Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1402 Tower of Babel (4)

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! The eight people in front go first! Line up in a row, don't rush for position, and watch for instructor John's evasive moves!" Vergo, with a serious look on his face, waved his hand, urging the students in the second row to follow quickly. , he said in a sullen voice, "When you go in, you must keep up with the rhythm. Don't fall behind the Queen Mother, and don't surpass the instructor!"

Hearing Instructor Vergo's voice, they were trembling, and several pale-faced students did not dare to take a step, as if taking a step forward would lead to death.

"Are you afraid that you won't die?" Magnus said loudly, "If you can't reach the first 'memory point' within three hours, will you die?"

"Yes." Vergo said, "If you don't leave now, we won't stop and wait for you. If there is no instructor to lead the team, you will only die faster."

Magnus jumped high, drew a parabola in mid-air, and took the lead in chasing Nicholas. The remaining seven students looked at each other, still hesitating.

"If you don't leave yet, you have to wait until everyone has left before leaving." Vergo said coldly.

Some people gritted their teeth, jumped up, and jumped onto the marble pavement. The remaining people no longer hesitated, took a deep breath, and chased after them.

"Next group! Get ready!" Virgo raised his right hand, "Whoever delays time will get the hell out of here."

The seven students and an instructor in the second group stood in front, as if they were participating in a relay race, staring at the people who were already on the track, preparing to start.

The sky was gloomy, with blood-stained dark clouds hanging overhead. On both sides of the road, there are giant angel statues that are taller than the towering old trees. Their soft faces seem to become terrifying and ferocious. They are waving violins that are bigger than cars, flutes that are thicker than telephone poles, and that are bigger than those across the road. The shofar, which was heavier than the steel overpass, hit the road hard, like dozens or hundreds of mechanical guillotines, striking the marble road again and again, throwing out countless gravel and sparks. The gravel was like shrapnel, and the sparks were like bullets, flying in all directions.

Nicholas shouted loudly, and golden light shone all over his body. A golden shield symbol spread in all directions, blocking all the front of the road, and also blocked most of the sputtering gravel and sparks.

"Woohoo~" In such a dangerous situation, Magnus actually let out a strange cry of joy, jumped on a harp that was smashed to the ground, stood on the soundboard with patterns on the harp that was wider than the door, and made a He spun gracefully and said loudly, "What's there to be afraid of? This 'Blood Moon Mode' doesn't make it any more difficult, right?"

The students who were still behind looked up and saw Magnus jumping on the strings, as if jumping up and down the stairs. The strings were stepped on by him, making a crisp sound, and played "Jingle Bells". music.

This kind of gameplay is often played by the Chosen One anchors who conduct live broadcasts of customs clearance. It is just that the music played is different. But under the threat of death, Magnus still dared to do this, which can no longer be described as bold. He simply regarded death as nothing.

It was quite easy to see that the students basically just had to follow the instructor and avoid the instruments falling from their heads. Magnus actually still had time to play with flowers, and the students standing in the square felt a little calmer. When they were urged to set off, everyone ran fairly smoothly and basically did not waste any time.

Seeing Magnus still jumping around on the harp, playing "jingle bells", Nicholas, who was running at the front, had to stop. He didn't appreciate Magnus's showoff, which could be called performance art, at all. He turned around and cursed angrily: "FXXK, Magnus, you son of a bitch, get out of here right now."

Magnus laughed "haha" and jumped down from the harp.

At this time, a vision that had never appeared in the guide occurred. The angel holding the harp turned his head and looked at Magnus in mid-air like a living person. In his eyes studded with blue diamonds, he let out two extremely powerful signals. The swift blue laser shot directly at Magnus, who was still falling. At the same time, it passed across the harp, cutting across him like a kitchen knife in his hand.

Magnus was not yet the Chosen One and could not rely on his flying skills to change his body shape. Seeing that he could not avoid it, he immediately equipped himself and his whole body was immediately covered by a suit of armor with "NFL" spray-painted on it, which looked like football protective gear. At the same time, he shouted: "Absolute Rigid Body", white light erupted all over his body, and the muscles under the armor swelled. He waved his thick right hand and raised a silver knight's shield with a golden standing lion from the void to block it. He reached the front, ready to resist the blow.

"Bang~!" A dull sound exploded in the night. While Magnus was hit by two blue lasers, he was also hit hard to the ground by a harp like a high-altitude billboard.

Seeing Magnus flying straight towards another angel like a cannon dropping a violin and several laser beams. Nicholas, who turned back, flew and teleported with lightning speed, and kicked Magnus to the ground before he was smashed into a meat pie by the violin.

After escaping the fatal blow, Magnus rolled a few times, jumped up like a carp, looked down at the undamaged armor, gave Nicholas a thumbs up and laughed heartily, like that It's like being in an extreme sport and completing a move with your partner that's beautiful enough to appear on the cover of a magazine.

Nicholas dodged the violin that hit him in a panic, fell to the ground, glared at Magnus, and shouted: "Don't make fun of your life, don't do these meaningless actions."

Magnus first stuck out his tongue and made a face, then put away his shield and continued running forward. He also did not forget to lift the helmet visor, looked at Nicholas and said with a playful smile: "Look, the armor is not broken~ Instructor John, no It’s necessary to be so nervous.”

Nicholas raised his eyebrows and was about to scold Magnus a few more words when the "rumbling" sound in the distance suddenly became louder, and the marble road began to vibrate violently, undulating like waves, and the amplitude was increasing rapidly.

"Watch your step."

As soon as Nicholas shouted, the marble road under the students' feet suddenly arched up, and spiked iron balls protruded from the ground, piercing everyone who passed by indiscriminately. The team members who encountered the unexpected attack dodged or jumped to avoid the car-sized caltrops at their feet and around them. The team that was neat just now suddenly became messy. Magnus, who just now was lamenting that the difficulty of Blood Moon has not been improved. It also became confusing.

The waves on the wide marble road were rolling, as if there was a giant dragon covered with spikes crawling underground. The angel statues on both sides also sped up their movements, as if to kill the mechanical snake hiding under the marble road. They quickly waved the instruments in their hands and slammed them on the ground again and again. Those rusty metal instruments collided with the protruding iron thorns on the marble road, and then smashed dense iron thorns and shot out in all directions. This iron thorn was mixed between sparks and stones. It was extremely fast and extremely concealed. It could also penetrate the energy shield and cut off the hands and feet of several students in one shot. The one whose hand was shot was okay, but he staggered a little and could continue to run forward. Those whose legs were shot off fell to the ground. If they were lucky, they could be picked up by others. If they were unlucky, they would either be directly stabbed into hedgehogs by caltrops, or chopped into pulp by musical instruments.

The situation changed so fast and unexpectedly, but in the blink of an eye, two people died.

None of the DNA helices rose from their corpses.


When Magnus jumped on the harp, seven students from the first team of the second group, led by an instructor, jumped over the gate and jumped onto the marble road.

Seeing that Vergo was about to set off with the last team of seven students in the second group, Li Rongxuan's small team of seven sticks, who happened to be in the middle of the team, had a dispute. They were in a position where they could join Vergo's second and third team, or they could join the final third team. Li Rongxuan and Nan Xianghe had some disagreements about whether they should join Vergo's team.

"Virgo's ranking is much higher than that of Instructor Mary. Joining his group is undoubtedly a better choice." Nan Xianghe opened his eyes wide, stared at the students dodging on the marble road, and said quickly and tremblingly, "Now it's a matter of Having a great instructor will definitely be beneficial to everyone’s lives.”

"Instructor Vergo's ranking is high, but we did not apply for the 'Florence 13', and from my observation, Instructor Vergo does not seem to be as responsible as Instructor John and Mary." Li Rongxuan's face was not good-looking either. But she looked the most normal, unlike the others who kept shivering like their hands and feet were shaking.

Nan Xianghe lowered his voice, "At this time, who do you think will be really responsible?"

"It's being broadcast live now, and hundreds of millions of viewers are watching it. I think even if the instructors don't want to be responsible, they have to be careful for the sake of the company and their reputation!"

"Ha~~" Nan Xianghe sneered disdainfully, "You think that even if you are facing the threat of death, the instructors will still care about the company and their personal reputation? Li Rongxuan, you are too naive!" His tone was low. He continued, as if he was about to cry, "I also want them to be more responsible, I also want them to be more responsible! But the fact is that it is impossible! When death is imminent, who can control other people?"

Nan Xianghe's sudden collapse made the others look even more ugly. Everyone seemed to have had their souls emptied out, their eyes were lifeless, and their bodies were about to shrivel up into deflated balloons.

"It's meaningless to say these words at this time. Find a way to survive!" Jin Zhuji stared at the students who were making preparations one by one and followed Vergo to rush out and began to count down, "We still have five seconds to prepare, 543."

Nan Xianghe gritted his teeth and said, "I don't care about you anymore!" He clenched his fists and rushed forward.

Jin Zhuji and others quickly followed.

Li Rongxuan glanced at Cheng Mo, who was at the back of the team, out of the corner of his eye, and said urgently: "Wait a minute."

Nan Xianghe did not stop and rushed to the front. Jin Zhuji only paused for a moment. Instructor Vergo had already started to order people.

Seeing that Vergo's team was full of seven people, Jin Zhuji could only retreat to Li Rongxuan and sighed: "It seems that we can only join the third group." He sighed again, "Actually, it would be best to join the middle group. Yes, there are people in the front who are the reference, and there are people in the back who are the bottom.”

Li Rongxuan shook her bloodless face and said, "There's not much difference."

"Even if there is just a small difference, the impact can be huge."

"Whether you can pass in the end is a reflection of your own strength. If you are not strong enough, there is no point in worrying about it." Li Rongxuan said.

Jin Zhuji stared at Nan Xianghe and two other compatriots rushing through the stone gate, and said with a wry smile: "They are all dead anyway, right? What is the difference between dying early and dying late?"

The moment Nan Xianghe jumped onto the marble pavement, the situation suddenly changed. The number of blue lasers increased greatly, like neon lights shining in the sky in the city, lighting up the ferocious angel statues in the dark night. Their hands were stained with rust. The musical instrument looked like a murder weapon stained with dried blood under the bloody moonlight. The night is dark, the jungle is gloomy, and amid the roar, the angels turn into butchers, the road turns into the assembly line of the slaughterhouse, the Tower of Babel in front becomes extremely distant, and the road shrouded by the blood moon becomes the end of death.

Someone reported on the team channel that someone had died in front of them. In addition to the visual oppression, the air also became cold and heavy, and was filled with a strong smell of rust.

Jin Zhuji sighed again and said: "It seems that it is better to go last. At least you can die a little later."

No one speaks.

Li Rongxuan also remained silent.

Although Cheng Mo, who had been standing at the back of the team, could not monitor the private chat channel, he still noticed Li Rongxuan's gaze towards him. From the expressions of several sticks, he could guess what they were arguing about. He could also guess from Li Rongxuan's seemingly casual glance that Li Rongxuan stayed in the last group, more or less for his sake.

Of course, he knew very well that it was not because Li Rongxuan had a crush on him, but because Li Zhixiu had said that Li Rongxuan should take care of him. On the surface, Li Rongxuan does not have a good relationship with her mother, and she even likes to fight against her mother. She looks like a typical rebellious girl no matter how she dresses or talks.

In fact, all of this is a sign that she cares about her mother, and most of her behaviors are stress reactions seeking attention and understanding.

At this moment when death was imminent, Li Rongxuan probably no longer wanted to have any disputes with her mother, and even wanted to follow her mother's wishes and do what she wanted her to do.

This was the subtle way she could finally tell her mother, "I actually love you."

Cheng Mo thinks this kid is not bad at all.

He has always had an inexplicable fondness for Li Rongxuan. These good feelings came from Li Shixian. Although he didn't like Li Shixian that much, whether the relationship was good or not, to him, it was a relationship. These good feelings also come from the fact that she is his fan. This feeling is very subtle. Usually he always sneers at those fans who are obsessed with him on the Internet. But when he sees it, he inevitably feels happy. These good feelings also come from his daughter. Since having a daughter, he has become more tolerant of any child, especially girls. Girls like Li Rongxuan who are related to him feel more like they are looking at the younger generation who are close to him. .

All in all, he was willing to give her some care.

He knew that his "some care" would bring about earth-shaking changes in Li Rongxuan's life. This goes against the principle of being an "observer". But he didn't have this idea suddenly, and it wasn't entirely because of so-called "fate." But he has long been tired of this kind of life. He once adhered to the idea of ​​not interfering in other people's lives as an observer. Then he found that this idea was extremely unrealistic. No matter how far he stayed away from the world and minimized his interference in world affairs, the threads of fate entangled in him, the threads that could not be cut, were still becoming more and more. It becomes more and more convoluted, becomes complicated and bloated, and cannot be untied or cut off. He is a god, a giant whose every move is related to the fate of countless people, and every move will change the trajectory of the world.

He was careful, walking on thin ice.

Over the past few years, due to Li Jiting's "curse", he has lived like a stone Buddha in a temple. He has listened to too many prayers, too many confessions, too many wishes and too many begging for mercy. He has been watching with cold eyes, which is completely different from the freedom he pursues. He feels that he has become hollow, narrow-minded, and even a little funny. For the sake of other people and the world, he tightens the rope of his own destiny and keeps himself at a high place. The body becomes more and more mechanical, and the soul becomes more and more shriveled up.

He finally realized that it was not a curse on those around him, but on him.

The curse of becoming a "god".

Therefore, when he met Xie Minyun and made a one-year appointment, his depression and anguish over the past few years instantly turned into a sense of relief in his heart.

Xie Minyun's "punishment" saved him.

Let him be freed from the threads of fate that were binding him and almost suffocating him.

The closer to the appointed day, the more intense the light pleasure of being released becomes.

He will lose something, and he will also gain something. He will leave behind the identity of "Lucifer" and become "Cheng Mo" again.

He doesn't know what the future holds, but he has the hope of starting over.

"Everyone, get ready to go!"

Rebecca's loud call was like a hint that brought Cheng Mo back from his reverie.

Brother Bharat was also shaking his arms from side to side. Jiejie said worriedly: "Don't look at it. Are you still thinking about picking up girls at this time? Save your life first! My brother!"

Jaiswal did not have the temperament and courage to say that he was the strongest gladiator just now. Like an eggplant beaten by frost, he murmured in a vague tone: "Jiejie, you said that if I die, my wife will remarry." Really? If she really wants to remarry, let’s do it! As long as she can treat my children well.”

"Don't worry, Jaiswal, I think your wife should forget about a heartless person like you and live a happy life." An ugly and weird smile appeared on Jiejie's face, "Well, I feel like she might be fine soon. You will find someone nice and forget all about you."

"Deepika Padukone has such things as men! I don't want that! I hope she will think about me all her life! After I die, I won't want it for a while. At least for ten years, right!?"

"Deepika Padukone." Jiejie was sweating profusely, "When did she become your wife?"

"I had a dream yesterday, and in the dream I had a child with her!" Jaiswal cried.

"FXXK" Jiejie cursed feebly, "Jaiswal, you are just a pure clown!"

"Even if I am a clown, as long as I can live, I will be fine." Jaiswal wiped his tears and said in a weak voice, "As long as I can live, I am willing to be a clown for the rest of my life."

Cheng Mo felt that this dialogue was familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it or where he had seen it. He had no time to think, Rebecca was walking towards him, she looked at him, her eyes full of exhaustion and disgust.

For him, the feeling of being disliked, laughed at, deceived, and cared for is not only not bad, but also fun. As "Lucifer," he sees only flattery and fear on other people's faces. He is the King of Purgatory. Except for a few individuals, most people cannot face him normally. He is not a human being and cannot see normal human emotions.

At this moment, he could deeply appreciate the joy of being an ordinary person. ,

Even if not much.

But the fun is about to end.

He watched Rebecca get closer and closer until she stopped beside him. Countless scenes on the K20 flashed through his mind. The long corridor was covered with Ennos carpets, and the white gauze curtains swayed with the shaking of the car. The little girl was hiding in the car and peeking at him and Xie Minyun. She was walking towards him, transformed into an adult, her eyes were still as pretty as before, but she had grown taller, her hair had grown longer, and she had transformed from a little lolita into a King Kong Barbie. The past and present were intertwined, making it difficult for him to tell whether it was reality or a dream.

Naturally, Rebecca couldn't understand Cheng Mo's emotional gaze. She walked to him, stopped, and whispered in a distracted voice: "This is it now, please don't cause any more trouble for me."

Cheng Mo smiled and said, "Now that it's like this, you don't need to worry about me anymore."

Rebecca's already impatient face became increasingly cold, but she still said patiently: "It's not that I want to control you, this is instructor John's request."

Cheng Mo still smiled and said, "You can ignore him."

Seeing his attitude, Rebecca was both angry and amused, "Why are you still laughing? Do you think 'Blood Moon Mode' is a joke? Or do you think your mother can buy you a living with money?" After a while, she sighed, collected her emotions, and said seriously and sincerely, "For your own sake, be serious and serious. If something really happens, neither I nor Instructor John can save you. No matter how much money you spend, you can't save it. Maybe we can't save ourselves."

"Understood." Cheng Mo nodded and jokingly called out the opponent's Chosen One ID, "Instructor Bloody Mary."

"It's good to understand!" Rebecca seemed to be relieved. She turned around and summoned her remaining strength and shouted loudly, "People in front, follow Instructor Song'en and set off now."

Amid the call, the seven students followed the instructor Song En, who looked like a master of Muay Thai with bandages on his hands and ankles, and rushed out of the safe area and embarked on the windy and rough road.

Soon, it was the turn of the last remaining Li Rongxuan, Jin Zhuji, the blond girl with two buns, Cheng Mo, the Barat brothers and a taciturn neon man to follow Rebecca. Set off.

A group of people watched worriedly as the group in front of them ran further and further amidst the dangers. Except for Cheng Mo, everyone's faces were tense and their bodies were like clockwork robots. There was an obvious sign of excessive exertion. sense of urgency. Even the two Bharat brothers, who would die if they didn't speak, closed their mouths tightly and assumed a starting posture. However, the postures of the two brothers seemed to be ready to charge towards the road of death at any time, and as if they were always ready. Run away. Even in the face of death, the two of them had the innate joy of the Bharat people.

Cheng Mo stood a little out of place among several people, but no one cared about him. Everyone fell into a strange, panicky atmosphere. He could hear each of their breathing, like a lighter struggling to start a flame, rubbing its flint. He could also hear the heartbeat of each of them, which was suppressed but ferocious, as if they were unable to scream before death. His eyes swept over, and the blood moon above the tower, the blue laser, and the firelight emitted from the musical instruments hitting the ground changed on their faces, which were the colors of nothingness and death.

It had been many years since he had seen or felt such a chill. Maybe after causing so many deaths, he has been running away from such a scene.

He always thought that he had protected himself very well, but he never thought that he would be attacked again by the memories of his "death" here.

"Tower of Babel, what a bad trip." Cheng Mo thought to himself, "Xie Xiaojin, is this what you want me to see? Or is there something else behind it?"

"It's our turn to hit the road. Don't be nervous, don't be afraid, just watch my movements. 'The Road of Angels' is just the first level. It's very simple. Just pay attention to the lasers and musical instruments. There's nothing to be afraid of." Rebbe Ka turned her head and smiled at them. She, King Kong Barbie, who had always acted very tough, lowered her eyes, as if she was lost in memories, and her tone became extremely gentle, "The person I admire most said that death is not terrible, as long as you are calm Think about it and it will sublime.”

Cheng Mo closed his eyes. He clearly remembered what he had said. He didn't expect Rebecca to remember it until now.

He sighed inwardly. He was almost certain that there must be something waiting for him behind that he didn't dare to touch.

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