng Mo and Dr. Ma touched each other, and then drank happily.

Dr. Ma gave Cheng Mo a thumbs up, "You kid, you are indeed more pleasing to the eye than before. You are not annoying at all. You were too pretentious before, but now you are really pretty and amiable." After a pause, he continued She said with emotion, "But I don't know why, but I miss you so much at that time!"

Hearing the word "affable", Gu Feifan, Du Leng, and Yan Funing, who were sitting in a row with their backs to Cheng Mo not far behind, couldn't hold back anymore.

Gu Feifan laughed so hard, "No, did Cheng Mo do so poorly in high school? Will he still be bullied?"

Du Leng replied awkwardly: "When he was in high school, no one knew he had a heart disease. They all thought he was too pretentious, so they didn't like him very much."

"You were also involved, right?" Gu Feifan asked.

"Stop talking. Talking too much will bring tears to my eyes." Du Leng pretended to be angry, "If it weren't for me, he and Xie Minyun wouldn't have gotten together so quickly!"

"Really? Do you still have this effect? ​​So Cheng Mo didn't give you a pair of leather shoes?"

"I didn't have a good relationship with him at that time. Every time I see him, do you know? I feel sad, as if I've lost love. I just have this damn illusion that there's no way I'm going to be great when I'm good at it, and I want to give up on myself. Later, I got to know him more, Only then did I realize that I was simply mistaken. He was not Zhuge Liang, but Cao Cao. I was not Zhou Yu, but Xing Daorong."

"Thief Cao?" Yan Funing said, "You dare to criticize evil forces!"

"MD, you have destroyed the world again!"

The three of them snickered and took a swig.

"Why are you three laughing here? Are you laughing so happily?" Xiyuanji Hongwan quietly appeared beside Yan Funing and asked quietly.

Gu Feifan lowered his head and replied in a low voice: "Look at Cao. No, let's see Lord Lucifer's old classmate execute justice and pour him wine!"

"Is that wine?" Xiyuanji Benimaru shook his fan, sat down with his back to Cheng Mo, and hid behind the flower screen, "That was Lord Lucifer's youth!"

At this time, Cheng Mo had already been poured nearly twenty glasses of wine by the male classmates who came up one after another. The other people who had already drank a lot were even more drunk now. The banquet became more and more lively, with the crisp sounds of clinking glasses, rock-paper-scissors playing, wild jokes and whispers swirling in the night wind under the shining starry sky.

A light blush also appeared on Cheng Mo's face.

Sun Dayong stood up unsteadily, clapped his hands vigorously and said, "Congratulations to the number one scholar for passing the test of our male classmates!" He waved his hand and said in a leadership style, "Now I'll leave the soul torture part to you. Female classmates!”

Zhen Siqi, who was at the girls' table, stood up, walked over with a wine glass in hand, and smiled at Cheng Mo Yanran with her crimson cheeks raised, "No. 1 Scholar, you don't remember me anymore, do you?"

Cheng Mo also stood up politely, "How could you not remember, Zhen Siqi, the art committee member of our class, and the class beauty."

In the garbage class back then, Zhen Siqi was a very eye-catching person who loved to dress up. She had a good figure, sweet appearance, and good family conditions, but her thoughts were mostly spent on other aspects. However, she took the art exam for the college entrance examination and was admitted to the acting department. Up to now, I have a very good relationship with Yan Yitong. Using Yan Yitong, I have played many second female roles in China, and I am considered a well-known actor in the country.

"Stop the soul torture for a moment. Let me toast you first. If it hadn't been for your encouragement, I might not have been able to get into the theater and realize my dream of becoming an actor."

Zhen Siqi, who was dressed in a Louis Vuitton outfit that looked like a wealthy flower in the world, drank a glass of wine gracefully first, and Cheng Mo had no choice but to accompany her.

When he put down his glass, Zhen Siqi said: "On behalf of everyone, I ask you some questions. You have to answer them seriously."

"I will answer whatever I can." Cheng Mo said sincerely.

"What have you been busy with these years? Why is there no news at all?"

Cheng Mo smiled and said, "I'm not busy with anything, I'm just wandering around overseas."

Zhen Siqi pouted, "Your answer is so insincere."

Dr. Ma followed the output, "I said Cheng Mo! We are all old classmates, stop pretending to be mysterious. Zhen Siqi is a big star after all. I am asking you here personally. No matter how old you are, your boss should give you some advice. Face?"

"I'm not a big star, Yan Yitong is the big star!"

"Yan Yitong is an international superstar!"

"Yes! Cheng Mo, even Yan Yitong is not as high-minded."

"It's not that I won't say anything." Cheng Mo smiled bitterly, "I really have nothing to say."

Cheng Mo was worried about how to explain. Suddenly, a voice intervened and said with a smile: "Our boss is mainly engaged in high-end arms, electronic biotechnology, biochemical pharmaceuticals, subversion of authority and other projects overseas."

The group of people all looked at the red-haired girl in a black professional suit. She was standing next to Cheng Mo with a tall figure and a charming smile. She immediately overwhelmed Zhen Siqi.

"Who is this?" Zhen Siqi asked.

Xishi answered quickly: "I'm our boss's secretary." She winked charmingly, "If you have any needs in this regard, such as buying large laser weapons, electromagnetic weapons, individual combat equipment, or wanting to If you want to transform a biochemical army, if you want to become the chief of any island or the king of any country, you can contact me. For the sake of the boss, you can get a 20% discount."

Cheng Mo's face darkened and he said angrily: "Xi Shi, stop talking nonsense here and go back to your table."

Xishi pouted and said, "Aren't I here to fulfill my duties as a secretary and help you keep your drink away?"

"Thank you so much." Cheng Mo said helplessly, "Hurry back to your table."

Xi Shi was not angry, "Boss, you have a good time with your old classmates, I won't disturb you." When she left, she did not forget to blow a kiss to Cheng Mo seductively, "Boss, don't get drunk. If you get drunk, you might be in big trouble."

Cheng Mo waved his hand, signaling Xi Shi to leave quickly.

When Xishi left, the boys were excited.

"Cheng Mo, your business is quite big! You can afford a secretary of this caliber."

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as being a secretary, right? I think this kid Mo seems to have something to hide!"

"I just want to ask, how much does a secretary like this cost per month?"

"Don't get me wrong." Cheng Mo smiled bitterly, "Look at her like that, can I instruct her to move? She just came here to make a joke."

"Regardless of whether it's a misunderstanding or not!" Sun Dayong patted Cheng Mo on the shoulder, "I said Cheng Mo, what are you doing outside that you can hide? I also make a living abroad and work in Tyrande. We built two temples and built two scenic spots, collecting tickets from domestic tourists and paying for incense from pilgrims. We also sell Buddhist amulets and rosary beads. Let’s make it clear that leeks are generous. What else can’t you do? Said?"

"Yes, it would be rude not to say anything else." Dr. Ma agreed.

Cheng Mo didn't want to lie, so he thought about it and said, "Our company is involved in a wide range of businesses, such as information consulting, strategic planning, artificial intelligence, and space business."

"Space business? You're not trying to trick people into migrating to Mars like Max, are you?" Sun Dayong said. Cheng Mo nodded, "Absolutely!"

Sun Dayong slapped his thigh and said, "Oh~ that's a coincidence! We are in the same industry." He put his arms around Cheng Mo's shoulders, "I'm just asking you, do you have an empty cup mentality and do you dare to embrace artificial intelligence? New Era!"

Before Cheng Mo could reply, Sun Dayong spitted out a long list of Internet slang, saying that he was now a member of the private board of directors of a top domestic circle, and had links to many big bosses. What? Enhance awareness, join the track, establish a community, underlying logic, personal IP incubation, asset synchronization, trading traffic, and link resources.
All the students in the rubbish class sitting nearby turned their attention to Sun Dayong, who looked like a Douyin course-selling anchor.

Even Cheng Mo was confused by Kan, "Master, please stop chanting. If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Sun Dayong didn't seem to understand Cheng Mo's teasing, and said calmly: "I am currently preparing a chain organization in Southeast Asia. Don't worry about what this chain organization sells. Anyway, I will roll out short videos all the way, buy traffic, and reduce the dimension. Attack Southeast Asians and harvest our Chinese tourists at the same time.”

"No." Cheng Mo smiled, "You didn't even think about what to do, you just thought about leeks?"

"It really doesn't matter what we do. For example, if we set up a horse-killing chicken club, we should first find a few Tyrant horse-killing chicken clubs to study, and combine the Southeast Asian horse-killing chicken with our Chinese foot massage, and use some originality in the method. The store decoration It should be special, preferably in a cyberpunk style. When the time comes to visit the store on Douyin, Xiaohongshu travel bloggers will start to promote it even before it opens. Don’t worry about bad business. Please queue up for 200 people, and queue up first. For three months, no matter what happens, first gather tourists and local Chinese people, and then contact the MCN organization to invite some people to talk about it. No matter what industry you are in, it is nothing more than telling stories, and Tyrande is the best. The club plays the most popular Chinese music every day, and prepares a variety of Chinese and Southeast Asian top dishes. It builds the reputation of the Mashaji Club that has been inherited for years in Tailande. We also invite the Mashaji Immortal from Bangkok, and the Mashaji Fairy from Rongcheng. The Foot Kneading Immortal has rubbed a hundred thousand backs with one hand. The Turtle Immortal can straighten your back with you when he comes. He has pinched a hundred thousand pairs of feet. He has been able to give you the fragrance of athlete's foot for thousands of years. Also, The location must be the most prime location, and the biggest and most popular signboard should be erected. It doesn’t matter whether it makes money or not. Open a chain store, and perform tours in various famous stores, including the Horse-killing Chicken Immortal and the Foot-Pinching Immortal. Find a few TV stations to interview you and say it’s an experience. He is so excited that he can not only cure all kinds of diseases, but also make him ten years younger. Once he has the data, he will go back to China to raise funds, find angel investors, and at the same time recruit franchisees from all over the world, brainwash him hard, hard." Sun Dayong. Inviting Cheng Mo's shoulder, "How about it, Cheng Mo, why don't you call Fu Yuanzhuo? He is the Tai Chi Dragon Chosen One with a strong background. Let's bring our classmates and come together to win the big vote and realize a Uro Boros freedom?"

This barrage made men and women laugh like crazy.

Cheng Mo also smiled, "I have to think about it. This matter is too big. Let me discuss it with Fu Yuanzhuo first."

"Does such a good thing need to be discussed? Let me tell you, there is really no need to discuss it, just do it. Now, sleeping with the mother-in-law at night is a waste of time!" Sun Dayong seemed to be furious, "This year is the day I think you have the ability to enter Southeast Asia. You are overseas, and I am also overseas. Everyone knows. Coupled with Fu Yuanzhuo's identity, if we join forces, it will definitely be a dimensionality reduction attack, don't you? You know, there are a lot of people in China who want to invest in Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand! And now, no matter what the domestic track is, it is a bit immobile. Go to sea, go to overseas Chinese and foreigners! If we don’t do it, others will!”

Zhen Siqi, who was trembling with laughter, said with a smile: "No, Sun Dayong, are you serious?"

"Of course I'm serious! Is it really possible to stay in China and work? Aren't you tempted by the price of ouroboros now? You won't be able to buy it in China anyway. It's better to go to Southeast Asia, Austria, and New Zealand. As soon as I break out, as long as I catch the trend and take off, let’s not talk about Ouroboros. From now on, washing your face in bird’s nest and soaking your feet in Maotai every day is not like playing?”

"Sun Dayong, you said you took our leeks with you, didn't you just treat us as leeks?" Yu Junshan joked with a smile, "I've been using Douyin all day long to find a partner to open a B&B in Southeast Asia. What kind of life is it like picking chrysanthemums? Isn’t that how you live your life under the east fence, leisurely seeing the sea?”

"Yu Junshan, you are looking down on people." Sun Dayong raised the gold chain around his neck, "Look at the three-pound gold chain around my neck and the Buddhist amulet consecrated by the master. This is something that ordinary people can wear. Did you afford it? To tell you the truth, I was able to set up such a big stall in Tyrande because I had some connections with the military. Otherwise, would the two temples and two scenic spots be accessible to ordinary people? We don’t brag about our current income, nor do we say that we are rich or wealthy. We can still live without worries. Today, I am taking this opportunity to make a fortune with you, and give it a try, and maybe I can become the chosen one. Or, not to mention the Changya Double Cs like Senior Du Leng and Fu Yuanzhuo, they can live longer and pass on Ouroboros as a family heirloom to the next generation."

"Dayong is really serious. The two temples he contracted with us in Chiang Mai have good incense, and the Buddhist amulets he sells to domestic tourists are also very expensive. In terms of family wealth, he is definitely not as rich as Fu Yuanzhuo and Yu Junshan, you two. But when it comes to business, Dayong still has some sense. As a small shareholder in the past two years, I have also made a lot of money." Monkey said, "I'm not asking for help, but he dreams of getting a piece of Ouroboros. The speed of money coming in now is still too slow, so I have been thinking about how to make big money all day long. From what he said, it is indeed an opportunity. After all, Tyrande does not have any big chain of horse-killing chickens."

"When I was dragged to Chiang Mai by him, my parents thought I was being dragged into a pyramid scheme." Dr. Ma chuckled, "If you have any business ideas, you can come to Bangkok or Chiang Mai to find us!"

"Cheng Mo, you're not joking." Sun Dayong said sincerely, "When I have time to take my wife to Chiang Mai, I'll cover the whole trip. It's just for fun. If you have any business, you can also add it up. It's best to pay for it." Yuanzhuo is also called. Then I will take you to meet with several Tyrande generals to see if there is anything needed. Joint training of Huatai's chosen ones and other activities to gain positive results."

Dr. Ma smiled furtively and said, "It's actually more fun without a wife."

Sun Dayong slapped Dr. Ma on the back of the head, "You idiot, you came up with a crooked idea. Do you think Cheng Mo can be like you?"

"By the way, Cheng Mo, I just heard from Yu Junshan that you married Senior Sister Xie when you were in college. Is that true?"

Zhen Siqi changed the topic just right, but the topic was like lighting up a volcano, and everyone in Changya exploded.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! You haven't reached legal marriage age yet in college, right? Yu Junshan must be spreading lies!"

"They got married in Las Vegas!"

"The state does not recognize the marriage certificate in Las Vegas, and neither do I."

"What if it's from China?"

"I don't recognize anyone in China. How can Senior Sister Xie get married? She is the lifelong Bai Yueguang in the hearts of all Changya people!"

"Fuck~ Cheng Mo, if you really marry Senior Sister Xie, you will be guilty of a heinous and unforgivable sin!"

Not far away, Gu Feifan, Du Leng, Yan Funing and Xiyuanji Hongwan were sitting with their backs to Cheng Mo. Without looking back, they exchanged cups and cups. Gu Feifan sighed in a low voice, "It's over, the world is going to end." Destroyed for the fourth time.”

"Four times?" Yan Funing said, "Five times, six times, seven times! If Athena were at this table, I'm afraid all these people would die without a burial place."

"This group of people? Everyone!"

This time, not to mention Gu Feifan and the others, even Cheng Mo felt his scalp numb when he heard all the discussions. How should he answer this question? No matter how you answer it, you will die. If you don’t answer, you will die.

Faced with the ensuing discussions, Cheng Mo also knew that the problem was serious and the consequences would be terrible, and everything must be nipped in the bud. But he didn't regret coming here. He felt that he had really become an ordinary person again. This was what he had hoped for when he was a boy and what he expected now. Such is the fate of life, it has its own destiny. He mentioned a bottle of Maotai and said seriously: "I hope you will stop discussing or asking questions about relationships. The matter is very complicated, not to mention that this is also my privacy. I hope everyone will let me go!"

He raised his head and took a few big sips in front of everyone, as if he was going to finish the bottle of wine in one go.

Zhen Siqi was about to get up to dissuade her, but the drunk Yu Junshan suddenly snatched the bottle from Cheng Mo's hand. He cried while crying, "Cheng Mo, I know what the hell is going on with you. I really feel sorry for my senior sister." It’s not worth it! You don’t deserve her at all!”

"This is definitely the eighth time." Gu Feifan touched his heart, "I'm glad the earth hasn't exploded yet!"

Yu Junshan grabbed the bottle before finishing it. He poured wine into his mouth as if he had collapsed. He drank even harder than Cheng Mo just now. At the same time, he cried and muttered, "Cheng Mo, you are such a bastard! You are such a bastard." ! I’m not worthy of letting such a good woman down, but isn’t Brother Leng much better than you?”

Gu Feifan looked at Du Leng and wiped his sweat, "This is the ninth time!"

Du Leng licked his lips, stood up sweating profusely, turned around and walked towards Yu Junshan, dragging the tearful Yu Junshan out of the hall, "Shan Yaozi, you have drunk too much, don't get drunk here! "

"No, I didn't drink too much! Brother Leng, I didn't drink too much! Do you know why I have hated Cheng Mo so much for so many years? It's not because he helped Fu Yuanzhuo steal the student council president, and it's not because of him that I had to transfer to another school." Yu Junshan grabbed Du Leng's arm and shouted at the top of his lungs, "But I also like senior sister!"

"I've always known, I've always known, but there are some things that you can't touch, just can't touch, and it has nothing to do with her being touched by others. When you think about this clearly, giving up is not difficult, it is difficult. Yes, when you give up, you find that you are lonelier, but believe me, everything can end, youth will end, movies will end, novels will end, even life will end. For some people, just meeting each other is enough, just like some novels, after reading them, it is enough. There is no need to lament about the less than perfect ending." Du Leng took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and smoked from it. He took one out, stuffed it into Yu Junshan's mouth, and said softly: "Let's go! I'll go out with you to smoke one."

While everyone was watching this seemingly farce, a rumbling sound was heard outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. The sound was so loud that it attracted everyone's attention. Even Yu Junshan, who was wiping away tears, looked out the window subconsciously.

I saw that the setting sun was like a fire falling on the sea. It was about to go out. It exuded a warm and melting light on the blue waves, like the last stubborn ember. In the orange wave-like neon halo, four weird aircrafts hung a robot painted in white, blue and red with ropes. This robot is so huge that it is almost taller than the more than ten-story skyscraper in front of Spring Bamboo Shoots. It looks like a real war machine. It flew over the burning waves, steam-like brilliance flashing on its steel trunk, casting a hazy light over the entire world. The sea, the setting sun, aircraft and robots form an image that is both futuristic and retro.

Fu Yuanzhuo, who was toasting during the banquet, saw the robot, everyone was shaking, and murmured: "Isn't this the Gundam RX-78-2 of Yokohama Bay?"

Yan Yitong jumped onto the center of the stage and said with a smile: "This is a gift from Cheng Mo, Xie Minyun, Athena, Teacher Shen, Sister Bai and me."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the name "Athena".

"Oh my God, that person playing the violin on the stage just now was really Athena?"

"If you're not Athena, how can you sit at the same table with Principal Bai and Senior Sister Xie?"

"But shouldn't Athena be in Paris? Why is she here?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

"That's right! Then why is Teacher Shen at that table?"

"I think I saw Cheng Mo's younger brother?"

"Brother!" Tang Wenjun shouted in shock, "That's Cheng Haoyang, Cheng Mo's younger brother!"

"Hey~~Where's that kid Cheng Mo?" Sun Dayong looked around, but found that Cheng Mo was no longer in his seat, as if he had never been here or appeared before. He wondered if he was drunk and whispered, "Why is it missing?"

(BGM——"Goddess Spy View")
Yan Yitong, who was on the stage, raised his hands and performed a standard Peking Opera movement, and then Yingying turned around and changed into the same appearance. The dome of the Chun Bamboo Building seemed to have disappeared, completely disconnected from the outside world, and the orange light from the seaside poured down like rain and fog. Followed by Yan Yitong's melodious Peking Opera lyrics: "Sigh~~ It's hard for Qiu Hong to break up and become two again."

Idiot, infatuation, hatred and madness
Just because the evil animal sacrifices will bring disaster
If the heroine hadn't drawn the sword, everyone would have died~~
Mortal fate is hazy and fairy fate is overwhelming

Tianlun dispersed and invited to Jiangfu
Zhu Si Fu Jue Die Ke Qiao

The traces of snow and mud are far away~
The crane returns without seeing its former splendor

Spider silk knotted in vain, soul flag floating

Cause and effect are dim in the world of mortals
The smoke dissipates~~~”

The sky suddenly became extremely dark, and a clown's face covered in oil paint expanded like light, rose up, and then sank into the void again like the sun and moon rotating around. Then in the hazy moonlight, a mountain-like iron tower descended from the sky. In the changing light and shadow, it swayed and collapsed. Among the fragments in the sky, a few beams of white light pierced the deep and messy curtain, and two entangled black silhouettes, like The kite with its string cut off fluttered downwards.

"Goddess Pi Guan

It should be nearing the end here

But today I will add something more

Sing and listen to everyone

The high tune may not be unknown to people

Have a close friend and clear words

Hongying hunting sword meteor

Point directly at the angry tide and cleanse the sea~~"

When the entangled black silhouette fell to the ground, the camera rose up. First there was boundless blue, and soon it turned into pieces of blue raging waves sweeping over the sky. And above the raging waves, there was a round that was more brilliant and huge than the sun. The ring-shaped steel city is slowly rotating with waterfall-like water flowing. The high-pitched sword-like chant pierced the dark sky, and several figures soared into the sky from the strong wind and waves, trailing flames like meteors, rushing towards the steel city hanging high in the sky. After a long and short burning, the meteor collided with the steel city, bursting out with a strong light, like the sun exploding, and the steel city was swallowed up by the bursting flames.

After the flames that covered the sky and the sun dissipated, Yan Yitong was no longer on the stage, and the mysterious people who came with Cheng Mo were also nowhere to be seen. Only a few long lines of lyrics were left, like the scorching afterglow, still in the air. lingering like a thread.

At that time the crane returned
The vast world is helpless

leaving alone
Goodbye today
The hall was filled with old and new friends

Let’s get together at this time~~~~~”

(End of the book)


Special thanks to: Tikitaka, Entaro, Sha Huan who loves to read, Bei Qi Le, Seven Nights Traveler

Three thousand years ago, waiting for quicksand, sp55aa, my name is immortal, my brother Chen, where will I stay in Lietian?
Crossing the river, pigeon raising expert Qiuba Tianguo's retirement palace, Qiu Shan's oath, Gary3332, Shanju Cihua

Mingshenzhiyu, ChelesaKaKa, Shanshu Yuren, Philosophy’s Leap of Faith, I’ve been separated for years.
zslw_11, My Life Revival, Book Friends 20200113141150234, Yanfa, Ruichi Tianxia

dfkof, God of Thunder, Blue Collar Xiaosheng, TgM, I’m just a particularly lazy orange cat

Chendong Team, Yaolan Poyuexuan, Long Qianyiran, Abandoned Xiaobai, I love to see white and tender balls
Tuomasi_, Bingguo's lifelong recommendation, Sister Bai is the most beautiful, Arus_Huang, Yuanwu Sang
Still educating people with shirts and books? Dozens of cats, ureci, right eye 0oRemnant
Mao Zai Xianyu, Sanshu, Instructor Ha Ke, Mo Fang, Wei Shan Jiuren

Broken Bright Crazy Rain, Cold Rain Xiaoxiao, Night _ Picking Flowers, Heart Saint White Stone Road, mmlukk
What's wrong with falling in love with my sister? All the red leaves on Diancang Mountain, Book Friends 20210301105356140888, wuque2011, Book Friends Xiao Chen

I'm not lazy, I just don't want to, Yong l, Xiao Jie Lan, Ye Nian Ling, Summer Code of Hammurabi

Love Dream on the Other Side, Huang Qiu, Book Friends 20210301105266864974, Driving a BMW and riding a Mercedes-Benz, shaking a Porsche, and smiling with balls
White Rabbit and Black Rabbit, BJ Hippo Lord God, Kong Kong Hollow Man, Yan Ziyue, An Yu, Lannan Nannan

Book Friends 202306171687002340, Qiong Sora, Duyi, My Heart Looks North, Mid-Autumn Festival Mooncakez
Ziyueyue_, Daolin, mango yogurt without ice, inspiring to become a new member of Dalao, Jiuyu

The Naughty Night, Feng Wu Wu, Shui Shi Xiqu, Chen Ye Tian, ​​Shan Shan Lai Bu Chi
A glass of wine in honor of Beiliang, AAAsakura, Qingshan Bu Gai, Capital Xuan, saiyjh
Xi Yingqing, zcyyou, xulongfeifei, Miss Ya’s high heels, Time Memorial House
Zheng Yueban, Zhi Zui Jin Mi, Lazy Cat, Life, Xia Yuhe
And all the book friends who have been waiting until now.

thank you all.


Easter eggs

"Winter Palace? To the end of the world??" Fu Yuanzhuo's scalp went numb and he almost threw out the world-famous paintings in his hands. He first looked at Gu Feifan, Du Leng and Yan Funing, and then looked at Cheng Mo anxiously asked, "What about you? Where are you going? What about me?"

Cheng Mo smiled and said, "You are the only one who doesn't have to choose either way. You can stay on earth."

"Really!" Fu Yuanzhuo also smiled, with a smile that seemed both regretful and relieved.

"I just destroyed the server that Napoleon VII left in Paris. He has three to five servers hidden on the earth." Cheng Mo said, "That is the only hidden danger that can undermine Nuwa's rule in the future."

Fu Yuanzhuo raised his head, "You mean I go find those servers?"

Cheng Mo shook his head, "When I leave the earth, I will take the Chosen One server with me on the moon, so there will no longer be the Chosen One on the earth."

Fu Yuanzhuo opened his mouth, wanting to marvel. He took a breath, and the "ah" he didn't spit out turned into "oh".

"However, I left the "Book of the Law", which the body directly draws energy from, on Although the server was taken away, the moon itself has the energy transmission function. As long as you learn the "Book of the Law" , can still use a lot of abilities, especially those who were once the chosen ones." Cheng Mo patted Fu Yuanzhuo's shoulder, "I handed over the operation of this website to a few young people, and they used to be me. Believers, you can log in to this website and contact the administrator, a girl named Li Rongxuan, and she will pass on all my cultivation experience to you. As for whether you want to participate in the investigation of the Napoleon VII server, it’s up to you.”

Fu Yuanzhuo nodded, "I understand."

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't practice the Book of the Law. Anyway, I will return to Earth again in about twenty years. My children still need a chance to choose to stay or leave." Cheng Mo said with a smile, " At that time, if you and your family are willing to follow me to the end of the world, you can also go to the Garden of Eden."


Sun Dayong woke up from the bed with a splitting headache, and Dr. Ma's leg was pressing on his head. He pushed Dr. Ma's smelly feet away and cursed: "Fuck~ I mean drinking Moutai, how could you get a headache!"

Dr. Ma was startled in his sleep, jumped up from the bed, and shouted in panic: "What's going on? What's going on?"

"What's going on!" Sun Dayong shook his heavy head, "Your feet stink more than stinky tofu, what's going on!"

Dr. Ma put his foot next to his nose, twitched the wings of his nose vigorously, smelled it and said, "It doesn't stink! It smells good, and has a faint smell of shampoo."

Sun Dayong threw the pillow at Dr. Ma, "Go to hell!"

"Stop the noise! ​​Stop the noise! ​​Let me sleep for a while!" The monkey on the other bed muttered.

Sun Dayong looked at the monkey and said, "The sun is already beating down on your butt! You still have to sleep."

"Yu Junshan got too drunk at the Nanshan Club yesterday, so he dragged me and Daxiong to chat all night." The monkey turned over and covered his head with a pillow, "You guys, please don't disturb me!"

When the pillow was turned, a black card floated from the pillow to the foot of the bed like a leaf, and landed lightly on the blue carpet, like a peeling wing.

Sun Dayong jumped off the bed, bent down and picked up the card. It was very light and the texture was indeed metal. He flipped through it, and there were no names or symbols on both sides. Only one side was engraved with a website address. A silver paint-like substance was smeared on the thin depressions of the card, exuding a flowing luster in the sunlight, " ." He pulled off the pillow covering the monkey's head, shook the card and asked, "What is this?"

Monkey looked at it sleepily, "Isn't this from Cheng Mo's sexy female secretary?"

"Ah?" Sun Dayong asked in shock, "Has Cheng Mo really been here?"

"MD, you have been chatting with him for so long, and you even hooked him up to get him a foot massage. Don't you remember?"

"Fuck~is this happening?"

"Ask Dr. Ma!"

Dr. Ma touched his head and said doubtfully: "It seems there is!"

"Look for yourselves. You should have received the same business card." Monkey turned over and continued, "The woman boasted that you can log in to this website and scan the card to realize any wish~fuck~she She said this was a gift from her boss to us old classmates~MD, and she really thought that this website was called Lucifer, and Cheng Mo was Lucifer!”

But Sun Dayong stared at the card and said intently: "Is there a possibility that Cheng Mo is really Lucifer!"

"MD, Cheng Mo is Lucifer, I still want to be the emperor!" Monkey opened the quilt and vented angrily.

"The Emperor? Not yesterday, yesterday. Is Athena here too?"

Monkey suddenly sat up from the bed, "Fuck~ I totally forgot!!"

"Forgot something?"

Monkey touched the back of his head and smiled "hehe", "I forgot to take a photo with Principal Bai, Athena, Senior Sister Xie and Yan Yitong." He fell back on the bed again, with a smile on his face, "What a pity!"

"MD! We forgot too! Fuck!!!"

"What are you going to do to show off from now on! It's a painful loss of a good game!"

"Do you think you can log in to this website and ask him to fulfill our wish to take a group photo?"

"Try it?"

"Just try it!"

Sun Dayong turned on his phone and saw that the group was abuzz with 999+ messages. He clicked into the group and saw that everyone was discussing "alien" and "spaceship". He looked through the chat history. It turns out that when someone was taking a video yesterday, they accidentally photographed an island-like aircraft hovering above the spring bamboo shoots.

The aircraft exuded a faint blue light and spun above the rocket-like Spring Bamboo Shooting Building for a while, then quickly rose and flew towards the boundless starry sky, disappearing in an instant.

"Fuck, Cheng Mo is really a big devil!"

(End of this chapter)

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