Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1367 Ragnarok of the Gods (139)

Chapter 1367 Ragnarok of the Gods (139)

Cheng Mo and David Rockefeller collided without stagnation in the deep sea without a single drop of seawater, and countless fine electric lights expanded to the surroundings. The vibration of seawater caused positive ions to accelerate in the magnetic field, causing a bright glow phenomenon, purple blue The electric current is centered on two people, covering an invisible sphere with a diameter of more than ten kilometers.The sky and night are ruled by the glow, and the sea also reflects the mysterious luster, as if the stars are spinning, and this place is the center of the universe.

As the glow spread in all directions, the central point entered a vacuum state, and the rectangular depression disappeared, turning into a huge hemisphere, like a crater that could swallow a city.There was no wave on the hemispherical sea surface until Cheng Mo and David Rockefeller, who collided together, bounced off like cannonballs, as if the sea surface was boiling under the pressure of an invisible sphere, and the huge wave tens of meters high separated them. The location of the crater rushes forward, colliding impartially at the center of the crater, forming a fountain with a height of hundreds of meters.

When the fountain reached its highest point, the hundreds of meters of fountain instantly formed a bunch of tower-like icicles, like a giant ice sculpture standing between the sea and the sky, and the invisible cold air on the sea spread rapidly like a cold front, wherever it went , the sea turned into an ice sheet.

Cheng Mo flashed continuously like a phantom and caught up with David Rockefeller, who was flying into the sky. The chill that followed him not only froze a large area of ​​the sea, but also froze ships, fighter planes and other sundries floating in midair. The burning flames and smoke in the sky gradually disappeared into the icy wind and snow, and even the "Wall of Desire" was affected, freezing as it rotated, making a strange "creaking" sound.

David Rockefeller received a stronger impact than Cheng Mo, and his stiffness lasted a few tenths of a second longer. In just a few tenths of a second, Cheng Mo made another sword strike. David Rockefeller with a hint of speed.He turned his body, and a giant shield like a city wall blocked Cheng Mo's face. White light mixed with ice crystals splashed on the golden shield engraved with hexagrams, like an ice storm hitting a high wall.

Cheng Mo teleported over the "Aegis of Aegis", and slashed at the top of David Rockefeller's head with his sword again. This sword imitated Athena's way of handling the sword, and the speed was so fast that it was almost instantaneous.

David Rockefeller failed to retract the "Aegis of Zeus", so he could only raise his lightning spear to block it, but Cheng Mo's sword was close to the physical limit, it was too fast, and the spear only blocked a phantom.David Rockefeller moved sideways and changed his moves at the same time. He swung his shield and smashed Cheng Mo's temple at a tricky angle. With the support of the magnetic field, the speed was so fast that it was almost instantaneous.

So Cheng Mo slashed at David Rockefeller's spear-holding hand along David Rockefeller's shoulder with his sword, and the flesh and blood were burned into wisps of smoke by the ultra-high temperature.When the "Seven Sins" was about to reach his hand, David Rockefeller's shield hit Cheng Mo's shoulder, and the moment he flew out, he kicked David Rockefeller's chest, and the two of them fought again. Xiang is the arrow that leaves the string and flies backwards in two directions.

David Rockefeller crashed on a frozen container ship. After the clear and loud noise, the whole ship was directly cracked into ice blocks. He stabilized his body, and there were blood vessels and meridians in half of his body when he raised his hand. Growth on the right arm.

Cheng Mo spread his wings to the maximum, and slowed down the tendency to retreat after smashing a lot of large and small garbage.He teleported again and again, and struck at David Rockefeller with a deadly wind and frost.

David Rockefeller used a magnetic field to stick to his movements, alternately blocking with shields and spears.The two people fought at the same speed as light, and wherever they went, the ships, wreckage and sundries floating in mid-air were all turned into shining dust.

"Is that all? David Rockefeller? Do you still think you're a god?"

"What is God? God is neither a self-righteous leader nor a stone statue enshrined in a temple. God is the master of destiny, the protector of luck, and the initiator of misfortune. Nebuchadnezzar is a mortal, a Because he has the body of a god, but he has a heart of a mortal." David Rockefeller swung his spear away from the "Seven Sins", and said coldly, "I am different from him. I regard people as ants, and I control them." The fate of ants."

"You are different from him?" Cheng Mo sneered, ice and fire hit David Rockefeller like a storm at the same time, "You are indeed different from him, you don't even have a heart, how can you, a heartless person, deserve to be compared with him ?”

In the battle as fast as light and shadow intertwined, Cheng Mo actually drew with David Rockefeller. He was dying several times just now, but now David Rockefeller was slightly embarrassed under his attack, and his white robe was left behind. There were a few burn marks, and the gloomy face was still covered with scratches from the frost attack.

But Cheng Mo was also having a hard time. The "Lord of Plague" had several cracked lines, and the nebula-like wings had also dimmed, losing their original luster.

"And I am the punishment he gave you!" Cheng Mo shouted angrily, and with another sword strike, the "Seven Sins" circled around the spear like a spirit snake, leaving a scar on David Rockefeller's chest. Long scratches.

"God's punishment?" David Rockefeller stepped back in an instant, widening the distance slightly, everything in the sky was trembling, breaking the ice and wailing, "Times are different, child, when Nebuchadnezzar and I In that era, every human being longed to be a hero. We lived and fought like gods, in order to leave a great name to future generations after death. But when human beings approached gods with the help of wisdom and money, they found God is just that. Only eternal life is real, and that is the only difference between us and God. As long as we can achieve our goal, who cares whether we become gods or devils? Today, the heroes of mankind The era is over, Cheng Mo, human beings have obeyed their desires, and they only want to be lambs raised in captivity, you, don’t struggle.”

The invisible magnetic field turbulence rushed towards Cheng Mo like a sea tide, slowing him down and restraining him.In the higher sky, another dense golden light fell like a meteor, piercing the solidified air with flames, swarming towards David Rockefeller from all directions, as if to turn him into a golden giant again.

Cheng Mo can clearly perceive the situation in the absolute "zero-degree field", the ice on every item melts, and those large and small sundries reveal their true colors, the ship as high as a hill, the glass shards as small as ice crystals, everything Everything resonated rapidly in the magnetic field, let out a low whimper, and emitted amazing heat.Even the ice and snow tower standing between the sea and the sky is flowing with snow water, just like a thawed snow mountain.The cold breath quickly subsided in his domain.

"Your champagne was opened too early."

Cheng Mo raised the "Seven Sins", and a cold light shot up into the sky, turning into an ice storm visible to the naked eye and sweeping towards the surroundings. Those shaking objects were quickly frozen again, just like half-thawed objects under the heat of flames. wax products.The golden light, which was rushing towards David Rockefeller like a swarm, seemed to have encountered some obstacles, the flames were extinguishing, and the speed became slower.

First, the "Seven Sins" shot towards a beam of golden light in the sky like a laser, instantly obliterating it, and the DNA helix lit up in midair.Immediately afterwards, the "Seven Sins" in his hand seemed to have turned into an anti-aircraft machine gun, spewing out dense rays of light, shooting towards the slowing stars, and in the blink of an eye, the golden light of the Templars on the blue sky was ignited. Half of the group was cleared, and the sky was filled with colorful DNA spirals swirling in the cold air for a while.

"Is this why you are confident? Because of the 'Singer's Horn'?" David Rockefeller stared at Cheng Mo with a slight smile and said, "It's so interesting. I didn't expect that there would be something that surprised me too. Xie Minyun actually not dead."

Hearing that David Rockefeller affirmed that Xie Minyun was not dead, Cheng Mo's heart trembled. He didn't know whether he was excited, nervous or grateful. An indescribable complex emotion rushed straight from the tailbone to his forehead. This emotion was so complicated and intense. So much so that he felt so light that it was unbelievable that his internal organs and bones had all disappeared, and he was like the wind, able to reach any place he wanted to go.But he was also afraid that everything was an illusion, and even suspected that it was just a dream fabricated by David Rockefeller for him. He was eager to prove that it was not a fantasy. He didn't believe that David Rockefeller could write such an absurd plot, but he He was faintly afraid to prove that he would rather die in this dream.

David Rockefeller obviously noticed the unconcealable expression on Cheng Mo's face, even though he was at a disadvantage at the moment, he still said in a condescending tone: "Don't be afraid, this is not my skill, even I am surprised, I I really like the feeling of being in the vortex of fate and never knowing where the plot will go, that’s why life is wonderful.” After a pause, he continued, “You know? I, like you, am also recalling Reminds me of the plot in Paris. When I saw a perfect story through the screen, I was almost moved to tears. Before, when Stern called me and asked me, I was hesitant to use it on her 'God's staff', but considering that you have a deep relationship with God's staff, I still approved this plan." He paused, smiled and said, "By the way, the last time I was so moved was yours. father and mother."

Cheng Mo's brain was buzzing, as if he had been hit hard by a hammer. He knew that David Rockefeller was deliberately provoking him, but he still couldn't help himself. His muscles and tendons were stretched to the limit instantly, as if being hit The blow triggered some kind of bodily mechanism, completely turning into a shell of spikes imprisoning his soul, in which his soul convulsed, twitched, and pounded repeatedly, producing almost fainting pain.

David Rockefeller whispered in the cold wind, "When I started to experience my life with the dream of being a writer, I realized that no matter what kind of work, most of the characters are just tools for the author, no matter how connotative the character is, The author has never been able to give the characters real emotional motivation. The reason why it appears in the novel is because the author needs it to appear, not because it should appear. In short, everything is arranged by the author. Therefore, when you see too much life in reality, You will find that reality is often more absurd than fiction. This made me realize that reality is actually much more exciting than fiction. Everyone’s life has its own uniqueness. You can use it to construct a wonderful story without shaping it at all. , For example, let a dreamer have nothing on the eve of realizing his dream, let a couple face life and death. The same fate, this is really an incomparable tragedy that cannot be presented in novels. I admit that I underestimated you, in terms of dramatic conflict, you are indeed more suitable to be the protagonist than Li Jiting." There was a trace of pity on his face, "Then at this time How will you face a person who shouldn't be here at this moment? Lucifer? How will you face the dedication and passion you owe, the loyalty and romance you have experienced. And she, after all, is the one thing in your life that cannot be bridged. Or the unforgettable happiness? The reunion after so many years is the ruthless end of fate, it is sad to think about it!"

David Rockefeller made no secret of manipulating his own destiny.For Cheng Mo, this was the ultimate stimulus, and his mind went back and forth a thousand times, thinking about it, his grandfather, mother, and father all have undisguised connections with Star Gate, how could he be spared?It turned out that he was really like an ant in front of the other party, not only him, but also his grandfather, parents, wife, and even father-in-law.His hand holding the "Seven Sins" was trembling, and the light of the "Seven Sins" was also flickering, as if a match could not be lit due to the cold.He felt like something cold had been pierced from the top of his skull to his tailbone, and the biting chill invaded his limbs and bones, and even made him have a burning hallucination.

Maybe it wasn't hallucinations, but anger was searing him.For the first time, he saw his gray mood bar change. He once thought that gray was just a display for him, and now he saw it as if the steel was melting.

"You like to manipulate other people's lives like this?" Cheng Mo's rational strings were stretched to the limit, and his movements began to go crazy, like the "Seven Sins" who destroyed the beam of light without stopping for a second, and the golden light in the sky was actually emptied by him. The "DNA" helix is ​​nearly joined together.

"Don't think of 'God' too sacredly. In fact, there is no difference between God and a writer. They are just careers that weave fate. And a clever writer never manipulates other people's lives, and only gives him a little bit of insignificance when it's just right. Most of the time, I am just an observer, which is similar to Li Jiting. My perspective is macroscopic most of the time, and I will not project my attention on individual people. Or stepping into the stage of history inadvertently, I will look at him more. For example, the clown Sith, he, like you, used to be Li Jiting's disciple, such a smart and active kid, but because of an explosion, his personality changed It's a big change. It's embarrassing. His story is one of the most wonderful stories I have ever admired. In fact, every person on earth, every story, whether it is noble or dirty, whether it is good or evil , I was deeply moved. Everyone is their own hero, Lucifer, and you too. Xie Minyun and your performance in Paris reminded me of you. I like characters full of personality like you. This is also me and you One of the reasons so much has been said." David Rockefeller said with a smile, "The time has come, and this ending is satisfying enough."

Cheng Mo pointed the "Seven Sins" at David Rockefeller, and his voice was colder than "Absolute Zero", "Congratulations, you successfully angered me. I guarantee that the ending will satisfy you enough."

David Rockefeller didn't care about Cheng Mo's words, he said lightly: "Unfortunately, I'm not afraid of the 'Singer's Horn', the time it gives you is limited, if you kill the holder, its time will be even longer Short, the threat is not as great as the electromagnetic gun, but unfortunately, your electromagnetic gun array is about to be unusable. It is even more regrettable that Xie Minyun will show up by herself. As a saint, she is duty-bound to stop the war, and a saint, appearing in In the middle of the chaotic battlefield, what will be waiting for her? Without her blessing, what will be your fate?"

Cheng Mo knew that David Rockefeller was not intimidating, and the gain of the "Singer's Horn" would not allow him to defeat David Rockefeller. If he did not use the gain halo, but reversed David Rockefeller's general gain, it would be even more useless Big, because half of David Rockefeller's power comes from the Knights Templar. If he can't kill the body of more than 1 Knights Templar at the same time, there is no way to defeat David Rockefeller. This is the first time he doesn't kill himself , to destroy the electromagnetic artillery formation.

He glanced sideways at the direction of the electromagnetic artillery array. A large number of Chosen Alliance members are attacking Chuanlu from three sides. The dome protecting Chuanlu has completely collapsed. Trying to protect the electromagnetic artillery array, even those ordinary people desperately tried to restore the operation of the electromagnetic artillery. There were layers of ordinary civilian ships surrounding the ship and land, and no one chose to escape.

Everyone chose to put all their eggs in one basket.

The electromagnetic artillery array seems to have reached the last moment.

Such a scene convinced David Rockefeller that the electromagnetic gun was their last hope. He sighed and said in a low voice: "Look! How brave they are! This kind of courage to perish is so precious, only pure Young people can only have it. Burn yourself! Just like Nebuchadnezzar, I like you idealists, you will set yourself on fire whenever you get a chance, and I wish the whole world could see you burning! You always Feel like the sun, sadly most people are just fireworks."

David Rockefeller's sincere and harsh words were like blades, scratching Cheng Mo's heart again and again.The sharp pain made Cheng Mo more and more furious. He is not an impulsive person, but David Rockefeller really hit his sore spot, because he used to look at those idealists with the same mentality until he met Xie Minyun. and Li Jiting.He especially hated David Rockefeller's godlike attitude, because he, his father, mother, wife, and children were also historical dust in his eyes, dispensable pawns in his hands.

Fort No. [-] and the electromagnetic artillery array in the distance turned into a huge melting pot. The melting pot of war burned the young man's life and pushed his emotions to a higher point.His mood bar, burning like steel, burst into fierce flames, like the sun.

David Rockefeller's voice is as distant and ethereal as a voiceover, as if it is the commentary of a certain documentary, or the end of a lengthy movie, without pictures and plots, only black and white subtitles and a lonely narration.

He couldn't calm down anymore.

The desire to destroy everything had consumed him.

Just at this time, a point of whiteness that was pure to the extreme appeared in the smoky bullets and densely covered filthy sky. That point of white hovered in the night sky like a glowing white dove. After chanting the scriptures, there was no reason for the drizzle to fall from the sky without even a cloud. The rain water with faint light doused the flames, quelled the gunpowder smoke, and melted every laser and bullet. A huge ship, everyone's outline becomes clearer
David Rockefeller glanced at Yuan Kong's blurred white shadow, "Look, who's here." He looked back at Cheng Mo again, "Aren't you going to meet her? I can give you time to say your last farewell. "

Cheng Mo didn't turn his head, he didn't seem to hear what David Rockefeller was saying, he suspended in the air and whispered to himself: "Nvwo, I'm ready, are you ready?"

Nuwa's sweet response sounded in the void, "Everything is ready, my venerable king. As long as you think, the world will witness your anger today."

David Rockefeller seemed to have noticed something, and stared at Cheng Mo with vacant eyes, staring at the stubborn young man slowly raised his head, and looked at him with a pair of emotionless cold eyes.At this moment, he felt a little familiar, as if he had seen such an expression on someone's face before, it seemed to be a loving father of steel, and it seemed to be another person, cold and hard, like a rock sculpture.

Cheng Mo didn't make any movements, but looked at David Rockefeller blankly, and whispered in a gentle tone of confiding his heart: "I was born in an intellectual family. I was in poor health and had a serious heart disease since I was a child. , so I don't have a lot of freedom like other kids, I can't eat as I want, I can't exercise as I want, and I can't go wherever I want. I suffer from this, and my father told me, 'Freedom 'It is indeed the most precious thing in this world. However, a person, even if his body is not free, can still gain freedom by relying on his thoughts. In books, human beings can get rid of the shackles of their bodies and go wherever you want. In books You can feel anything you want, no restrictions. In books you can be whoever you want, no limits. Then I read enough books to realize that freedom is not so simple , it is diverse, it is difficult to define, it is not absolute, and it may not even exist at all. But no matter how you define it, freedom is by no means a desire!"

David Rockefeller didn't respond, but looked at Cheng Mo with a serious expression. He seemed to be listening, but he was actually wasting time, waiting for Cheng Mo's "Singer's Horn" gain to end.

Cheng Mo was also waiting, he changed his tone, and his voice became colder than a glacier, "Do you know why I feel that the world is getting worse and worse even though the material is getting richer?" A gloomy voice said, "Because of you, David Rockefeller, you equate freedom with desire, which is to force the world to move towards the opposite of freedom. Originally, the antonym of freedom is 'slavery', but you changed 'slavery' to 'I have to To', so freedom becomes desire. Everyone thinks that 'freedom' comes from money, from houses and cars bought by money, from luxury goods bought by money, from beautiful women obtained by money, from noble status obtained by money. Therefore, all the joys, sorrows and joys of human beings come from how much money he earns, or what other things are measured by money. Therefore, human beings put a price on everything, and they are deceived by false freedom and become Slave of desire. You, David Rockefeller, not only use desire to enslave all mankind, but also pretend to be a restrained Puritan, in fact, you are full of desire to live. Ridiculous, you changed your heart seven times, Still living in fear, you want to get the 'crown of thorns', you want to be immune to the fear of being threatened by death, everything you pursue is something that Nebuchadnezzar discarded like a shoe, so he You are a real god, but you have no power, but like other mortals you regard as ants, you are just a slave to desire!"

David Rockefeller was irritated for the first time. His expression was no longer lofty, and his movements were no longer majestic and full of divinity, but his strength was still terrifying. He raised the lightning lance, and the golden lance became The pointer guides the "Wall of Desire" that occupies half of the sky to rotate at an accelerated speed. The whole world is trembling, the frozen ocean is thawing rapidly, the ice sheet is bursting into a frenzy, and the objects that have been frozen into ice cubes in the midair shake off Ice and snow gallop towards the wall of desire.From the sea to the sky, once again entering David Rockefeller's domain control, "Why should a dead weakling compare with me? Not only do I control everyone's destiny, I also control desire!"

"Really?" Cheng Mo sneered, he was indifferent to David Rockefeller's counterattack, he just raised his head slightly, as if he was making a verdict or a great speech, he said word by word, " Now. finally my turn. to you quiz bastards. there are six hundred nuclear bombs in orbit at hypersonic speeds, and one hundred of them are aimed at the chosen one on the far side of the moon or system server, [-] of them, aimed at your empire you know, the anti-missile system is ineffective, only you can intercept them. Then the problem comes, save the Chosen server, your empire will explode, save you You will explode yourself." Standing in the manic wind, he threw a javelin that pierced David Rockefeller's heart, "David Rockefeller, control desire? Or be controlled by desire? Give your answer Bar!"

"What are you talking about?" David Rockefeller stared at Cheng Mo in disbelief. He put down the lightning spear he held high and let out a terrifying roar. Objects in the sky began to explode, one after another, like fireworks, "You Are you aware of the consequences of doing so?"

"Of course I know." Cheng Mo nodded, "But don't you want to know what love can do? I'll tell you right now that love can make a person crazy, making him crazy to the point that no matter how great or terrifying he is Everything is taken for granted!"

"You lunatic! I will contact you now. People like you are the enemy of the whole world. No one will allow this to happen, and no one will allow you to live!"

"It's too bad, Mr. Rockefeller, I killed all the people in the Round Guys. I'm sorry, no one can make peace with you." Cheng Mo mocked, "Don't you think that this kind of thing will happen? Nietzsche said : When you stare into the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. You have been walking in darkness for so many years, why have you never thought that someone would set fire to illuminate you?"

"What do you think you can change by doing this? You can't change anything, and I will carry out even more terrible revenge." David Rockefeller completely gave up communicating with Cheng Mo, and his hysterical roar echoed like the wind in the sky, " Not only can you not save your country, you will push them to destruction. You are not only a sinner of all mankind, but you will also be cast aside by all mankind. Even your hometown, your friends, and your relatives cannot Forgive you, you will become an out-and-out devil, and be nailed to history with more shame than Hei Teju!"

"You should understand better than me. People are always saying they need a saint who can save them, but in fact they need a demon. When you come here with an army, the end is already doomed, because you will face It's me." Cheng Mo also let out his roar. He flapped his wings and held up the "Seven Sins". The golden inscription burned like a soaring flame in the night sky, illuminating countless stars that passed across the sky, "I am The burning sun, falling on the earth, turning it into hell, I am the dusk, the end you cannot escape, I am the judgment, this is the war you started, you, and your people will pay the price, star door, and flow blood into rivers."

(There is also the last chapter, everyone can rest assured that most of it has been written, and it is expected to be updated at [-] o'clock tomorrow night.)
(End of this chapter)

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