Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1420 Final Chapter (1) If the spring breeze has pity on the flowers, can you allow me to be

Chapter 1420 Final Chapter (1) If the spring breeze has pity on the flowers, can you allow me to be young again?

"Brother, I really want to come, and I was even trying hard just now. But I'm really sorry, there's something wrong at home, and I can't even say something, so I really can't come."

Gu Feifan on the other end of the phone spoke in a low tone and was worried.

Fu Yuanzhuo swallowed back what he wanted to ask Gu Fei Fei about what happened, looked out the French window at the sunny Shenzhen Bay, smiled and said, "It's okay, Brother Fei Fei, family matters are important."

Gu Feifan on the other end of the phone hesitated for a while and asked: "By the way, are Du Leng and Yan Funing here?" Gu Feifan on the other end of the phone hesitated and asked.

Fu Yuanzhuo originally thought that Gu Feifan was preparing his closing remarks, but he didn't expect that Gu Feifan changed the topic to a question that he shouldn't ask. Even though Fu Yuanzhuo was not sensitive to Zhengzhi, he still realized that Gu Feifan, or the Gu family, was in big trouble, so he carefully replied: "Brother Leng has a mission. He is following Commissioner Bai to attend the Napoleon VII Congress in Paris. Brother Ning also said he couldn’t come back for the wedding, he should be in Paris as well.”

"So what's going on in Paris now?"

"I'm not sure about this. The external network crashed directly. Some people said that the wedding of Napoleon VII was so popular that it caused servers all over the world to go down. Some people said that all the submarine cables were broken, causing the global network to be paralyzed. . Some people say that "Satan is coming" is reviving in Paris. Anyway, even the domestic Internet has been greatly affected. Social networking sites and video sites are experiencing great fluctuations, and it seems that nothing can be posted. Anyway, now I can't find any news about Paris." After a pause, Fu Yuanzhuo lowered his voice and said, "I guess Satan has indeed arrived, the real Satan."

"Oh~~" Gu Feifan sighed.

Fu Yuanzhuo noticed that Gu Feifan was hesitant to speak, and asked softly: "Brother Feifan, do you have something to say that you need my help to tell Brother Leng and Brother Ning?"

Gu Feifei on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, so long that Fu Yuanzhuo wondered if the call was disconnected. Just when he was about to ask, he heard Gu Feifan's slightly tired voice.

"It's nothing. I just want to say that there are many things that you really can't help yourself. You think you can do it, but in fact you can't do it at all. It's just that what you relied on before gave you a big illusion. You thought it was You can do it yourself. In fact, you can’t do it at all. It’s the people behind you who can do it.”

Fu Yuanzhuo smiled, "Brother Feifan, this is not what you said." He paused and said, "I think you are a very energetic person. You always make me feel that people should be more confident and arrogant in life. A little bit, I think I can do it, it doesn’t matter what your last name is.”

"Really?" Gu Feifan on the other end of the phone also smiled, "I used to laugh at Du Leng, but in fact I am not the same. I have always worked hard to catch up with that person's footsteps. I kept pushing him. "Myself, I trained hard day after day, and I was focused on setting a new record in the Colosseum. I felt my progress. I thought I was close to catching up, but the reality," he took a deep breath, "the reality is me. Nothing, I didn’t catch up with him at all, I couldn’t even see his back. People tend to overestimate themselves, and there is a big gap between what you think you are and who you really are.”

"I particularly understand how you feel, Brother Feifan. When I was admitted to Qinghua, I was so excited. I thought I could touch him. But then, you know, Qinghua and Taijilong are mine. The end is just his starting point. I took him as my goal and kept trying to catch up with him, but I found that no matter how close I got, I could never touch him. Later I discovered that this is the case in life. It's a common thing, just like in the Battle of Twilight. At that time, I thought, no matter what the price is, I want all of us to survive, but can I do it? Later, I hope that everyone will not misunderstand him and hope for the truth. Dabai, let everyone know about his sacrifice, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't even stand up and speak out for him. I later thought that even if he is as powerful as him, he is still powerless against many things. In life, there are bound to be many things that we are powerless to do, but we can choose how to face life. Whether we fight to the death or lie flat, we think we have enemies and opponents, but in fact we do not. No, our only enemy and opponent is reality."

"Haha, when did you learn the unique skill of 'Shiyi Soup'!"

"I'm not giving you chicken soup, I'm serious. And isn't the meaning of 'friends' meant to be able to fight reality side by side? So. No matter what happens, it's always right to talk to your brothers. Don't do it just for the sake of face. "I'm embarrassed to speak." Fu Yuanzhuo said, "If you really feel embarrassed to speak, just let me talk to him."

"I know, I have nothing to say, but I haven't reached that point yet." Gu Feifan asked as if he remembered something, "By the way, why didn't you go to Paris with Yan Funing?"

"Brother Ning told me not to go, no matter who told me not to go. And he also told me that New Year's Day is a good time to get married, and told me not to change the time."

"Did Du Leng call you?"

"Brother Leng didn't call me, so he asked me, and I said I wasn't going. I planned to hold a wedding on New Year's Day. He also said it was a good time, but if he couldn't come, he would come back to make up for it with gifts."

"Okay, let's get together again when they come back." Gu Feifan on the other end of the phone said with a smile, "Today I can only wish you and Sisi a happy wedding."

"Okay, let's meet again then."


Fu Yuanzhuo wanted to emphasize again that if there was anything he needed to tell him directly, but Gu Feifan had already hung up the phone. He opened WeChat and sent a WeChat message to Gu Feifan. At this time, Murong Tianyou opened the bedroom door without knocking, leaned his head wearing VR glasses and shouted at Yuanzhuo: "Brother-in-law, sister asked me about your Why can’t I get through on the phone?”

Fu Yuanzhuo turned around and put his phone back in his pocket, "I was answering the phone just now." He turned around and walked to the bedroom door, inviting Murong Tianyou who was playing games into the living room. The living room had a larger floor-to-ceiling window, which could clearly see You can enjoy the view of Spring Cocoon, Talent Park and the vast blue bay lined with buildings. You can also see the spring bamboo shoots where the wedding was held. In the faint morning light, the glass building shines like a rocket studded with diamonds. It stands on the blue coast and is extremely beautiful.

Murong Tianyou sat down on the sofa, turned on the immersion mode again, rested his head on the sofa and continued to play the game. Since the first year of smart VR in 2027, with the popularization of 6G networks, computer games and mobile games have gradually declined, and more immersive VR online games have become mainstream among young people.

Fu Yuanzhuo has naturally tried the most popular games at the moment, which are those popular games back then, such as "League of Legends", "PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds", "Genshin Impact", "Black Myth: Wukong", etc. In terms of content, With slight changes, the core game core is similar. To put it bluntly, it is just a reskinned game. Use VR glasses to enhance the immersion. There is essentially no difference.

Maybe there is a difference, at least the immersive feeling far exceeds all the games he has played before. It is very different from the older generation of VR. This feeling is unprecedented. He recalled the first time he found a relationship and got a Huawei VR. He excitedly sat in a sofa chair and put on his glasses. At first, he felt like he had entered a dark tunnel. After reading the message, everything suddenly became clear. He stood on the On top of the mountain peaks. In the field of vision is a vast sea of ​​clouds. The mountains passing through the clouds are like islands. The tallest peaks are covered with lush greenery, and a corner of the black cornices is faintly revealed. On the horns squats a golden mythical beast. Many players standing on the flying swords shuttled and jumped above the sea of ​​clouds, just like surfing on the rough sea, flying along the winding waves towards the mysterious building on the top of the mountains.

The feeling of magnificence hit him and made him excited, and he immediately wanted to enter the game and experience it. But under the guidance of the elf assistant, he completed the registration step by step. When the question "Do you want to search the address book and add registered players to the friend list" popped up, his finger stopped between the green "Yes" and "No" , for a long, long time, until the boiling feeling in his chest cooled down, he still did not complete the registration. Instead, he took off his VR glasses half-heartedly, sat back in front of the computer, and pressed the start button, just like turning on his childhood quilt. Dusty box containing toys.

First, the chassis of the water view room lights up, then the screen lights up, and then rows of once-familiar icons light up. He held the mouse and wandered around aimlessly, and finally subconsciously landed on the icon he had clicked the most times. He habitually double-clicked and entered his account and password. After a moment of updating and reading the picture, a line of text popped up on the desktop, "Sorry, the server has been shut down. You can choose to download the stand-alone version."

The screen is bright and the fonts are cold.

At this moment, he realized that games also have a lifespan.

Before he grew up, Fu Yuanzhuo thought that for him, the game was like a different time and space hidden in the Internet. It was placed in a place that could not be reached in reality. No matter how the real world shook, it would remain unchanged. , like a haven for the soul, you can reach it by just entering your account number and password.

But when he grew up, he discovered that everything has an expiration date, even accounts and passwords will expire.

The game he loves is not a vehicle to escape reality, it is a connection with real life. Because no matter what game you play, whether it is a stand-alone game or an online game, the game is still a projection of the real world.

what about you?
Time will wash away the you in the body. What you were once obsessed with will now become a gun aimed at you. Only at this time will you truly understand what growth brings to you. Gain or lose.

When you begin to realize this and actively or passively gradually move away from the things you once loved, it means that you have accepted the reality. I have accepted many departures and do not rely on human willpower.

One day people will enter another stage and say goodbye to the people and things in the past, and say goodbye to themselves.

A wedding is probably such a ceremony.

The ritual of saying goodbye to yourself.

Fu Yuanzhuo raised his phone and opened WeChat. He swiped through the friend list on WeChat. Those groups that were once active were like submarines sinking into the sea. Who knows how deep they fell into the bottom of the sea. He swiped back again and saw the message Murong Yusi asked about, as well as the last message he sent to Gu Feifan. Although he said it didn't matter, it was just a cliché ceremony, but when he thought that none of the groomsmen he expected to attend could make it to the scene, he still felt an indescribable sense of loss growing in his heart.

It is difficult to describe this emotion with words like "sadness" or "regret", because when some feelings disappear, it is not turbulent or violent. It disappears quietly. Sometimes there is a reason, and sometimes It has no reason, but it just disappears slowly without any farewell, just like the toys you played with when you were a child, the textbooks you read, and the sneakers you cherished. They left your life inadvertently.

"Then what's the point of meeting?"

Fu Yuanzhuo didn't have time to think about these mysterious and mysterious issues. He had too many troubles imminent. According to the wedding procedures, he had to leave for Murong's house to pick up the bride in one hour, but the most important best man could not come. It wouldn't be a big problem if anyone else could come, but he knew in his heart that the Murong family actually cared about whether Gu Feifei would be there. He doesn't like this kind of worldliness, but he will eventually be troubled by it.

It seems that the adult world is like this, making simple emotions complicated, making simple rituals complicated, making everything complicated, and then you also become complicated. It is called growth, euphemistically called growth. Maturity is called growing up.

Fu Yuanzhuo took a deep breath and clicked on the panoramic conversation on WeChat. Soon Murong Yusi pressed accept, and a three-dimensional projection appeared in front of Fu Yuanzhuo's eyes. At this time, the bride was sitting in front of the mirror wearing a Chinese dress, and the stylist was doing her hair. On the sofa in the living room not far away, Murong Yusi's sister-in-law Yu Yafan, cousin Murong Youran and several relatives were sitting around, chattering about Napoleon VII and his wedding of the century. Regardless of the words or images, everything was very clear, as if he was not in a hotel, but in Murong Yusi's home, right there.

"What a broken network! Swift hasn't held a concert in several years, but the connection was disconnected as soon as she debuted in Paris!"

"Yes! I'm just waiting to watch Taylor Swift's performance and then see what gift the emperor prepared for Athena on the Eiffel Tower. Then we can go to the hotel." Murong Youran yawned, "The result is I spent the entire night without seeing anything, and I was really pissed off.”

"What else could it be? A wedding ring."

"I don't think Nahuang would be so tacky."

"Idiot!" Yu Yafan held her cheeks with both hands, eyes flashing with stars, "It must be a crown! Is there anything in this world that is more romantic than giving a real crown to the woman you love? Women, not yet. When you get married, you are a princess, and after you get married, you become a queen. This is really the ultimate romance!"

"I also think it's a crown. I can't even imagine how beautiful Athena would be wearing a crown."

"It's a pity that the most romantic scene was missed. I don't know if the Internet will be back to normal when we go to Notre Dame de Paris. I read that there are media reports that it was the saint who solemnized their marriage."

Fu Yuanzhuo didn't sleep much at night. He paid attention to the situation in Paris the whole time. He also cut off the news in the morning, but his ability to collect gossip was really not as good as these women. When he heard such explosive news, he thought: "Sister Xie Witnessing the marriage of Napoleon VII and Athena? Is this a crazy plot that some media came up with? Maybe Notre Dame de Paris will be demolished by two people together. I don’t know what the situation in Paris is now. Napoleon VII must be stupid. I want to be broken by Cheng Mo, but I don’t know who can win in the fight between Senior Xie and Athena. By the way, did Brother Ning tell me not to go because he thinks it’s not easy for Senior and Athena to choose sides? Being used as cannon fodder again? It's really hard to choose sides, and there's Tongtong in the middle, but Tongtong seems to be negligible, in every sense, even if she has the code name of the Chosen Killer. , When it comes to fighting, compared with Athena and senior sister, Tongtong classmate is just a little Karami."

Fu Yuanzhuo originally felt a little regretful that he would not be able to attend such a century-old drama, but when he thought of his experience in Tokyo Bay, he thought it would be better not to go.

After not hearing Fu Yuanzhuo's voice for a long time, Murong Yusi, who was doing some styling, couldn't help but turn her head and glance at Fu Yuanzhuo's projection, "How are your preparations over there? Didn't Brother Feifan say he would arrive in the morning? Are you here now?”

Fu Yuanzhuo hesitated and said, "Brother Feifan said just now that he can't come."

"Didn't you say yesterday that you would come early in the morning? Why do you say you can't come now?" Murong Yusi asked in surprise, her expression even more shocked than him.

"It's because something happened at home." Fu Yuanzhuo replied.

"Ah? Brother Feifan can't come?"

Murong Tianyou, who was still playing the game with a smile just now, didn't even care about the game. He put down his phone and looked at Fu Yuanzhuo, his eyes full of shock.

"Can't come."

"Then what should I do?" Murong Tianyou said angrily, "Brother-in-law, you promised me, and now I have let out all my words. More than ten classmates have said that they will come to me at noon and are waiting to take a photo with Brother Feifan. Now You told me you couldn’t come!”

A group of women were busy chatting about Napoleon VII and his wedding of the century, but they all stopped when they heard Murong Tianyou shouting on the phone.

Yu Yafan asked unclearly: "Is Brother Feifan the eldest young master of the Gu family? The one who is known as the strongest rising star of Tai Chi Dragon?"

Murong Youran nodded and responded: "Yes. Ranked eighty-seven on the Heavenly Ranking, he is the strongest among the new generation of Tai Chi Dragons."

When they heard that he was ranked eighty-seven on the list, the women exclaimed "Wow" again, but after a few words they circled back to Napoleon VII.

"Isn't it ranked eighty-seven on the Heavenly Ranking, which is not far from the top twelve? Isn't it true that soon everyone will have the power to challenge the emperor?"

"Can you challenge Nahuang? Wow, so powerful!?"

"By the way, how many places do you rank in the imperial ranking?"

Murong Tianyou on the side could also hear the conversation over there in the panoramic mode. He immediately stopped playing the game and said disdainfully: "Taking the emperor is not counted in the heavenly list. He is a divine general, the twelfth divine general in the world. One of the twelve strongest people! This is just like the 'King of Boxing'. These twelve people are the strongest people with the gold belt of the boxing champion. If others want to challenge them, they must enter the top twelve in the sky list, and The time to enter the top twelve must be maintained long enough within eight years to get the chance to challenge the divine generals in the 'Holy War'." He said in a disgusted tone, "You women! You don't understand the Chosen One at all. I know he’s handsome! He’s handsome! I think he’s not as good as his brother-in-law.”

"My brother-in-law has a typical pretty boy appearance. He looks like a pretty boy at first glance. How can he be as manly as a king!"

"And strength is also part of a man's charm. According to you, Nahuang is one of the twelve strongest men in the world. He is so young, handsome, and romantic, and his strength is boundless. This He is truly the dream lover of millions of girls!”

"No, it's not." Fu Yuanzhuo really didn't want to participate in such an infatuated conversation, but he really couldn't listen anymore and couldn't help but said: "Now there are only six divine generals left. So he is one of the divine generals. . But it’s hard to say how strong he is, because he will be very unjust in the future.”

Fu Yuanzhuo's oil pouring did not arouse any reaction from the female compatriots. Instead, he teased Yu Yafan, Napoleon VII's sister-in-law, who had eyes full of filters: "Brother-in-law, I think you are jealous." She waved her hand, "It's normal, take it. A perfect man like Huang is indeed easy to make people jealous.”

Fu Yuanzhuo said angrily: "Why am I jealous of him? It's almost as good as not dealing with him."

"Do you know Nahuang? Don't brag!" Yu Yafan said.

Fu Yuanzhuo shook his head, "I don't know him."

Yu Yafan asked curiously: "Then how high is your ranking on the heavenly list?"

Fu Yuanzhuo replied: "I'm not very good at it, I'm over 800."

"Brother-in-law, it's good to be ranked in the top one thousand in the world, but you still have to work harder to be able to defeat the emperor!" Yu Yafan said with a smile.

Murong Yusi's sisters laughed along with them, the branches of flowers trembled, and the atmosphere was very cheerful. Regarding this good-tempered new uncle, the relatives of the Murong family always felt that Fu Yuanzhuo was superior, especially compared with Chen Fang, so they had no scruples about making jokes.

Such laughter did not embarrass Fu Yuanzhuo, because he never felt that people like Chen Fang were worthy of comparison with him. Even if he got a little glory, he was still a 'fighting hero', but this kind of glory was not It was used to show off the blood of countless colleagues behind the heavy badge.

He didn't even think there was anything wrong with such ridicule. Aren't most people in this world like this? He talks about equality, but his body is kneeling down to the strong. We can't blame them, equality is the expectation, kneeling is the reality.

As for using Napoleon VII to step on him? He didn't bother to explain that although he didn't know Napoleon VII, he had a grudge against Napoleon VII during the "Paris Terrorist Attack". There seems to be no explanation. That experience should still be classified as confidential. In other words, when the buddies they participated in drank in private, they would talk about some shocking details with emotion, even if other people knew about it. I don’t know exactly what happened in Paris, under the Eiffel Tower, and at the Ouyu headquarters.

Even though many years have passed, Fu Yuanzhuo still has a vivid feeling when he recalls it. But where are the people who fought side by side now?
Murong Yusi knew a lot of the inside story, and was about to say a few words to her husband when her brother Murong Yongrui opened the door and said with a livid face: "Something happened. Dad fainted."

Fu Yuanzhuo and Murong Tianyou took the Hongqi L9 that was supposed to be a wedding reception and went straight to Murong Yusi's home. However, the motorcade did not accompany them. Only his car, the king's car with a red "囍" sticker on it, was speeding on Beihuan Avenue. Probably because of the New Year's Day, there were few vehicles on the streets of Shenzhen Town in the morning, and there were not many cars running on the always congested two-way eight-lane expressway. In more than ten minutes, Fu Yuanzhuo arrived at the place where Murong Yusi's home was. Mihu No..

This community in the center of Shenzhen Town is a place where old money gathers. Although the building is old and the area is not big, it has an invincible location advantage. Not only is it adjacent to the CBD, you can view the most beautiful skyline in Shenzhen Town, but it is also surrounded by Hong Kong. With various landscapes such as Mihu Lake, Xiangmi Park and golf, it is still one of the most expensive mansions in Shenzhen Town.

The black red flag turned into the villa area shaded by greenery in the quiet morning. It shuttled like a shark in the mottled light and shadow, and quickly drove to a Bavarian single-family house with a blue roof and white paint on the left bank of Xiangmi. The electric door painted with gold paint opened, and a black car with a red "囍" on it quietly drove in. The firecrackers hanging beside the door were not lit, and there was no festive atmosphere at all.

Fu Yuanzhuo and Murong Tianyou got off the car at the reception desk at the door. The housekeeper who had been waiting for a while immediately led them into the house.

"Uncle Quan, is Dad's problem serious?" Fu Yuanzhuo asked in a low voice, following Uncle Quan, the old butler in a tuxedo.

"Doctor Qin said it's still an old problem. Temporary ischemia of cerebral blood vessels caused by elevated blood pressure is not a big problem. You just need to pay more attention in the future." Uncle Quan turned around and replied.

Fu Yuanzhuo, who was nervous, breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good."

Murong Tianyou, on the other hand, acted like a normal person, holding a game console and playing while walking.

The three of them walked through the foyer, turned right and arrived at the living room. There were two bodyguards standing at the door of the living room. Uncle Quan pushed open the double-open alloy door and made an invitation gesture. When the two of them entered, he immediately exited the door and closed the door tightly.

Fu Yuanzhuo glanced at him and saw that Murong Zhongyi was half lying on the main seat of the sofa, frowning while watching the projection on his mobile phone and taking an intravenous drip.

Murong Yusi's mother, Rong Minhua, was sitting on the other main sofa next to her. She closed her eyes and kept turning the red sandalwood rosary beads in her hands. She whispered something in her mouth, "Buddha said, it's good, it's good. Subhuti, it's just like what you said." The Tathagata protects all Bodhisattvas well and pays homage to all Bodhisattvas." All the other direct relatives of the Murong family were present, the senior ones were sitting on the sofas on both sides with serious expressions, while the juniors stood behind the sofas looking confused.

Although Murong Tianyou is a little ignorant, he is also very good at observing words and emotions, especially good at picking out weak persimmons. The atmosphere in front of him was not right, so he immediately put away the game console, raised his hand to take out the wireless headphones from his ears and put them in his pocket, lowering his head, pretending to be a good baby.

Fu Yuanzhuo knew that the Murong family had the habit of holding regular family meetings, but this was his first time to participate, and he didn't know if it was always so solemn or just this time. In short, he could smell the storm coming from the anxious faces, but he couldn't guess for a moment what shocking event would make the Murong family miserable. He wondered if it might be related to "Cheng Mo", but he couldn't imagine any connection. Full of doubts, he walked to the left row and stood next to Murong Yusi. He quietly shook Murong Yusi's hand and found that the weather was over 20 degrees, but Murong Yusi's hand was extremely cold.

Murong Zhongyi, who had been looking at his mobile phone, put down his mobile phone and said in a deep voice like a meeting: "This is the first family meeting in 2030. Although it is temporary, it is very important, very important, very important." He typed. He knocked on the marble coffee table next to the sofa, "It's so important that I have to repeat it three times."

The living room was already silent, and now even the sound of breathing had disappeared, leaving only the sound of the air conditioner "hissing, hissing, hissing" blowing out air-conditioning.

Murong Zhongyi turned her eyes around everyone's faces and continued: "Just last night, while General Liu Yushen was visiting Paris, everyone in the Liu family was arrested. The reason is still unclear. And in Kyoto Under martial law, the Nie family, the Yu family, the Wang family, and the Gu family are all currently under residential surveillance by the Taijilong Supervisory Authority."

After hearing this shocking news, no one could remain silent. They looked at each other and began to whisper in panic.

In front of the torrent, the larger the ship, the stronger its perception and the greater the danger.

And Fu Yuanzhuo finally knew why Gu Feifan failed to come to Chengshen Town. In fact, Yan Funing had given him a hint a long time ago. Only when the answer was revealed did he realize his hindsight.

"This is a liquidation of all overt and covert Western factions. The Bai family will completely control Tai Chi Dragon in the name of 'comprehensive promotion of artificial intelligence governance'. This means" Murong Zhongyi paused and did not go further. , but changed the topic and said in a low tone, "Next, there will definitely be a movement, but I don't know if this time it will be limited to the upper levels, or it will be a comprehensive clean-up." He emphasized his tone. , "In short, please keep a low profile and keep a low profile, and don't cause any trouble outside at extraordinary times."

In the solemn atmosphere, everyone in the living room remained silent for a moment. Murong Yongrui hesitated, broke the silence, and asked in a low voice: "Will my sister's wedding continue?"

"Of course we have to continue. The more this happens, the more we have to continue with the wedding." Murong Zhongyi looked at Fu Yuanzhuo and Murong Yusi and smiled, "Even if something big happens, it can't stop me from giving it to me. My daughter will have a grand wedding.”


Murong Zhongyi said that no one could stop him from holding a grand wedding for Murong Yusi. In fact, he lowered his tone and asked Murong Yongrui to immediately notify the major media outlets that had been angry in advance, telling them not to come to the wedding venue, and Journalists were asked to withdraw their prepared articles and pretend that nothing had happened. Of course, the money will not be given less, and it will be doubled.

In addition, the process of picking up relatives by motorcade has been cancelled, and relatives are also asked not to drive there in luxury cars. Even the borrowed bulletproof version of the Hongqi L9 was parked in the yard and did not drive past.

Fu Yuanzhuo, Murong Yusi, his brother Murong Yongrui, his sister-in-law Yu Yafan, and the two sisters Murong Youran and Murong Tianyou took the nanny car together and drove straight from home to Chunsun Building.

The atmosphere in the carriage was very dull along the way. Yu Yafan kept talking and asked Murong Yongrui to persuade Murong Zhongyi to hide in New Zealand first and transfer as much assets as he could. Don't repeat the mistakes of the Chen family. Not only were they all arrested, but all their property was confiscated.

"We haven't been controlled yet, and we still have a chance to run. I'm afraid it's too late, and we won't even have a chance to run!" Yu Yafan muttered to himself.

Murong Yongrui endured it for a long time, and finally couldn't help but retorted: "With Tai Chi Dragon's current strength, do you think it will be safe for you to hide in New Zealand?"

"That's better than staying here and waiting to die, right?" Yu Yafan said unconvinced, "If dad and mom don't leave, if we don't leave, my sister and brother-in-law will definitely not be able to leave. Can't Tianyou and Youran also leave?"

"What difference does it make whether they leave or not? Is it possible that they will still be arrested?"

"Who knows? Is Chen Fang old? Or he died in the Overwatch Council without any explanation."

"Sister-in-law, that's not the case, is it?" Murong Tianyou, who was sitting in the last row, raised his head and said tremblingly, "I haven't done anything bad."

"Don't listen to your sister-in-law's nonsense. You'll be fine. Chen Fang is involved in leaking secrets."

"Am I talking nonsense?" Yu Yafan said angrily, "Didn't you just hear it from hearsay? Who knows what happened to the Chen family? I heard that it involved a power struggle. The Xie family and the Bai family used Lucifer, the devil, to bring down the Chen family. If you do it, you will force the other party to surrender!"

At first glance, this may seem true, but in fact it is completely opposite to the truth. Fu Yuanzhuo could not speak, "Sister-in-law, I do have some say in Chen Fang's matters."

Yu Yafan turned around and glanced at Fu Yuanzhuo, "Hey? Then you do have some say, as you are a love rival and an alumnus. But at your level, you shouldn't be able to know any secrets, right?"

Fu Yuanzhuo nodded and said, "Sister-in-law is right. My level is indeed incapable of knowing the secrets above S level."

"What do you mean?" Yu Yafan frowned, "Do you mean that the Chen family's affairs are not S-level secrets? I remember Mrs. Wang said that her husband didn't even know why the Chen family fell so fast. Her husband Wang Daofeng was equipped with And the powerful deputy sergeant of the Skills Development Department, the fifth-level Xuan Wen Chosen One."

"The Chen family's affairs are classified as SS-level secrets." Fu Yuanzhuo replied.

Murong Yongrui couldn't help but ask: "Then what do you know? Aren't you the seventeenth-level Ji Yuan?"

"I didn't even say anything about this to Sisi." Fu Yuanzhuo paused and lowered his voice, "I was at the scene when Chen Fang died."


Fu Yuanzhuo's answer was so shocking that everyone else was taken aback. Even Murong Yusi, who was sitting next to him, opened his eyes wide and stared at him in disbelief.

"It involves confidentiality regulations. I can't tell you the details." Fu Yuanzhuo considered it for a moment and said softly, "I can only tell you that the reason why the Chen family was severely punished was not only for betraying the secret, but also for betraying the organization."

Fu Yuanzhuo gave the answer, but everyone no longer cared about the answer. They all stared at Fu Yuanzhuo intently.

Or Yu Yafan couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked: "Are you really there?"

Fu Yuanzhuo nodded, "It's true."

"They say he committed suicide? Is that true?"

Fu Yuanzhuo hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Just talk, we won't talk nonsense." Yu Yafan lowered his voice and said.

Fu Yuanzhuo smiled bitterly, "Sister-in-law, please don't embarrass me."

Murong Yongrui understood Fu Yuanzhuo's "shaking his head", coughed and said, "Don't bother to get to the bottom of it." He said in a deep voice, "It's better not to know about this kind of thing."

Fu Yuanzhuo immediately said: "Brother is right."

"I'm just asking casually. My brother-in-law can't answer, and I won't force him to say it." Yu Yafan said angrily.

Fu Yuanzhuo smiled, and then said seriously: "I just hope that my sister-in-law will not say that Lucifer is the devil in the future."

Yu Yafan was stunned for a moment, then said in a serious tone of education: "Brother-in-law, as a Tai Chi Dragon warrior, you wouldn't worship a guy like Lucifer, would you?"

Before Fu Yuanzhuo could speak, Murong Tianyou raised his hand, "Why not? I also admire Lord Lucifer!!"

"Repay Lord Lucifer? I don't know what you watch and play all day long, but you actually like some messy things!"

Murong Tianyou didn't care about his mother's lessons at all, and retorted confidently: "Sister-in-law, you don't understand at all! Lord Lucifer is the chosen one who can kill the first divine general! He is the strongest man on the earth!"

Yu Yafan was furious, "What are your values? Does being strong mean a good person? He is the devil who created a nuclear apocalypse and made hundreds of millions of people homeless!"

"Ha~" Murong Tianyou rolled his eyes and said with a sneer, "Lord Lucifer did not throw nuclear weapons to us, he was our enemy! If it weren't for him, how could we, Tai Chi Dragon, become the world's overlord? ? Do you think Xiaori and Xiaobangzi are still crazy in front of us? "

Yu Yafan was at a loss for words and looked embarrassed, not knowing how to respond.

Murong Youran glared at his younger brother Murong Tianyou and said viciously: "The child is playing your game, why do you interrupt?"

Murong Tianyou wasn't even afraid of his father, Murong Zhongyi, but was afraid of his sister. When his sister spoke, he immediately shrank like an eggplant beaten by frost, lowered his head and stopped talking.

Yu Yafan seemed to have remembered something, and as if he was whispering, he lowered his head and whispered: "Also, in order to launch the core, Lucifer killed many Tai Chi Dragon people, not to mention those high-level officials who kept their secrets. Yes, it is said that he even killed Principal Xie.”

Fu Yuanzhuo didn't know how many times he had heard such lies. He had never been able to fully understand the meaning of the sentence "A lie repeated a thousand times will become the truth." He thought that a lie was just a lie. How could it become the truth? Woolen cloth? But he saw countless lies shaped into truth in Cheng Mo. The worst thing is that this is not an isolated case. The world is full of false "truths".

As small as "Success comes from hard work", "A diamond is forever, a stone will last forever", "The smartest and unluckiest people in the world are lizard people", "Japan's food safety is the strictest in the world", big ones to "Hayek - "The Road to Serfdom," "The Fatal Conceit," and "The Principles of Liberal Order," "God so loved the world," "All creation equal," and "Self and the People."

He used to blush, get angry, and defend when he heard someone say it, but now when he hears it, he only thinks of Liu Zi in "Let the Bullets Fly". Who cares how many bowls of noodles Liu Zi eats? Everyone just wanted to have fun watching it.

As powerful as that person is, he is also powerless against many realities.

"No, these are all lies. They are all lies made up by some people in order to slander him." Fu Yuanzhuo was cold and weak when he spoke, because he knew that what he said did not mean much, but he had to say it .

"This can't be false, right? It's been reported in the news, and I've heard many people from Taijilong say so, saying that he brutally killed everyone in the Taijilong base, and the entire base was bleeding. Chenghe." Yu Yafan said, "That's what the Internet says."

"This is the media cutting off the beginning and ending and only providing you with one perspective. You did see the 'truth', but this is only part of the truth that the media wants to show you. It's like he only photographed an elephant. Show you a picture of the trunk and say look, the elephant looks like a rubber pipe!”

"What is the truth? You should tell the truth!"

Seeing that both of them were getting angry, Murong Yusi stopped her and said, "Okay, there's nothing to argue about."

"There's no noise! ​​Aren't we chatting?" Yu Yafan said with a smile, "It's just that my brother-in-law is a little too serious."

"We Tai Chi Dragon are forbidden to discuss matters related to Lucifer." Murong Yusi said lightly, "So sister-in-law, no matter where you heard the news, it cannot represent Tai Chi Dragon's evaluation of Lucifer."

After hearing Murong Yusi's reminder, Fu Yuanzhuo fell into a strange state of stiffness as if he was stuck. Yes, Taichilong is forbidden to talk about Lucifer, and this prohibition extends from Taichilong itself to the entire society. Because there are too many secrets hidden in it that cannot be known to the public. How did the Chen family come to power, why did they choose to betray, the secret war between several major families over whether to fight or surrender, the death of Xie Jili, and the refusal to provide support to the Fourth Fleet, and finally to Cheng Mo's bloodbath at the Taiji Dragon Base.

If you want to explain the last question, you must explain all the previous questions together. If all the questions are explained clearly, it will be a devastating blow to the rationality of Tai Chi Dragon's existence.

From a collective perspective, giving Lucifer the blame is the optimal solution.

Anyway, he also knew that he would bear all the charges.

What's more, besides him, who else can afford it?

Therefore, even Principal Bai can't do anything about this matter.

Fu Yuanzhuo felt bad when he remembered that he was still a key monitoring personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and would be talked to from time to time and asked to report as soon as he had any contact with him.

He also complained to Yan Funing. Yan Funing did not tell him how to deal with it. He just smiled, raised his cup and said to him: "Welcome to the world of adults."

"What kind of world is the adult world like?" he asked.

Yan Funing drank it all in one gulp, "It is a matrix composed of shackles cast by lies and interests one after another. Everyone will grow up to be a slave under the shackles, and the entire matrix is ​​the history that keeps us humans in prison. Cage."

"Brother Ning, you, like Cheng Mo, always like to say things that others can't understand."

"If you can understand why Cheng Mo cast Nu Dan, you will understand."

"So many people died! Sometimes, I feel that his behavior went too far."

"is it?"

He used to think that Cheng Mo's methods were too bloody, but now he often feels that Cheng Mo is still too kind.

"Forget it, there's nothing more to say." Fu Yuanzhuo shook his head. Even the eldest brother couldn't do anything after seeing "Sixth Son" die.

Yu Yafan still wanted to continue chatting, but Murong Yongrui pulled her arm and immediately changed the topic and tone of voice and said cautiously, "Brother-in-law, I remember that Principal Bai served as your instructor, right?"


"I think what father means, this purge is that Principal Bai is seeking re-election. This is a good opportunity for you."

Fu Yuanzhuo didn't wait for Murong Yongrui to finish, he shook his head and said in denial: "This is dad's misjudgment. I think Principal Bai's purpose is definitely not for renewal, something must have happened."

Murong Yongrui said firmly: "What else can happen in this situation? Liu Yu was sent to France. It was a trap. If it wasn't for renewal, how could he have made such a big noise? You want to see General Liu is definitely the next person to succeed Principal Bai. He definitely doesn't need to be a monster. He just needs to wait. The Nie family, the Yu family, the Wang family and the Gu family are all Liu Yu's supporters. Isn’t it clear that they are all under surveillance?”

Yu Yafan sighed, "I saw him building a tall building, seeing him entertaining guests, and seeing his building collapse. Sometimes I think that these people in high positions are walking on thin ice every day. I don't know when they will be gone. I don't know. What kind of charges will he be charged with?"

"A charge?" Murong Yongrui sneered, "Maybe you don't even need a charge, just report an accidental death."

"Where is it so dark?" Fu Yuanzhuo shook his head, "It's not like before. Many official tasks are handled by artificial intelligence. The whole process is transparent and the factor of human intervention is reduced to a minimum. What's more, Principal Bai is not that kind at all. She is a person who likes to manipulate power. On the surface, she is very strict, but in fact, she is very tolerant as long as she does not make any principled mistakes. "

Murong Yongrui smiled meaningfully, "Brother-in-law, you are good at everything, but you are too naive. Let me ask you this artificial intelligence, what is its last name?"

Fu Yuanzhuo certainly wouldn't think that Murong Yongrui didn't know the name "Nuwa", and he also knew what Murong Yongrui was referring to.

"When a person is in a high position, she can only go up, not down. This is not her own choice." The smile on Murong Yongrui's face disappeared quickly, like a line of text without punctuation, but abrupt He ended the sentence, "Because going down means falling."

(End of this chapter)

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