Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1345 Ragnarok of the Gods (117)

Chapter 1345 Ragnarok of the Gods (117)

The voice of the first general, like the voice of a god, was blown through the silent valley by the howling wind, stirring in all directions, buzzing in Cheng Mo's ears.He suddenly felt a pressure coming from all directions, as if he was suddenly in the bottom of the sea, surrounded by terrifying pressure that would crush him to pieces.

The skyrocketing data is also expressing the same thing, the sound waves rolling like waves surround him, forming a sea of ​​criss-crossing ripples.

He is in the middle of the sea.

And the number one general is the boiling sea that can smash him into pieces at any time.

Cheng Mo was in the vast sea composed of sonar waves, and he felt a sense of awe.You must know that the "sound wave" skill is at most an A-level skill, but this A-level skill, which is not popular for the high-ranking Chosen, was used by the first general to become an unrivaled "field", and even he The "Eye of Lance" can crack the field.

In an instant, a sense of powerlessness rose in Cheng Mo's heart. He remembered seeing the "Riemann Conjecture" in high school, as if a mortal looked up at the top of the Himalayas above the sky.If you can't reach the towering peak, it's not because you are too weak, but because the Himalayas are unattainable. Worship is a natural choice. Only a madman will challenge the "miracle".

Most people in this world who can accomplish extraordinary feats are lunatics. When he succeeds because of his madness, we praise him for his wisdom and see the possibility in the impossible.When he fails with insanity, we think he's lost his mind, trying to defy the impossible.No matter how you look at it, reason and madness are opposites, but Cheng Mo thinks that reason and madness are not incompatible.

If you want to break through the insurmountable limits, you must have both madness and reason, but ordinary people can only take care of one emotion at the same time.He told himself that he had to get out of the shock, that it was normal not to be able to defeat the number one general, and it was an accident to win by luck, and he had to calm down.

Cheng Mo took a deep breath under the mask, the filtered air was abnormally fresh, he spread his wide wings, and stopped abruptly on purpose, the slowed down time in his field of vision suddenly accelerated, those slow and sparse light spots became Hasty and dense.Facing the rain of attacks, he swayed his body slightly in the air and dodged all kinds of skills. He acted extremely carelessly, but the calculation speed of his brain was pushed to the limit.

Within the range he can detect, air temperature, wind speed, the speed and heading of each chosen person, the acceleration of each skill and bullet, the quality and target location, all kinds of data are cascading from the cranial cavity. Sliding past at a constant speed, they were categorized and laid in the table in chronological order.Just like analyzing a problem, first determine the unknown.Then find out the known data and conditions, draw a sketch, introduce symbols, and analyze the connection between them and unknown quantities.If you have done similar problems, you can set the solution.If you haven't done it, use all the formulas and auxiliary items you know, and let the known conditions and data approach the unknown.

No one is better at solving problems than him, a problem solver in this small town. His brain analyzes proficiently, classifies useful data and useless data, and lists the abnormalities below.Just like solving questions in the examination room, use all the tools to explore the intention of the questioner on the blank manuscript paper.However, with more and more data and more and more detailed conditions, he saw a very common problem.

The data shows that there is nothing special about this vast "sonic sea", which is in line with the logic of all sonic skills below A level.It's just that the strength of ordinary sound wave skills is not so high, the duration is not so long, and the range of duration can never reach a wide range.There seems to be nothing special about this question. There is no difficulty in solving the problem. The only difficulty lies in the amount of calculation.It's like the last big question in the Olympic Mathematical Olympiad, which asks you to silently write the value of pi to 90.00 digits.Even if you can cheat, if you copy it, you will make mistakes [-]% of the time.

When he saw the answer, he became more and more confused and frightened.

The sound waves that were as vast as the raging sea kept beating him, as if they could crush him into powder at any moment.Those lasers and missiles that could not lock on to him had also found their targets, following his flight trajectory.

Cheng Mo tried to use "teleportation", and found that even teleportation could not get rid of the tracking.Under the blessing of the "sound field" lock, those skills and bullets that were just messy raindrops became conscious and turned around, like a school of piranhas smelling blood, and swept away like a storm with scorching light Come.He was completely locked on, like a prey entangled in a spider's web. The enemy could easily perceive his every move and position through the changes in the sonic web.Even the "Eye of Lance" is useless, just like this extraordinary skill is not worth mentioning in front of the first general.

In Cheng Mo's memory bank, there is no such sound wave skill, nor should there be such a skill. Such a large-scale and long-term sound wave skill does not conform to the law of energy conservation, which violates the operating logic of the chosen system.

It's like the Falklands golden silk spider that can weave a huge web of 1.5 square meters on the earth. It is the overlord of the spider world. Even if there are spiders that can weave 2 or 3 square meters, it is still in the category of understanding.But there is absolutely no spider on the earth that can weave a spider web that can cover a city in tens of square kilometers.

Not only because such a spider must be unimaginably huge, but in terms of the ecological environment of the earth, such a terrifying creature cannot be accommodated.It's a Cruise behemoth that exists only in the imagination.

The first general is the Krusu giant who weaves such a sonic web that cannot exist.

And this thing that shouldn't exist, just appeared in front of my eyes.

Awe suddenly escalated to fear.

Cheng Mo shuddered.

At this moment, he seemed to really see the incomprehensible giant Crusu. His scalp was numb, his limbs were stiff, and even his thinking stagnated. The massive data in his brain stopped updating at this second, like a crash same.

Cheng Mo once thought that there was nothing in the world that could make him feel afraid. At any rate, he was also a person who was killed from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. He had faced saints, devils, heaven, and hell.It was only at this moment that I realized that I was still young, and there would always be things beyond imagination in the world.

After leaving Li Jiting's shelter, when he faced the number one general alone, he realized that the other party was not in the same dimension as him at all.Just like appreciating the Himalayas as a landscape and taking the Himalayas as a goal to conquer, these two Himalayas are by no means the same mountain.

He had never been so lacking in confidence, like the frail child who stood in front of the doctor many years ago.

Fear is attached to the heart, like a shadow.

The firelight turned into dazzling sunlight. He recalled the afternoon when he was seven years old, he was arguing to go to school, and asked his father why everyone else could go to school, but why he was the only one who could not.The father didn't explain much, and took him directly to the hospital, and asked the doctor to tell him the reason directly.Only then did he understand why he was different from others. Although he could not fully understand what death meant at that time, he still cried loudly in front of the doctor.

His father walked out of the hospital with his teary eyes in his arms, and took him to the book fair in Dingwangtai.The golden autumn light shines through the tall windows on a section of uneven bookshelves. The jagged reflections are like steps, and the dusty light is like holy light, beam after beam, as if guiding them Path to the center of the universe.

His father led him through humanities, geography, philosophy, and nature. Finally, he came to the medical book area. His father read them line by line, and finally picked out two books and handed them to him. Get closer to it! Understand it! Only in this way, the fear in your heart will disappear! Only then can you master the way to deal with it!" After he took the book in a daze, his father said, "All human fears come from ignorance .and all danger comes from thinking you know enough."


Cheng Mo suddenly stopped moving forward, his vision was blurred, full of erratic handwriting, his brain was trembling, only he knew it.He subconsciously lit up the light shield, standing in the vast sandstorm of light.Lasers, bullets and missiles converged in front of him, and on the energy shield, there seemed to be countless people waving fairy wands around him.

In the haze of light, he saw the names of the two books - one was "Practical Pediatric Cardiology" and the other was "Preventive Cardiology".

"I'm used to living in fear! Fear is not my enemy! Fear makes me strong!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The powerful heartbeat echoed in his ears, like a drumstick hitting the eardrum hard.Everything in front of him gradually became clear with the sound of beating drums, and dense spots of light surrounded him, as if he was floating alone in the middle of the distant galaxy, and David Rockefeller was the invisible, intangible, and ubiquitous man. dark matter.

"No matter how close you are to God, a human being is a human being after all." Li Jiting's words were still ringing in his ears, deafening.He told himself that since this is the case, David Rockefeller must also be a human being. No matter how pure, exquisite, huge, and incredible this skill is, it must still be limited by the system of the chosen one and the laws of physics, and cannot be confused by its appearance , only deeper exploration can disenchant the first general.

The long-term tenacity has kept Cheng Mo from being caught by fear for too long. He quickly adjusted his mood again, forgetting the challenger identity he had just set for himself, and classifying himself as a survivor. Facing the completely unknown The Crusu giant is a survivor whose first goal is survival.

However, we should pay attention to the enemy tactically, but despise the enemy strategically.The desire to win is also indispensable. For this reason, he pretended to be nonchalant and called the number one general by name, "Stage? Spotlight? What do you want to see? David Rockefeller."

"What you want to see is no longer possible. So it's better to say why you feel sorry." David Rockefeller did not respond to Cheng Mo's impoliteness, nor did he have a trace of the arrogance of the first general, he seemed Just as you would when chatting with someone you don't know well, be polite and keep your distance.

David Rockefeller's attitude was beyond Cheng Mo's expectation, he didn't expect that the other party would answer him seriously.This is a good thing, for him, there is no better way to understand the first general than through dialogue.But the dialogue was a two-way street, and it also provided the means by which David Rockefeller studied him.He believes that David Rockefeller is not the kind of person who likes to talk nonsense, so the reason why the enemy does this may be that he is not regarded as a worthy opponent at all; it may also be due to David Rockefeller's character, even in the face of He is also cautious.

Cheng Mo wasn't sure which, or both.Sometimes excessive thinking is useless, anyway, even if it can only increase the slight chance of winning, he must go all out to fight for it.After all, the choice is in the opponent's hands.So he changed his tone and became humble again: "Mr. David, why do you say that? It's because Nebuchadnezzar's choice is not to your liking?"

"The novel you spent 63 years writing has finally reached your long-awaited ending, but the ending is out of control. The protagonist you set up escapes, and the vigorous climax you have waited for so long becomes How can there be no regrets?" David Rockefeller emphasized, "For a novelist, there is nothing worse than writing most of the wonderful plot, but it ends unfinished. But luckily, I was prepared."

"Novelist? It's a pity that you gave up such a promising career to become the number one general."

"When I was young, I was deeply inspired by literature. I set foot on the battlefield, looking for the true meaning of life and the material of the story, but I became a god general by accident. Later, I found that the profession of the first god general is more important than a novelist Interesting. After all, novelists can only write imaginary fates, and I control real fates."

"Then I can only say that you have watched too many Hollywood movies, and the scripts you wrote are also clichéd, and when the world is destroyed, it is up to your Stargate to save it? Don't you know that it is you heroes who specialize in saving the world, What the fuck is the source of world turmoil?"

David Rockefeller did not refute Chengmo's irony, and said lightly: "I never watch Hollywood movies, I don't even watch movies, I like to watch operas or novels. I am especially fond of tragedies, "Hamlet", "Othello", "King Lear", "Macbeth", in my opinion, only tragedies are really exciting things. When we watch comedies, we are reading our inner desires and escaping from reality. And when we are watching When watching tragedies, we are examining ourselves and looking for ourselves. For example, "Sacred Classics" are full of tragic stories from beginning to end, full of disasters, misery, devils and death, and even the Creator is burdened Holding the cross, walked the long road of suffering, but was crucified in the end. So! Salvation is just a vain hope, but no matter how miserable, the "Holy Classic" is still the eternal teaching that human beings are remembered."

Cheng Mo listened to the words of the first general in the overwhelming light storm, and the sky was densely covered with overlapping voices, as if there were thousands of David Rockefellers standing on the top of mountains in different distances to talk to him.The fear in his heart continued unabated, but he was able to face it calmly.His brain returned to normal, as if it had restarted, and various data began to flow again.

He observed the data with all his strength, and the voice of the First God General came from all directions, stacked layer by layer, as if he was surrounded by a huge speaker matrix.Because the number of speakers is too large, the range of the matrix is ​​too wide, and the sound transmission appears in sequence, but because of too many sounds, sometimes overlapping, the weak echo is difficult to capture, and can only be observed in the data.

This is an important clue.

Cheng Mo changed into a normal tone and talked with David Rockefeller, pretending that they were not in a battle of life and death, but in an art salon.

"You're right, even the core of comedy is also tragedy. Human beings yearn for tragedy, just like yearning for destruction. But this is not to say that comedy is meaningless, even though most of the time it is just a placebo for bitter life .”

"Comedy is false hope, tragedy is false redemption." David Rockefeller sighed, "I thought Nebuchadnezzar's death would have a great impact on me, but unfortunately, the redemption I was looking forward to It didn’t happen. After witnessing his death, what I felt was more complex and vivid pleasure. This pleasure does not come from hatred, but from admiration and appreciation. Nothing beats the back that I once looked up to In order to make people happier, this is more exciting than destroying the enemy. But the excitement is only for a moment. After a moment of excitement, I found that I was not so happy. Human beings yearn for tragedy, and they shed tears for the noble spirit that touches the heart, but unfortunately Most people don't want to be a tragic hero, they'd rather be a clown in a low-brow comedy From a certain perspective, Nebuchadnezzar's death is meaningless, which happens to be a real tragedy, you're great , correct, and unwavering, but in the end they were no match for human nature, and disappeared in the dust of history helplessly.”

David Rockefeller's words were full of sincere emotion, without any slander or contempt, but Cheng Mo's heart was full of anger.He thought that what David Rockefeller said was right, so he seemed to be stabbed by a hated person. Anger that had nowhere to go ignited in his usually calm heart, and this anger scorched him. It looks like he is standing on the fire net at this moment.

Anger didn't burn out rationality, he knew that the loser's anger was meaningless.In the past, he would suppress this anger and keep himself in a state of absolute calm.But at this time, he was suspended in the air, and he did not hide and restrain his emotions.From Li Jiting and David Rockefeller, he learned another realm, grasping all factors to gain an advantage.The battle of the generals is not only a war, but weather, morale, money, even a horseshoe is a weight on the balance of victory.The same is true for emotions. Before, he only knew how to use reason, but now he has to manipulate all his emotions.Just like anger, anger can also be converted into the will and determination to fight, and it can also drive away inner fear.

Cheng Mo poured his anger into the radiating spherical sound waves, filling the entire sky with his voice, "So what do you want to tell me? Nebuchadnezzar is a tragic hero, but in the end he lost to You vulgar clown? It's not over yet, David Rockefeller, the movie's ending won't be revealed until the BGM plays and the subtitles pop out, and sometimes even the subtitles are played, and the story isn't really over yet , there will be easter eggs that are unfinished or not, it depends on who is the protagonist?"

"Easter eggs? Those are Hollywood tricks to cheat money. If they sell well, there will be a sequel. If they don't sell well, there will be nothing." David Rockefeller said, "No one understands the rules of this world better than me. I Control it."

Cheng Mo's sound wave invaded the sound wave sea in all directions. With the help of this sound wave, he quickly analyzed the sound field data. According to the different propagation locations and the changes in sound intensity, he calculated the vast sound wave sea that surrounded him. speakers", or more precisely "buoy sonar".

He suddenly realized that he was limited to skills. Maybe David Rockefeller created a "sonic field" by superimposing some kind of sonic skills with technological equipment.

Such an answer is unbelievable, even more incredible than David Rockefeller having a field-type sonic skill.But countless times of problem-solving experience told him that the most unlikely answer to a difficult problem is often the correct answer.Although this is not in line with common sense.

He also thought of the "Knights Templar" hidden among the many Stargate Chosen Ones, and the unified combat armor with a sense of technology, perhaps some of the conditions were hidden in it.

"Is there anyone who understands better than you?" Cheng Mo sneered, "Many people also understand, but those great people are not like you, willing to bow to the world and become a prisoner of desire."

When speaking, he first tried to analyze what kind of skill it was through the strength of the sound field, and came up with more than 20 possibilities from D-level to A-level.So he started to work backwards from the "A" level sonic skills, "overfrequency shock", "cluster sonic pulse", "high frequency bomb".
David Rockefeller seemed to be completely unaware of Cheng Mo's small movements, and continued: "I am a prisoner of desire? Maybe you just said it the wrong way. I respect human nature, and desire is the law in my hands." After a short pause, he said in a deep voice Said, "Nebuchadnezzar's road is impossible to walk, greatness does not mean right, evil does not mean wrong. Sometimes it takes more courage to choose to take the dark and rough road, Lucifer, in fact, you Should understand. I'm right."

This answer made him touch a specific person, not God.He felt that he was pulling back the veil of David Rockefeller's mystery, and the shadow of fear was fading.He gave up arguing with David Rockefeller about this unsolvable problem, and continued to analyze David Rockefeller's powerful sound field. The more he deduced, the more outrageous the result.The conclusion is that the skill used by David Rockefeller does not even reach the "A" level, but it is a DD-level "remote positioning sound wave". This skill is so cheap that no one wants to equip it.

If he hadn't experienced how exaggerated Athena's D-level skill "Occam's Razor" could be, Cheng Mo would have no imagination to suspect that David Rockefeller did not use some powerful "field" skills, but a DD-level skill The sound wave skill was transformed, and a red-labeled domain skill was obtained.

He looked around and saw the Chosen One surrounded him like a school of fish, and a bold guess came to his mind.The number one general, David Rockefeller, used the alliance's chosen ones all over the sky to equip them with "remote positioning sound waves" to act as "buoy sonars", locking his position like locking the position of a submarine.With the help of powerful manpower, turning a DD-level skill into at least an 'SSS'-level domain-level skill is such an ingenious idea that it is simply incredible.

Cheng Mo gasped, even with the help of foreign objects, this is not an easy task, on the contrary, it is even more outrageous than having such a "field".

If it was another person, it might not be able to accept this reality, especially after witnessing the fight between Li Jiting and David Rockefeller.

Because they are the closest to the gods, they can even be called gods.

But the rational Cheng Mo still had outrageous thoughts based on the data that could not be reflected in reality.

How much energy support is needed to maintain such a vast sound field?According to the law of energy conservation, this is impossible, even for the number one general.

"David Rockefeller is just a mortal. Then the amount of energy he cannot support personally is not a problem at all if it is distributed to each chosen person."

If this is the case, for other chosen ones, even if they know the secrets, it is impossible to complete such a miraculous "field". , It also needs countless chosen ones who are willing to cooperate.

In the entire world, only David Rockefeller could do it.Even Li Jiting can't do it, he can't drive so many chosen ones to be cannon fodder.

Cheng Mo turned his mind, this skill is too weird, after he got used to the low-frequency sound waves that exist all the time, the only function of this huge sea of ​​sound waves is to lock.He was sure that David Rockefeller was definitely not a whim, but a trick he had planned to use against Li Jiting, but Li Jiting didn't fight him head-on, so he couldn't use it, and now he used it against himself.

"If this is the case, David Rockefeller is not as terrifying as imagined. But it is a waste of money to use such an expensive thing against me! Probably everyone has already made such preparations. If you don't take it out and use it, you don't know how to show it. For whom?"

There may be other possibilities, but Cheng Mo can't imagine.When things come to this, surrender is absolutely impossible, and he has no way to retreat.He pretended to be indifferent and condescending and said: "The winner is right. You haven't won yet." He said coldly, "I have to remind you, if you want to be a bystander of other people's fate, be careful not to get involved yourself Into that unfathomable fate! From spectator to prisoner."

"I'm not the audience, I'm the director. Or maybe it's your irresistible fate." David Rockefeller responded in a low voice, "Also, your tone of voice is a bit blunt, hypocritical, and your lines are exaggerated. It's like When I was young, I was full of the arrogance of a knower. This kind of performance is temporarily not worthy of being the protagonist of a great tragedy, let alone the ending of this great history."

David Rockefeller's voice is quite approachable, but it also contains teachings, which reminds people of a church in the evening, a confession room under the sunset, and an old missionary with a kind face sitting inside the hollow window.

This is the sense of hearing. Cheng Mo actually didn't care so much about what David Rockefeller said. After realizing the origin of the "sound wave sea" skill, he began to capture the "remote positioning sound wave" emitted by those star gate candidates around him with all his strength. , and plot the ripples of all sound waves against frequency.

In his brain is a completely different picture, he is in the middle of the sea of ​​sound waves, like a lighthouse in a complex sea area, the voice of David Rockefeller, the "remote positioning sound wave" of the Alliance's Chosen One, skills and no one The machine's bullets stirred up all kinds of turbulence around him.He loaded all the sound field data into the void, and rendered the microscopic world, just like a turbulent image made by a computer.The world in my eyes has become extremely wonderful. Sound, laser, bullets, wind, and flames stir together to form an extremely weird turbulent field. Known things are happening.

"More data needs to be collected."

Cheng Mo immersed himself in a more profound and mysterious world, and his fear of David Rockefeller became lighter.He said loudly from the bottom of his heart: "Even if you are a director, I will not be an actor at the mercy of others!"

After speaking, he accelerated without warning and rushed towards the north with thousands of fireworks, which aroused more turbulence in the sound field. He made his flight more in line with the direction of turbulence. Sure enough, it only increased some The amount of calculation made him faster and save energy. He found that blending into the turbulent flow was the real integration with the heaven and the earth.

In the realized vortex image, it is like a curve growing at high speed. The sound of the flight and the air flow are very subtle, and the impact on the entire turbulent field is minimized.Most of the skills that could lock him lost their direction, and the colorful vortex images became even more chaotic, just like bright oil paints mixed together, driven by a certain law to flow wantonly on the canvas.

Abstract painters are especially keen on such painting methods, such as hanging a brush in the air and letting it make a circular motion, or using various utensils to move on the canvas in a certain regular way. Following a certain law, a special aesthetic feeling is formed.

Zeng Chengmo named this painting method "turbulent flow painting", so this flying method should be called turbulent flight.

"Why do I think of painting? Maybe the image of the turbulent field is really too much like an abstract painting."

Cheng Mo's repressed mood was liberated for this, and this mood seemed to have solved a difficult problem.Life is about solving problems, but when we were studying, we solved the problems written on paper, but when we entered the society, we solved the problems engraved in reality.No one can escape problem solving and exams.

This moment is the most important exam in Cheng Mo's life!

Carrying huge kinetic energy, he slammed into the Stargate line like a flame meteorite.As a "sonar buoy", the Stargate Chosen One cannot choose to escape, but can only be vaporized into a DNA helix by the energy he bursts out.Destroying these cannon fodder was not the goal. He immediately chose "teleportation". In the bursting flames, he flashed past a group of ordinary chosen ones, and shot the "Seven Sins" into hiding with lightning speed. In the distance is the chest of a "Knights Templar".

Sure enough, no matter how fast his speed was and how subtle his movements were, the other party had predicted his actions.When he appeared, he only saw the eyes of the other party left in the air. His ears and eyes under the full-coverage helmet were so eye-catching. The ears were arched triangles, like some kind of antenna.The eyes are covered in a long strip of light. If you look closely, each point of light is a pupil, forming dense compound eyes. From a distance, it looks like a matrix of laser lights suspended in the dark, revealing a mechanical killing intent. and ruthless sarcasm.

As he guessed, the "Knights Templar" is the networking node of the huge sea of ​​sound waves.

There was no disturbance in Cheng Mo's heart, his brain was always observing the fluctuation of the "vortex field".Just as he thought in his heart: Turbulent flow cannot be calculated and predicted, but it does not mean that turbulent flow is irregular, let alone that turbulent flow cannot be counted.

Just like what kind of ripples a stone will produce when it falls into the water, it is not only related to the weight, speed, angle, and shape of the stone, but also related to the movement of the water. Therefore, it is impossible to figure out all the ripples produced by the stone ( Stones are different, and water moves differently).But as long as everything is a fixed value, so is the ripple.And the relationship between rocks and ripples can be calculated through statistics, and a rough turbulence model can be made.

The sound field set by the first god general is the sea, and everyone who moves can be regarded as a stone.When the rocks are fixed and the water surface is fixed, then what kind of throwing action will cause what kind of ripples.

Such as "teleportation".

The "ripple" of "teleportation" in the sonic sea is a sudden hole.

At this moment, Cheng Mo "saw" that 500 meters in front of the left, Sonic Sea lacked a circle without warning, as if the earth had a spherical collapse.He used "Teleport" again, and continued to shoot the "Seven Sins" into the air ahead without hesitation.

With a sound of "Puff", the Seven Sins pierced through the neck of the "Knights Templar", which happened to be where the glowing red cross relief was. The berserk energy of the "Seven Sins" poured into the opponent's body, and the handsome panther-style armor was burning.In the flames, Cheng Mo once again saw the eyes under the compound eye helmet of the other party, and the exposed eyes no longer had killing intent or ridicule, and were full of astonishment.


He saw the "sea of ​​sound waves" in his mind, and there were abnormal fluctuations in his position. He didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, and quickly passed through the floating flames and DNA spirals, and started killing again.

"he came!"


The shouts of the Stargate Chosen resounded through the clouds, but no one chose to retreat.

Cheng Mo swung his sword and walked without any gradual progress, setting off a wild wave in the crowd.It's like a piece of music, there is no interlude between relaxed and cheerful to deep and passionate, and it suddenly reaches a climax, which is very abrupt.

In the constant killing, the data collected by Cheng Mo became more and more detailed, and his understanding of "Sonic Sea" became deeper and deeper.If each Stargate Chosen is a "buoy sonar", then the "Knights Templar" is a "buoy radio receiver". They use the same skill or equipment to link all the coalition Chosen into one A whole piece of "sonic sea".

As for who is the terminal "signal processor" - there is no doubt that it must be David Rockefeller. He aggregated the data collected by all nodes and calculated his altitude, speed, position and other key information.It turned an insignificant DD-level "remote positioning sound wave" into an SSS-level red label domain.

Finally got a glimpse of the truth and got the true face of "Sound Wave Sea", but Cheng Mo's heart did not have the slightest joy, but a bitterness like fish guts flooded in his heart.David Rockefeller was not as scary as he imagined, but it doesn't mean he wasn't scary.Even if David Rockefeller is not a Crusu-like god, he is still an unrivaled opponent.

Just relying on this one hand to turn the DD-level skill "Remote Positioning Sound Wave" into a magical operation is enough to crush him.He was self-aware of this, so he never lost his fighting spirit, but he also knew that the opponent had already made complete preparations to deal with Li Jiting.Now it is no longer a matter of winning or losing with the means used to deal with Li Jiting, it is whether the chance of him surviving is more than one in ten thousand.

According to his speculation, David Rockefeller is still not doing it now, probably because he is too cautious, afraid that he will use the "Eye of Lance" to escape, otherwise why is the skill "Sonic Sea" that can lock him when he makes a move?
Cheng Mo put his complicated thoughts and fear of failure behind him, and threw himself into the battle with all his heart.Having mastered the mysteries of Sonic Sea, his actions were no secret to David Rockefeller, nor were the actions of any enemy.

So this "sea" is not only David Rockefeller's sea, but also his "sea".

The chosen ones of the alliance rushed towards him like a huge school of fish fearlessly, and the order of everyone was clearly marked in his mind. When he became the master of this sea, even the enemies and various The flight trajectories of these skills are exceptionally clear.His brain quickly calculated, swung the "Seven Sins" in the order in which the enemies appeared, and the light blade flew in the night sky flickering with dense light spots, harvesting life at an incredible speed, as simple as playing the classic game "Ninja Fruit".

The sound of electricity, wind, and armor breaking are mixed together to form a fast-paced electronic music. The DNA helix jumps out section by section following the music and movement tracks. The sci-fi is bright and beautiful, giving this battle a cyberpunk feel, which greatly weakens the bloody atmosphere, making people unable to feel that this is reality.

He wields the "Seven Sins", a hungry shark, and tries his best to harvest the lives of the chosen ones of the alliance. At least killing can provide him with a gain in attack value, and "time" is not merciless to him.Of course, this is more of a kind of self-consolation. Up to now, the attack power and speed increased by "Tyrant"'s "Slaughter Heart" have reached 790 five points, so it seems dispensable at present.

Unless he can accumulate points to tens of thousands of points, it seems that this value is far away, and the alliance's chosen ones are pressing harder and harder.Whether it is the electromagnetic artillery array or the No. [-] fortress, it seems that they have reached a critical moment.Time is like a noose that is slowly tightened, and it is possible to hang him in this sky at any time.He is not sure when the final moment will come, but according to the current situation, this time will not be too long.Without Bai Xiuxiu and the electromagnetic gun array, he is David Rockefeller's caged bird.Of course he knew how urgently Bai Xiuxiu and the electromagnetic artillery array needed him at this moment, but the more so, the more patient he had to be.He doesn't have many chips in his hand, and only by stud at the critical moment can he win a chance.

He told himself that he had to be patient.

David Rockefeller seemed to be able to spy into his mind, and said with a clear tone of onlookers: "Your time is running out, if you still want to wait for a turning point that will never come, instead of going all out, it belongs to you If your story doesn’t reach its climax, it’ll come to an end.” After a pause, he added, “Trust me, you’ll regret it.”

Cheng Mo's heart shuddered, and he glanced at the direction of the electromagnetic artillery array.There, island-like steel ship land-based mechanical arms and gun barrels stand like a forest, looking like a huge space battleship.The Tai Chi dragon heavy warriors with light shields and fortification shields were connected in the sky above, like a dilapidated electronic screen dome.The huge dome with a radius of tens of kilometers flickered under the night and in the fire and rain, as if it would go out at any time.And in the direction close to the south, the burning ships are like clusters of fires on the black wasteland, and the billowing smoke mixed with sparks diffuses under the night sky.The Alliance's Chosen Ones wearing all kinds of combat uniforms looked like bats returning to their nests, passing through the rain of fire and rushing towards the breach in the dome, looking like they were going to sweep the entire ship and land.The entire Tai Chi Dragon defense position was shaking like a dilapidated landmark building, and it seemed that the golden dome protecting the electromagnetic gun might be blown away by the black storm at any time.

The offensive alliance's chosen ones are screaming like a tsunami, while the defensive Taijilong's chosen ones are already stretched thin, and the collapse of the defensive front is imminent.

Cheng Mo's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he looked at Fort No. [-], which was sailing in the huge waves. The giant ship staggered and fled in the direction of the electromagnetic gun array like a seriously injured pit bull.Missile trails and red chains pierced the energy shield like spears and quills all over its body, and now only the matador's crooked sword in the heart would end the brutal show.

The surrounding air suddenly became cold and hard, slowing his movements and even his thinking.No matter how he reminded himself to be patient, the time was not up to me, and the god of time was about to catch up with him.From the moment he put on the "Crown of Thorns", his heart was always beating faintly with uneasiness. He was not afraid of death, but now he couldn't accept that the one he loved was hurt.

Once he was protected by so many people who loved him, now it is his turn to protect the one he loves, and he doesn't accept that he can't do it.So everything, the distant and unreachable relatives and friends, the pressure of the electromagnetic artillery array and the No. [-] fortress all weighed heavily on him, and this pressure was like a noose that was slowly tightened, about to hang him. On the high gallows.

He is not sure when the final moment will come, but according to the current situation, it is true that "the time left for him is running out" as David Rockefeller said.

He must save the Railgun and Fort Four immediately, or—kill David Rockefeller.

But neither seems possible.

Cheng Mo has always been able to face everything calmly in times of crisis. It is because he is lonely enough. Being alone can make him ignore everything and keep calm at any juncture. Anyway, he has nothing to lose, even his life. The meager time won from the fingers of the god of fate.

And now, he seems to have lost his most powerful protective shell.Eagerness, nervousness, fear, anger... and despair that he had never experienced spread throughout his body, from the heart to the brain, from the blood to the bone marrow.He felt that his body was getting heavier and stiffer, as if he was about to be frozen.Looking back on the past, he didn't understand why he had come to this point, from a worthless kid to the throne.It was not a cause for celebration for him, the steps he had climbed passed too many deaths, and wearing the crown he had nothing but eternal sorrow.

He didn't understand what it was all for.

The urgent pain began to interfere with his thinking and movements, like a magic spell on Monkey King's head.It made him furious and manic, and made him almost want to kneel down and beg the god of fate for mercy.

The unresolved pain made him subconsciously increase the upper limit of energy output to 90.00%. The "Seven Sins" emitted a brighter light in the darkness, like a golden gap in a dark night. He swung his sword and swept across a star gate. Chosen One.In the flickering DNA helix, he searched for Bai Xiuxiu's figure, and saw Bai Xiuxiu standing at the top of the ship island from a distance, her mechanical wings split into countless chain blades, and spun into a white parasol in mid-air, about to attack No. [-] The pouring light and rain of the fortress are all resisted.From time to time, a white beam of light would pop out from her hand, rushing straight into the sky like a bright laser light, piercing the chosen members of the alliance trying to break into the energy shield defense circle into a DNA helix.

On the sky full of light and rain, John Chris Morgan, wearing a checkered shirt, wearing a red denim scarf, and smoking a pipe, happened to be overlooking the Stargate Chosen's siege of Fort No. [-] in his spare time.Occasionally, they danced and clamored for something.

There are very few natural candidates on the deck to help defend, let alone counterattack, basically relying on Bai Xiuxiu alone to support it. If it weren't for her, Fort No. [-] would have been buried in the sea.

But it was obvious that Bai Xiuxiu couldn't last long. The energy shield covering Fortress No. [-] appeared and disappeared under the berserk attacks of the Alliance's Chosen One, which was a sign of not much energy.In this case, she is still supporting the shield, but not using the "space-time rift", which means that she must protect the fourth fortress.But for an agile cyborg, drawing the ground as a prison, even a prison as small as Fortress No. [-], is equivalent to self-defeating martial arts.

In fact, as long as Bai Xiuxiu can move freely, even if she can use the "space-time rift", the predicament can be solved immediately.But Cheng Mo understands Bai Xiuxiu that responsibility is more important than life, even if she is now the fourth general, she will not give up the fourth fortress.

Therefore, it can be seen with the naked eye that her fall is only a matter of time.

Suddenly, a faint white light flashed in the void. The white light was almost transparent and extremely secretive, and it hit Bai Xiuxiu directly at an incredible speed.Fortunately, Bai Xiuxiu's vigilance was high enough, and she made evasive actions the moment the white light approached, but she still didn't have time.The white light reflected in the darkness like a sharp blade, brushed off Bai Xiuxiu's helmet, and pulled out a long stream of sparks on the white carbon-titanium alloy, leaving deep marks.

Cheng Mo didn't even have time to shout out the "be careful" in his heart, when he saw the hard carbon-titanium alloy helmet burst into pieces, countless pieces flew, Bai Xiuxiu's long hair was thrown out, and the white tail was hidden. When entering the darkness, it passed by her ear, cut off a few strands of hair, and was blown into the sky by the scorching wind.

John Chris Morgan in mid-air was laughing wildly, and countless Alliance Chosen took advantage of the moment when the energy shield disappeared briefly, howling and charging towards Fort No. [-].But in just a few seconds, Fort No. [-] was occupied by countless chosen members of the alliance. Like a tree trunk covered with ants, the butterfly-like Bai Xiuxiu was also submerged in the ants.

Then a red ray of light rose far away from Fort No. [-], bursting and pure flames swept across half of the sky, and the whole world was shrouded in white mist-like light, as if the Creator was spreading holy light to wash away the sins of mankind.

Cheng Mo's heart shrank suddenly, as if pierced by a matador's curved sword.The instant large-scale group attack skills can reach this level of power, only the gods will explode themselves.How many hours does it take to restart the carrier after the self-destruct?It seemed like more than 100 hours, and it was self-evident what Bai Xiuxiu would do. The pain caused her wings to shrink subconsciously, making a dive to accelerate.

He vaguely heard the sigh of David Rockefeller. He knew that he was about to fall into an irreversible death trap, but he had no choice.Losing Bai Xiuxiu and Fortress No. [-] is also a dead end.

"The most interesting thing about tragedy is that." David Rockefeller paused for a moment, "The people in it know what kind of ending they will have, but they still can't help but walk into the abyss."

(End of this chapter)

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