Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1348 Ragnarok of the Gods (120)

Chapter 1348 Ragnarok of the Gods (120)

NF sea area, southeast direction, underwater 280 meters.Nearly a hundred submarines are like a huge group of whales, hovering quietly under the dark waves.The silence here is deep, like an eternal night, and those slightly old submarines are like monsters lurking in the dark.

Especially the submarine at the forefront, it is huge, and the great white shark swimming beside it looks like a small fry.

This giant is one of the most powerful war machines of the former Soviet Union - a strategic nuclear submarine code-named "Shark".It was once a nightmare on the continent of Europa, with a displacement of 46000 tons. It is still the largest and heaviest nuclear submarine in the world. The most frightening thing is that it can carry twenty submarine-launched strategic nuclear missiles. Each missile has 10 guided nuclear warheads, that is to say, a single boat, it can carry a full two hundred nuclear bombs.

The great white shark, the killer in the water, has no vigilance against this giant ship code-named "Shark". It swims along the icy steel body and slowly sneaks towards the sardine school not far away.When passing a line of white Russian - Симбирск, the great white shark stopped for a while, then swung its tail, rushed into the school of sardines fiercely, disturbed the school of fish, and bit a fat sardine fiercely. The sardines were torn into pieces.

All this happened silently, only some bubbles were rolling silently.Just as the great white shark was feasting, it suddenly seemed to sense something, and it dived into the deeper sea in a panic, and the fish swimming around the nuclear submarine also scattered away.

The whole sea seemed to be vibrating, and a certain sound from the sea surface spread to a depth of more than 200 meters, and even the people in the submarine felt strange.

Yan Yitong put his legs on the table and closed his eyes to rest his mind. He felt the chair shaking, opened his eyes and looked around, and muttered: "Is there an earthquake on the bottom of the sea? Is it a nuclear explosion? Can you come to the BGM of the Divine Comedy of the Nuclear Explosion?" ah!"

Fu Yuanzhuo, who had been pacing back and forth, stopped, and first glanced at one side of the conference room, where hundreds of glass jars containing human brains were lined up, row after row of whitish brains under the warm yellow light Under the light, it looks like a group of canned jellyfish participating in the exhibition.The human brain with the catheter inserted is in the nutrient solution, shaking gently according to the frequency of the vibration, neatly as if dancing in a group, the picture has a kind of cyberpunk-like weirdness.He rolled his throat and said, "It should be another big explosion! But it's far less powerful than last time." He looked at Yan Funing anxiously, "Brother Yan, what are we waiting for? We have to wait, fight It's all over."

"Don't worry." Yan Funing said calmly, "It's not that fast, you have to trust Cheng Mo. Compared with the previous explosion, this is just a small explosion, maybe it's just a forbidden SSS skill."

Fu Yuanzhuo asked anxiously: "Brother Yan, just give me a letter of approval, do you think you have no chance of winning, so you won't help?"

Yan Funing was silent for a few seconds under Fu Yuanzhuo's persistent eyes, and replied: "This is not something I can decide on alone."


"That's the explosion that the gods will explode on their own."

A mechanical electronic sound with a bit of a broadcast accent sounded in the dull air. This sound was very present, as if hearing Russian dubbing in a video game.

Yan Funing and Fu Yuanzhuo turned their heads to look aside, and in front of the rows of jellyfish cans with Russian labels, a flickering colorful image jumped out, Vladimir in a gray jacket and gold-rimmed retro glasses Arnold stood on a circular three-dimensional projector, like a life-sized figure.

"Teacher, how do you know that it was the self-destruct of the general?" Yan Funing asked suspiciously.

In the claustrophobic environment, the reverberation sounded like an explanation, "This frequency of self-detonation is unique to the god general. The infrasound wave it generates will transform into a sound wave with a frequency lower than 13 Hz during transmission. No matter in water , can still be transmitted very far in the atmosphere." After a pause, Vladimir Arnold lowered the volume and said, "Many years ago, I once felt it. It was like the whine of the earth."


The submarine shook again with the same magnitude, and the jellyfish, which were about to stop shaking, began to dance again.

"Why did it happen again?" Vladimir Arnold raised his hand to support his chin, and made a puzzled movement, "The god will explode himself, and it will take 168 hours to reactivate!"

Yan Funing opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment before whispering: "What if the general is dead?"

"How can you die if the carrier can't be activated?"

"No. I mean the death of the original body." Yan Funing shook his head and said softly, "Whether it is homicide or suicide"

Vladimir Arnold was silent, and the projection stood there sluggishly, as if he had fallen into lengthy thinking, and seemed to be too shocked to speak.As the vibration continued, the jellyfish behind him danced in the glass jar, and even the row of brainwave monitoring equipment on the left showed large-scale fluctuations in the brainwave patterns on the screen, "drip, drop, drop" Sirens echoed in the not so spacious conference room.

"It's so noisy~~~~!" Yan Yitong said boredly, and the siren stopped immediately, as if the row of machines had been threatened.Even the jellyfish in the glass jar, the dancing range has been reduced, and they seem to be a little scared.

Yan Funing shook his head, he didn't know how Yan Yitong made these old guys so hard.Now is not the time to talk about these things, he pondered and said: "It seems that the situation of Tai Chi Dragon is very bad." He said, "We must fill in the life of the Chosen One to resist the attack of the star gate, but this is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst."

Vladimir Arnold asked directly: "Is it time to float?"

Yan Funing hesitated for a moment and said, "Teacher, are you sure you want to go?"

"Of course, we are always ready." Vladimir Arnold replied without a second's hesitation.

"However, once the submarine is surfaced, we have no way out. Moreover, if you activate the carrier, if you die in battle, there is a high probability that you will be directly brain-dead." Yan Funing emphasized his tone, "It is very likely that no one will come back alive. "

"I know."

Yan Funing said in a deep voice: "My opinion is, let those of us who are not in danger of life go, and you stay here. The submarine will start to retreat now. In this way, even if Tai Chi Dragon loses, there will be no irreparable damage. matter."

Vladimir Arnold was silent for a few seconds before he said as if the machine had shut down and restarted: "I didn't speak just now because I thought of my father."

"Your father?" Yan Funing was puzzled, he didn't understand why the teacher mentioned his father at this time.

"He used to be the commander of the 62th Group of the 35nd Group." Vladimir Arnold said, "In July 1942, his team was transferred from outside the city now called Fuergagrad. About that battle The cruelest battle in human history, there are not many details to tell, because few people can survive from that war, and the rest are only some cold numbers. 7 citizens, 80 people who survived in the end Thousands of people. The total number of casualties was 8 million, and the duration was 200 days. Since the 199nd Group where my father belonged, since it set foot on the battlefield, it has invested a total of 62 armies, 2 divisions, 24 troops, and 16 regiments. 40 palaces. However, the total number of the 20 Group has never exceeded 62 people. An organized division will disappear in 6 days. On average, every 3 second, the Battle of Fuergagrad will consume 1 personal life. The city is like a hungry monster that knows no satiation"

"The wars now are completely different from those at that time." Yan Funing said, "Such cruel wars are impossible to happen now."

"Although there is no war that is not cruel, what I want to say is not how cruel that war was. I was only five years old at the time, and I didn't have much memory of the tragic war. I only vaguely remembered my mother's worried watch every day. Couldn't sleep all night in front of the radio. The only memory I remember was one day after the Battle of Fuergagrad, when I hadn't seen my father for two years, and went from kindergarten to primary school. I came home from school , I saw a group of people in uniform standing in the living room of my house. They saluted my mother with serious faces. Their postures were like Siberian birches, lush and mottled. Although they hadn’t spoken yet, my mother was sitting on the sofa She started sobbing on the ground, she was actually prepared, but when this day really came, she was still heartbroken. I also started to cry, although I didn't understand the meaning of death at that time. An uncle picked me up , comforted me patiently, took out candy and toys from my pocket, waited for me to calm down a little, hugged me and said to me: Vladimir, your father was a brave man, he was very brave in battle, he He and his comrade-in-arms endured artillery coverage and indiscriminate bombing by planes for 10-12 hours a day, facing the test of life and death. In order to defend the lofty belief of the motherland, they sacrificed themselves, fought to the death, and stuck to the strategic point for a long time. Many months. Under the enemy's concentrated superior forces and firepower, they held on to the last moment and expressed their loyalty to the motherland with their lives. You must learn from your father, be a brave man, and protect you well Mother, you will serve the motherland like your father in the future. Then he saluted me and solemnly said that on behalf of General Sergei Fedorovich Akhromeyer, in accordance with the provisions of the decree, I will confer the title of Golov Gold Sergey Arnold Red Star Medal. Vice President of the Military Judgment Council General Krutchikov on behalf of the Guards. After speaking, he put the medal his father got on my chest. I saw that The Order of the Red Star seems to have acquired great power, stopped crying, and nodded to him."

"General Krutchkov?"

In the void, someone grabbed the microphone and interrupted Vladimir Arnold's narration.

"Yes." Vladimir Arnold replied.

"He said the same thing to me, he did the same thing."

"It's nothing unusual." Another voice said, "At that time, my uncle had to visit more than ten or twenty heroic families every day, and the entire military court was doing the same thing from top to bottom, and it lasted for more than a year. "

"That was the most tragic generation. All the idealistic soldiers died in Fuergagrad, and the motherland they sacrificed their lives to protect did not escape the fate of disintegration in the end."

"Are they the most miserable generation?" Vladimir Arnold continued without waiting for anyone to answer, "Please listen to my full experience before drawing conclusions."

"Okay! You continue to talk about Vladimir, turn off the microphones of all members, and don't give everyone a chance to recall the painful past."

"On June 1945, 6, the second war victory parade was held in Moscow. My mother and I were also invited to participate in the ceremony. It was a very happy day, and a large number of workers, farmers, and intellectuals gathered In Red Square, many people burst into tears. At that time, I didn't understand the meaning of victory. I only knew that I had lost my father forever. On the second day of the official award ceremony, I saw my father Well, the only one who survived, he had just graduated from middle school when he went to the battlefield, his name was Alexandrovich. His right arm was blown off by an enemy tank shell, and only three fingers remained on his left hand. He came to the stage to give a speech, and told us something about the 24 Group, probably because of nervousness, he stumbled, and there was no passion. It was all simple words and vocabulary, without any polish. Said that they were ordered to stick to it The silicate factory, when we got there, there was almost no place to stay in the whole factory area. It was full of corpses, those of the enemy and our own people. The size of the place was measured by the number of corpses. The office building in the center of the factory area is In strategic locations, the two sides changed hands repeatedly, resulting in countless casualties. The halls, corridors, every window, and every office were stained with blood. Every day, people came in standing up and then went out lying down. They and the enemy were like tides The same back and forth, no one can completely occupy the entire factory area. The enemy who was unable to attack for a long time sent an elite tank regiment. The tanks knocked down the wall, and Wuyang Wuyang's enemies advanced towards the factory area from three sides under the cover of tanks. They were completely at a disadvantage, they couldn't get reinforcements, so they could only stick to the workshop with the workers. The fighting continued until night. The whole group went from more than 35 people to only 2500 people. They were surrounded in the workshop, including me. My father. At the last moment, my father called for artillery support and asked to cover the strike. In order to lure the enemy out of the cover of the tank, they pretended to surrender and let the enemy relax their vigilance. At the moment when the artillery fire fell, they bravely fought against the enemy Hand-to-hand combat was launched until the last drop of blood was shed...even though the whole narrative was dry, the family members of the 16th group still cried to the point of tears."

While speaking, another strong fluctuation hit, and the brain waves of the Hermitage jellyfish fluctuated even more violently.Vladimir Arnold's three-dimensional projection was also disturbed, like a digital image with many glitches suddenly growing, and even the sound was distorted for a moment.

Vladimir Arnold stopped, as if he was disturbed by the explosion, or because he fell into a long memory. After a while, he said again: "After the ceremony, he I found my mother on purpose, saying that it was to thank my father for taking care of him. He spoke incoherently and made people confused. I was still young and not very sensible. I still don’t understand why my father left me and my mother to die. I was in Fuergagrad, so I looked at his chest full of medals, empty sleeves, and left hand with only three fingers left, and asked: Why did you go to Fuergagrad? Do you regret going? Did you? He shook his head quickly, saying how could he regret it. He answered quickly, his face was still slightly flushed, and he looked very shy. My mother gave me a glare to stop me from asking some inexplicable questions. He asked my family address, and left. His answer did not relieve my doubts in my heart, but as I grew up, I soon immersed myself in the world of mathematics, and I didn’t care so much about anything, and I gradually got used to it. The death of his father. After that, Alexandrovich was assigned to be the deputy general manager of the state-owned store. Because of his status as a hero, he received extra care and lived a pretty good life. Not only did he often come to our house and send some things to our house , chocolate, big Lieba, smoked sausage, clothes, shoes, and other things in my father’s family that were a little more difficult to live in. He often went there. At that time, things were not abundant, but the price was very cheap. One kilogram of beef As long as 2 rubles, frankfurters are only 1.5 rubles, vodka is a little more expensive at 2.3 rubles, and electronic products are a little more expensive. I remember that an ordinary worker could get a salary of 800 rubles, in Moscow, at least in Moscow every day Personal life is very happy, and no one thought that it would go from bad to worse. When he got married, my mother and I went. His wife was very beautiful. She was the niece of my father’s comrade-in-arms. The wedding was very grand. He wore a military uniform, His chest is covered with the medals he is proud of. He also installed a prosthetic limb, which he said was custom-made for him by the military hospital. Steelworkers, truck drivers, and military leaders all came, including General Krutchikov. Everyone was happy and sincerely happy for Alexandrovich, the only child left in the 35th group. When he put on the ring for the bride At that time, many people cried, everyone stepped forward to hug him and gave him the most sincere blessings. Not long after, his wife became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. Probably because life is getting more and more busy, plus I moved with my mother last year, and I haven’t seen him much.”

Even though the electronic sound has no emotion at all, Yan Funing can still hear the pain and regret that are hard to dispel.The entire meeting room entered an indescribable state of silence. It seemed that even the machines that were running had gone dormant and stopped making any sound.

"If the story ends here, then this is just a very normal story. But then a disaster more terrible than the Battle of Fuergagrad happened." Vladimir Arnold paused, "We The great motherland is hopelessly disintegrated. I saw him again in the winter of 1992. It was snowing heavily. The colorful roofs of the old buildings in the Izmailovo flea market were all covered with white snow and looked very white. , very clean. He was sitting under the eaves wearing a military overcoat, with sabers, coats, military caps, some tattered silverware, a steel prosthetic limb with a number engraved on it, and dozens of medals on the shelves. He did not display the precious Red Star Medal, but still hung it on his chest. I stopped by the side of the road, still thinking whether I should greet him, and someone approached him, speaking authentic American English, and took out 200 dollars Want to buy his things, but ask for the red star medal on his chest. He hesitated for a while and refused. The man added another 20 dollars, but he still shook his head. The man said: Hello, big brother XXXX, Don't miss the glory of the past, the soviet has disintegrated. What's the use of your rags? Can it be exchanged for milk or bread? And what I give you is US dollars! US dollars! You can exchange 220 US dollars on the black market To 110000 rubles. He was surprised to say that yesterday 100 dollars could only be exchanged for 35000 rubles, but today it has become 50000 rubles? The man said that there will be more tomorrow, but I will not come here again tomorrow. No one but me Will buy your pile of rags. He hesitated for a long time, then sighed and said that I don’t sell the Red Star Medal, and you can take the other things for $100. The man shook his head. Heavy, to be honest, the Red Star Medal is not a big deal. You have so many war heroes, and there are so many of them in the market. I just see that your hand is broken and you are still setting up a stall here to pity you! Alexander Drovich gasped a few times, and stood up abruptly, who wants you to be pitiful? , spat, you Ennoth pariahs, evil XXXX elements, you deserve to be a coolie for a man, and a skilled woman for a woman. He raised his fist, but unfortunately he was too old and disabled, and was thrown backhand by that man He was beaten and fell on the wall. Some people from the surrounding shops came out to look at him, but no one helped him. Those people just watched him being beaten expressionlessly, and even gloated. I couldn't help it, ran over, and put The man beat me up, and in the chaos, I didn't know who called the police, but the man took out the Amerika passport and yelled a few times, but the police arrested me instead."

Someone couldn't help cursing: "сукаблядь (CTM)~ Vladimir, you are too weak. If it were me, I would definitely screw that bastard's head off."

"To be honest, our own people shocked me even more than that American man. It was obviously just a small fight. After the American man gave the police money, they took out the handcuffs Handcuffed Alexandrovich and me. Ignoring Alexandrovich's pleas to accept the stall, they dragged us into the car. If I hadn't revealed my identity in time, and I Gnakiev was right next to him, he drove up and I was almost dragged to the suburbs and beaten up."

"I remember this incident. At that time, I gave the policemen 20 dollars each. They didn't think it was enough. If I hadn't reported my uncle's name, you wouldn't want to get out of the car without a few hundred dollars."

Vladimir Arnold gave a weird wry laugh, "I was shocked that my country was becoming so strange, and the speed at which it was degrading was unbelievable."

"It was very difficult to survive those few years. Everyone was forced to become a beast."

"Being forced to become a beast? No, that's the rule of the game in the capitalist world."

"Vladimir, what's so special about your story? To be honest, I can casually name seven or eight people who have had worse experiences than your friends. During that time, there were hundreds of people on the streets of Moscow every night. There will be people who will freeze to death, and people who will starve to death, professors, workers, shopkeepers, truck drivers... Your friends are not bad if they are alive."

"Yeah! It's good to be alive! But some life is better than death." Vladimir Arnold sighed long and electronically, "I asked him to go to the bar to drink and warm his body. When he sat in it, he sighed. It’s been a long time since I’ve been drinking. At that time, a bottle of vodka cost more than 300 rubles, and the price was dozens of times higher than before the disintegration. Ordinary people really couldn’t afford it. I remember there was a case at that time, someone sold industrial alcohol mixed with water as vodka , Dozens of people died from drinking, the ridiculous thing is that the people who counterfeit alcohol just paid a little money and let it go, they never sat in jail for a day.”

"I also remember this case. I even know who the fake liquor seller is. He is still alive and well."

"Continuing with the story of Alexandrovich, when he was drunk, he told me that his company was acquired by a private company, and he was suspected of being a disabled person, so he was not only fired, but he was not paid any compensation. His house was also allocated by the company, so even the house was taken back. He and his wife had to live with relatives, whose conditions were not very good. It was difficult for the two families to make ends meet, and his wife earned a little by doing odd jobs. When he couldn’t find a job for a long time, he couldn’t even afford to buy a big Liba, so he could only rely on drinking water to satisfy his hunger. However, because of his disability, he couldn’t do anything, so he kept it every day before selling it at the flea market. My daughter couldn't find a job and went to Germany with other girls, so far there is no news. I comforted him a few words, gave him some money, and left him the address, saying that everything will be fine, let him Come to me if you have anything to do. But the second time I saw him was two years later. He begged me to buy it with the Red Star Medal. His wife was seriously ill due to overwork and malnutrition. Free public hospital It will take a few months before there will be wards, and he can't afford the money for the private hospital. He can only sell the medal for money. He cried and said that he regretted not selling the medal to the Amelika man at that time. Now 220 US dollars is enough to exchange for more than 100 million rubles. If I sold it at that time, I would save the US dollars until now to pay for my wife’s medical treatment. I looked at the building with "Citibank" on the opposite side of my house. I don’t know what to say What's so good, it used to be the most important equipment research center in this land, and now it has become the financial center of Amerika in Ennos. I gave him money, but I resolutely did not ask for the medal. Another time Half a year later, he came to me again and told me that his wife had passed away and could not be cured, but he still wanted to thank me and buy me a drink. He drank too much that day and said to me with tears, Flaki Mill, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry everyone, I lied."

"Lied? Did he swindle money in his wife's name? I knew it would."

"No, that's not the case. He told me the secret of more than 40 years ago." Vladimir Arnold shook his head and lowered his voice, "He said: In the silicate factory, when your father decided to surrender To lure the enemy in and die together, I was scared, so I was the last one, and when your father threw down his guns and was about to line up to go out, I dodged behind the boiler. At that time your father and Kutepov xx Saw it all, when XX Kutepov wanted to call me out, your father shook his head and said that Alexandrovich was still young, he shouldn't have come here, but was studying at school. My whole body I was trembling with fear, but your father came back and smiled at me, and told me to hide in the boiler. When the shells arrived, I heard their shouts of killing through the boiler, and started a battle with the enemy amidst the rumbling artillery fire. Melee combat, their shouts, the cruel and crazy shouts of the enemy, every time the bayonet pierced their bodies, the gun butts and fists smashed on them, and the sound of bullets piercing flesh and blood, I could clearly hear them. Cover up. I really wanted to rush out, rush out to help them, but my body couldn’t move because of fear. I curled up in the boiler, holding my head and crying. At that moment, I hated this damn war. I regretted graduating from high school. Just going to be the chief soldier, I don't think I should have come here at all, I shouldn't be here at all. The fear of death was driving me crazy, and I didn't feel relieved until the shell hit the boiler and I passed out. When I woke up again, I was already on a stretcher and sent to the field hospital in the rear. As the only survivor of the whole group, I was treated like a hero, but I dare not tell the truth to anyone, I am nothing at all War hero, I'm a coward, I'm a deserter, it's not the enemy's tank that blows me up, it's our own shells! I regretted my actions after I came back, especially when I saw your tears, I wanted to Confession to you and my superiors, but I don’t have the courage, I’m just a shameful and cowardly person. At first I enjoyed the treatment that didn’t belong to me, and I felt uneasy, and then I learned to justify myself, and I said to myself, Even if I go out and bravely stand with your father and the others, it will not change anything and will not affect any results. The war is over, let everything pass. Gradually, the happy life made me forget the silicate factory The corpses lying on the ground like lice made me forget the nightmare of tanks and rumbling explosions and rain of bullets, only occasionally dreaming back in the middle of the night, and still being awakened by the rain of gunfire.”

Vladimir Arnold closed his eyes, as if he was brewing for a while before continuing to say in Alexandrovich's tone: "I know they are all mortals, and for a long time I couldn't understand how they did that. Brave, finally, today, I understand the meaning of that war. Every night, I regret not standing with them. If I have another chance, I will definitely be as brave as them. Died without regret in the enemy's guns, defending my motherland with my life"

Speaking of this, the tremor from the majestic death pierced the sea again, and Vladimir Arnold stopped talking amidst the jumping radio waves. In the distant silence, he stared at the void, as if he saw the past through the air scene.

"He drank a lot that day and kept confessing to me, and although I didn't say it, I was also confessing to the red flag. When we parted, he drunkenly bid farewell to me, and stuffed the Red Star medal into me hand, say to me: I don't deserve it, Vladimir, it will be a bullet in my heart, please take it, take away the nightmare that disturbs me, let me sleep peacefully, please " Vladimir Arnold stopped, as if choked up, "I don't know how to refuse, I accepted the thing that was once extremely precious but now worthless, and watched him stagger in the wind and snow go far."

"Two days later, I received a call from the caller who told me that Aleksandrovich died in Purgagrad, under the statue of 'Motherland Calling', shot. committed suicide. The police only found my address and phone number and his daughter's address in Germany in his pocket, but they couldn't contact his daughter. So I went to Fuergagrad and bought him a coffin, I want to bury his body in the Martyrs Cemetery of the Fuergagrad Battle, but I need his registration card and medal certificate. I went to his residence and found nothing, only some useless things. I tried to call to find Her daughter was also not found. I had to ask some friends, and after many setbacks, I learned about his daughter’s condition. His daughter suffered from schizophrenia and was treated in a mental hospital in Berlin. I hurried to that hospital and found out. I learned from others that at first she wanted to find a decent job, but it was not easy for Ennos to find a job in Berlin, not to mention her German was not very good, because her life was unsustainable, and she was accepted by Ennos. North’s gang tricked her into becoming a skilled girl. She escaped and called the police several times, but it was useless. The Germans didn’t care about Ennos’s business. She was arrested and continued to work as a skilled girl until she went crazy.”

"If it was me, I would kill all the members of that gangster! Kill them all!"

The voice, despite its unemotional electronic tone, felt like a roar.

Vladimir Arnold was silent for a long time before saying, "I hated myself for a long time, I hated myself during that time, hiding in the ivory tower in the name of research, turning a blind eye to the changes around me, and seeing those ugly phenomena Remaining silent, afraid of the difficulties of reform. I watched my motherland collapse step by step, but I did nothing. I just kept suggesting to myself that someone would stand up and end all this. But until the end , no one stood up again, I just watched our fathers, the motherland that was guarded with their lives, finally fell into the hands of degenerates. Yes! Those traitors in the Kremlin are the culprits, but Can those of us who keep silent get away with our crimes? We are accomplices, helping those heinous people to push the motherland to the gallows. Maybe as many people say, those pure and ideal warriors have already died in Fuerga In the ice and snow of Gele. They are great, but we...we are just a group of poor worms escaping from reality and living in glass jars." He turned and looked at the rows of canned brains behind him, "so who is the most miserable generation?"

No one answered Vladimir-Arnold's question.Only the brain waves on the electronic screen fluctuated violently.The red warning light on the top of the instrument is rotating rapidly, and the flickering red light over and over again smudges the crazy dancing white brains in the glass jar, which is extremely weird and shocking, like a ghost from hell, eager to drink Mortal blood.

But here there is only sea and silence.

And the shudder of a magnificent death sent from afar.

This death is so touching, like a hymn that can give people a long-lasting resonance.

In this boring and vulgar world, it is a kind of exciting sacrifice to use life to hit the high wall.

Even if he was ridiculed as a stupid blood because of failure.

Nor can it stop the true idealists from swooping towards the immortal tombstone.

Vladimir Arnold whispered in the boiling blood: "We have been ashamed of our motherland all our lives, and now we must face it bravely!" The oath, "This is also our revenge against imperialism."

(End of this chapter)

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