Rebel Demon King

Chapter 1340 Ragnarok of the Gods (112)

Chapter 1340 Ragnarok of the Gods (112)

"Oh my God! The number of people watching our live broadcast has exceeded 14 billion, and more than half of the people around the world should be watching our live TV broadcast." Benner Nielsen straightened up and hugged his head and shouted excitedly, "This is history. Sexual moment! We may have completed the record that has never been seen before or since!"

"But. But this goddess will be the body, she seems to be dying. Shall we cut the camera?" Fat Pete stared at the screen, clenched the mouse, glanced at Benner Nelson and quickly turned his eyes back to the screen.

The fourth god in the shot is John Chris Morgan as the emperor stepping down the steps, and the Taiji Dragon Chosen on both sides of him tried hard to stop him, but was bound by the magnetic field and turned into a kneeling posture, as if As in welcoming him.

On the deck filled with gunpowder, sporadic flames erupted. Bai Xiuxiu stood in the center, wearing her official uniform like a proud peak of a snow-capped mountain in the sun, her face as delicate and glamorous as the moon hanging high in the sky.Even in the face of imminent death, she was as quiet as a lake and valiant.

On this day, the whole world knew about this female god general, and remembered her peerless elegance and incomparable beauty.

It is even more regrettable for the cruel ending she may face.

"The fourth god should not kill her, right? It would be a pity to kill her," said director Palma in a trembling voice. Facing such a dramatic picture, a director began to imagine how to put this show on the scene. big screen.Glancing at another computer that was broadcasting live broadcasts of Xinxiang, the crowds on Taimu Square and No. [-] Avenue were crowded, all watching their live broadcasts. Thinking that these people were potential viewers, his heart was already ignited by a huge passion. , At this moment, he even thought about the name of the movie - "War of the Gods".

"No matter what the Fourth God will do, don't switch the camera!" Benner Nielsen grabbed the arm of Fat Pete, "Don't the audience like to watch this? The more tragic, the more exciting, the more fascinating it is!"

"Okay!" said Fat Pete, "I just can't bear it."

"Don't do superfluous operations! Just stare at the fourth god general and her!" Benner Nelson said, "The god general of Tai Chi Dragon! What's her name?"

"Bai Xiuxiu."

"baixiuxiu?" said Benner Nelson, "FXXK! Chinese names are so hard to pronounce!"

"The boss just captured a picture by the No. 237 unmanned reconnaissance aircraft!"

"What picture?" Benner Nielsen asked nonchalantly, staring at the screen in the live broadcast room.

Fat Pete rolled his throat and said, "A fireball, a fireball fell from the sky and there are two people beside it."

"What's the fuss about this?"

"The two people who fell with the fireball have wings, and both have three pairs of white wings, like an angel."

"That doesn't matter, Pete, is there still a small number of bizarre candidates? Don't make a fuss! Keep an eye on God General Morgan and Bai Xiuxiu!"


"Nothing!" said Benner Nelson impatiently.

Then the main screen flashed a fringe of interference, followed by a huge bright light, and for a moment nothing could be seen on the screen.

Benner Nelson frowned and shouted, "What's going on? Pete."

Fat Pete just stared out the window blankly.

Benner Nelson turned his head subconsciously, the firelight illuminated the twilight of the NF Sea that was about to end, the sky was dyed red with blood, huge white smoke and waves shot into the sky, followed by an explosion that shook the ground—




White champagne bubbles shot up to the ceiling, followed by colorful ribbons flying, and the trading center of JPM Headquarters Building opposite No. 77 Qiang Street received thunderous applause.

Because the market is closed, the big screen is showing Benner Nielsen's live room pictures, not those colorful numbers.At this time, in the midst of the war, the two star gate gods broke into the enemy line with great power, and the enemy's last fortress completely lost its resistance.

Jerry Dimon, president of JPM, who stayed up all night, personally opened the champagne to celebrate the victory at last.In the past 20 hours or so, he has taken Suxiao Jiuxin Pills several times, and finally he was able to see the moonlight when the clouds opened.Although the enemy was tenacious and brave enough to cause a lot of trouble for the Stargate coalition forces, it was Stargate who won in the end.

The traders in front of the computer all stood up and cheered, clapping and shouting:
"Star Gate!!"

"Star Gate!"

"Star Gate!"

Deafening shouts resounded throughout the building, and some people even cried bitterly.After experiencing the thrilling torture, everyone burst into tears when they thought that not only would they not go bankrupt, but they could also make a fortune.

The sweat and tears on the face of the Minister of Finance, Fatty Keensi, were mixed. He was not only happy to make money, but after tomorrow, through this world-renowned war, he was finally able to be promoted to a partner of JPM.

Kerns held up the champagne to Jerry Damon, "I just said don't worry, we won't even make a move before David's general! Let's make a fortune tomorrow!"

"No, I'm not afraid that Stargate will lose. I don't want to delay it too long" Jerry Dimon said with a wink. Blonde beauty will have no home tonight, and my heart is aching."

Kerns raised his glass and touched Jerry Damon, and said with a wretched smile: "Now they will have a fulfilling New Year's Eve! Cheers!"

"Cheers! For this fulfilling night."

"Cheers! For victory!"

Everyone raised the champagne together, "Cheers! For this fulfilling night, and for victory!"

After drinking the champagne in his glass, Kerns went to the exclusive office to call the Vanderbilt Club to book a reserved room.

It didn't take long for Kerns to come out of the office swearing, "FXXK! Bastard Levis, he said he wouldn't pack the club out before 12 o'clock, but now he tells me I'm late on the phone."

"What about Knickerbocker?" Jerry Damon asked, turning his head.

Korns said dejectedly, "They don't accept reservations today. I made several calls, and even the country club has been booked." He shrugged, "Xinxiang has gone crazy, and now the streets are full of people and me. My wife called and said she couldn't get out."

Jerry Damon, who was standing by the window, pulled open the blue venetian blinds. The long street downstairs was crowded with festive crowds. Fireworks were constantly being set off during the day. There was also a live broadcast on the screen, and the shouts of victory were soaring into the sky, and everyone was celebrating the victory.It was the last time that the Yankees won the championship after eight years. He remembered that he was on the parade float. Millions of people poured into the streets in Xinxiang to celebrate the Yankees' victory wildly.Today is even crazier than that day. It's only eleven o'clock, and the road is already full of water.

Keensi also put his head close, first looked at the situation on the street, and then turned his eyes to the opposite No. 77. He whispered, "I don't know how the other side is." He smiled and said, "I think this time is empty. God is definitely not short, right? Oh~ He also started to reverse."

"No. I heard that Kongshen is the top three short sellers." Jerry Damon put down his hand, the blinds snapped back with a squeak, and the brown-gray building disappeared into the gap, "Many people suspected Isn't he confused?"

"Impossible?" Keensi looked shocked.

"Maybe he is betting that we won't win so quickly. It is said that Kongshen and the First God General are not in harmony, just like this time he does not approve of this action, and privately said that the First God will be completely insane for immortality. already."

"Immortal?" Kerns exclaimed.

Jerry Damon made a silent gesture, "Don't tell anyone." He approached Kerns and whispered mysteriously, "The secret of eternal life is related to the second god, Nebuchadnezzar, Do you know the 'Holy Water of Enoch'? That's the product of the 'Black Death', which was the result of the second god, Nebuchadnezzar. Do you think this battle is as easy as it looks?"

Keensi gasped, "No wonder the news was digging crazy about the 'Black Death' scandal some time ago, it turned out to be like this." He looked at Jerry Damon again, "But we didn't see the first general or the Second God General"

"It's not like we can see the fights of the gods, we just need to care about the 'Sea of ​​NF'. As long as there is no accident in the 'Sea of ​​NF'." Jerry Damon smiled, ". There will be no any accident"

With a "snap" sound, the glass shattered in the trading center, and the sudden sound made one's heart skip a beat.Only then did Jerry Damon and Kerns realize that the very noisy hall just now became unusually quiet, only the sound of rapid breathing rustled in the air.The two turned their heads at the same time, only to see hundreds of traders in the hall staring at the big screen on the wall in shock.

Jerry Damon's hands trembled slightly, and the sound of his heartbeat that was about to break pressed into his skull again. He turned and looked straight at the big screen.A golden fireball carrying more than ten beams of golden light slammed into the star gate's overwhelming front of the Chosen One, and a monstrous flame was rolled up. A young face appeared in the flame. He had three pairs of white wings. Dragging the sun-like flames into the Stargate coalition that stretched for more than ten kilometers.The sky was dyed red by the rising flames, like the rays of light at sunrise, even brighter than the rays of the sun, as if the camera was on the edge of the abyss where the sun rose.Accompanied by more than ten long golden rays of light, it runs through everything it can encounter, even the fifth god Alfred Irene Dupont can't stop its power, like It was one of thousands of flames that melted like ice cream.

It seems that the sea of ​​NF is the place where the sun dies, and its shining corpse fills the sky and sea when it is about to die.

So, this moment.

lost the sun.

The joy of the earth is frozen.

2025 1 Month 1 Day.

Viewers all over the world, whether in the day or night, have used the Internet to enjoy the most beautiful, grand and terrifying New Year's fireworks in this century.

It also witnessed the scene of the ruins when the long river of history suddenly changed its course.

(End of this chapter)

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