Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1411 Tower of Babel (13)

A sword like light pierced his chest.

Napoleon VII in the nightmare sat up straight and took a deep breath. The dark scene in the bedroom was still in front of him. The alloy curtains were tightly closed and the lights were not turned on. In the darkness, he could only lie on one side and charge the battery. "No. 7", with a faint blue halo emitting in the center of his chest, like a distant exit, but also like a yoke close in front of him.

He stared at Number Seven's face that was exactly the same as Athena's. When she was charging, she was most like Athena, lacking vivid expressions, cold, and impersonal. But it doesn't look so similar when activated. Both the expressions and movements are much richer than Athena herself. He didn't know why this setting was made. Sometimes he wondered if Athena's eyes, expressions, and body language would become more lively and colorful when she faced Cheng Mo, unlike when she faced him, which was so cold and ruthless. .

Then his mind returned to the dream he had just had. He kept running away. In the streets and alleys of Paris, among the remaining monuments and newly built buildings, the scene was almost exactly the same as when he chased Cheng Mo many years ago. However, as time passed, the situation changed, and he became The man who ran away like a mouse.

But the worst thing is that, despite all his efforts, he still couldn't escape the sword of judgment.

"I will not die easily. My life has more important value."

Napoleon VII murmured like a confession. He put his hand on No. 7's elastic but cold cheek. He felt that his fingers were like flames, igniting No. 7, who was as stiff and pale and flawless as a plaster icon. face.


He looked warily at the beeper on the bedside, his hand already holding the scepter placed beside the pillow. His eyes were like red holes, illuminated by blue halos that flickered like breathing.

The sound of the continuous tweets and the flashing colors were correct. He stood up and pressed the answer. The screen of the pager lit up, and Clotte Guyon appeared on it, "Your Majesty, the fish is hooked."

"Benner Nelson?"

"Your Majesty is indeed very knowledgeable." Clotte Guyon flattered him without any trace of it. "That's him. And only he. No one else has ever considered broadcasting 'Blood Moon'. Only he caught up with Al Jazeera and tried to By purchasing exclusive broadcast rights.”

"Now let's see if the bigger fish will bite the hook." Napoleon VII's breathing became a little faster. Nothing is more exciting than setting up a conspiracy to change the world structure. His mind was instantly cleared of everything, including the lightsaber that pierced his chest. He did not immediately tell Clotte Guyon what to do next, but pressed the switch on the bedside table, and a projection popped out of the white curtain wall facing the bed. Wearing a black palace dress, he appeared in the reception room of the Palace of Chaillot, surrounded by a circle of insignificant guests from other small countries.

The one who looks almost exactly like him is "No. 3". As the name suggests, he is his third stand-in. His body has been staying in this thirty-square-meter room for three full years. In the past three years, except for using the carrier, he has not taken a step outside this alloy shelter that can only be opened from the inside.

No one knows better than Napoleon VII how his predecessor, General Philippe, died.

"Let No. 3 go back to the office."

"Okay. Your Majesty."

"Tell Bolwin and Marius to come over."

"Okay, I'll notify them right away."

Napoleon VII nodded, "Inform General Edward through a secret message that Benner Nelson is broadcasting the 'Blood Moon' live and Lucifer is inside at the moment. Contact 'Little Morgan' again and tell him the third God is going to take action against him and make him be more vigilant." After a pause, he asked again, "It would be better for me to call him in person. I told him in a subtle way that it would be best to come to Paris to attend my wedding, so as to have good luck. Avoid evil."

Clotte Guyon immediately added, "Let him check the extra information by himself? With Lord Morgan's character, this would indeed be more appropriate. Unlike General Edward, no matter how fanciful the other party's words are, he will check it himself. .”

"That's right." Napoleon VII said, "We still have to activate Nightingale, and we must figure out the movements of General Edward."

Clotte Guyon took a deep breath, knowing that the situation was unprecedentedly complex and intense. This would be the final battle between the six remaining gods and the saint after the "Twilight War". The outcome was already decided. I have roughly written the script and am just waiting for the characters to appear. He nodded deeply and said in a deep voice: "I understand."

"Finally." Napoleon VII suddenly stopped speaking and stared down at "No. 7" lying on the bed for a long time before saying softly, "Invite Pope Constantine to come and say that I hope he can serve as 'No. 7'." 'Baptize.'

"Your Majesty!!!" Clotte Guyon first called out excitedly, then rolled his throat, lowered his head and asked softly: "Your Majesty, do you really want to do this?" His voice experience He was trembling more and more under the influence of radio waves, but there was no fear in this trembling, but more powerlessness and sadness.

"Guyon, do you think I did this because I have been in too much pain these past few years?" Napoleon VII's voice was very calm. It was not so much calm as the last solidification before the storm. "No," he said , "No, it's because the only way to survive is to completely bury everything."


"Hey~ at our speed, it seems that no matter which way we go, it will be too late." Jin Zhuji sat on the shoulders of the "Seven-tone Snake" statue and said dejectedly. I don't know whether it was because the carriage was too bumpy or because he was anxious. Even the rumble of thunder caused by the heavy wheels running over the stone road could not hide the trembling in his words.

"Do your best and obey fate." Li Rongxuan answered calmly, and her face showed relief, as if she had already figured out the matter of life and death.

Jin Zhuji seemed to be affected by Li Rongxuan's tone. He smiled and turned to look to the right side of the vehicle. The thick metal snake staff held by the "Seven-tone Snake" statue not only extends outside the car, but is also higher than the statue. Cheng Mo is sitting cross-legged on the lifelike metal snake head. In front of him, Nicholas and Rebecca pulled ropes to the left and right to drag the cart forward. The violent airflow and the huge head of the statue knocked apart the leafy branches on both sides, flying away the yellow-green leaves. , the densely packed leaves swarmed in one after another, dancing wildly like snowflakes, and he looked at the Babel Tower in the distance among the colorful fallen flowers.

"Hey~ Sir Lucifer, it's time now, please tell me if you have any secrets for speeding through the 'Heavenly Road'!" Jin Zhuji said in a joking tone.

Cheng Mo turned around, "Secrets?" He didn't have any other emotions because of Kim Joo-ki's teasing. He still replied politely, "I'm sorry, no."

Kim Joo-ki shrugged his shoulders, "Your answer is wrong. It should always be 'I'll take you flying if I give you 50', or 'I'm Kobe. In fact, I'm not dead. Give me money and I'll take you there.'" Look at the four o'clock sun in the morning in Los Angeles, that kind of thing."

"You don't need to V me 50, I can help you pass the level." Cheng Mo said.

Jin Zhuji was stunned for a moment, then laughed happily, "Haha~~ You are quite a weird person! I agree with Magnus, you do have a sense of humor."

Magnus, who was also sitting on the shoulders of the Colossus, also laughed and said in agreement: "I haven't met such a sincere liar for a long time. At least he is dedicated." He looked at Cheng Mo, "I didn't laugh at you. What I mean, I really think how to put it, there is a sense of contrast like a cold joke, that is, it is obviously very serious, but it is very funny, the more I say it, the more wrong it becomes. Okay! Lord Lucifer, my ability to express is limited, in short, today Even if Lucifer comes in person, I won’t recognize him, I will only recognize you.”

Cheng Mo was a little confused, "Why do you only recognize me?"

Magnus said of course: "Because you are my savior!"

"I didn't mean it." Cheng Mo said.

"Haha~~~" Magnus laughed and said, "Let me just say that you are a person who is very good at telling cold jokes!"

"FXXK! Can you shut up? Everyone is about to go see God and you are still laughing and joking here!" Jiabao suddenly went berserk and cursed angrily. Her sweet voice completely disappeared. She is also vulgar and does not look like the emotionally intelligent and polite lady just now.

Magnus opened his eyes wide and looked at Garbo in shock, as if he had just met her, "You"

"You bastard, I'm tired of it a long time ago. If it weren't for the traffic and popularity, who the hell would want to accompany you on this shitty journey. Now that it's like this, why don't you use your brains to see if there is any way!" Bao cursed angrily.

"It's's just because there is no other way to think of, that's why! Otherwise, the more nervous you are, the faster you will die." Probably because he has not yet adapted to Garbo's collapsed character, Magnus still stuttered a bit when he spoke.

Garbo snorted coldly, waved her hand and said in a decadent tone: "I'm tired, hurry up and destroy it!" Her tone was not neurotic and hysterical, but a kind of indulgence that broke the pot.

"So you were always pretending?" Magnus asked in disbelief.

“Which internet celebrity doesn’t sell their characters?”

"Then you just said that you regretted not sleeping with me yesterday and kissing me?" Magnus stood up and grabbed Garbo's arm with both hands and asked.

"It's all due to the show. I just want to use you to get CP. Although your succession is not high, you can still be considered a prince. This is the script I thought of before joining this sparring class." Jiabao said with a look on his face. He said nonchalantly, "It's just TM, I didn't expect it to turn into a tragic script now."

It took a long time for Magnus to come back to his senses. He put down his hands and smiled freely: "So you already knew my identity?"

"Yes." Jiabao nodded directly.

Magnus concealed his disappointment and said calmly: "So your ultimate goal is to attend His Majesty Napoleon's wedding?"


"I knew it."

"You know shit." Garbo sneered and said, "My goal is to assassinate Napoleon."


Not only Magnus, but also everyone else, including Cheng Mo, were shocked by this sudden sentence and looked at Garbo in shock with their mouths wide open.

"Our organization is called 'Road Stick', and I am the vice-president of this organization. This time I am tasked with assassinating Napoleon!"


"What is a 'road stick'?"

Except for Li Rongxuan, everyone else was confused.

"'Road Stick' is Lucifer's road, and 'Road Stick' refers to the seven-star marshal's scepter, the symbol of Napoleon VII. 'Road Stick' is the name of Lucifer and Napoleon VII's CP organization!" Li Rongxuan explained.

"Our organization has more than 30 million members around the world!" Garbo said proudly.

Magnus was stunned by Garbo's outrageous sudden turn, and his face wrinkled into a bitter melon, "Assassination of Napoleon VII? Then you are too extreme, right?"

Cheng Mo was filled with questions at first, but then he felt something strange. For any organization to grow, there must be supporters behind it. To a certain extent, the existence of an organization like this is a certain elimination of the meaning of his, Lucifer's, existence. , is also a whitewash to a certain extent. After all, Napoleon VII has a very positive image in front of the public, while he has an absolutely negative image. Binding the two of them is a disguised whitewashing. The question is who has such a motive.

Garbo covered her mouth and laughed, "It's just a joke, you won't take it seriously, right? I just prepared an airbrush and planned to spray-paint the logo of our organization on Athena's 'Feathers of the Clouds' wedding dress!"

Magnus was speechless for a moment, then looked at Jin Zhuji and asked, "Why did you join the group walking the 'Heavenly Road'?"

"Me?" Jin Zhuji did not answer immediately, but asked, "What about you? To save those who died?"

Magnus said: "I like challenges. I felt at that time that I was going to die anyway, so it would be better to die more spectacularly."

Jin Zhuji scratched his head, "Okay! I didn't think that much at the time. In fact, my brain was still thinking intensely, but on impulse, my body had already walked towards you." He shrugged, "So many People are looking at me, and I just want to leave them alone, since I’m not alone.”

Magnus looked at Li Rongxuan again, "Hey, Li Rongxuan, why did you choose to take the 'Path of Heaven'?"

Li Rongxuan glanced at the two of them and said coldly: "I committed suicide the day before yesterday. It was Ahan who saved me."

Li Rongxuan didn't speak a word, but when she did, she was frightening. Except for Cheng Mo, everyone else was too frightened to say anything.

After a while, Jin Zhuji broke the silence in the hustle and bustle with a dull tone, "What happened that makes you think so hard?"

"A lot, a lot." Li Rongxuan smiled, "But when I really had to face death, I thought about it. I felt that I was too pretentious. Now I just regret it. I regret that I always had to quarrel with my mother before."

Magnus seemed to have forgotten Garbo and said with a smile: "Fortunately, my mother has enough sons." The word "mother" evokes memories that exist in everyone. For most human beings, this is one of the few There are not many emotions that can be shared. Maybe you can’t understand the licking dog lighting candles downstairs, the woman wailing in the heavy rain for a phone call, the group of children holding mobile phones and yelling with fists, or the teenage girls giggling at idol posters. Human beings are living in this world. Or in a magnificent yet dilapidated high-rise building, walking back and forth along their own stairs along the time, crying, laughing and scolding each other for being unable to understand and tolerate each other. Everyone is a resident who gradually becomes indifferent due to exhaustion. But there are always some words that have the power to awaken resonance.

In the past, Cheng Mo couldn't sense this power, but now he can. But he still couldn't determine where this power came from, genes? Or inside? In the silence between each other, he heard the gentle sound of waves, and the warm tide surrounded him, like an embrace. He looked at the tall tower again. Even if the Tower of Babel allowed human languages ​​to communicate, it would be impossible for humans to understand each other. Languages ​​sometimes become each other's tombs.

Therefore, does this tower have any meaning?

Did Nebuchadnezzar, who built it, make a naive mistake?

People with their own concerns fell into their own sea of ​​memories, and they all lost interest in talking in an instant. Until the fifth rotation, Magnus and Garbo replaced Nicholas and Rebecca.

Nicholas, who jumped onto the statue, said: "We are almost at the square under the Tower of Babel. Everyone, be prepared." The topic changed and he added, "FXXK, don't say it. I regret not interrupting the conversation with my daughter." The legs of that bastard we live with!”

"Wow~~I didn't expect you, Instructor John, to be such a responsible father!" said Magnus, who was towing the truck.

"Instructor John, don't do this. Your daughter will not only resent you, but she will also love her boyfriend even more." Li Rongxuan said.

"Yes! That's right!" Garbo said, "You should first find a woman to seduce the man, and then when the two of them are having an affair, rush in with your daughter and break his legs with her!"

"What if he doesn't fall for it?" Nicholas said.

"Believe me, instructor, heterosexual men in this world are not good things! No man can withstand temptation. If one woman is not enough, then two!" Garbo answered confidently.

"What if two still don't work?"

"Then change it to a man!" Garbo said without hesitation.

Everyone laughed, and the laughter dissipated some of the smell of death and made the atmosphere more relaxed. As they joked, the square under the Tower of Babel was getting closer and closer. Through the dense branches and fluttering leaves, one could clearly see the giant statues of angels holding various musical instruments on Angel Avenue. Through the straight avenue, you can even see the empty square and the half of the statue from a distance.

The feeling of danger came to my face like the wind, and everyone stopped talking. At this moment of silence, a thick blue light beam entwined with countless slender currents pierced through the sponge-like thick forest and broke through. A complete circular corridor leads from the right side at lightning speed to the huge statue placed on four carts. At the same time, lasers blew like raindrops from all directions, shrouding the entire convoy.

Nicholas jumped up and opened his light shield in front of the light pillar, blocking the thick light pillar like a huge golden ball. Others also lit up their shields and rose up in the rain of lasers, protecting the statue in the middle.

The blue light beam continued to impact Nicholas, and countless fragmented light spots splashed like iron flowers, illuminating the long dark road like dawn. Wave after wave of lasers coming from the dense forests on both sides hit the people protecting the colossus, attacking like a heavy rain the seemingly fragile defense line established by several students. No one noticed that occasionally some lasers that leaked through the defense net of several people would disappear the moment they were about to touch the statue.

"Damn it!" Nicholas roared angrily, "Virgo! There's no need for this! If you don't have the task of killing us, we can leave the statue to you to destroy! We can go to the perimeter with you!"

Magnus also shouted: "We do not have to take the 'Pilgrim Road', there is no need to kill each other."

At the end of the blue light beam, Virgo asked with doubt, "Are you willing to let us destroy the statue?"

"No problem." Nicholas replied loudly.

The stormy laser attack subsided, but the blue beam of light showed no intention of stopping and continued to attack Nicholas.

"John, then why don't you hide away!" Virgo said.

"First, I have to make sure that your mission is only to destroy the statue. Second, I think we have to discuss whether we should take the outer perimeter or the 'Way of the Cross'. After all, there is not enough time now. The Walk of the Cross Although it is difficult, the distance is much shorter.”

"Our mission is indeed only to destroy the statue." Vergo continued to ask, "What is your mission?"

"We don't have any tasks ourselves. We just need to restore the statue to open the door to the 'Way of the Cross'. This is no different from the normal mode." Nicholas replied sincerely.

The other end of the blue light beam fell into silence. After a moment, Virgo said: "I believe in you John. I hope you won't disappoint me."

"You should know that I am not that kind of person." Nicholas responded.

The laser rain stopped, and the blue beam of light was like a gradually extinguishing neon, growing from long to short in mid-air at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally disappeared completely from Nicholas. The forest penetrated by the light beam was also completely exposed to everyone's eyes. The thick jungle passively formed a "U" shaped channel. The channel was filled with smoke and the edges were all carbonized trees. There were no flying leaves or splashing lasers in the entire sky, and there was only a line of smoke floating under the dark sky. Dozens of light clusters rose from the woods on both sides of the road, and another group of people who lit up the shield floated from the dense black to the treetops like sky lanterns. They were condescending, still holding Nicholas and Cheng Mo down. Besieged.

Standing at the back of the car, Cheng Mo saw the gray-faced Bharat brothers at a glance. Each of them was holding a golden wheel covered with jagged teeth, standing on the top of the Royal Oak like monkeys, staring nervously at them.

Virgo flew out from the depths of the jungle filled with gray smoke and hovered in the middle of the road in front of the vehicle, maintaining a safe distance of about five hundred meters from Nicholas.

"John, time is really tight, so we think you must follow our arrangements." Vergo said quickly and straightforwardly.

"You said."

"We decided to take the outer route. Although the 'Way of the Cross' is short, it is too difficult, and the angels we have to face are too powerful. The outer roads are indeed long, but most of them are traps, and there are fewer enemies to face. There are many, and there are options. You can choose not to fight the vast majority of enemies. Considering all things considered, we think it’s better to go to the outside.”

Nicholas knew what was going on as soon as he heard it. Judging from the situation, Vergo planned to ignore those students and even use them as bait to attract hatred. He tried his best to pass through the ordinary floors as quickly as possible and go directly to the BOSS that only appeared every thirty-third floor to complete the challenge. Task.

There is no doubt that Virgo's suggestion is indeed the most feasible approach. The problem is that only instructors like them have a chance to survive with this method. They have walked this road countless times, clearly understanding every trap, knowing how to deal with attackers at each location, and knowing where each path is close and which is far. As for those students? There is no doubt that he will become cannon fodder.

Nicholas hesitated for a few seconds, "You do this." He looked around, "What should we do with these students?"

"Everyone is just following their destiny now. There is no difference between students and instructors." Vergo said expressionlessly, "What's more, if you take them on the 'Heavenly Road', they will only die faster and go to the outside. There is more or less a chance of survival."

The other party didn't shy away from anything, he spoke directly and clearly, and it seemed that the other students also understood the current situation very well, but Nicholas didn't know what to say.

"Destroy the statue for me! There is no time to think about so much. John, you also know that the plan just now is the only one that is likely to pass the 'Blood Moon Trial', and all other plans will lead to death. Indiscriminate sympathy It will not give everyone a chance to survive." Vergo said coldly.

Rebecca said angrily: "Isn't this a disguised form of abandoning the weak?"

Vergo looked at Rebecca and said with a sneer: "Then give me a plan that everyone can pass, and I will definitely listen to you."

"If passing it comes at the expense of other people, I won't agree!" Rebecca said categorically.

Magnus also stood up, "I support Instructor Mary!"

Vergo looked at Rebecca and Magnus as if they were mentally retarded, "As long as you don't stop us from destroying the statue, it's your business to do what you want." He mocked, "Don't worry! There will be plenty of opportunities then. Let you be heroes."

Rebecca said nothing.

Magnus raised his hand and turned around in a circle, saying loudly: "Do you think so too? Can't we unite a little? Maybe we can pass the trial by working together?"

The people standing on the treetops stared at Magnus with complicated eyes. They seemed to have something to say, but no one said anything to Magnus.

Magnus clenched his hands into fists, pinching veins, and shouted angrily: "You are giving up on yourselves! Don't think that you can survive by running faster than others!"

Now someone finally spoke.

"It's not that we haven't tried, but time no longer allows us to delay it like this."

"In order to take care of everyone, it took us more than thirty hours to reach the sixty-sixth floor. There are nine hundred and thirty-three floors above."

"Other than that, what options do we have?"

Not many people spoke, and every sentence was so weak that it was like a faint smoke, blown away by the cold wind in an instant.

"What do you say now?" said Magnus. "It seems like they all support this approach."

Rebecca sighed and said softly: "They are right, maybe this is indeed the only way for someone to pass the level."

"You think this is the only way?" Nicholas asked.

"I definitely don't agree with this approach, but it seems that there is really no other way." Rebecca said.

"Are we just going to give up like this?" Magnus smiled bitterly, "Then we wasted so much time and did so much useless work?"

"Who would have thought of this?" Kim Joo-ki said, "In any case, it's better than killing each other, right?"

Li Rongxuan said coldly: "What is the difference between this and killing each other? Can you live with your conscience if you don't do it yourself?"

"What can we do?" Jin Zhuji asked.

"They just blocked us all. They planned to kill us during the battle just now." Li Rongxuan said, "I don't want to go with them, I would rather go alone."

"That's still not necessary." Rebecca said softly, "At least we can still try our best to help other people."

"Are these people worthy of our help?" Jin Zhuji looked at Nan Xianghe with some disappointment, but the other party avoided his sight and lowered his head.

Nicholas shook his head, "It's not worth it."

Rebecca murmured: "I don't think either Brother Salem or Sister Hiyer want me to be the kind of selfish person who will not save someone until death."

"John, stop being indecisive. Every second we delay, our chance of passing the level becomes slimmer." Virgo said dissatisfied, "If you still don't agree, don't blame me for having to attack by force."

Nicholas sighed and said, "I hope you will think carefully. Breaking this statue will not only prevent you from walking the 'Way of the Cross', but also cut off the opportunity to save everyone."

"Walking the 'Way of the Cross' will not only save anyone, but will also kill us all." Under everyone's sad gaze, Vergo raised his hands, condensed a ball of blue light, and pointed it at the road The statue in the middle, "With the difficulty of 'Blood Moon', maybe we won't even be able to get out of the maze, and the whole army will be annihilated!"

Everyone stared blankly at the half of the statue on the carriage. Everyone knew that it meant hope, but they could only watch the hope shattered. They were expecting some kind of miracle to happen, but they thought it was impossible. There will be no miracles.


A cold voice, like an iceberg, suddenly emerged from the calm sea.

In the silence, everyone followed the sound and saw the man hanging alone at the back of the car. Among the bare branches around him, he was floating in the air, exuding a bone-chilling brilliance like ice crystals, like distant and clear stars, high in the air. Hanging on the top of a snow-capped mountain. He stared at everyone with a stern look and an emotionless look, as if he was not a person in trouble, but a god who stood outside time and space and could judge the future.

"I don't agree to destroy the statue." Cheng Mo said calmly, "I want to take the road to heaven."

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