Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1393 Century Wedding (3)

2029 12 Month 25 Day.


There is still one week left before Napoleon VII's "wedding of the century", which is also one week before New Year's Day.A Singapore Airlines C929, like a proud white swan, circled against the wind and slowly descended towards Irak Baghdad International Airport.

Cheng Mo looked out through the porthole window. The terminal building composed of the stars on the golden roof and the crescent moon on the white roof had a simple and beautiful shape. In the middle of the two huge buildings were flying springs and forest-like green plants. The yellow sand reflects the extravagant desires unique to oil-producing countries.In the distance is the New City of Baghdad. From a high position, you can see more than a dozen skyscrapers shining in the sun in the central city, especially the "New Babel Tower" in the middle, built by China Construction Group, which is taller than any other in the world. The tallest building, Burj Khalifa, has become the new top of the world.This ring-shaped tower has not yet been completely completed. Many staff are standing in hanging baskets suspended in mid-air, as if they are clinging to the slender glass cone that stands between the sky and the earth, piercing the clouds. The view is extremely thrilling.

Probably because his eyes were too focused, Bai Xiuxiu came closer. Chengmo could clearly see Bai Xiuxiu's reflection in the porthole. She was wearing a shoulder-length brown wig and an exotic mask with raised eyebrows and thick lips. She looked very similar to Bai Xiuxiu. It's Cleopatra's look.Although the face outlined by the mask was ordinary, it could not hide the charm that was revealed in her bones, especially when her undulating body line was close to him, and the throbbing feeling was even more obvious.Cheng Mo found it strange that even though he had an intimate relationship with Bai Xiuxiu, his heart would always tighten every time he touched her, feeling like he had broken through a taboo.

Bai Xiuxiu didn't notice Cheng Mo's strangeness at all. She followed his gaze and whispered, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm looking at the new city." Cheng Mo calmed down and sighed softly, "I didn't expect Baghdad to change so much. The last time I came here, the ruins of the Tower of Babel were still deserted. Even renting a car It was very difficult, and I was brutally ripped off by hundreds of dollars. I didn’t expect that a city would develop around me.”

"I remember the last time you came here was when you were promoted to the Chosen One in high school?" Bai Xiuxiu thought for a moment and said, "It should have been ten years, right?"

"There are still two months and ten years left." Cheng Mo felt the turbulence of the plane, but Bai Xiuxiu's graceful body did not move away. The soft figure under the sweater rose and fell with the plane, which was heart-stirring.His heart inexplicably entered a state of relaxation, as if he had escaped from the endless black dream every night.He saw the golden roof of the terminal building approaching, the gilded Arabic letters rippling in the sun, like ripples, and only the silver spire of the "Tower of Babylon" in the distance remained. He felt calm again, and returned It’s too much to say, “The world is changing fast.”

Bai Xiuxiu straightened up again, "I have to thank you for all this. If you hadn't replaced the leaders of several factions who had been at odds with each other, there would have been a mess of conflicts. How could it be so easy to usher in peace?" Her tone was low. "It's just that people don't know who is the hero who saves them."

"Hero?" Cheng Mo shook his head, "I'm just a destroyer who opened Pandora's box."

Bai Xiuxiu heard a kind of ancient tragedy from Cheng Mo's plain tone, just like seeing a basalt tombstone that had stood for tens of millions of years. A magnificent history was engraved on it, but the protagonist of that history was not buried there. People under tombstones.But what can she do for him?Except for helpless comfort?She held his hand and said softly: "People will know the truth one day and who is the real hero. History will definitely give you a fair evaluation."

Cheng Mo smiled, "You should know the truth, but the real heroes are you. You are the scientists who study electronic creatures and artificial intelligence day and night. You are the intelligence agents responsible for collecting global intelligence. You are the ones who carry out various secret operations." The agents on the mission also include those railway workers who have laid high-speed rail from China to all over the world, those construction workers who are sweating in ruins, in the wilderness, and under the sun all over the world, those who have installed dams, power grids, and optical cables in The plumbers and electricity workers wherever they are needed, the transportation workers who drive planes, giant ships, and cars to transport materials to all parts of the world, and the code workers who sit in front of the computer and stare at the screen coding line by line. They are the ones. A hero, a real hero." He said, "And me? I haven't done anything, just wandering around the world and completing the SSS evaluation of the ruins."

"No." Bai Xiuxiu shook her head and said seriously, "This is all because of you. Without you, none of this would have happened. There would be no peace, no reconstruction, no development, and people would not be united."

"Without me, there will be others. Maybe it's intention, maybe it's success, maybe it's fulfillment. I was just chosen by history. I didn't create history, everyone created history, and I was just one of them. One." Cheng Mo stared at Bai Xiuxiu and said seriously, "People should not aspire to be heroes, nor should they worship heroes. You have to remember this."

Bai Xiuxiu heard reflections and warnings from Cheng Mo's words. People in high positions can easily lose themselves, and she understands this.She also understands that as a leader, she must not fall into the ideological trap of a heroic view of history, but she also has a personal feeling that some people can indeed change the direction of history.Moreover, Cheng Mo said, "People should not aspire to be heroes, nor should they worship heroes." She could vaguely experience a transcendent philosophy, but she could not understand it. She thought for a moment and said, "I don't quite understand. "

Cheng Mo didn't answer immediately. He held her hand and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter whether I understand it or not, because I don't know if what I said is right or not. I'm just practicing it."

Bai Xiuxiu became even more confused. When she thought carefully, the plane came to a complete stop, and pure Mandarin was heard in the cabin, "Ladies and gentlemen, the plane has landed safely at Baghdad International Airport. The temperature outside the cabin is seven degrees Celsius. Thank you for taking this flight. flights, Singapore Airlines will strive to provide you with the best service."

Cheng Mo squeezed Bai Xiuxiu's hand, "Don't think so much, relax, give yourself a break, and treat this trip as a trip." He said, "Our trip."

Bai Xiuxiu squinted and saw that everyone else in the cabin had stood up, some were picking up their luggage, and some were walking along the aisle.She quickly took her hand out of Cheng Mo's hand, "Our trip?" She sneered slightly and said in Cheng Mo's ear, "You still have to get into the drama, don't forget, your current identity is my son, Ahan. ~"

Bai Xiuxiu's breath was like orchid, and Cheng Mo felt as if his bones were crispy and would break at the slightest touch.Thinking of the identity relationship between Bai Xiuxiu and his fake passport, he frowned and said, "Who got the identity? Why do you have to get a son and a mother?"

"Are you going to ask your secretary?" Bai Xiuxiu sat upright again, watched the crowd of people slowly walking out of the cabin, and said calmly, "Who instructed her to do this? Why are you asking me?"

Cheng Mo quickly shut his mouth tightly. He really didn't think that Xishi would have the courage to do this, let alone Xiyuanji Benimaru. As for Athena, she would definitely not come up with such a sarcastic bad idea, but rather Shishi would encourage Athena to do this, and then Athena would not say anything, so she would take it as Athena agreeing.Thinking that not only would he have a few days to play the role of a loving mother and a filial son with Bai Xiuxiu, but he also had to find a way to persuade Gao Yuemei to go back to Baghdad, he felt like his head was as big as a bucket.

He was speechless, and Bai Xiuxiu ignored him. When the people in the cabin were almost gone, Bai Xiuxiu stood up and picked up the coat and satchel hanging on the armrest. She handed the satchel to Cheng Mo, Qiao Xiaoqian He said nervously: "Son, help mom get the bag."

Cheng Mo reluctantly took the lady's light pink shoulder bag without any logo, with a bamboo handle as the handle and a satin embroidered with butterflies and magnolia flowers as the cover, and carried it in his hand.He hurriedly opened the overhead luggage compartment, slung his backpack on his shoulders, and then quickly chased after Bai Xiuxiu.

Baghdad International Airport is packed with passengers on Christmas Day. At this time, Baghdad has once again become one of the top ten cities in the Middle East.Thanks to the ruins of ancient Babylon, Baghdad has also become a must-visit tourist destination for lovers of the Chosen One.Because the ruins of ancient Babylon are the final trial level for all gladiators to advance to become the Chosen Ones.It is also the venue for the Middle East Division of the Global Chosen Ones Competition.

In order to make it easier for gladiators and the chosen ones from home and abroad to come to Baghdad, Baghdad Airport has canceled almost all customs procedures. There is not even a Ouropoulos testing link. Even international tourists only need to go through a simple passport and facial recognition. You can exit the airport through the automatic detection gate.

Cheng Mo and Bai Xiuxiu picked up their luggage, and he pushed the luggage cart piled like a hill alone, chasing after Bai Xiuxiu who was strolling around, like a follower of a young woman.After exiting the door of the baggage claim hall, the arrival hall was bustling with people.

Many of them held signs written in Chinese and English. Some were picked up by travel agencies, picked up by hotels, and taxi drivers. All of them were Baghdad locals wearing headscarves.Even more than these people were people from other countries holding signs saying "Sparring" in various languages.

Cheng Mo glanced over and saw that there were Chinese, Japanese, Korean, English, Spanish, German, and Italian languages. What about "Universal sparring, ten-year gold medal sparring, and the ultimate trial in the ruins of ancient Babylon all at once", "Seraph sparring, and Heavenly Ranking master Caesar sitting in charge. , help you win the highest rating in the ultimate trial", "Royal sparring partner, the Undertaker's passionate endorsement, three-day speed run through the ancient Babylonian ruins, and ten times compensation for overtime commissions."
Not only were they holding signs, but there were also many "Sparring" company signs hanging on the walls of the arrival hall. He saw at a glance the huge advertising paintings of Nicholas and Rebecca back to back. Nicholas, who was wearing overalls and topless, was extremely excited. Powerful, like a muscle tank that can crush everything.And Rebecca, who was back to back with him, the former little loli had grown into a petite blonde. She was wearing a military green vest with braids and a red beret. Her arms were tattooed with Chinese characters and she crossed her chest with her hands. Murderous.In the middle of the two people is the word "Hell's Angels" in Chinese and English, with the logo of an angel wearing a skull mask.At the bottom of the advertisement is written a long bilingual note in Chinese and English: "John Petrovich, ranked 217 on the Heavenly Ranking, No. 4 in the 401th Global Chosen Ones Competition", and in Rebecca Below it is written "Bloody Mary, ranked 18 on the sky list, No. 3 in the all-gender category of the 13th Global Chosen Ones Competition, No. [-] in the women's category of the [-]th Global Chosen Ones Competition, all-gender category No. [-]."

On one side of the advertisement is a counter. Two local Baghdad women wearing veils are standing aside, constantly sending leaflets to people next to them.

As soon as Cheng Mo pushed the luggage cart and Bai Xiuxiu out of the police security area, people speaking various languages ​​​​swarmed up and asked loudly: "Do you want a chartered car, beautiful lady?"

"Does the beauty want to stay in a hotel?"

"Does the beauty need a sparring partner?"

The entire arrival hall was as noisy as a vegetable market. Bai Xiuxiu refused coldly. These people did not bother and immediately gathered around the next person.The two passed through the most crowded area, and Cheng Mo finally saw a man holding an "Ischel" sign at the edge of the crowd at the exit. A white man who looked exactly like Gosling was leaning on the railing in a bored manner, looking carefree. Holding up a name tag with scrawled writing.

"There." Cheng Mo said. He crossed Bai Xiuxiu and walked in front of the man and asked, "Are you from the Asker Hotel?"

The man in blue overalls and a military hat looked at Cheng Mo, nodded quickly, put his name tag under his arm, and asked with a little doubt: "Ischel."

"I'm Ischel." Bai Xiuxiu, who had already walked to Cheng Mo, said with a smile, "This is my son Ahan."

Seeing Bai Xiuxiu, who was wearing a gray woolen coat and had an average appearance but amazing aura, the man's eyes lit up. He couldn't help but stand up straight and said respectfully: "Good afternoon, Ms. Ischel, I am Barrett, Ah. It is a great honor to serve you two as the VIP driver of Hotel Sikkim.”

Bai Xiuxiu nodded and didn't say much.

Barrett immediately walked to Cheng Mo consciously, folded the paper with "Ischel"'s name and stuffed it into his jacket pocket, and shouldered the heavy responsibility of pushing the luggage, "The car is parked at the door, you two, please follow me." Come."

Cheng Mo and Bai Xiuxiu followed Barrett side by side. Cheng Mo couldn't help but whisper in a voice that only the two of them could hear clearly: "Can you stop emphasizing that I am your son? I am your son's biological father!" "

Bai Xiuxiu didn't even look at him. She moved her lips and replied coldly: "He's just a biological father. He has no name or status. Don't be sentimental."

Cheng Mo was helpless, knowing that Bai Xiuxiu was still unhappy and might not get better for a while.He had no choice but to admit the reality first.When he walked out of the arrivals hall, he picked up several flyers, one of which was for the Hells Angels.The automatic glass door opened, and a dry cold wind blew in, raising Cheng Mo's hair. He looked up and saw that the sun was hidden behind a gray haze, with no heat at all. The flowers planted between the two terminals The green plants also looked lifeless.

A Ji Krypton 009 with the "Asker Hotel" and Javelin logos was parked on the roadside under the viaduct. A traffic policeman stood nearby and drove away other vehicles, but did not issue a ticket to the car.Barrett quickly pushed the luggage cart over, said hello to the traffic police, opened the door first, asked Cheng Mo and Bai Xiuxiu to get in, and then moved the luggage into the trunk of the car.

Soon the silver-gray Ji Krypton 009 drove onto the densely trafficked Airport Expressway. Looking around, the wide elevated highway was full of electric vehicles from China. Most of them were BYD, but the appearance and appearance were all old second-hand cars. There are rarely new models.The Ji Krypton 009 that Cheng Mo was riding in was considered a very luxurious MPV.

Seeing that the traffic density outside the car window was beyond imagination, Cheng Mo asked in surprise: "Are there so many people traveling to Baghdad?"

Barrett looked back at Cheng Mo, "It's still less than last year. Last year, there were more people coming from Christmas to New Year's Day, and the car couldn't move at all. Since ordinary people can also enter the ruins through experience cards, Baghdad has become a tourist destination, and everyone comes to visit the ancient Babylonian ruins. This year, Napoleon VII held the wedding of the century in Paris. All tourists went to Paris, otherwise they would not be able to book rooms. Originally, New Year's Day and New Year's Day were all There is a competition for the chosen one, because the wedding of Napoleon VII was postponed, and the Babylon Arena was changed to a live broadcast of the wedding." He sighed, "This wedding has really become a global event! As a man, you must be like Napoleon Seventh life!"

Cheng Mo nodded, "Indeed."

Bai Xiuxiu, who was originally looking out the window, immediately turned her head and glanced at Cheng Mo, and said with a half-smile: "Ahan, you must follow Napoleon VII as an example, look good and learn hard!"

Cheng Mo asked back: "What to study?"

"Learn from others' romance and single-mindedness."

Cheng Mo was choked by Bai Xiuxiu again and was speechless. He pretended not to hear what Bai Xiuxiu said and said to Barrett: "Mr. Barrett, why are there people from the sparring company at the airport?"

"Oh~ I don't know since when, the ancient Babylonian ruins have been monopolized by these sparring companies. They deliberately occupy the ruins at all times and control the difficulty to a level that most gladiators cannot pass. At this point, except for a few masters, or gladiators from large organizations, such as those from Tai Chi Dragon and Star Gate, they dare not interfere. Other gladiators have to look for them if they want to complete the trial. No. They, they will organize a large number of chosen ones to enter, increase the difficulty, and make your trial fail."

"I see."

"Do you two need accompanying services or training services in the ruins of ancient Babylon? Our hotel also provides them! It doesn't matter if you accompany them, but if you two are here to pass the final trial of the Chosen One, please remember You must choose a reliable sparring company.”


"Unreliable sparring companies don't have better time slots. They usually enter in the middle of the night. If there are no masters in charge, it takes a long time to pass. You often have to wait for those powerful sparring companies to finish first before you can enter. . Otherwise, you will be tortured when you go in. The sparring service in our hotel is good. The time slot is usually from [-] to [-] o'clock in the evening. There are also top [-] experts on the Tianban list. Our hotel's Dr. G is a famous Tianban expert. He is really powerful, unlike some companies’ top players who buy the list and have a one-month protection period, unlike Dr. G, who is among the top [-] on the list all year round.”

"The Top [-] on the Heavenly List does have some strength."

"Young man, you don't understand! Let me tell you, the top [-] on the Heavenly List are not considered to have some strength. This list is much more powerful than the rankings in the Global Chosen Competition. The real masters are only Look at the rankings in the Tianban, never the competition rankings, you must not believe those sparring companies that use these rankings as gimmicks, they are just rotten fish and rotten shrimps."

Cheng Mo smiled and said, "I'll just ask and find out."

"OK!" Barrett gestured, "If you have any needs, you can contact me. I'll leave it for you on WeChat later. As long as you don't hire a celebrity sparring partner, the price can be discounted to [-]% to [-]% off."

"Is the discount so big?"

"Didn't everyone go to Paris to visit the wedding of the century? There are few people making reservations, so the discounts are relatively large. To be honest, I want to go too. This is probably the only chance in my life." Barrett sighed and said, "It's a pity the air ticket and accommodation are too expensive.”

During the chatter, the car got off the highway and entered a main road in the old city.The old town is still the same as before, with old khaki and gray buildings. There are few green plants on both sides of the street and it is gray. However, compared to the last time, the streets are still much cleaner and there is no garbage. , the dilapidated buildings have been renovated, and there are more cars and people than before.

When we arrived in the new city of Babylon, our senses suddenly changed. It was like we had arrived in a brand new city. Although the air was still not very good, the tall buildings on both sides of the wide road were crowded one after another, giving it a distinct urban feel.

"When I first came here, it was still a construction site, but now it's fully functional," Barrett said. "Tai Chi Long's infrastructure capabilities are really strong. You see, those buildings are all manufactured in factories. Then it’s shipped here and assembled directly, and a building can be repaired in just a few dozen days.”

"A few dozen days is considered slow." Bai Xiuxiu said while looking at the buildings outside the window.

"A few dozen days is too slow?" Barrett asked in surprise.

"A building with more than ten floors like this only takes a few days in China," Bai Xiuxiu said.

"That's definitely not comparable to China. I heard that they already have construction robots there, and they don't even need workers to repair buildings. I really have to thank the Chinese people, otherwise the environment in Baghdad would not have improved so quickly."

"How much are the house prices here?" Cheng Mo asked.

"The new city is expensive, with an average price of [-] world coins. The old city is very cheap, and you can buy it for [-] to [-] world coins."

The World Currency is a currency issued by the reorganized World Bank. It is exchangeable with the Huaxia Currency at a one-to-one ratio. It has now become the legal currency of many underdeveloped countries. Yiluke has also replaced the legal currency with the World Currency.

"That's really not cheap." Cheng Mo said.

Barrett smiled: "It's not cheap, but the supply of houses still exceeds the demand. I have no money now. If I had money, I really want to buy two more houses." He looked at Bai Xiuxiu again, "By the way, if you two are interested in investing, If you are interested in real estate, you can also contact me. It is really profitable to speculate in real estate in Baghdad now.”

Bai Xiuxiu smiled noncommittally.

Cheng Mo shook his head, "We're just here to play for a few days."

Probably because he felt that Bai Xiuxiu and Cheng Mo would not bring him any business, Barrett no longer introduced them enthusiastically.Of course, it may also be because I arrived at the hotel quickly.The number of vehicles gradually decreased, and Ji Krypton sped up, speeding along the road along the Euphrates River, and soon entered a manor on the edge of a rocky cliff.

It is not far from the new city and only a few kilometers away from the ruins of ancient Babylon, but it makes people feel isolated from the world, like in a barren land.When the car entered the manor, it was like entering an ancient oasis. The surrounding houses did not have high-rise buildings. They were all ancient Babylonian-style rock villas. The greening was also very artistic, complementing the dots of lakes and swimming pools, in a desert-like setting. The urban area is like a paradise in the desert.

The hotel lobby is located in the center of the oasis and has a futuristic feel, like a huge geometric cave dug out of the rocky cliff.The furnishings in the cave are not like a hotel at all, but like an altar.

Barrett led Bai Xiuxiu and Cheng Mo through the check-in procedures, and helped deliver four large suitcases to the room with the housekeeper.Bai Xiuxiu gave Barrett a tip of five hundred and closed the door.The interior furnishings of the room are very Arabic-style, luxurious and grand, with carpets, crystal lamps and high arched doors everywhere, just like an Arabian palace.Outside the room is a hot spring the size of a swimming pool. The rippling blue spring water is surrounded by palm trees. It is nothing like the temperature here where the temperature can be as low as four or five degrees.

Bai Xiuxiu opened a suitcase at the door and dug out toiletries, facial masks and other items, which were filled with crystal coffee tables.She took off her coat, took off her mask while sitting on the sofa, and said with relief, "I can finally take off my mask."

Cheng Mo did not take off his mask immediately. Instead, he took out the flyer from his pocket, took out his mobile phone, and added the WeChat ID of the "Hells Angels" staff according to the contact information left on it.When he comes this time, he must complete the SSS-level evaluation of the ancient Babylonian ruins and complete the "All-Seeing Eye" mission.

With his strength, he naturally does not need a sparring partner. The reason why he chose "Hell's Angels" is of course because the boss behind "Hell's Angels" is Gao Yuemei.

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